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Friday, May 3, 2024
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Featured Author, an Interview with Jan Olandese

51GNp9qccFL._UX250_I’m so thrilled today to bring to you an interview of author Jan Olandese. I first became familiar with her work through her blog (Book ‘Em, Jan O) which is always interesting and fun to read.

If there is one thing I’ve found out, it’s that Jan has a terrific sense of humor. It shines through in everything she writes!

Jan has written many books ranging from ghost stories to clever haiku. And with titles like Pasta, La Vista, Baby and Rest in Fleece, how can you keep yourself from picking one of them up right away? As soon as you begin, you’ll be chuckling and won’t want to stop.

Without further adieu, here is our interview:

How do you come up with your story ideas? They just come to me. I have a wacky mindset, which I’m sure helps. 🙂

Which character is your favorite and why? They’re all fun! I write short stories and haiku, too many loveably crazy folks in these to choose just one!

51GVTl3RS2L._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_Do you have advice for any other writers who may just be starting out? No – just keep writing! 🙂

Would you like to share an excerpt from your story or a summary of your story? Here is an excerpt from one of my humorous ghost stories, Down the Drain, from my book Death Be Not Loud:

Down the Drain “Eternal Father, strong to save” – The Navy Hymn

It was another stultifying afternoon aboard the Dante’s Circa, a magnificent, oversized pleasure boat reminiscent of the old Russian Imperial family’s yacht, the Standart. Did it carry a sense of the same doom? I stood on deck scanning the wakes as if it were an Ouija board about to facilitate communication from the Other Side. Instead, it revealed toilet paper cores, scrapings from lunch plates and someone’s upper dentures.

“We’re recycling,” chortled Russ Litchyard, the ringleader of this circus passing for a cruise off the north Florida coast. Clad in madras and khaki, deck shoes without socks a la a young Don Johnson (alas without the young Johnson’s looks), he sauntered by. He was a man who never tired of his own voice (unlike others, who did). I was overpowered, not by his presence but his cologne.

Does writing energize or exhaust you? I write humor, so it makes me laugh! Even my ghost stories are funny.

51TQ1d2YViL._UY250_Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want? I write what I write.

Do you think someone could be a writer if they don’t feel emotions strongly? I do, but that’s because I think it depends on what they’re writing – emotional input isn’t necessary for all kinds of writing and could actually detract from nonfiction.

As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/animal? Because I write funny Mob Haiku, a Mob Underboss would be a good avatar!

What’s the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex? Nothing, but then I’m not getting into deep emotional issues but humor and horror stories.

How do you select the names of your characters? I think about what’s funny, what sounds funny, and sometimes what connects with other horror stories (for example, I have a Pastor Renfield in Cafe Merde).

Which writers inspire you? P.J. O’Rourke, Carl Hiaasen, Frances King, M.R. James, Peter Straub.

Do you read much and if so, who are your favorite authors? My current favourite authors are F.G. Cottam and Andrew Taylor.

Do you proofread/edit all your own writings or do you get someone to do that for you? I do it myself, I have experience proofing and editing (but I also can’t afford to pay someone at this time). 🙂

Thank you so much, Jan, for allowing me to interview you! Your writing is so much fun!

If you would like to follow along with Jan’s blog, click the link in the pic below:


Author’s Note: If you are a blog author (it does not have to be The Sims related) and would like to be featured in an interview, please send me an email using my contact form below! I would love to interview you, too!


Kymber Hawke
Kymber Hawke
I am a simmer, Rennie garb wearer, author, and dog petter. Judy Garland is my queen, horror movies & classic movies are my jam. INFJ with "Unity Hayes" as a pseudonym. A little bit eccentric, owned by two cats, Cesare & Josie-Pye. 🐱🐱
  1. Thank you for providing this interview. I’m always fascinated by listening to and reading about writers and their perceptions of writing. Writing is as unique as the writer!

    • I so agree with you! It’s the reason I enjoy doing the interviews; I like to learn the same things you mentioned. It’s always interesting. 😀

    • Thank you, Marj. I think so, too. It’s one of the things I’m most interested in and the reason I started these interviews. I really enjoy learning about how others go through the process of writing. 😀

  2. Thank you so much for this wonderful interview and for your kind remarks! I so appreciate it! It was fun and the questions were thoughtful! I’m really grateful! 🙂

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