Chapter 7.17: Dear Diary, All These Men


Part 1:

Dear Diary, my house is situated in the Historic District, on a little hill. If you exit through the front door, on the left, you’ll see the edge of the bustling little town. To the right, more houses, all in a neat row.

Straight ahead is

Part 2:

Part 3:


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    • Thank you so much, Heather ❤️❤️ I’m so far behind on comments and I apologize for that. But I appreciate you so much.

      I wish this chapter hadn’t gone out like this. I was so frustrated. lol

  1. I love Kara’s outfit in part 2. Though I have to admit I was very confused about the lack of text lmao, until I read some of your replies. But I think it works! It’s almost poignant to have the chapter be almost entirely pictures, especially how it cuts off – it almost reads as if she’s surprised to see an interested guy right in front of her and then is swept up in her life!

    • LOL Thank you so much. 😀 I can see why you were confused. I was, too, when I saw it there like that. hahaha I’m such a dork. lol

      I’m glad you feel it works, though. You know, this is new for Kara. And fun, too. haha

  2. It’s raining men, lol. 😀 I can see Kara has enough to deal with! (I may or may not be cheering for the cute cop, just because I think Bram’s being a little presumptuous and it just doesn’t seem like she wants him back). Nice pictures, Kym! 🙂 <3

    • It’s raining men, hallelujah, it’s raining men! Sorry. Ahem. You got me singing. LOL ❤ I think you’re right about Bram. lol Perhaps she will end up with a cute cop. We will find out in the near future. 😀

  3. Heh, you should have named this “Kara’s Boys” LOL. Wow, the cop lives across the street? That has to be a little awkward at times lol. Oh Kara…

    I’m surprised (but not surprised) that Jarah still lives with her. I thought maybe he’d want to live with Bram once he came back into the picture. He must know he’d be better off with her. Or, he still wants to help her with the baby.

  4. Wheeeee! A picture show. 🙂 Well, it’s clear that Kara has a lot she needs to think about with everything going on in her life right now. It’s going to be interesting to see the direction her love life goes in. You’ve probably got it all planned out, but I’m sure it was a tough decision for you to decide which fellow Kara should be with. The Dating Game lives on. Hehe! 😀

    • Thank you, Sharon. This actually was posted by mistake. While I was sick, I thought I put it back to draft, when, well, you see it was scheduled. LOL Oops.

      I’m glad you liked it, though. I can’t wait until you see how this turns out. It’s a tough decision, for sure. But, I might have something up my sleeve. hehehe

  5. Wow. So we just see what she’s dealing with. Having a new home, Jarah still living there, her potential budding romance with the policeman and her potential rekindling of her love with Brahm. She has a lot she’s dealing with. Dang.

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