Chapter 7.18: Dear Diary, Stuck on You


Part 1: The Breakfast Date

Dear Diary, the more I get to know the men in my life, the more I like them. But, for different reasons. Recently, I had long talks with Morrie, Jarah, and Bram, and they opened my eyes at last to some truths.

Morrie is a kind man with a deeply caring soul. He isn’t in love with me, but if we continue to date, I imagine that’s what will happen. Do I deserve a man like Morrie? He’s the stable kind of person I could see myself settling down with. Yet, I’m not in love with him either.

Jarah has realized his life isn’t moving in a positive direction. He admitted this to me much easier than I thought he would. Perhaps that’s because he’s so eager to please, or maybe he’s just tired of the way things have been going. Whatever the reason, he’s been working hard to earn his GED which is the equivalent of a high school diploma. He’s much smarter than he’s ever been given credit for. I would even go as far to say he’s a genius. All I want is to see him happy.

While I may have once thought Jarah was the most complicated person I knew, that title now belongs to his older brother Bram.

Bram. I’m sighing internally at the mere thought of his name.

Why does he frustrate me so? Why, even when he infuriates me, do I feel drawn to him?

We spoke in great length the other day about where we stand. He claims to still love me. Although I didn’t say it aloud, I love him, too. I think I will love him until the day I die. But is that enough? Will that sustain us when I still feel so angry with him?

My inner voice reminds me I don’t have to decide right now, today. I’m trying to listen to that voice more often because it seems to work better than relying solely on my heart.

This morning, I met Morrie at a local diner for breakfast. It was early, but I found I enjoyed having breakfast with Morrie before he began his beat in my neighborhood. It was a pleasant way to start the day.

“Oh, good, you’re here,” he said, an easy smile playing on his lips.

I couldn’t help but smile back. “I’m starving!”

Our conversation was light while we ate. It wasn’t until we stepped back outside that things took a turn.

“Kara,” he said, and I instantly felt as if he had something important to tell me, “I want you to know how much I enjoy spending time with you.”

I waited a moment, my stomach knotting up. Finally, I said, “But…”

He sighed, running a hand through his auburn hair. “I’m not sure I’m saying this right.”

Oh dear. I bit my lower lip and waited again. It was as if I was frozen in time, my breath caught in my throat, my eyes burning.

He took my hand, then brushed his lips against my sensitive flesh, giving me goose bumps.

“The truth is, when we’re together, it’s comfortable. I really enjoy your company. It’s just that, well, it feels like I’m hanging out with my sister.”

“Ouch,” I gasped, wiping a stray tear away with my fingers.

“I’m sorry.”

Then something strange happened when I realized I didn’t have to worry whether Morrie and I were getting serious or not. As if a dam had burst, relief flooded me, and I felt my system calming down. All at once, I giggled. Within moments, that turned into a full belly laugh which probably made me look hysterical.

At first, Morrie seemed perplexed by my reaction. It wasn’t long, though, until he was overtaken with laughter, too.

When I could catch my breath, I said, “We’re still friends, though, right?”


It was then I realized it was friends I needed anyway instead of the complications a passionate romance brings.

Yes, this suited me just fine.

Part 2: He Did It!

Dear Diary, in the months that have passed, life has taken on a welcomed routine. My work as a CNA is hard, sometimes backbreaking, but I feel good about it. One of the nurses thinks I should go to school to be a nurse. It’s an idea I like toying with.

Meanwhile, Morrie and I still enjoy breakfast together a couple times a week. I can’t tell you how good it feels to hang out with a friend, knowing there are no expectations regarding the relationship. We’re close in a comfortable way, and I like it.

In other news, I got a call from Winchester from my cousin Michelle who asked if she could visit. I had the distinct feeling she wants to know what this side of life is like, and so, I agreed right away. I miss her, and I think it will be fun to see what she thinks of it all.

Bram and I are cordial. When we’re together, I can sense in him the love he feels for me. When his hand brushes mine, it’s clear he wants more. I’m hesitant because I don’t want him to hurt me again. He hasn’t pressured me, yet I can feel all those emotions emanating from him as if he’d expressed them aloud.

