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OC Tag #1 Marty

I was tagged by Jes2G to do the OC (original character) Tag! Thank you so much! I’m so excited to participate! If you haven’t checked out all the marvelous characters Jes2G has done with this tag, you are missing out! She’s really got this down. 😀

The rules:

  1. Pick a character you’ve created.
  2. Fill in the questions/statements as if you were that character.
  3. Tag at least four people to do this meme

I’ll be doing a few of these so if you would like to participate, consider yourself tagged! I can’t wait to see what you come up with. Also, if there is a character from Noble Doubt you want to see me include in this, let me know in the comments. Thanks!

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  1. What is your name? Martha Blue Larochette – uh, I mean Sprague. But you can call me Marty.
  2. Do you know why you were named that? Because my parents are cruel. Just kidding. Pretty much everyone, where I grew up, has some type of old-fashioned or French name. Blue is my mother’s first name, go figure.
  3. Single or taken? Taken!
  4. Stop being a Mary Sue! Oh, you needn’t worry one iota about that. I’ve always said my kitchen didn’t need appliances, just vending machines. Seriously, though, I only cook enough to keep the kids alive.
  5. What’s your eye color? Hazel
  6. How about hair color? Poopy blonde
  7. Have you any family members? Boy, do I. I have a husband, 2 kids, 5 siblings, my parents, grandparents and countless aunts, uncles and cousins. Oh and a niece, too.
  8. Oh, how about pets? The twins have been wanting a dog, but right now isn’t the best time. We just travel too much.
  9. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like? Boredom
  10. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do? Well, I like high adventure involving the paranormal. The scarier, the better!
  11. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before? I hurt my husband Xalen once very badly but I try not to dwell on it.
  12. Ever… killed anyone before? Uh, I have a list… shhhh… but I can’t see myself ever acting on it.
  13. What kind of animal are you? I’d say a cat because they like adventures, too, but also need lots of sunlight and sleep like me.
  14. Name your worst weaknesses. I think my very worst weakness is jumping into situations without thinking too much about it first.
  15. Do you look up to anyone at all? My husband Xalen, my sister Susan and my mom
  16. Are you straight, gay or bisexual? Straight
  17. Do you go to school? Been there, done that. I have a doctorate in linguistics.
  18. Ever want to marry and have kids one day? Not really, but look what happened. I’m glad about it now but wasn’t always.
  19. Do you have fangirls/fanboys? I’m pretty sure my husband has more than I ever would. I think Susan does, too.
  20. What are you most afraid of? Being alone and bored.
  21. What do you usually wear? Whatever strikes me at the moment. Usually, jeans but also business casual when I’m on the clock with Xalen.
  22. What’s one food that tempts you? It’s weird, but I love green beans right out of the garden. I can’t help but snap them off the vine and eat them right there.
  23. Am I annoying you?  I’m bored.
  24. Well, it’s not over! Really? *sigh
  25. What class are you (low class, middle class, high class)? Definitely, high class since I joined The Inheritance and married Xalen. I grew up pretty differently, though than most people, so I can actually survive on very little.
  26. How many friends do you have? My team at work are my friends. Susan is my bff, though.
  27. What are your thoughts on pie? What kind? Who made it? Do I have to share? Is there ice cream?
  28. Favorite drink?  Tea
  29. What’s your favorite place? Wherever the adventure is!
  30. Are you interested in anyone? I’m more interested in relics and what they mean.
  31. That was a stupid question. You said it. Are we done? I’ve got stuff to do. You know, send an evil spirit back to the abyss, translate some ancient carvings, kill a terrible beast… the usual.
  32. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean? Ocean, for sure. I grew up on an island.
  33. What’s your type? Ghostly and dangerous! lol Actually, my type is highly intelligent and mysterious. There’s something exciting about that.
  34. Any fetishes?  LMAO!
  35. Camping or indoors?  Camping! There is nothing better!

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Thanks for reading,
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Kymber Hawke
Kymber Hawke
I am a simmer, Rennie garb wearer, author, and dog petter. Judy Garland is my queen, horror movies & classic movies are my jam. A little bit eccentric, owned by cats. 🐱🐱🐱
  1. OMG I love this!! Marty is just too funny. I can’t wait to see this from other characters.
    You know that my favorite Noble Doubt character of all time is Keniesha. I think that it might be interesting to hear from some of the characters we haven’t heard from in a while like Chrissy, Cricket, or even Agathe.

    • Thank you so much 😀 Yes! We must hear from Keniesha, for sure. I love her so much and miss her, too. The other suggestions are really great, too, thank you so much.

  2. Rosemary, I love the work you do. It is one of the most original blogs on wordpress. It is hard for me to be onwp and follow your stories from beginning to end which is the only way to do it justice. I want to thank you for all of the times you have come to my blog(s) and given me support. I will try to earn that support. Much success to you!

    • Thank you so much, SonniQ. Your words mean so much to me. I really have loved delving into your work. I never knew all the injustices that occurred in the prisons and I’m glad I am learning about it. Then, when your piano music is added to it all… it’s very moving. So, thank you for such good content. <3

  3. Oh a simblr questionnaire is pop-ing ahah !
    Ah French name, as French we are everywhere and even in my town there are plenty of sims who got French-like or French name..I am so fucking proud x3

  4. Hahaha this is awesome!!! 😀 Really entertaining to read! I was confused at first at what it was, but I kept reading and finally figured it out, lmao!! 😂
    I’ll agree with Louise, Marty’s personality came though very clearly! 😀 I’d really like to see Xalen do it, plus sweet little Susan too <3

  5. Oh, this looks like fun 😀 I would do it but I always hesitate to do taggy stuff without being tagged directly. It feels so attention seeking (which is silly because having a blog in the first place is pretty attention seeking… but I digress).
    Marty’s answers are really fun 😀 Her personality comes through so clearly. She must be a fun character to write. You’re going to include more characters later, because that sounds like even more fun for you 🙂 I’m hoping to see you do all your founders, oh, and Xalen. Because he’s the greatest!

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