Get to Know You #16!


Here is round 16:

  1. How old were you when you had your first celebrity crush, and who was it?
  2. Do you have any pet peeves?
  3. What causes are you passionate about?
  4. If you could live in a movie, which one would it be and why?
  5. What’s one thing that can instantly make your day better?

Here are my answers:

  1. When I was 14 years old, I saw “A Nightmare on Elm Street,” and there was this guy named Johnny Depp who, I think, was 21. lol
  2. My biggest pet peeve is when I have a cold or allergies and I cannot breathe through my nose. Drives me nuts!
  3. I have a “CAUSES” page and on it are the following: the National Domestic Violence Hotline, Barn Sanctuary, The Paw Project, and the Dolphin Project.
  4. I would live in “Somewhere in Time,”1 in the past. It’s just so beautiful.
  5. Seeing my children, my sisters and their families, my parents, or the Littles can always make my day better.

And now, it’s your turn! If you don’t want to participate, that is totally fine, there is no pressure. A hello would be fantastic, though! Of course, lurkers are always heartily welcome. xo

Thank you so much for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting! You are important!

Featured Image by JUNO KWON from Pixabay

1. Somewhere in Time was shot in my neck of the woods at the Grand Hotel, Mackinac Island, Michigan. (Mackinac is pronounced “Mack-in-aww.”)

Interesting facts from the Grand Hotel website:
-No motorized vehicles are allowed on Michigan’s Mackinac Island. All transportation is provided by horse and carriage or bicycle.
-Mackinac Island is accessible only by ferry boat or plane.
-There are more than 500 horses on Mackinac Island.
-The Jewel (18-hole golf course), is the only course in the world that transports guests from the front nine to the back nine via horse-drawn carriage.

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  1. Celebrity crushes: Might be Angie Dickinson. An accomplished actress and native of North Dakota. Pet peeves: Pushy drivers who lack patience behind the wheel. Passionate for: Jesus. Film’s hiding place: Anything with actress Jean Arthur (one of Hollywood’s gems from the past. Making any day better: Sharing kindness with another. Thank you Kymber for encouraging this response.

    • I knew someone once who had a crush on Angie Dickinson. 🙂 I so agree with you about pushy, irate drivers. They need to take a chill! I love what you’re passionate for. I can see why you would choose any movie starring Jean Arthur. She was beautiful and so talented. One of the few actresses that was able to make that transition from silent films to the “talkies.” 🙂 I love old Hollywood and classic movies.

      You are so welcome. I’m glad you joined in. 🙂

  2. How old were you when you had your first celebrity crush, and who was it?
    **The five Jackson 5 brothers–all of them (LOL). I was 7-10 years old when they started out.

    Do you have any pet peeves?
    **Being fake and phony irritates me.

    What causes are you passionate about?
    **I’m passionate about supporting kids, treating the homeless well if you do care for them, and passionate about Jesus Christ’s message.

    If you could live in a movie, which one would it be and why?
    **I wouldn’t mind living in the Love and Basketball movie. Nice neighborhood and college life. I missed the on-campus college experience.

    What’s one thing that can instantly make your day better?
    **When I meet someone and we naturally connect, have commonality, and have a good conversation and laughs. Makes my day!

    • LOL I love that it’s all of the Jackson 5 brothers. 😀

      Fake and phony irritates me, too. Good answer!

      I love your causes!

      I haven’t seen that movie, but I will put it on my watchlist. Sounds really nice.

      Ah, yes, that makes my day, too!

      Thank you so much for playing! 🙂 xo

  3. How old were you when you had your first celebrity crush, and who was it?
    Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Arc. The scene on the ship, where he’s showing where he’s not hurt and realizes he’ll finally get a kiss, and when he draws his gun in the sword fight scene – iconic! “Scoundrel” Han Solo also made me watch the old Star Wars over and over again.
    Do you have any pet peeves?
    First, people spitting. There are more and more spitting as apparently it’s part of some cultures and even though you’re supposed to get a fine, I’ve never seen a police officer apply the law. Makes me feel nauseous. Add to that people who let their dogs crap everywhere and doesn’t pick up after their pets, making navigating French sidewalks an obstacle course. Yuk!
    What causes are you passionate about?
    Child abuse. I can’t even talk about it without getting angry.
    If you could live in a movie, which one would it be and why?
    I really don’t know. Ben Hur maybe, because I’m a sucker for everything that has a connection to the Roman Empire. Then again, being a woman it would have been rather harsh, considering the comfort we now enjoy when it comes to small things like Tampax, hydrating face cream and washing machines. Cleopatra is more my style, taking baths in donkey milk and getting it on with Marc Anthony, even though there was no fairy tale ending!
    What’s one thing that can instantly make your day better?
    Getting a phone call or a message from one of my kids.