Lastly, Jarah earned his high school equivalency, and we were all dressed up to celebrate his accomplishment. Because the classes he took in order to catch up weren’t through the high school, the graduation ceremony was less formal. He didn’t wear cap and gown, but the excitement on his face was enough to make this event just as special.

“I’m so proud of you,” Bram gushed with a wide smile.

“I did it!” Jarah agreed.

“We both knew you would,” I said. “I’m proud of you, too.”

For once, he seemed self-assured. I hoped it would last.

Part 3: Stuck! … on you?

Later, Jarah took charge of Kai while Bram and I went to his office to collect some papers he said he needed. The plan was for Jarah to get us a table at our favorite restaurant so we could continue our celebration.

Life had another plan, though. As we stood in the elevator, there was an awkward silence. Suddenly, the lights flickered, and the car came to a screeching halt between floors.

“Oh no,” I moaned.

Bram swore under his breath. “Is there a phone? Or an intercom?”

I saw what he was asking about near the buttons. “There’s a speaker thingy.” I held the button down and spoke into the speaker. “Hello? Hello? We’re stuck!”


“Did you let go of the button so they could answer?”

“Of course, I know how to use it,” I snapped, then pulled my phone out. “I don’t have a signal.”

“Relax, we’ll be out of here in no time.”

Bram pulled his phone out and told it to dial the front desk.

“It’s not going to work,” I mumbled.

“It will be fine. Stay calm.”

Sighing, he put his phone away.

“Well?” I demanded, already knowing the answer.

“No signal.”


“Relax,” he repeated.

Relax. Right. My heart was beating a mile a minute, and little sweat droplets were breaking out on my forehead.

“Bram, I don’t like this. I don’t like being enclosed in here.”

His expression softened, and he didn’t seem irritated anymore. “I didn’t know you were claustrophobic.”

“I didn’t know either. All I can say is I need out of here or I’m going to FREAK OUT!”

“Hey, hey, hey,” he mumbled, stepping closer to me, taking my hand in his. “It will be okay. Really. We can’t get a hold of them, but they’ll notice the elevator isn’t working. This is a busy building even at this time of day.”

Tears escaped my eyes as I scrunched them shut and took a deep breath. “Okay, yes, that makes sense.”

“Let’s talk about something – anything – to get our minds off of our situation, okay?”

I nodded even though he couldn’t see me. If I could reason this out, maybe I would stay somewhat calm.

“Well, at least we didn’t lose the lights.”

“That’s good,” he agreed. “This is just some kind of glitch or something, nothing to worry about.”

I wiped my face with my hands, taking another deep breath. “Yes, that’s right.”

He opened his mouth to speak, but then hesitated, which brought my pulse up again.

“What is it?”

“Kara,” his voice was soft, somber. It had a weight to it that was unusual for him. “I wanted to tell you I’m sorry.”


“Yes, for everything. I treated you badly, and you didn’t deserve it. When I found out my father attacked you, I was angry you didn’t tell me. Angry that I learned that from a stranger. You see, I thought we could tell each other anything.”

“Bram, this isn’t the place-“

“-Yes, this is the place and time. I have wanted to talk to you about this for so long, but there was always too much commotion around us. Please, let me continue.”

“All right,” I choked out.

He cleared his throat before speaking. “I thought we could tell each other anything, but I didn’t take into account how traumatized you must have been about it. You must have been terrified. If I could go back and change my reaction, I would. Instead of being angry with you, I would take you in my arms and protect you. I hate what happened between us, and I know it is my fault we are where we are today.”

Despite the hurt I’d held over the moment he described, I felt my heart softening toward him.

“It isn’t your fault. It’s mine, too. I investigated behind your back and brought your father’s wrath down on us. I knew The Inheritance was dangerous, but I pursued it anyway. I involved your brother, and he was just a kid. We both made mistakes.”

