Chapter 7.16: Dear Diary, All the Little Pieces


Part 1: Bram Meets Kai

Dear Diary, it seems I got ahead of myself because I was so excited we were finally safe and getting settled in Twinbrook. Now, I must go back to the first few days when we arrived because I never told you how it was when Bram met his son for the first time.

When I told him about Kai at his office, he seemed surprised, and shocked. Even so, he told me he was eager to meet his little boy. We were finally moved into our new home when Bram visited.

He arrived in a limousine which parked on the curb out front. The driver remained in the car, as a young man I didn’t recognize brought Bram to the front door. It was only Bram who came in, though I invited the young man in, too.

“He’s my personal assistant,” Bram explained.

Before I could answer, Jarah strode across the room, grasping his older brother by the shoulders, pulling him into an embrace. Almost as quickly as he hugged Bram, he pushed him away, and stepped back.

“I’ve missed you, Jarah,” Bram said, his voice a welcome sound in my ears. “My only consolation was knowing you were with Kara, and therefore, safe.”

Jarah stared at his feet, switching his balance from one foot to the other. Finally, he said, “I’m glad you’re here.”

Scooping Kai up into my arms, I stood in front of Jarah. “Kai, this is your daddy.”

The child squirmed for a moment, but settled down quickly as Bram held him close. It amazed me that my son, who is normally shy around strangers, snuggled in, the top of his head resting against Bram’s cheek.

“This is some kind of voodoo,” I said, a smile curling my lips. “I can’t believe how calm he is, as he’s never met you.”

Bram didn’t answer at first, instead breathing in the scent of Kai’s hair, and clamping his eyes shut as if he always wanted to remember this moment.

At last, Bram smiled. “Kai, and I will be great friends. I love him already.”

“He is a pretty great kid,” I agreed.

“We need to talk, though. I know this is awkward, but I’ve never stopped loving you, Kara.”

“I appreciate you saying that.” Awkward was right. Was he hoping I’d say it back? How could I when I felt so abandoned by him?

“I understand I will have to work to get you back, but that shouldn’t mean we can’t share custody of Kai.”

My breath caught in my throat and it was hard to swallow around the lump that suddenly appeared.

“You want to take him? From here? I mean, without me?”

Bram was silent for a moment, his expression pained. “If it was up to me alone, we would be actively working on becoming the family we’re meant to be. But it’s not just up to me, and so, I don’t think it’s asking too much to have my son home with me for a few days here and there.”

“Here and there,” I stupidly mumbled. “When? For how long?”

“Let’s try the weekend and see how it goes.” When I didn’t respond right away, he added, “I’m not trying to hurt you. But no one can keep me from my son.”

“That sounds a lot like a threat.”

“It is not a threat. It’s only fair.”

“He’s never been without me,” I stammered, my mind racing.

“I’ll be with Kai wherever he is, so don’t worry, Kara,” Jarah said.

“That’s a great idea,” Bram said.

“Well, all right. For the weekend.”

Tears filled my eyes as I packed Kai’s little shirts, and other items into the backpack I used as a diaper bag. Wiping them away, I gave myself a stern talking to. It wasn’t like I couldn’t trust Bram, right? And, Jarah would be there to keep watch. It was only for a couple days, and Bram had the right.

Although I did a good job of holding back my tears when Bram’s PA took the diaper bag to the limo, I nearly lost control when I told my little boy goodbye.

My child smiled up at me, his bright blue eyes twinkling, as if to say, “It’s cool, Mommy, don’t worry.”

My heart felt like it was breaking, and I let the tears fall at last as I watched the limo drive away with my child. I had the strangest sensation of loss, like a piece of me had left at the same time.

Writing this many months after it happened, I am now more used to Bram collecting Kai every other weekend unless he is out of town for The Inheritance. Sometimes, Bram visits with Kai at my house, too.

It’s hard to admit, but father and son have a close bond, perhaps even closer than my own bond with Kai.

Part 2: Lucky and Proud

One of the first things I did when we moved into the house was to call my mother. I can’t explain how much I missed her, and the rest of my family, too. Imagine my excitement when they came to visit us.

Right away, Kai was the center of everyone’s attention, and he seemed to like that just fine.

My little brother Joey isn’t so little anymore. He is a professional athlete, playing football for the Fortress Rock Krakens. Joey arrived alone, but my other brother Andrew tells me he dates.

A. Lot.

“He prefers blondes, brunettes, and redheads,” Andrew told me with a conspiratorial wink.

(Oh, look at the picture again. That arrow is pointing at Jarah. For the life of me, I couldn’t get him to join us. Instead, he lurked in the TV room/office within earshot of our antics. If he would let himself go, I think he could have such fun.)

