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Saturday, April 27, 2024
Old Stone


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Chapter 6.27: Dear Diary, the Dance

Part 1: Rich, Snooty Family (An Excerpt from Kara’s Diary)

Dear Diary, I like writing to you. Sometimes I have so many feelings inside but I can’t sort them out. Mom was right. Keeping a diary helps a lot. I enjoy learning to write better, so, I reread my entries a lot to figure out where I can improve.

Today, when we were walking home from school, I saw that same boy sitting outside in the garden. You know, the boy that Teagan said was from the rich, snooty family. My curiosity was overwhelming, and I decided I wanted to meet him.

As I approached, I had second thoughts. What if he was mean? Or what if he liked being by himself? I need to be by myself a lot. Sometimes people have so much going on, I feel like I’m being crushed. It isn’t anything they say or do, it’s what they’re thinking and feeling. I can’t breathe when it gets like that.

Anyway, I went through with it. It was as if he was calling to me. But, of course, he couldn’t have been. Could he?


I stopped in my tracks. He hadn’t turned to look at me. “How did you know I was here?”

“I’m blind, not deaf.”

“Oh!” I didn’t realize he was blind. This was more interesting by the minute. “I’m Kara. Kara Poe.”

I couldn’t see his face, but I sensed he was smiling a little.

“Poe. Like the writer of macabre tales.”

This brought a grin to my face. “Yes, although, I doubt we’re related.”

“I’m Abraham Seaforth. You can call me Bram.”

My face hurt from smiling so hard. “Bram. Like the author of Dracula.”

“I see we like the same books.”

“We do. Truth is, I like every book I read,” I said. “When I read, I’m transported to other worlds.”

“Are you one of those that gets infatuated with characters?”

I couldn’t hold back the giggle that escaped my mouth. “Maybe.”

He laughed, too.

The longer I stood there, the more I wanted to know about him. Why didn’t he go to our school? Was it because he was blind?

“Why did you decide to say hi to me?”

His words broke into my thoughts, startling me.

“Oh, uh, well, I’ve seen you a few times, but I didn’t see you at school. Your house is on our way home.”


“My two brothers, and our neighbor walk home this way, past your house.”

“If I sit out here again, will you stop to say hi?”

Something in my heart fluttered when he asked me that. Like little butterfly wings tickling me from the inside.

“Yes, I’d like that.”

“Kara… you see, I don’t have any friends.”

“I don’t have any either,” I told him.

“We both do now.”

Part 2: A Talk with Kara (An Excerpt from Bea’s Diary)

Dear Diary, Perry and I were planning on speaking to Kara privately, but she didn’t come home with the boys. It concerned us until Andy told us she’d said she would catch up. A few minutes later, Kara was home.

“Why were you late?” I asked as we settled on the porch. It was a chilly Spring day, and we could see our breath. This was the only place we could speak without Mom or the boys overhearing.

“I saw Bram Seaforth sitting outside and said hi to him. We’re friends now,” she said with a small smile.

“Is he the one your age?” Perry asked.

Kara nodded. “Yes, he’s nice.”

Perry and I shared a look.

“What?” Kara asked.

“Oh, well, it’s just…” Perry’s voice trailed off, so I took over.

“The Seaforth family runs The Neptune Foundation.” Of course, she did not understand what The Neptune Foundation was or how this could matter to us. “I think it’s time we explained our family legacy to you, Darling.”

While I told her about the legacy, and the previous heirs, she stared at one of our family portraits through the window. It was hanging on the wall in the sunroom where Mom enjoyed painting. The picture was taken at the Fall Festival. The same day Kara finally came home to us from the youth center.

When I got to the point in the story involving her great-grandma Marty, she perked up, watching me intently.

“Marty married Xalen Sprague who was the head of The Neptune Foundation.” I explained how The Neptune Foundation was a front for the real business of ridding the world of evil via The Inheritance. It was difficult to sound credible while telling Kara about the dealings The Inheritance were involved with. She seemed to take it all pretty well, though.

“So, they’re like ghost hunters.”

“It’s more than that, but, in a way, yes,” I said. “They deal with old relics which is where The Neptune Foundation is the perfect cover. It’s a philanthropic organization. Someday, I will take you there to see the Sprague Collection. It’s astonishing.”

“How come you aren’t part of The Inheritance, Mom?”

