Here I Go Again


Hello, Friends. I’ve been ill, so Saturday’s chapter will not be ready on time. I’m all right, on the mend, but it’s hard to concentrate when you don’t feel well. My illness is chronic, so I have times like this, unfortunately. I apologize for the letdown, and hope to have it out in the near future.

I hope you all had a fine week, and an even better weekend. TGIF!

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  1. I hope you had a great and restful weekend Kymber. I feel your pain. That no feel good part can take all the fun out of world conquering. I’ll send a happiness and well being incantation your way. You’ll know when it arrives because Cesare’s eyes will pop open and he’ll think he’s hungry.

    • Thank you so much, my friend. ❤ I took much longer than the weekend, but am feeling much better now. Thank you for the incantation, it helped immensely. 😀 Cesare thanks you, too.

  2. I’m sorry you’ve been having a rougher time of it lately, I’m surprised you manage as much as you do normally! I won’t say ‘get well soon’ because that doesn’t exist with chronic conditions, but I hope you’re a little closer to your baseline soon. Don’t worry about getting the post done, just focus on you. Rest up lovely  ♥ xxxxx

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