Life is Hard, but You Are Wonderful!


Happy timezones, Friends! Life is hard for everyone. Unexpected things happen and we either handle it or not.

I will admit, I have been hit hard the past couple of years with my daughter having cancer (and surviving), almost losing my mom (the surgeon said she is a miracle), and my beloved cat Cesare being gravely ill. I was also hospitalized for a few days more than once and our daughter had another high-risk pregnancy (she had a boy and he is just fine!). I also help with the Littles which pulls me away from my laptop for long periods.

What I really want to say is that I know life is hard for you, too, and I know you’re going through some things also. So, I hope you will be patient with me as I grapple with these curve balls.

It’s disappointing to me that I have been unable to keep up with your kind and encouraging comments. You make me laugh, cry (which is not a bad thing), and smile. I appreciate you more than I can possibly express.

So, even if I haven’t responded to your comments, please know that I do read them all, and they have a positive effect on me.

You care, and I’m amazed at your efforts that are so kind and lovely.

We endure and move forward.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

I will respond to comments if I can. If I can’t, I want you to know that I’ve read what you said, and you make me so happy.

Sending all of you virtual hugs.

Thank you for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting. You are important!

P.S. I seem to be doing time in many of your comment spam folders. Please find and fish my comments out. lol Thank you. 😀

Featured Photo: Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

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  1. Thank you for sharing!!.. sorry that you had to deal with life’s challenges but know with your courage and family and friends, you weathered the storms and stronger than before… we are there, if only in spirit, so you never walk alone… 🙂

    Hope all is well with you and your family, 2024 will be a wonderful year for you with life being all that you wish for it to be, your path is paved with peace, love and happiness and until we meet again…
    May flowers always line your path
    and sunshine light your way,
    May songbirds serenade your
    every step along the way,
    May a rainbow run beside you
    in a sky that’s always blue,
    And may happiness fill your heart
    each day your whole life through.
    May the sun shine all day long
    Everything go right, nothing go wrong
    May those you love bring love back to you
    And may all the wishes you wish come true
    (Irish Saying)

  2. Hey Chickie! So sorry things have been so tough right now. Sometimes life really socks it to you, and it can be hard to find your mojo after feeling like you’ve been through a warzone. I hope 2024 brings you much lighter and happier times. If you need to talk to anyone, you know how to reach me. 🙂 I’m here for you 24/7, day or night. (((((hugs)))))

  3. I am so sorry you had to face so many sorrows but I am glad in the end it all worked out ok for each one of you.
    I wish you a better and healthier 2024.
    Congratulations to the new grandbaby and don’t worry about us or commenting. The blogging world and ‘we’ in it won’t go anywhere. We all have a real life (at least I hope we do) and we understand and the ones who don’t understand. Well, poop them. 🙂

  4. I am glad you’ve overcome those hardships.

    I can relate to your experiences. Been through so much that it did not only drain me physically but also financially. Had to keep my hopes up in God to live each day. I guess, I’m handling it well. 😊 My daughter, family, and friends kept me going. Plus, of course, my blogging family! Though it takes me days to read each of your posts because of work, doc visits, and therapy sessions, I still manage to finish them all.

    I pray that this year will rid all of your and your family’s health concerns. I pray that God will continue to bless you and your family in life’s journey. 🙏🏻 Cheers to a healthy and abundant 2024, Kymber! ❤️

  5. Kymber, I am sorry to learn about the struggles you and your family have endured. It seems we all have life challenges and together we will persevere. Sending you healing thoughts and hope you have a healthy and joyful 2024.

  6. No worries. It seems everyone has stuff to go through these days. Sorry to hear of all the things you have been dealing with. Sometimes, we just feel battered, if we feel at all. We just returned from 5 weeks away, helping out our kids and to say “stuff happened” would be an understatemen. Even now, 2 weeks later, we are still taking stock. Wishing you all the best. allan

  7. I’m sorry about the health issues that you and your family have had in the past couple of years. And I hope all of you flourish in this new year. Here’s to perseverance but also to good health and other good stuff coming your way. 🌞

  8. Dear Kymber,

    Your strength and resilience in the face of such challenges are truly inspiring. Remember, it’s okay to take time for yourself and your family. Your courage and openness in sharing your journey remind us all of the power of community and support. We’re here for you, always ready to listen and offer a shoulder to lean on. Stay strong, and take all the time you need. Your well-being is what matters most. Keep shining your light. Best wishes, Mike

  9. The struggle boat is a large one Kymber, with many of us aboard. Struggles and all we all love and feel for you and your family. So, you relax now, enjoy your comments and thank you for your informative post. Blessings, Peter-James.

  10. Staying abreast on all my readers in blogging is a monumental task. To me, the most important item would be posting worthy context that interest my readers.

  11. Kymber my deep dish ChickiePotPie, we love you and just remember my dear, you are not alone. The amazing thing about all of your challenges, is that you survived them and lived to tell about the miracles all around. So as they used to say when I was growing up, “When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.” When we are going through, we feel like we are unable to survive the hard blows life belts at us, but somehow the light breaks through those dark clouds and lets us know that hope is never too far away. 😊💖🤗

    So my sweet friend, don’t apologize if you are unable to get on this platform everyday. I don’t know any of us who are married to our computers, aside from working, and have time to read every single post and respond. This is why if there are multiple posts each day from anyone, I am only able to respond to one of them if I want to respond to other writers. 👍🏼🌺✍🏼

    So keep your chin up and through it all, things are going to be okay, even if they don’t look like they are. Hugs and smooches Kymber dear! 🥳😍😘

  12. Life is hard sometimes. But anything worthwhile is. Keep Plugging and you will come out on top eventually. Remember, there is a God and He is behind you. The end result is punctuated by failure sometimes. But, a failure means at least you tried.

  13. Never a need to comment, reply, or even read! We all have plenty to juggle, so it’s just lovely that there is content we can read when we want–and for you, as a writer, to know that there are so many of us who are delighted to read what you write, whenever you write it, without any expectations or demands that you write “on schedule.” Each thing you write is a gift, and gifts come without expectation or demand! They simply come when the time is right!

  14. Most of the time I find you here in the reader, but I’ll check my spam folder as well. I’ve been losing some of my bloggers comments as well, into the black hole they seem to go! Eventually, I find them in the comments section of my dashboard.

  15. Dear Kymber, may 2024 be a little less challenging and more kind to all of us. I’m through a rough year also and my creativity was gone for the time being. My best wishes for a happy new year and the wellbeing of your beloved ones, including Cesare and Josie-Pye. ♥ I’m ever so happy to see my simming friends try so hard to bring some joy and thrilling stories to all of us.

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