Am I in Your Spam Folder?


Hello, Friends! Thank you so much for stopping by. I don’t have much to say, only that as I was catching up on your wonderful blogs and stories, some of my comments went straight to your spam folders. It’s pesky, I know.

I think I’m finally catching up on social media, too. Honestly, it’s all I can do to keep up (somewhat) with Twitter, and Tumblr/Simblr. I don’t know how ya’ll do it, but I commend you. lol

In other news, I wanted to say I’m taking a small break this weekend, and traveling to a fellow Simmer’s house to spend a few days. If I don’t get to your comments right away, it’s because I don’t have access. But, I appreciate them and will respond as soon as I am able.

Thank you for always being so supportive,

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  1. Well…if I end up in someone’s spam filter it’s because I worked hard for it. But you, dear Kymber, deserve nothing less than top spot on every comment list because you are totally cool like that. Oh, and weekending with a simmer friend? That probably means little sleep and lots of sim time. Don’t forget to pace yourself and don’t worry, Cesare will keep good order and discipline at home while you are away- between naps. Keeping order and discipline is exhausting work as you well know.

      • Oh dang! I was really looking forward to reading about what happens when two simmers get together. Longer naps would be okay with me but I’d feel a tiny bit guilty. Well, maybe more guilty than a tiny bit. Okay, I would feel guilty as hell. I’m sure Cesare has learned to cope with his guilt. We’re both very special people because we are doggone rare. That makes us double-cool. 🧛🏻‍♂️🧛‍♀️🦇

        • I know, I was looking forward to writing about what happens. haha Cesare copes with everything so perfectly, he never feels an ounce of guilt over anything. lol

          We are soooo double cool!

          • I swear, someday I’ll be just like Cesare. Then, I’ll grin a lot and my face will hurt, which will require napping and snacking to loosen up. We ARE DC- Double Cool, and Cesare reigns supreme. 😎 😎😸

            • Once, I heard, “To infinity, and beyond!” being yelled, then a crash upstairs. Upon investigation, I found my son had opened his dresser drawers so he could use them to climb to the top of his dresser. By the time I got there, the whole dresser was knocked over, but my son was okay. lol Buzz Lightyear was a staple in our house. 😀

  2. I’ve been having this happen v.frequently the past week or so, too! I contacted Askismet, was a bit of faffing about but finally got it resolved as they had to adjust some filters. Grr. Might be worth you dropping them a message when you get back..?
    In the mean time, enjoy the couple of days away lovely!! 😄
    Caz xx

    • Thank you so much, Caz. xo

      So, it’s not just me. I was beginning to think wordpress hated me. haha I can’t tell you how many times over the past few years I’ve contacted Askismet, asking them to deal with this. SIGH. But you are right, I need to contact them again.

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