What Can You Expect?


Happy time zones, Friends! I just thought I’d give you a short update about what’s happening here and what you can expect.

Sadly, it’s been rather difficult catching up after my absence, so, I don’t have a chapter of Noble Doubt ready for Saturday. 😭 😱 However, you can expect new chapters from next Saturday (Nov. 23) on.

Thank you for being so understanding during this time. I have some good stuff coming up. There will be Noble Doubt chapters, as well as new entries for my new story I Dream of Darry, and author interviews, too.

TGIF, and have a great weekend, too!

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  1. I know I’m late to saying this, dear Kym, but I don’t think you should worry about it at all. Most of us have had delays or things that got in the way of our stories. Your health and well-being is more important, always. 🙂
    I especially shouldn’t talk, seeing as I’m not posting anything until, like, next year I think, and I’m not even caught up to your new story! So much happening and I can’t keep up.
    Anyway, whenever you’re ready with more Noble Doubt, I’m happy to read. Thank you for all the hard work and love you put into your story and the community. <3

  2. Will look forward to the next post! But don’t push yourself, it’s a nightmare always trying to play catch-up so focus on YOU and what you need to do, we’ll all be here whenever the next posts are ready 😊
    I hope you have a good week ahead, Kymber!
    Caz xx

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