“Because it’s passed down in families. Only the initiated know of its existence, but Marty wrote about it in our family legacy diary that all the heirs keep. They asked my father to join the society, but he pursued dance instead. Your great-aunt Rosetta was a member. Because she had no children, The Inheritance was passed on to Otto Seaforth. Since then, our family has not been a part of it.”

“This also means,” Perry said, “that you must never tell anyone you know about The Inheritance. They wouldn’t take kindly if people realized who they are and what they do.”

Kara grinned which unnerved me because of the seriousness of what we were telling her.

“It’s so cloak and dagger!”

“Kara!” I said, “You need to take this seriously. Perhaps you should stay away from the Seaforths so nothing slips out.”

Her eyes narrowed, and she lifted her chin with defiance. “I finally have my very own friend, and no one can take that away from me. Besides, I will be careful not to say anything.”

Perry and I glanced at one another again.

Finally, I said, “All right. I can’t keep you from your friend. Just please, be conscientious of what you say.”

Once that was cleared up. I told her I wanted her to be my heir, and that she would receive the legacy ring and all the previous diaries. She seemed excited about this, which pleased me since I’d been concerned she wouldn’t want children.

Just recently, I’d found out she learned about the birds and the bees. It hadn’t occurred to me she wouldn’t know about that, and it upset me it was Sibley who told her. Kara swore up and down to me, she was never doing that.

Still, today, she was eager to take on the legacy.

“Mom, there’s something else.”


“I want a new hairstyle. I’m growing up and pig tails are out.”

I smiled. “I’ll make an appointment at the salon.”

Part 3: Take Your Sister (An Excerpt from Bea’s Diary)

It was the night of the dance and Kara looked amazing in her blue, flowing gown. We spent the better part of the last month shopping for this night, so I was hoping it would all go without a hitch.

Andy was going to the dance with Sibley, so Joey was taking Kara. She wanted her friend Bram Seaforth to take her, but that fell through. Perhaps since he was blind, he felt awkward going to the dance. Kara would not elaborate.

“Are you sure I look all right?”

Joey looked like he couldn’t believe his eyes. “Wow, Sis, you look terrific! I think the guys will kick themselves for not taking you.”

“You look just like an angel,” Perry said.

“Now, don’t forget that you’re to be home by eleven. Do you have your clutch? You need to wear the shawl we got you because it’s chilly tonight.”

“She’ll be fine, Mom, jeez.”

I took a deep breath. “I know you’ll look out for her.”

“Oh, about that. I have a last-minute date after all, so I can take her to the dance, but I’ll be hanging with my date.”

“Joseph Wright!” I exclaimed “This is unacceptable.”

“Well, I’m sorry, but-“

Kara interrupted us, “-It’s okay. You know, this is a dumb idea anyway, and I don’t even really want to go.”

Tears glistened her eyes, although, she wasn’t crying.

“No, you’re going!” I said.

“Yeah, I don’t mind driving you there, Kara,” Joey said.

“No,” she said, “I want you to go without me. And, have fun.”

“Really?” he asked.

She nodded and forced a smile. “Absolutely.”

He kissed her cheek, and before I could say anything about it, he rushed out the door.

Just then, Andrew made an appearance, taking my arm and pulling me into the foyer.

“What’s wrong?” I asked him.

“My date fell through. Sibley said she wasn’t feeling well and can’t go.”

“Oh, no, I’m sorry, honey. But! You can take your sister now!”

“Mom, I can’t take my own sister!”

“You thought it was a fine idea when it was Joey taking her,” I reminded him. “Besides, you’re already dressed.”

“All right, I’ll ask her if she wants to go with me.”

“‘Atta boy.”


I would like to thank Bee (Stories by Bee, Poses by Bee) for loaning me one of her sims! She named him Roberto, but I call him Bram. 🙂 Thank you, Bea! He’s handsome as can be!

Thank you so much for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting,

Kymber Hawke
Kymber Hawke
I am a simmer, Rennie garb wearer, author, and dog petter. Judy Garland is my queen, horror movies & classic movies are my jam. INFJ with "Unity Hayes" as a pseudonym. A little bit eccentric, owned by two cats, Cesare & Josie-Pye. 🐱🐱


  1. Aw, I am so glad that Kara can go. I’d love to see more of Bram. I think that friendship will be good for her, as he seems to have a nice personality and would be perhaps more accepting of Kara than I imagine others in her town are…
    Is there going to be Sibley drama?! Haha.
    I Hope all is well with your family Kymber <3

    • Thank you so much, Carys. 🙂 Things with the family … well, things are still going out, but I’ll have an update about that very soon. ❤

      I’m glad you want to see more of Bram. I think their friendship is good for them both. I think you’re right that he accepts Kara more than the others in town.

