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Saturday, April 27, 2024
Old Stone


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Chapter 8.10: Dear Diary, Family Life Begins

Jade and I are so in love. You might say we’re in the honeymoon stage. Whatever that is. My opinion is that I’ve always loved her, since our teen years. I just never knew it.

Every thought now is geared toward how I can make Jade’s day better. That’s a far cry from what I used to think about, right? No more of that woe is me stuff and negativity. I am more determined than ever the darkness I’ve been through will never touch my family. I will protect them at all costs, whatever it takes.

We looked at houses all day, and we even put an offer on one. The realtor told us the seller may not take it because we kind of low-balled the asking price. But we were excited anyway. Any minute, we could get a call telling us we’re on our way to being home owners!

“Why don’t we celebrate? I could take you to that new club and we could dance the night away.”

She rolled her eyes at me. “A club? Really? I don’t think so. And, besides, we don’t even know if they will accept our offer.”

I laughed, tweaking her nose with my own. “I have a feeling it will be. Anyway, I just know somewhere inside you is a party waiting to get out.”

She laughed now, her mouth wide, her eyes dancing. “Oh yeah? How do you figure that?”

“Why else would you wear such sexy lingerie?”

Jade hit my shoulder, but leaned in for a kiss before she answered me. “It’s hilarious you think my bra and panties are sexy. They’re so far from it.”

That’s when my hands slipped through her hair, holding her face, stroking her cheek, so her eyes met mine. “You have no idea how much I adore you, Jade. I will love you with a passion until the day I die.”

My words brought a smile to her lips, and she rested her arm around my neck. “That’s a very long time.”

“I hope,” I said with a laugh.

No woman could ever compare to the one who loves me. Her intelligence is astounding, she is beautiful in every way, and she’s given me the most precious gift ever in Gigi.

I don’t know why I’m allowed to be this happy. Maybe because of all the terrible things that have happened in my family. Or maybe there is no reason other than it’s just my turn. Sometimes, I worry the other shoe will drop any second and it will all be stripped away from me. If that’s the case, I will enjoy every moment while it’s mine to have.

Gigi’s first day of school came with a roar. I was concerned she might be nervous, however, I couldn’t have been more wrong. She was ready to go, complete with backpack by five-thirty in the morning. Jade was up, of course, getting ready for work. As for me, I was bleary-eyed as I rushed through my shower, trying to get dressed so I could see Gigi off in time.

When seven finally rolled around, Gigi beat us out the door, squealing when she saw Vincent’s wife, Izabella, and their two kids. Shona and Wes squealed back when they heard Gigi as if they were speaking some secret language. Looking down at my daughter, I had to laugh. She was jumping up and down in place, clapping her hands.

My heart swelled in my chest at her innocent show of excitement. If anyone ever hurt this kid… Well, let’s not go there. I already had a knot twisting my stomach, thinking about her riding the bus by herself, then spending the entire day away from home. Would it be psycho to come up with a reason to stop by and check on her?

Nah, she’d probably be embarrassed.

“It is too early!” Izabella said as she got closer.

Jade scoffed, then hugged our new friend. “Right? It’s so good to see you. I don’t know why the children have to be at school so early.”

“Because kids learn better in the morning, Mama!”

I patted my smart girl’s braids and winked at her. She knew how it was.

“I spoke with Vincent last night and he’s looking forward to his hearing. I can’t wait either. Do you think this will work out? I’m afraid to hope.”

“I can’t promise anything, but you know as well as I, he didn’t do what they convicted him of. I won’t give up on him.”

This was my future wife, the woman I was so proud of. The firmness in her eyes, the way she tilted her chin when she believed something with her entire being. Jade was someone precious, to be encouraged and taken care of so she could do important things for others.

And I was the guy who got to fill that position. Me.

Every time I think about this or see Jade working on something meaningful, I’m completely shocked, but proud that I’m that guy.

The girls were getting so obnoxious about their matching ribbons, it broke through my concentration on Jade. Gigi was in some kind of animated story about what happens when you don’t brush your teeth.

“Little green monsters come out and take over, giving you cavities.”

Shona, who was older, had better advice. “You’re so silly. When you’re in my grade, you’ll learn about what really makes cavities.”

“Tell me now,” Gigi said.

That’s my girl, always wanting to learn.

“Well, for one thing, it’s not little green monsters. It’s called bacteria, and it’s nasty and slimy.”

Gigi scrunched up her face. “Just like little green monsters, though! Gross! I think I’ll stop telling my mom I brushed my teeth at night and really do it.”

“What did you say?” Jade asked.

I knew sparks were about to fly, but my attention was elsewhere.

My eye caught Vincent’s son Wes standing apart from us, so I wandered over to him, leaving Gigi stranded in the wake of Jade’s dismay.

