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Saturday, September 21, 2024
Old Stone


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It’s the 20s: A Grouch is a Grouch

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Kymber Hawke
Kymber Hawke
I am a simmer, Rennie garb wearer, author, and dog petter. Judy Garland is my queen, horror movies & classic movies are my jam. A little bit eccentric, owned by cats. 🐱🐱🐱


  1. Hi Kymber, always happy to get a like from you – thank you. Pleased to see your site still going strong. Keep up the good work. Our President decided to extend the country’s lockdown by a further two weeks! If I consider the changes to the lifestyle in my little cabin and how we have dealt with them, it is nothing short of fascinating. I begin to think in terms of, ‘What’s it going to like when we finally get back out there?’ Bless you.

    • Thank you so much. 🙂 I think it might feel strange to finally be set free again. lol Bless you, too, and thank you for stopping by to visit.

    • Hi there, and thank you for your question. 🙂 The way this marriage came about is that Stella is from a well to-do and highly regarded family. This marriage was arranged between the families, so Stella didn’t know much about Gordon prior to marrying him. She does love him, though.

    • Thank you 🙂 Yes, it’s been an irritating problem. I’ve spoken to and jetpack about this issue more than once and they tell me that the only solution is to hide my .com site. But then, no one would find me at all. So, when people follow through the reader, I migrate them to my self-hosted site. I wish there was a solution to this, but so far, there doesn’t seem to be.

  2. I thought it was very clever to weave Gordon’s nebulous intent into the story by starting out that Stella is due to deliver and she notices Gordon is extra attentive. Normally, a husband should be attentive to his pregnant wife but for Godon that is out of character and so the seeds of suspicion grow. The ladies are definitely on to ole groucy Gordon. This is story telling at its finest. You rock, Kymber!

  3. Wow I am so thrilled that you stopped and took time to like one of my recent posts, because then I was able to see what your blog is all about.

    I love the story and the Sims imagery and now need to backtrack and catch up on what I have missed, and I agree Gordon needs to get his act together! 💖

    • Thank you so much for your kind words, Cheryl. 🙂 I really love your blog and decided to follow. I’m so pleased you enjoyed your stop here and I hope you will continue to like it. As for Gordon, you said it! 😀 <3

  4. Is distrust just a human trait, that is as old as the seven daughters of Eve?

    Very sadly, the pain of distrust is a costly monster to the one who bears it, whatever the truth.

    It would seem that Gordon does not bear any part of that cost.

    But, why don’t we, ‘wait and see’?

    Love your style RosemaryMarie! Keep up the good work.

  5. I’m glad Stella confronted Gordon. It’s just too bad that Gordon doesn’t think he needs to change, even though having a baby would be the perfect reason for him to create a better bond with his wife. I don’t know if he is hiding anything or not, but Stella shouldn’t be alone for weeks on end with a newborn! Good thing she has Mary there now.

  6. I love the name Clementine! I’m thinking, if she has the means to start her life over again…this might be the time. No father, is perhaps better than a grouchy, absent one for weeks at a time. Her emotional state will be better and she can focus on her little girl instead.

  7. I’m with everyone else. Gordon, my man. What is your deal!?! I hope Mary figures it out for poor Stella. At least Gordon did one thing right. He made a gorgeous baby! 😀

  8. Clementine is such a pretty name. Gordon needs to get his act together. I know that in the 1920’s is wasn’t as easy for a wife to leave her husband as it is today (not that it is easy today either). But it is not impossible. The 20’s were also a time of freedom and new found independance for women!!
    BTW: I love how you edited the first picture with just Stella in color and everyting else in B&W.

    • I like the name Clementine, too. 🙂 Oh, boy, does Gordon need to get his act together. You’re so right about the 20s and how things were changing. 🙂 Stella really needs to decide what to do.

      Thank you so much! <3 I was experimenting and liked how it turned it. :D

  9. Gordon is being so insensitive! I wonder if there’s another woman in the picture or something else that he isn’t willing/allowed to share with his wife… hmmm!
    The baby is extra cute! <3 Watch out Gordon, or you'll lose them both!

    • True dat. Gordon has no sensitivity whatsoever. I love Clementine. She’s a sweet baby. 😀 You’re very right to tell Gordon to get with it!

  10. Ah, you admitted to being Kymber and not just RosemaryMarie 😛
    Stella is soo pretty. And something is definitely really fishy about Gordon. But you still leave us with no answers, you cruel human being, haha.

    • Yes! LOLOL I figured if everyone is calling me that, I should just use it. 😛 I even thought about switching my identity on wordpress to “Kymber” instead of “RosemaryMarie” but I didn’t want to confuse anyone.

      I’m sorry for being cruel. :O You’re right about Gordon. If he’s not up to something bad, he needs to figure out soon that he’s risking losing his family.

    • She sure does. 😀 This baby is so good in game, not fussy at all, which is nice. You might be right about Gordon and that Stella might need to make a life without him.

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