      Sibley drama? Would moi do that? LOL 😀 😀

  2. I really like how Kara and Bram’s relationship is starting out. That was really cute.

    I’m wondering if it was a good idea to tell Kara everything about the inheritance. I guess she still seems so young and innocent, and it’s a lot to take in. lol

    Very fishy that Sibley suddenly backed out of her date with Andy and Joey now has a last minute date. 🤔 I hope Kara ends up having fun no matter what happens!

    • Thank you, Heather 🙂 I’m glad you like how Kara and Bram are starting out. I think they need each other.

      I think you’re right to be concerned about The Inheritance knowledge. Kara is very young, and I don’t believe they know anything about any special abilities she might have.

      Sibley’s actions were fishy indeed. I wonder if she has ulterior motives?

  3. Sibley is quite the troublemaker, isn’t she? And the boys fell right into her web…
    I hope Kara stops talking to her now. Not the kind of friend one needs.

  4. Hmm interesting, I hope Kara and Bram will become better friends. They both have a lot they could talk about! I’m glad Kara will be the heir, she has such a unique story. Intriguing to see where the storyline with the Inheritance goes… Andrew is such a good sport for taking his sister to prom 😀

    • Thank you so much, Raymond 🙂 I hope they will become better friends, too. I’m so glad you like the idea of Kara as an heir. I’m so looking forward to writing her story. And, yes, The Inheritance has a big role to play. 😀 Poor Andrew. hahaha

  5. Yay!! Kara made a new friend. 😀 Bram sounds awesome but awfully lonely. It’s no fun to be alone, but alone in darkness totally sucks. 🙁 I don’t like how Bea reacted though. She seems more concerned about The Inheritance being exposed than Kara making a true friend.

    And um…Bea, dear, you’re a smart lady, so why haven’t you figured out that your kid taking his own sister to the dance is the ultimate rock-bottom embarrassment for both of them? Ugh! I think I’d DIE if I were in that situation. If I were Kara, I’d totally just want to stay home and hide under the covers until I was fifty. 🙁 Kara must feel like she’s a total burden sometimes.

    This is not gonna go well…not well at all.

    • Thank you, Sharon 🙂 Kara made a new friend! Woot woot! I think their friendship will be good for the both of them.

      I think Bea is coming from a protective stance, but you’re right. It’s more important Kara has a friend right now.

      LOLOLOL @ what you said to Bea!!! I’m laughing out loud for realz.

  6. I love all the ‘cloak and dagger’ stuff, the family history and legacy, it’s so mysterious! I really hope Kara & Bram can be friends, and that Bram’s nice and not a creep. That’s the last thing she needs. I meant to ask you before, are you sticking to the one page format for the foreseeable future, rather than the ‘chapter’ style? Oooo I wonder what hairstyle Kara will go for?! 😄

    • Thank you, Caz. 🙂 Cloak and dagger is fun! And hopefully exciting, if I write well. hahaha We’ll find out soon. lol

      I think, in a way, Bram and Kara need each other. 🙂

      Ooooh, I’d love to answer your question, but I’m not sure what you mean by one page format vs. chapter style. I’d love to hear more about this.

      Anything but pigtails! hahahahaha

      • I think they do need each other, I imagine Bram’s existence being quite lonely, too. The more I read the more I worry he’s going to turn out to be a creep, and I really want a sickly sweet happy ending for Kara!

        Sorry for confusing you with the page/chapter thing. I didn’t explain very well. You trialled, a little while ago, having your story split, so within the chapter you’d scroll down the page, and there’s be page 2/page 3 etc at the bottom to read the next section of the chapter (rather than having all the sections on one page). I’m still not describing it very well! 😂

        • I think you’re right that Bram has been lonely, too. I do see why you’re worried. hehehe Hopefully, your fears will be put to rest soon.

          Oooooh, I get it! The resounding consensus among readers was to stay with one page instead of separating it into different pages. So, I’m following the advice of my readers. 😀 Thank you for asking.