“Hey, what’s wrong, Wes? Don’t you want to come join us?”

“I don’t want to go to school.”

Finally, a kid with sense. This is how I was expecting Gigi to behave today.

“Why not? Don’t you want to learn things and make friends?”

“Not really. I want to stay home with my mom and read.”

Yuck, though. I thought he’d want to stay home and watch superhero movies all day or something. Now, that’s worth skipping school for.

“That doesn’t sound as much fun as meeting other kids.”

He shrugged, kicking a pebble away with the toe of his shoe.

“Hmm, I guess you really enjoy reading. And that’s good.” Yeah, I know I hate reading, but I have to be the guy right now. “Is there any other reason you don’t want to go?”

He shrugged again, and I thought I failed. Turns out, I just didn’t give him enough time to answer, because he finally said, “I don’t want to be made fun of.”

“Well, who would do that?”

“Kids everywhere do that.”

“But you’re a pretty cool kid. Why would they make fun of you?”

His sigh was one of immense worry, and I wanted to hug him. I put my hand on his shoulder instead.

“You can tell me.”

“I’m smaller than the other kids. They call me names like shrimp, and peewee, and stuff. I hate it.”

“I would hate that, too.” Leaning down toward his ear, I said, “Can I tell you a secret?”

He perked up, nodding his head.

“Okay, but you gotta promise never to tell anyone.”

“I promise,” he blurted.

“Okay, then. I’ll tell you.” I paused for effect, then continued, “When I was your age, I was smaller than the other kids, too. Around tenth grade, I shot up like a weed, and was taller than all the other boys. Look at me now. I’m not short anymore.”

His eyes widened, then he said, “Are you pullin’ my leg?”

“No sir,” I said. That is a true story.”

He grinned and decided he’d try school.

I knew he and Gigi were in the same class, so I whispered in her ear that she should watch out for her friend Wes. She agreed wholeheartedly, and in that moment, she reminded me of her mother.

After the kids rode away on the bus, and Izabella told us goodbye, Jade stopped me from going back inside the loft house. There were tears glistening in her eyes.

“Are you okay?”

She nodded. “I’m just so proud of how you handled that situation with Wes.”

“Oh, you saw that. I thought you were busy with Gigi.”

“Oh, I was,” she said, “and we will continue our discussion later when she gets home.”

Hopefully, she would forget about it by then. See how I’ve learned not to speak my commentary aloud? I didn’t have the ability to keep my mouth shut before. I’m a slow learner, but I do get it, eventually.

All at once, her arms were around me, and she was kissing me. I fell right into it, not even coming up for air when an older lady walking her dog glared at us.

“I’m glad you seem to get along with children so well.”

“Yeah, what do you know? Kids are cool.”

“That’s good.”

“Why?” I asked, my left eyebrow going up all on its own.

“I’m pregnant. Or, I’m pretty sure I am. I mean, the home test I took was positive.”

I don’t know how long I stared at her. It wasn’t until she jostled my arm and urged me to say something that I came back to my senses.

“Oh, Jade, I’m so happy.”

Our lips touched, this time it felt like butterfly wings, sweet, and gentle.

“I’m glad you are. I was hoping you would be.”

“Are you feeling okay? Maybe we should move the wedding date up? I want to do this right.”

“We are doing this right. It’s right for us. Besides, I thought you weren’t getting married until Vincent could be your best man?”

“That was before this news.”

She smiled, and the fire in her eyes thrilled me. “Listen, I couldn’t get Izabella all excited in case this really does fall through. But your dad’s attorney is sure that by next week, Vincent will be a free man.”

“Oh… that’s awesome. How can everything be going so great like it is?”

She held me tight, whispering in my ear, “Never ask that.”

A month and a half later, we took my parents to see our new house. There were some unfortunate decoration choices inside, according to Jade, but we’d have fun making it ours.

There was room enough for our growing family, and Jade’s dad George would live with us, too. He’s something else. More on that another time.

For now…

Welcome to 1505 Westfield Avenue. Our first home.

Thank you so much for stopping by, but also for understanding my delay in responding to comments and reading your blogs. I will get there, I promise. 🙂

I hope you all have a lovely week!

Until next time,

Kymber Hawke
Kymber Hawke
I am a simmer, Rennie garb wearer, author, and dog petter. Judy Garland is my queen, horror movies & classic movies are my jam. INFJ with "Unity Hayes" as a pseudonym. A little bit eccentric, owned by two cats, Cesare & Josie-Pye. 🐱🐱


  1. Another repost.

    January 5, 2022 at 9:12 pm

    Awww, Kai is really gone over Jade. After everything he’s been through, it’ll be nice to see him happy for once. Let’s hope it lasts.

