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Saturday, May 18, 2024
Old Stone


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booomcha Turns 2!

2 yearsAs you’ve no doubt guessed by the title of this post and the featured photo, today, January 16th, is booomcha’s (and Noble Doubt’s) two year anniversary! Woot!

I was going to do something really spectacular today but with my internet and power going out so much, I just didn’t have a chance. Instead, you get a huuuuuuuge thank you from me for reading, commenting, and liking! And, lucky you, you also get kind of a year in review. 😀

Can you believe that on this day, two years ago, Memphis was 18 and wondering why she would ever need a diary because, surely, she had nothing important to put in it? Little did she know what she was starting!

She would not only achieve her lifetime wish of being an author, but she would have a rockstar son in Leo, a farmgirl surrounded by her family granddaughter in Blue, and a great-granddaughter who is still trying to reach physical perfection while she gallops around the world in Marty.

In case you’ve never perused the pages, these are the summaries from each generation as well as all of the characters that have been involved in each generation:

Summaries by Generation:

Characters by Generation:

Now, onto the year in review which is probably kind of boring to anyone but me…

According to WordPress, I have made 163 posts, and I have 30 pages. I’ve used 17% of my photo storage space so I should be good for a while. haha

My top 5 posts* of all time are:
Chapter 1.1: Dear Diary, I’m Memphis
Chapter 1.2: Dear Diary, a Boyfriend?
The Little Boy and the Nurse
Chapter 1.10: Dear Diary, a Home Makeover
Chapter 2.15: Dear J, Sincerity

(*these are the top by views, not comments or likes)

v49wkIn the past two years, we’ve been through a lot together! There was a particularly difficult death, a teen pregnancy, a single parent trying to figure out how he was going to raise his child and still pursue his crazy career, a runaway teen who ended up in the weirdest place ever, and a girl who wanted adventure more than anything else in the world.

I hope you’ve liked this roller coaster ride as much as I have, there is a lot more to come because the ideas overfloweth! 😛

And, last but not least, I want to thank you! Without your reading and feedback, I definitely would not be having as much fun as I do. I appreciate you whether you’re a commenter, liker or lurker. You all have made me happier than Kim Kardashian at a Spanx sale. 🙂


P.S. Any suggestions on the site or story can be directed to me by using the contact form. Thank you! <3

Kymber Hawke
Kymber Hawke
I am a simmer, Rennie garb wearer, author, and dog petter. Judy Garland is my queen, horror movies & classic movies are my jam. INFJ with "Unity Hayes" as a pseudonym. A little bit eccentric, owned by two cats, Cesare & Josie-Pye. 🐱🐱
  1. Happy 2 year Blogiversary!!
    To honor this special post I have a thank you of my own:
    Because of your blog I have some nice mods (my lighting has never looked better), found some great CC sites, and I have even learned from your tutorials on how to make my own blog better.
    But there is so much more. You inspire me to be a better writer. Through your interviews and shout outs I have stumbled on some amazing stories, and other bloggers have found me as well. And your likes, and comments are always so encouraging. So, even though you spent this post by thanking us I want to say

    • Wow! I had no idea! Thank you so much for taking the time to tell me this. I’m amazed and so happy. This is the exact way I feel about all of the incredible blogs I read. You are so sweet to thank me, too. <3 <3 <3

      • I read the post and the whole time you were thanking us and I thought that it should be me who is thanking you.
        I might have been able to come up with the numbers if my brain wasn’t frayed after a 13 hour day. But I am glad that you liked the comment. And again, thank you! ❤️❤️❤️

  2. Congratulations, and happy blogiversary!! <3 🎉
    What can I say that hasn't already been said? I love your stories, characters and writing so much, it's crazy! I'm always looking forward to reading the next chapter 💕
    Here's to a lot more years to come! 😄

  3. Wow, congrats! Happy anniversary 😀
    I still have a ways to go in catching up (though it’s one of my goals to amend that soon) but I’m enjoying the story so far~ You have a way of writing so many different emotions so beautifully that makes it easy to fall for and care for your characters, it’s really admirable. I also think it’s incredible you manage to post so consistently (another one of my goals XD)
    Here’s to another great year! <3
    p.s I'm so sorry, I just responded to your e-mail(s), forgive me!!!