  7. Oh when Kara met Bram, that whole thing was so heartwarming! I hope they continue to be friends! And I hope she has fun at the dance too! 🙂

    • Thank you 🙂 I’m so glad you like Kara and Bram. He’s my new muse. lol 😀 I hope they’ll be friends for a long time. They both needed each other. 🙂

  8. Ooooh, I really like Kara’s new friend! <3 I wonder if he'll become something more in the future..! And I loved that bit about the authors and books (I'm a huge fan of Poe too 😉 )
    It's such a shame Bram can't make it to the prom, but I hope Andy and Kara will have a grand time nonetheless. Kara looked so lovely in that dress and that new hairstyle btw! <3 <3
    I'm also not sure if Kara understood the seriousness of the Inheritance info, but I hope she won't do anything stupid like blurting everything out (or I do – it could stir some major drama after all, lmao)!
    This was great, looking forward to what's coming next! 😀 <3

    • Thank you! 🙂 I’m so glad you like Kara’s new friend. That’s a good question about their future. YAY for Poe!

      I’m glad you like Kara’s new hairstyle, too. It was time to lose the pig tails! hahaha

      I think you’re right that Kara might not understand how serious The inheritance is about not wanting to be known publicly. Let’s hope she doesn’t do something dumb. lol Or, maybe she will. haha

    • LOL Aren’t they, though? haha Thank you so much for asking. I’m doing better than I was, but things are a bit up in the air still. I hope in the near future, I’ll be able to explain everything. ❤️❤️❤️

  9. Bram seems like a good friend for Kara! They both feel isolated in their own ways, so maybe together they won’t feel so alone anymore. From what we can see of his face, he is quite handsome too! 😉
    It’s too bad that Bram couldn’t escort Kara to the dance, but I’m sure he had his reasons. I hope that she has a nice time. She doesn’t need a date to have fun, but it’s still nice to have one. Sibley isn’t feeling well after her conversation with Kara about the birds and the bees? I’m probably looking into that a little too much, but I do have to wonder if something more is going on there. 🙊

    • Thank you so much! I think you’re right about Kara and Bram. Bee did a great job with him, didn’t she? 🙂

      Bram did have reasons which will come out in the next chapter if all goes as planned. lol Sometimes when I write, things take a different turn. I like what you said about not needing a date to have fun. I remember in high school, some of my best memories are when I was hanging out with my group of friends.

      Ooooh, I like what you said about Sibley, too. 😀 I can’t wait for you to see what happens!

  10. I thought it was cute how she immediately wanted a new hairstyle, even though Bram wouldn’t see it anyway. Interesting how their lives seem intertwined with the Foundation and how she gravitated to him. I like it! He is handsome to boot.

    • LOL Thank you, Jolie 🙂 I love that you mentioned that about her new hair-do. haha I’m so glad you like this. I can’t wait to explore their friendship.

  11. We’re in the same boat with scary medical issues of loved ones. I go between numb and wanting to cry all day, so writing actually helps me. Hugs to you hoping your relative will improve!

    I love Kara meeting a little boy. And the transformation … and her brothers … awww…. such a nice chapter!

    • Thank you so much. I really appreciate your kind words. I hope your situation will improve soon, too.

      I’m so glad you liked the chapter! 🙂 I can’t wait for Kara and Bram’s friendship to progress.

  12. I’m glad Kara is making a friend and in my own heir’s experience, making friends with a cute rich boy is quite the adventure… even though we’re talking very different characters here, he, he. 🙂 Kara really is growing up and she’s looking so sweet in her dress. <3
    Did Sibley just… dump one brother for the other? It's a little convenient that one brother is suddenly without a date and the other suddenly has one. Though that would be kind of dumb of Sibley since the one she dropped is still there… Ha, ha, I dunno. 😛
    This was lovely as always, Kym. <3

    • Thank you, Louise 🙂 I’m so glad you liked it.

      Yes, you’ve shown me how adventurous those rich boys can be! haha Hopefully, this will be a pleasant adventure for our girl. Kara is so grown up now. Sigh. I can’t wait to write her generation, though.

      That’s a good question about Sibley! lol It would be pretty dumb of her, but you’ll find out in the next chapter.

  13. I’m excited about the connection with the Inheritance.

    Hope all’s progressing well with your family member’s recent hospitalization. Wishing you and yours the besr!

  14. “Dear Diary, I like writing to you.”
    I don’t know why, but this just made me smile.

    You know what? I think Kara has abilities! Holden must have passed them to Bea, but they were dormant and she’s passed them to Kara! She keeps having these feelings she can’t explain. That has to be it! I CANNOT wait until she reads everyone’s diary. It’s going to be life changing for her!

