SimLit on Story Spinner!


Happy timezones, my friends! I just wanted to create a quick post to talk to you a little bit about SimLit (or SimsLit, or Sims Literature).

When I began this blog, my first serial story was called Noble Doubt and this was exclusively a site devoted to SimLit. It doesn’t take long before you find out that I am a Sims enthusiast. lol

Over time, however, I started branching out. I had an art journal I was keeping up and I decided some of the poetry I wrote should go on this site. Then, there were a few short stories, and before I knew it, I had an eclectic site if ever there was one.

SimLit is a genre that has many styles. Some of us are story driven while others are game play driven. There is an entire community of us, although, a lot of us seem to have left WordPress for Tumblr (or Simblr, as we call it – don’t even get me started about Simstagram!).

Image ©2024 | KL Hawke & | All Rights Reserved.

If you scroll to the bottom of my site, you will find this set of links. SimLit Blogroll is an extensive list of our community who are active on WP.

One thing I really wanted you to know is that back in 2014, I had a blog elsewhere and I wrote a story called The Baldwins. Some of you have seen the posts that I’ve moved over here because you’re subscribed by email. But because I back dated the entries to 2014, it won’t appear in the Reader.

My main goal is not to rewrite the story (which it badly needs), but to move it here so all my stories are together at last. If you ever want to know what’s going on with my SimLit stories, take a look at my main menu up above:

Image ©2024 | KL Hawke & | All Rights Reserved.

You see the SimLit button? Click that aaaaannnnnddddddd…

Image ©2024 | KL Hawke & | All Rights Reserved.

a page drops down with all the most recent posts of all my SimLit stories.

The Baldwins is not a polished work by any means, and it’s mostly based on my game play because I was experimenting how I wanted to write and I was new to The Sims. It’s been fun (and funny) for me to see those old chapters again.

I hope you’ll have some fun, too, while you’re here.

Grab the Story Spinner Button!

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Thank you so much for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting! You are important!

↬ The Sims games © EA, created by Maxis. ↫
This site and its author are not affiliated with EA or any of their games.

↬ Copyright © 2024 | KL Hawke & | All Rights Reserved. ↫

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to K.L. Hawke and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. This site and its author are not affiliated with EA or any of their games.

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  1. 🌞 Wow, that is quite a collection for the Sims Kymber! I play the Sims but haven’t gotten into it online with others like you have. Hmm.. something to think about… You offer some awesome stories. 🙂

  2. It is good to go back and visit the roots of your blog. When I looked at my 2014 posts, I found them more newsy than interesting. I have rewritten them already and may reissue for my 10th Blogaversary. Happy Tuesday Kymber. Allan

  3. What do you do when a new Sims is released? Are the packs forward-compatible or do you have to buy items again? I just published a review of Planet Zoo, which has some similarities in that it’s a complex simulator, and I took off one star from my review because of the DLC scheme.

    I don’t mind paying extra for great content, but these past few years it feels like the video game industry is just shaving content off of games to sell as DLC, or as part of different editions. I just saw UbiSoft is selling the “ultimate edition” of their upcoming Star Wars game for $130! Pure insanity.

    The one saving grace is that between Steam, the Epic Games store and GOG, there’s now a decent amount of competition and pretty frequent sales.

    Anyway, The Sims seems like one of those games that offers the developers practically endless revenue via DLC and I’m not sure how I’d feel if I dumped a few hundred bucks into DLC over the years only for it to be rendered obsolete by a new version of the game.

  4. Good morning/afternoon/night Kymber. I do not always comment but I definitely try keeping up reading your posts. Thanks for sharing and enjoy your time zone.

  5. What a wonderful share KymberNoodle. 🙌🏼 Look girlfriend, our work evolves and if it doesn’t then it gets stale. No need to even apologize for our learning curve. 🤔 So, even if we are new to a particular genre or medium, it’s going to start off a little rough, but when we stick to perfecting our craft, it looks and feels even better. Trust me girlfriend, I know the feeling. Thanks so much for sharing ChickieDee! 😍💖🎨✍🏼😊

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