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Featured Author, an Interview with Sempreviva

Happy timezones! Welcome to another author interview! Today, I am very excited to present the interview I conducted with Sempreviva (Smoke ‘n’ Roses)!

When Sempreviva began writing this story, it wasn’t intended on being a legacy; she was going to end it when Generation 1 ended. Much to my delight, and to the delight of her other readers, she continued with it. She is currently writing Generation 2, which so far, is just as good as Generation 1! This story will captivate you and draw you in, wanting more.

Shall we begin?

Smoke-n-Roses-061. How long have you been playing The Sims and what got you into it?

I first purchased the original Sims when I was still in school (back in 2000) and I got immediately hooked! I had played games like SimCity before but this was so different and so addicting! Hours passed and I couldn’t get off of the pc. (My favorite part was killing them off in various ways when I got bored of them or make them so miserable they’d move out, haha!!) Then life happened, and I pretty much missed out on Sims 2. About ten years after my first Sims experience, I got my hands on a Sims 3 copy. I was like whaaat?? I can give my sims traits? I can make them look like however I want and give them a purpose in their life? I can make them go to the park and see my other sims there talking and fighting and playing the guitar? And open world??! That’s crazy!! Needless to say, I didn’t sleep that night lol!! Then I forgot about it again. I resumed playing when ITF was out and everyone was expecting the upcoming Sims 4 game – but since the Sims 3 was finally complete, with wonderful mods already out which gave me complete control over my sims, it was a delight to play. And that was it I guess, my love for the sims has not died since 🙂

Smoke-n-Roses-052. Why did you begin blogging your sims story?

I always read other simlit stories and enjoyed it so much. And I always had stories in my mind when I played, but nothing quite compelling or complete. Then one day I started a new save with my favorite sim, Rose. She got immediately attached to a certain someone from Sunset Valley and I got – almost – immediately inspired. At about that time I had just started using poses and I couldn’t believe how good those two looked together. I wanted to share their love so here we are! 🙂 And I’m so glad I did, because I found tons of wonderful stories to read (and equally wonderful writers) here too!

Smoke-n-Roses-043. Do you think someone could be a writer if they don’t feel emotions strongly?

I was actually thinking something similar lately!! Since I love writing romance, I think I have to fall in love with my main characters – or rather, fall in love with their love – to be able to pass that emotion to my readers. I’m very upset when I imagine them suffer and I am psyched when everything goes well for them. But sometimes I catch myself being a coward and not putting nearly enough disaster and despair in their lives, even if it makes sense for the story, just to keep myself from feeling miserable (selfish anyone? Lol!). So, to answer the question,  I think feeling strong emotions is pretty important when we write, but keeping a clear head between those “feeling sessions” and seeing the big picture – the story – is crucial too. I have no idea if all this made sense, haha! But it’s something I’m still trying to balance/figure out, let alone do it.

Smoke-n-Roses-034. Do your sims actions help create new ideas or make the story go in a different direction then you had intended?

I usually have a pretty strict storyline in mind. That said, if I catch a sim doing something unusual or cool on their own, and doesn’t conflict with said storyline, I might try to find a way to incorporate it into a chapter. But generally speaking, I am a huge control freak and I don’t appreciate their little acts of rebellion! 😛

Smoke-n-Roses-025. Which character is your favorite and why?

Well, there’s no doubt about it. Jared, Jared, Jared. I feel like I practically didn’t even write that one, that’s how clear he made his personality to me! 😀 And that’s why it was so easy to start writing Smoke ‘n’ Roses. When I played him, his story and the way he talked and reacted just popped into my mind like that. But apart from all this, I think it was the fact that Jared is a character as far from perfect as possible, yet when he makes the decision to change, he really tries – and whatever the outcome, he owns it. Plus, I love a good underdog, that’s for sure. 🙂

Smoke-n-Roses-016. What chapter has been the most difficult to write so far, and why?

I think it was the chapter where my founders were first presented as adults. There was a huge time jump, while that chapter also signaled the beginning of the end of my first generation. I always played rotationally and with aging off (no matter what horrible things I did back in the Sims 1 era, I now get attached to pretty much all of my sims!!), so feeling that I had to move on to generation 2 was pretty hard. – I still dread the day that my founders are going to die – although I still have several saves where they are still young and careless! lol

Smoke-n-Roses-117. Do you proofread/edit all your own writings or do you get someone to do that for you?

My fiance! 😀 I always make him read my chapters before I post them and I always ask him for ideas when I’m stuck. He usually finds grammar mistakes that I might have overlooked, and he has helped me with the plot so many times it’s crazy! I still get the final say though. 🙂

8. What is the hardest thing about writing?

Getting started! I mean, physically sitting down and writing whatever, especially when feeling completely uninspired. At times I have found myself spending hours looking at my blank post and then shutting wordpress down. And then the same, again and again. But when I force myself to write something, anything, there is a moment when the words somehow start forming themselves. Good or bad, I don’t care at that point – there’s always time to review later – the point is to sit and write the story I have in mind. There’s also the issue of focusing, sometimes my mind already wanders to other stories, next generations and basically anything but the story I’m supposed to write.

Smoke-n-Roses-129. What is the easiest thing about writing?

Coming up with characters, their names, their appearance and traits etc etc. I could do this all day!