He was quiet again for a minute, then finally said. “There’s something else. After you rejected me in my office, I was upset and angry. I’m sorry about how I handled Kai. I never should have demanded a weekend with him then and there. I know you would never keep him from me. Again, I acted in anger.”

“Thank you,” I said in a whisper.

He nodded slightly. “I hope someday you will love me again, and we can be a family.”

It was all I could do to hold myself together as I said, “Perhaps someday.”

He pulled me into his arms, and I won’t lie, it felt so good to be there.

As he embraced me, I felt his hot tears against my cheek, and he whispered, “I love you, Kara.”

“I love you, too,” I said with all sincerity.

I’m not sure what the future holds for us. All I know is that we entered the elevator with unspoken resentments, but we reentered the world, after being stuck between floors eight and nine as friends with a fresh slate.


What is this? A chapter on Saturday just like it’s supposed to be? Gasp! lol 😀

All kidding aside, I want to thank you for not giving up on me. Your support means so much. I adore this community, and everyone in it.

I have a couple chapters to catch up on, and I’m trying to decide if I want to post them when they’re ready or wait until the Saturday schedule. If I put out two chapters, I’ll be caught up with where I should have been initially. So look out, in case some chapters come out in the middle of the week.

Oh! On Wednesday, we have a wonderful interview planned with Dolly Llama! You are not gonna want to miss that. 😀

As always, thank you for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting,

Bonus Scene! Michelle Has Arrived!

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  1. I’m so glad they had a moment to talk sincerely to each other. It was almost good that the elevator misfunctioned. Ooh, now I wonder if Morrie is interested in Michelle. Anyhoo, I hope Kara and Bram will someday get to be together again, I loved them as a couple.

    • Thank you, Jowita. I agree that it was good the elevator got stuck. lol

      Morrie and Michelle? I think that would be a good match. 😀

      I missed Kara and Bram together, too.

  2. OK, so it’s clear he still loves her and at least he apologized for his abdominal behavior, but he’d better not mess it up again. Kara’s been through enough and deserves some genuine happiness. I still have hope for those two, but he’d better be a man and behave himself like a gentleman.

    Wowza! I’ve got a lot of catching up to do, both here and writing my own stories. I’ve been away for so long. Even in lockdown, there is never a dull moment. I totally missed you lots and lots and lots! 😂

    • Thank you, Sharon. I totally agree that Bram needs to behave himself. Totally.

      I saw you caught up! Wow! You really read a lot! xo I’ve missed you lots and lots, too!

  3. Am I really caught up already? I thought I had at least ten chapters to read according to the chapter list, but the links aren’t active. Either way, I’m sad I have nothing to read before sleep now. I hope you’ll post again soon. Thank you for sharing this story with us. I’ve enjoyed it very much.

    • Thank you, maladi. 🙂 I always make those chapters up way ahead of time when the generation first starts. I hope you’re enjoying the new chapters before sleep again. ❤️

  4. I’m glad that Morrie was comfortable enough to admit he didn’t have romantic feelings. They’re going to have a good friendship.

    Bram finally apologized, and it took him long enough, lol. Still not convinced about him. Maybe Kara should just be friends with the men in her life for a while.

    • Thank you, Heather. I think you’re right that Morrie and Kara’s friendship will be lasting and good. I can totally see why you’re not convinced about Bram. I think it’s okay for Kara to be alone right now.

  5. Welp, I’m late, but I thought it was time to catch up. I’m a little bit sad that Kara and the cute police man didn’t hit it off, but it looks like he’s going to get to know Michelle instead. 😉 And hey, maybe Kara and Bram really can get back on track. His apology was much needed.
    Great chapter. <3

    • Thank you, Louise. You’re not as late as I am. hahaha ❤️ I really tried to fit Kara and Morrie together even if it wasn’t end game, but he had the google eyes and love hearts for Michelle. What could I do? LOL

  6. Woot, congratulations Jarah!! I’m so happy to see him progressing in his life! 😀
    That elevator scene was intense!! I’m actually relieved that Bram and Kara had that talk… I hope Kara can find the strength in her heart to forgive him and start fresh! <3

    • Thank you so much. ❤️ I was relieved Kara and Bram had that talk, too. It’s about time they got on the same page even if it’s just as friends right now.