Perry seemed more reserved than usual. I have a feeling it’s because my mom is upset her brother couldn’t come on the trip. I guess his health isn’t too great. He lives with Mom and Perry now.

Teagan and Andrew are married, and expecting their first child. They waited a long time to have children because, as they tell it, it was important to flip enough houses to make a name for themselves in the realty business first.

This is my family, and I’m so lucky, and proud they’re here.

Part 3: Jarah

After dinner, I went looking for Jarah. I didn’t have to look far, though, as he was where I last saw him in the TV room/office.

“You didn’t eat, so I have a plate for you in the kitchen.”

He didn’t look at me, but his foot bounced as I spoke, so I think he was listening.

“I know you’re hungry. You didn’t eat breakfast either.”

“How long are they staying?” he whispered, stealing a darting glance at the clock.

Jarah was a hard case to crack, and I was no psychiatrist. Around Bram, he was distant, but more attentive to his surroundings than usual. At home, he stuck to a routine, nearly melting down if anything threw the routine off even a slight bit.

Now that my family was visiting, he lurked in darkened rooms, peering out upon occasion, yet mostly keeping to himself. He stood there, rubbing his arms, and shirking if I came in to check on him.

Bram found the best psychiatrist possible, but Jarah refused to speak to him, sitting in his sessions like a statue. The psychiatrist suggested inpatient therapy.

I didn’t know what Bram would decide, but I knew Jarah didn’t want to be admitted to the psychiatric unit again. Whatever happened, he couldn’t go on like this.

Part 4: A Confrontation with Mom

When I returned to the kitchen, Mom was putting the last dishes in the dishwasher and setting it to run.

“Thanks for doing that, Mom,” I said.

When she turned to face me, it occurred to me for the first time there was something wrong. Every line on her face was visible, her eyes were red. Had she been crying?

“What’s the matter?” I asked.

I barely got the sentence out when she said, “How can you not know?”

“I don’t, though, so why don’t you just tell me?”

Her eyes kept darting over my right shoulder to something behind me.

“What?” I asked, feeling my patience waning with every second.

“How can I talk to you when all I can see and smell is whatever is making that ghastly green cloud coming from your refrigerator?”

Again, I have placed an arrow at my offense.

Her words were harsh, and I could feel my body collapsing in on itself, my chin trembling as she cleaned out my fridge.

I couldn’t even look at her. I’d never seen her behave this way.

“So, it’s my dirty refrigerator bothering you?”

She dumped the garbage into the trash can, slapping the lid closed, then turned toward me once again. Her eyes were rimmed with red, her mouth a thin, disapproving line.

“Kara, I’m so angry with you! How could you disappear like you did without contacting me for years? You had to know what that would do to me!”

Oh, no. How selfish did I have to be to forget how Mom would react to all of this? As a child, my father kidnapped me, and my mom didn’t get me back until I was thirteen. I’d been so concerned with getting to a safe place, I didn’t think about how she might respond.

“Oh, Mom, I’m so, so sorry. I wanted more than anything to call you. What I wouldn’t have given to have had you near.”

Tears escaped my eyes, and I brushed them away with my fingers. Mom was crying, too, but she regarded me with her hands clutching her elbows. I’d never felt so guilty in my life.

“Is that why Perry has been so quiet?”

She nodded and let out a sob that seemed trapped in her throat. “Perry lived through your kidnapping with me. He understands what this did to me. I thought you would have some kind of understanding, too. Are you completely without empathy?”

“No,” I said, my arms falling to my sides, lifeless. My chest hitched as I gazed downward. “I know what I did was hurtful, but you have to believe how much I love you, and never meant to hurt you.”

“I love you, too,” she said. “You have a beautiful son, and a lovely house. I’m surprised Bram isn’t here, but I don’t want explanations right now. I’m only hoping that you truly are settled down now, and won’t go running off again.”

I had to stop myself from picking at my cuticles. After all the years of anxiety, they were already a mess. Instead, I tightened my hands into fists, then loosened them.

When I spoke, my voice was shaking. “I have no plans to go anywhere ever again. I want to raise Kai here.”

Mom nodded again. “Things change when you have a child.”

Since I had no other way to convince her, I agreed with her. We talked some more about my feelings about Bram, about the house, and future plans. I told her I was going to enroll in a class to get a CNA certificate. Afterwards, we even hugged.

I hope someday soon, she’ll be able to put her anger aside, and this uneasy time in our relationship can be put behind us.

Part 5: Grandpa’s Are Cool

Kai seems to like the men in his life a lot more than anyone else. I don’t know what that means, but I guess it’s important for little boys to have that positive influence. I’m glad he has so many men to look up to in his life.

Perry sat on the floor with Kai, playing with blocks. It seemed to me Kai thought his grandpa was pretty awesome.