    Ohhhh, the boy is blind! Interesting. Bram?! LOL Methinks I’ll stick with Abraham. And, I think I could like this guy.

    I like that hoodie Bea wears. It looks so comfortable lol. It’s also a statement. lol

    Ooooh they run the Neptune Foundation! Interesting! I love a good “heir talk.” 😀

    “So, they’re like ghost hunters.”
    LOL, way to simplify it, Kara! I love that.

    Yes, please scrap the pigtails LOL.

    I can’t get over how dang handsome Joey is! He and Kara look just alike. How good of him to take his sister to the dance…even though he sorta kinda dumped her lol.

    • Thank you, Jess 🙂 I’m glad that line made you smile. It did me, too. She’s so honest with herself.

      Yes! I bet you’re right about Kara and certain abilities! 😀 Holden never really talked to Bea about this, and so, perhaps Bea never realized. Or maybe it skipped her. 😀

      I know what you mean about the diaries being life changing once Kara reads them. She’s going to have a much better understanding of herself.

      Yes, he’s blind. You don’t like Bram? hahahaha I really did get the name from Bram Stoker who wrote Dracula. lol

      Bea’s hoodie! Yesssssss! lol

      Yep, The Neptune Foundation makes a comeback. lol

      You no likes the pig tails. hahaha I think it was time for her to look more her age, but it had to come from her.

      I can’t wait for you to see what happens at the dance. LOL

  15. Ohhh. I knew she and Bram might become friends! Lara is heir soooo…. The Inheritance probably isn’t going away! Dun dun dunnnn….. Joey flaked out and got a date or claimed he had one! Can’t blame him though. Taking your sister is lame. I’m shocked that Andy’s date fell through. She must really be sick because she seems like the type that wouldn’t miss a dance and the chance to be on Andy’s arm! But it’ll be good for Kara to go and Andy will watch out for her. I hope she has fun! Ohhh. I hope Joey’s sudden date isn’t Andy’s girlfriend! They both were after her at one point! Uggo. And Kara looked gorgeous. I wish Bram would surprise her and show up. That’d be cool.

    • Thank you, Audrey! 🙂 You called it about Bram and Kara. You’re probably right about The Inheritance. I can’t wait for you to find out. 😀

      You’re right that taking your sister is so lame. haha I like your thoughts on what could be going on with Sibley and the boys. More on that in the next chapter.

      That would be cool!

  16. Bram is a mystery. I wonder what will unfold from him. Sure is a cute sim. You did not tell me he would be visually impaired…sneaky, and good at keeping a secret apparently. I’m glad he gets to be her friend.

    I’m so glad to see those pigtails going! She looked beautiful in her prom pic and speaking of that…….. I know what is coming and uh oh! Even if I didn’t know, I think I would know.

    Yay! Kara is heir. I’m so looking forward to her storyline!

    • Thank you, Bee. Yes, he sure is. 🙂 I didn’t know I didn’t tell you. hahaha I’m glad they’re friends, too.

      LOL @ the pig tails. Right? It was time she looked more grown up. But it had to come from her. I think you would know, too! LOLOL

      I’m really looking forward to her storyline, too! I cannot wait!

  17. I was wondering if you’d be able to get a chapter out today. I hope that your relative is feeling better.
    I absolutely loved the part where Bram said he didn’t have any friends, then Kara said she didn’t either, and he concluded that they both gained a friend. It was so sweet. And, I can relate to Kara in some ways. Of course, I don’t have a childhood trauma or anything of the like, but I do have some sort of social anxiety, and because of my lack of friends in middle school, I get too excited over everyone wanting to talk to me – thankfully, it’s much better now than it used to be. I think Kara and Bram can be good friends. And maybe Kara could even feel less insecure knowing he can’t see her.
    I wonder how the dance will go, and if Bram will eventually show up or not.

    • Thank you, Jowita. I didn’t know if I’d be getting it out or not either. Thank you for the well wishes. 🙂

      I’m so glad you loved that part with Bram and Kara. I wasn’t sure how it was going to go with Bram. Would he be bitter about being blind? Would he be unkind to her? But when I wrote it, it all came out this way. And, I think that’s good because she really needs a friend right now. Turns out, so does he.

      I think it’s interesting you can relate to Kara’s social anxiety. xoxo

      That’s an interesting point you make about Kara feeling less insecure because Bram can’t see her. I like how you put that.

      That’s a good question about the dance! 😀

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