10. Would you like to share an excerpt from your story or a summary of your story? Or both?

I have two excerpts. From Chapter 1.09 – Phase shift:

She felt awful. She couldn’t stop torturing herself with questions. Why did he have to come back and mess with her emotions again? It really hurt all this time when she didn’t see him, but it hurt even more now that she did, even for what it felt like a moment.

Again, while she was alone, her tears somehow started to find their way out.
Suddenly she heard footsteps on the sand.

Smoke-n-Roses-10“It’s me, don’t be scared doll” Jared said. “I was babbling before, you know. I’m sorry. It was good to see you again, to talk with you… I didn’t mean to make you upset. I came because I can’t stop thinking about you. I know I screwed up, I always do. You trusted me, you shared everything from your past with me and I held back. It’s probably too late… but can I tell you everything too?” he asked. One could tell that he was not waiting for an answer.

And, from Chapter 1.16 – Lost:

The morning light crept through the room window, in the motel where Jared and Molly had spent the night. It was a fairly decent establishment, but what took place in there the night before made it feel cheaper than what it actually was.

Smoke-n-Roses-08Although Molly was sleeping right by his side, he suddenly felt more alone than ever. And after remembering every detail he was capable of from the last 24 and something hours – considering the amount of booze he had consumed – he became overwhelmed with distress.

He quickly got up and headed to the door. Molly saw him leaving and jumped out of bed and right after him. “Are you ok? What happened?” she asked. What happened, right. Question of the week. “Nothing Molly, I have to go. This was a mistake and it can – it will – never happen again” he said.

That was fantastic! Thank you, Sempreviva, for such an informative interview!

If you would like to read our featured author’s Sims stories, they can be found here:

Author’s Note: If you are a blog author (it does not have to be The Sims related) and would like to be featured in an interview, please send me an email using my contact form! I would love to interview you, too!

Kymber Hawke
Kymber Hawke
I am a simmer, Rennie garb wearer, author, and dog petter. Judy Garland is my queen, horror movies & classic movies are my jam. INFJ with "Unity Hayes" as a pseudonym. A little bit eccentric, owned by two cats, Cesare & Josie-Pye. 🐱🐱
  1. Do you proofread? Lol! That got me smiling. It is difficult to proofread your own work. Chances are you will still overlook slight grammatical errors no matter how many times you read it.

  2. I also play aging off .
    Thank you for the interview , I love her story so much it’s short and easy to understand as I don’t always understand English this is perfect and Jesse and Jesse’s band makes me laugh a lot lol.
    I am glad she found me . I like speaking of stories as you know.

    Perhaps I’ll join but I am afraid of my English.

  3. Aaw, I just caught up to this one and enjoyed it a lot. It’s a sweet little story, and Sempreviva is really always there with a nice comment and a like. This community is just completely wonderful 🙂

  4. Aww yay! Sempreviva is such a gem <3 She was the first one to find/comment on my site when I started it and help reel me into this wonderful community of sim bloggers 🙂 Her story is so beautifully done and I'm so glad she decided to carry it on to gen 2, though I'm sure if she decided to start a new story altogether I would enjoy it just as much. Jared was my fave character as well, you just wanted to root for him even though his questionable actions made you doubt him here and there XD It was great to learn more about her and hear her thoughts we don't get to see or learn about through her comments and author's notes on her story. I've found we're more alike as well (I'm a control freak too, haha~)
    I love the questions you asked 🙂 another great interview!

  5. Thank you so much for this opportunity Kym!! And for the so sweet introduction to my story! <3 Reading my answers, I was thinking so many more things I could say but oh well. Isn't this common after all? Lol!
    Your questions were awesome as always, I had a blast with this interview! Thank you again so much!! <3 <3

    • You are so welcome, and thank you again, too. <3 I do think that's common! LOL I do that after I've published chapters, too. haha I'm so glad you had fun doing this interview. I did, too! <3

  6. This story sounds intriguing! I am going to have to find the time to check it out. I know what my next binge read it going to be! Thanks so much for introducing those of us that love simlit to her story!

  7. YES! I was truly delighted when I saw you finally posting this interview. It was high time for Sempreviva to join the fun just like I did, still freshly after starting out! I remember how happy you made me by offering this while we were talking on FB.
    I’m so glad Sempreviva decided to join our community bringing in so much of her lovely personality everywhere, on almost every blog I look at. I admire her pictures and I feel connected to her because she’s not a native, too, and I admire her for being so good in her write despite English not being her first language. I’d like to agree that having awful things happen to your characters is tough, but I guess no one would believe me, considering how much I dp that in my story. But that is a biggest challenge to me and I always love a good challenge!
    I’m also pretty much a control freak! 😛 (okay, I’m totally a control freak)
    I love the excerpts Sempreviva chose, because I think they express the spirit of the story really well. Generation 1 was really all about Jared’s bad decisions, lol!
    Overall, a fantastic interview!

    • Thank you, Jowita! 🙂 Your words are so sweet. Things wouldn’t be the same without Sempreviva, would they? I’m so glad you enjoyed the interview and Sempreviva’s story, too. 🙂

    • I am so happy to have joined this community too! Thank you so much Jowita for your kind words! <3 <3 I get what you're saying about this connection, I feel it too! 🙂
      Jared's bad decisions… I loved that! That boy was a mess… but he's still my favorite!! 😂 <3

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