Slowly, but surely, all the little pieces of our lives were coming together.


This chapter may seem a bit unusual, but I wanted to backtrack from the normal pace so you could see these moments with Kai. He’s still a toddler, but I’m already getting a sense of his personality.

I hope you enjoyed this read. Thanks for stopping by,

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  1. It was a lovely chapter filled with wholesome family moments. I’m glad Kara got to have some closure with her mom. It must have been awful losing her for the second time.

    • Thank you, Jowita. I’m so glad you liked this chapter. I think Bea had a good point about losing Kara twice. But I’m glad, too, that they worked through their problems together.

    • Thank you ❤️ Yes, that’s so true about Bea. I think it’s hard for her to fathom why her daughter would do that to her after what she went through.

  2. Bram rolling up and demanding joint custody for his son that he met 5 minutes ago is really crazy. I agree that he has a right to see his son, but maybe take some time to know him first? Maybe have visits with Kara present so she knows Kai will be taken care of? And he was pretty forceful in his expectation that they’ll get back together. Honestly, I don’t think I’m on Bram’s side anymore.

    I feel for Bea. I hope their relationship can grow again.

  3. I’m so sorry it’s been so long since I commented..! The past month I’ve been really out of it, but I hope I’m back for good! 🙂
    Kai is super cute!! 😍😍 I can’t wait to see more of him!
    Poor Bea… she must have been so destroyed by Kara’s disappearance. I totally understand her reaction!
    Great chapter <3

    • Thank you so much. And, please, don’t apologize. I understand, although, I’m so excited to see you here again. ❤️❤️ I’m sorry you have had a rough month; hopefully, things are going well again now. 🙂

      I love Kai so much. I don’t think I’ve ever had a sims 3 todd that cute before. ❤️

      Yes, Bea was beside herself wondering if history repeated itself. ❤️

  4. Kai is so adorable! I just want to pick him up and give him a big squeeze. 😀 I’m glad he’s taken to his father. Bram, though – I just don’t trust him. He sprung the shared custody thing on Kara rather quickly. Yes, he has a right to his son, and it’s good he wants to be a father to him. I just hope there isn’t going to be a huge custody battle or a repeat performance of Jem’s behavior.

    Still very worried for Jarah. I know he doesn’t want in-house therapy, but it sounds like he needs it. 🙁 Something’s got to give soon or something awful is going to happen.

    I guess I don’t blame Kara for feeling the way she does about The Inheritance considering what she’s been through. Marty and Xalen would be so sad if they knew what happened and that one of their descendants feels the way she does about it.

    Okay, so Bea needs a good shaking and can DEFINITELY do with some therapy. I get that she was distraught over Kara’s disappearance, and I can imagine she was feeling history was repeating itself. It’s too bad Kara couldn’t get word to her…but still. Bea was concerned only with HER feelings and what Kara put HER through. Did she once ask Kara if she was okay? Did she once consider what KARA went through? Nope. She was too busy laying on (thickly, I might add) guilt trips and diatribes. She sounded just like Ellie!

    Kara – well, she took it stoically, but she allows people to make her feel guilty when the situation isn’t entirely her fault. She let Bram do this over Jarah, and now her own mother did it to her. Kara needs to stand up for herself and make these folks understand that she isn’t taking the brunt of the blame when she doesn’t deserve it.

    Okay, rant done now. LOL!

    • Thank you, Sharon. ❤ Kai is sooo cute. I feel like I rarely have cute babies, todds or children in this game, so I’m taking the time to enjoy this. LOLOL

      I hope Jarah will get help soon. It’s time someone (like his brother) focused on him a bit. lol

      What you’ve said about Bea is spot on. lol I totally feel for her because of the kidnapping and thinking history had repeated itself. But, yes, she sure did sound a lot like Ellie there.

  5. “I’m not trying to hurt you. But no one can keep me from my son” – that doesn’t sound like the Bram I was expecting/hoping to see back! This whole thing he’s got himself into may be changing him, or at the least it’s keeping him and Kara apart and from being a family with Kai like they should be. I really hope the awkwardness can be fixed before the distance between them widens..xxxx

    • Thank you, Caz. I like how you pointed that out. Like you, it’s not the Bram I wanted to see either. I hope he hasn’t changed too much unless it’s for the better. Time will tell. 🙂

  6. Aw, I’m so excited for Kai to grow up so I can see what he’s like! He’s such a cute kid. I hope as he grows up he can help Jarah more, too. His presence seems to help Jarah a lot – again I guess because Jarah knows he’s useful.
    Bea’s reaction is totally understandable! But she can’t stay at arms length with her daughter forever, can she? I mean, time is precious!
    Loved the chapter 🙂

    • Thank you so much, Carys. I’m excited to see Kai grow up, too. 😀 I think you’re on to something regarding his relationship with Jarah.