    I got tickled over Jade getting after Gigi about brushing her teeth. Always the ever-alert Mom. 😀

    Kai was so awesome with Wes. With Vincent away, Kai is a great stand-in and handled the situation flawlessly. Kids can certainly be cruel, but at least Wes has a good friend in Gigi who would, no doubt, tell off anyone who picked on her bestie.

    Can’t wait to see their new house and looking forward to the wedding. 🙂

    • You are so right about Kai and how he feels about Jade. He is long gone. LOL

      LOL @Jade getting after Gigi.

      Kai is really turning out to be a pretty good parent. Who knew? LOLOL

  2. Awww, Kai is really gone over Jade. After everything he’s been through, it’ll be nice to see him happy for once. Let’s hope it lasts.

    I got tickled over Jade getting after Gigi about brushing her teeth. Always the ever-alert Mom. 😀

    Kai was so awesome with Wes. With Vincent away, Kai is a great stand-in and handled the situation flawlessly. Kids can certainly be cruel, but at least Wes has a good friend in Gigi who would, no doubt, tell off anyone who picked on her bestie.

    Can’t wait to see their new house and looking forward to the wedding. 🙂

    • I’m sorry I missed this, chickie. I don’t think it showed up at first, but now I’m using a plugin that shows me all unanswered comments, so it popped up on there. 😀 It’s a great plugin so far.

      Kai is definitely gone over Jade, you’re right. I don’t think any other person would do for him.

      Kai is really turning into a good parent, but he gets even better at it as time goes on.

      • The plugin sounds really helpful. Do you remember the name of it? I try not to miss comments but sometimes it’s hard.

        I’m binge reading right now and just finished Gen 8. Kai really took to fatherhood and I loved his relationship with his girls. In some ways, it KINDA reminds me of how Leo felt about Blue. Sometimes I just want to give Kai a squeeze and hand him a beer. LOL! Poor guy deserves it after everything.

  3. The atmosphere on those pictures of Jade and Kai was great. They are so much in love and happy, but we all know something HAS to go wrong or the story would be too static.
    ““I don’t want to go to school.” Finally, a kid with sense. This is how I was expecting Gigi to behave today.” Love that line from Kai, he’s so funny.
    And this follow-up: ““Not really. I want to stay home with my mom and read.” Yuck, though. I thought he’d want to stay home and watch superhero movies all day or something. Now, that’s worth skipping school for.” Precious.
    Actually, have we even seen Kai as a child? Because I was thinking before we didn’t and just skipped five years and he was a teen. Or was I reading too fast and missed it?
    These two sound like classic foreboding, though:
    ““Oh… that’s awesome. How can everything be going so great like it is?” She held me tight, whispering in my ear, “Never ask that.””
    and “I will love you with a passion until the day I die.”

    My words brought a smile to her lips, and she rested her arm around my neck. “That’s a very long time.”

    “I hope,” I said with a laugh.”
    But it’s not like I don’t know already and I’m already a bit sad reading this now.

    • Oh yes, something definitely has to go wrong. LOL

      You’re right that we didn’t see Kai as a child because I skipped five years. You didn’t miss anything at all. 😀

      The foreboding is heavy, I will admit that. It is sad, that’s true. 🙁

  4. They are such a cute couple!! Exciting to have their first house together. And I’m so glad Gigi is willing to watch out for Wes and befriend him. Kai has really matured and it shows 🙂

  5. Wow! This was a powerful chapter. It was so well written, I felt it had already passed through a gauntlet of editors and experts hell bent on perfect story telling. I love how Kai takes us through his love of Jade. I feel like he has been through enough to give him a perspective on the true value of being in love, feeling it and nurturing it with Jade. Then we go into Gigi and Wes going to school and here we all can relate. This story from the beginning has been powerful and moving. The graphics take it to a new level. I think what we have here is the reveal of the power of an INFJ to create an emotive world that captivates the reader with it’s exquisite detail that cuts right to the heart. I know Cesare is very proud of you. How could he not approve?

  6. Ah this is really domestic bliss and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it’ll last. Would be so nice for these two to catch a break. Love how totally smitten Kai is – it’s adorable. 😁 Lovely chapter, Kym. It’s always worth the wait. 💕

  7. Also just wanted to add, that’s so sad about being picked on at school – great way to build this in to the story because bullying needs to stop. Poor guy, being called ‘shrimp’. Kids can be very cruel.xx

  8. I’m very much looking forward to the addition of Jade’s dad to the household! Grandpa’s and grandkids and babies….will be so much fun!

    Are you planing another shoe to drop? This guy has been through a lot and so I have high hopes for a happy life and happy ending. Just not too much honey….

  9. Okay. I feel like Kai. When is the other show gonna drop. I hope it doesn’t. Things are going so well. Maybe it is his turn. Plus, they are pregnant and moved into a new house! Eager for more. I hope everything works out with Vincent and he really is innocent. Hmmmm.

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