  7. WOW, I missed so muuuuch. But it’s good to see Bram is back and the baby is called litttle kai. Hopefully I’ll be catching up on coming posts. And great to see Jerah finished school, congrats to him, he’s a man now!

  8. Congrats, Jarah!!
    Yikes, getting stuck in an elevator is like something out of a horror film. I think I’d be freaking out too! I’m so glad Bram is able to be so reflective and considerate. Hopefully this paves the way for them healing the wounds and making things work between them. They can’t not be together. They’re a love story in their own right  ♥
    Caz xx

    PS. Happy Thanksgiving!! xxxx

  9. Is that a love at first sight meeting right at the end there?! Haha.
    Ah, the ol’ stick them in the elevator until they work out their problems ploy. Works like a charm every time!
    Things seem to be on the up and up. Also, figuring out you both want to be friends in a relationship with a dude is the best thing ever. All the extra stress around it just melts away. I’m so happy she has found that.

    • Thank you so much ❤️ I’m just now trying to catch up on older comments after being ill. I like that you like that ploy. I’d already done the “lock ’em in a safe” thing. haha

  10. You may be surprised to hear me say I’m glad “just friends”. She needs that two and I think friends is best. But I also want to say there is love and “in love” and I’m not so sure she has the latter with Bram (Br(ah)m-lol) either. I hope she doesn’t fall back to familiar just because, when there may be the right guy out there for her. Just my thoughts…………..

  11. Cupid throws his arrow on Morrie towards Michelle ahaha that’s soooo obvious. Kara needs friendship too , somebody she can talk to her problems and hang out to have a personal life on her side.
    This is good for Kara and Bram to clear their situation because they needed to speak of what’s happened no matter the future.

  12. Congrats to Jarah – good job.
    AI feel so relieved about Kara & Bram – I was hoping for them. Being angry can be a part of love too.
    They have both had very bad experiences with their fathers and both are handicapped, albeit in very different ways.
    I’m glad that their love for each other has survived the bad times and that they may really get a fresh start.
    For little Kai, it’s better to have a good time together with mom and dad anyway.
    The service for the elevator may take some more time,
    until they get the two out of there.😉
    Bram certainly does it bother less than Kara, whether it’s dark or not.
    Oh – and Morrie is getting googly eyes.. 😊
    Looking forward to the next chapter.

    • Thank you so much ❤️❤️ I’m trying really hard to catch up on older comments. I appreciate them so much. Jorah really had an accomplishment. As for Bram and Kara, even now, don’t give up on them yet. 😀 😀

  13. So excited for the interview with Dolly Llama! One of my favorite authors being interviewed by another favorite author! Dolly, I hope you held nothing back! Tell all, you literary rebel!

    I’m guessing it’s no secret I’ve always hoped Bram and Kara would get back together. I’ve always seen the good in him, even when others were bashing him.

    Great chapter, and I’m excited for what’s to come!

    • Thank you so much, CT. I loved Dolly Llama’s interview! I’m glad you were looking forward to it; I hope you enjoyed it.

      You’ve read recent chapters, but you never know what will happen with Bram and Kara.

  14. Ohhhh. Officer Morrie and Michelle – a new romance! Lol…. I loved this. So proud of Jarah. And glad Bram finally apologized. I almost think he coulda used some super pier to cause the elevator to stop and give them the opportunity to talk. Regardless, I’m glad they did. She did things too. And she soooo should have told him what happened. Anyway, it seems my favorite couple are finding their way back to each other wiser and more grounded.

    • Thank you so much, Audrey. I’m finally catching up on the older comments. ❤️ I think Michelle and Morrie are perfect together. It’s not out of the question that Bram might have caused the stuck elevator. lol Good thinking.

      Let’s hope they’re finding their way.

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