      No, you’re right. Bea can’t stay arms length for long. I think once she realizes Kara isn’t going to take off again, she’ll relax and they can have a better relationship. I love what you said about time being precious. You’re sooo right!

    • Thank you, Lisa. I know what you mean about Jarah. More on that later. 🙂 I’m glad Bea was able to speak her mind, too. I think she’ll feel better once she realizes Kara is staying put for real now.

  7. Poor Bea, I know Kara disappearing again must have shattered her heart. Thank goodness everything turned out alright. It’s understandable that Kara was reluctant to share custody with Bram, even though it is his right, after the whole Inheritance thing. I’m glad it went well and that Kai is bonding with his dad. Can’t wait for your next chapter!

    • Thank you, Raymond. You’re right that Kara’s disappearance broke Bea’s heart. I think she’ll come around once she can trust Kara won’t make a habit of this.

      You’re right that sharing custody with Bram is the right thing to do. I just think she wasn’t expecting that discussion yet.

  8. *snort* So Bram is big time now, eh? Limousines, PAs, fancy suits and expensive shades? HA!

    Hold up! Stop the bus! Bram JUST found out he had a son! And, he JUST saw Kara for the first time in years, and he’s gonna roll up in there talking about they need joint custody?! HECK NO!! And then he takes him the same day they met?! How can I cancel this? Resetsim isn’t working lol. Don’t get me wrong. I want Bram and Kai to have a relationship. I just think he ambushed her.

    If I looked like Joey, I’d date a lot too LOL.

    Awww! I’m glad Bea and her brother are close now.

    Wait, I thought Bea knew Kara was on the run. At least, Andrew helped her find someplace to hide. I mean, I get her for being mad at her being gone for so long, but I thought she knew why.

    • LOL Thank you, Jess. Yeah, Bram is alllll about the big time. lol

      And, YES! His demands are quite sudden. I think if Kara thought this was going to be brought up so soon, she might’ve prepared herself.

      Right? Joey is so cute!

      Bea and her brother are tight. And, it’s good to see because Bea grew up feeling a little lonely without a sibling.

      Okay, here’s the deal… Bea knew they were hiding out until the FBI cleared the case up. But when the tornado thingy happened, they just took off and she was afraid to contact Bea at that point even though she wanted to.

    • Thank you so much, Nikkie. I can see why you’d like to have Kara and Bram together. You’re not alone in those feelings. But, you’re right about the popo man, too. I don’t think he’s going to give up pursuing our girl any time soon.

  9. I really enjoyed it! I tend to love chapters with non-traditional, non-linear structure.

    Is Jarah autistic? If so, I hope he and others can realize it so they stop trying to fix something that isn’t broken and give him the space and acceptance to be himself and manage his processing style and responses in the way he needs to.

    • Thank you, CT! I’m so glad you enjoyed the chapter. If you love non-traditional, non-linear structure, I can see why you liked this. lol

      That’s such a good question. I do feel like he is on the spectrum, but I also think he has had trauma leading to anxiety and depression, too. I think that’s a fine suggestion regarding what needs to be realized and how it should be handled. Now that things are settling down, we’ll delve into that more.

  10. It’s very nice that things have well and truly settled down for the little family. Now they just need to mend things with the family that got left behind.
    As for Bram and Kara, their relationship feels a little more uncertain. He obviously wants to go back to what they had, but she doesn’t seem convinced. I’m excited about where it will all go. 🙂 lovely chapter!

    • Thank you, Louise. I like that they’re truly settling down now, too. I think the family will be mended quickly; with Bea, I think it will be as soon as she trusts Kara not to take off again. lol

      Bram and Kara are really uncertain right now. You’re right that he wants to recapture what they once had. But has it been too long? We’ll see if he can win her back.

  11. Awww. Kai is so very cute and I’m glad he’s taken to his father.

    However I’m shocked that Jarah is still very much withdrawing into himself again. I get the family freaking him out. But I thought he’d made a lot more progress.

    As for Kara’s mother, I had wondered how she’d react to her disappearance. She probably melted down and Perry had to try and hold her together. So I get her being angry. She reminds me of how her own mother reacted to things. Quite the semi functional family.

    Now, just to get Kara and Bram back together and fix poor Jarah. ❤️

    • Thank you, Audrey. I’m so glad you like Kai. He definitely has taken to his father.

      I can understand why you’re shocked with Jarah. When we skip forward a few months (the chapter before this one) he seems to be doing well enough to watch Kai for Kara. Perhaps it’s the fact her family were so overwhelming when they visited.

      You are right about Bea and how she and Perry reacted to Kara taking off. Semi-functional family is a good way to describe it.

      Kara and Bram! 😀 We will see.

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