    • Thank you so much, Amy! 😀 I’m so glad you’re enjoying the story. Take your time, it will be here waiting. 😀

      Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words. As for posting consistently, I’m OCD so once I told myself my posting schedule, I couldn’t break it if I tried. hahahaha 😛

      Oh, the email! LOL Thank you so much for your response and don’t worry about the timing, there is nothing to forgive, silly. I’m just glad you had it all right there still. lol I can’t wait for tomorrow! Woot! <3

  4. Happy happy anniversary! What the heck, has it really been that long? It’s been an amazing two years watching the characters grow and have epic adventures. I truly love this story <3
    Quick question, which WordPress plan are you on?

    • Thank you so much, Lila! 🙂 Yeah, 2 years already! And at the very beginning, on chapter 1.1, you were my very first comment! I will never forget how geeked I was that someone not only commented, but they were very kind, too. Thank you for that. You will never know how much it means. <3

      I'm on the Premium Plan which is $99/year. I was already planning on getting my own domain and when I was ready to get a plan, I liked how much media storage there was with the Premium. Also, there is more flexibility with making themes your own since you can use CSS code with this plan.

      • ❤️❤️❤️
        Oh boy, that is kinda expensive 0.0 I’m going to probably run out of space though, once I start posting again. So I’m thinking of getting the Personal plan for now! I did notice how your site changes looks frequently, it always looks cool 🙂

        • LOL Thank you. I get bored so easily and I have a hard time keeping a theme the same or not coding the heck out of it. It’s so difficult not to fiddle with things. And I try so hard. hahahaha

  5. Happy anniversary to one of my favorite stories of all time! I can’t wait to see what the future brings for this family. I wonder how long you plan to go. I know the challenge rules say 10 generations, so I’m a little worried it’ll all end in a year! D: I hope you keep going for 20! Anyway, here’s to a great year of sims.

    • Thank you so much, Rosie! <3 And also for the kind comment on FB! <3 I'm so glad you enjoy this story so much. That's a good question about how long I should write Noble Doubt. I originally thought 10 generations, but you never know. When I get there, I might not want to say goodbye! haha

      P.S. I have a very special spin-off in store that will launch around the time Gen 5 does. 😀

  6. Happy blogiversary, Kym! I congratulate you for so consequently sticking with your schedule for so long and for keeping up the quality of your writing, pictures and story overall. I feel so connected to your characters, it’s crazy!

    • Thank you so much, Jowita! And thank you also for your lovely comment on FB, too. <3 It means a lot. I'm so glad you feel connected to the characters and that you are so invested. I will try hard to never let you down. <3

  7. It’s been a real joy to see your characters mature and become the beautiful people they are. I almost feel like a member of the family!! =D Happy Anniversary, and congratulations on a lovely story still evolving. I am always waiting for Saturday!! ♥

    • Thank you so much, Marj! 🙂 And thank you also for the lovely cup of coffee! It means so much that you cared enough to donate to this site. It renews this month, so every bit helps. <3 <3 <3

      You are a member of the family, btw! lol

  8. Weeeeeee!! Congratulations and THANK YOU for sticking with this story! Far too many legacies fall by the wayside for whatever reason, so it’s refreshing to find people who still enjoy their stories after all this time. And? I’m totally dying at Kim Kardashian at a Spanx sale!!! 😀

    • Thank you, Jes2G! 😀 It seems like there have been times I’ve really enjoyed a legacy and then suddenly, the author is just gone. lol I always wonder where they went.

      I’m so glad you liked that little Kim Kardashian remark. <3

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