    • I like Harrison Ford, and the moments you describe are so endearing. 🙂 I hate spitting. It’s so disgusting. I can understand getting angry about that. I do, too. Oooooh! Ben Hur! That is such an interesting answer. I like that time period, too. LOL at Cleopatra, I am so with you on that. 😀

  4. I think my first celebrity crush was David Cassidy. Even listened to his music.
    I have several pet peeves, but I’ll just stick to one. People that think the rules don’t apply to them – they’re above others.
    Special causes are anything related to pets or children.
    The first one that comes to mind is Harry Potter – post Voldemort, of course. I loved the movie Somewhere in Time (mention time travel and I’m there for it), but I’d never be able to wear those dresses, lol.
    Seeing my sons or stupid cat videos!

    • Yessss I’d forgotten about David Cassidy. He was so cute. Shaun Cassidy was the big thing when I was little, but I always liked David better. 🙂 I had posters of the Hardy Boys (I liked Parker Stevenson) and Charlie’s Angels on my walls. LOL 🤣😂 I totally agree with you about the causes you support and your pet peeves. Why is it some people think they’re more special than others? Oh, yes, HP! Post Voldemort, for sure. That would be so much fun.

  5. This is fun, Kymber, and I love reading your answers. Here are mine:
    1. My first crush was Bobby Sherman. He was a singer/teen idol in the late 60s & 70s, so I was probably around ten or so.
    2. I have a few. LOL But the main pet peeve are people who think they’re above others. This could tie into prejudice and racism, etc.
    3. Anything regarding children, animals, climate, social injustice, and the list goes on.
    4. This is a tough one because I have so many favorites, but Mama Mia is one! I love to sing and dance and love the music. This would be so much fun!
    5. Just spending time with my family. xo

  6. I love your answers! It’s great you support so many animal causes — thank you!

    Here are my answers:
    How old were you when you had your first celebrity crush, and who was it?
    When I was a little girl I thought Bob on Sesame Street was cute.

    Do you have any pet peeves?
    Oh my goodness, do you have a week?!?!
    I’d probably say people who consider themselves music fans but only have one genre of music in their collection; or most of their collection is made up of “Greatest Hits.”

    What causes are you passionate about?
    Veganism, animal rights, adopting not shopping
    I also started a non-profit called ROAR (Respect Our Animals’ Rights) when my second book “Love Cats” came out.
    I donated portions of “Love Cats” proceeds to ROAR, and also a friend’s husband made ROAR t-shirts.
    Once a significant amount of money was collected we’d give it to Panthera or a farm sanctuary.
    I still have all the “thank you” letters from these places.

    If you could live in a movie, which one would it be and why?
    “Why Him?” James Franco is so insanely hilarious in that movie. I’d want to be his friend; I’d be laughing all day long!

    What’s one thing that can instantly make your day better?
    Any little thing really. I’m a happy go lucky kind of person.

    • Thank you so much, Maryanne. I love that you created ROAR! That is wonderful! And it sounds like I need to read “Love Cats.” I couldn’t agree more about #adoptdontshop.

      I love how happy go lucky you are. Reminds me of my daughter Katy-Lady. She has always had that quality, and she tends to live in the moment, which I also admire.

      • Aw, Katy-Lady sounds awesome! (Now that we’re emailing each other you definitely have to send photos of your family!)
        OH, and “Love Cats” is now out of print and I’m going to work on submitting for a third printing later this year. BUT, I do have some copies left if you’re interested shoot me an email, and I can get one to you. They are $25 which includes postage.

        • Oh yes, I will do that. 😀 I haven’t had a chance to go through my email in a couple days because we were in and out all week and weekend. I’m so glad to be home today, but now I’m wondering where to start? LOL 😀

          Cool! I will talk to The Mister about when I would be able to do that. I’m sure he would like to read it, too. My family and friends all call him “The Cat Whisperer.” LOL Just when someone tells us, “Oh, our cat doesn’t like anyone,” their cat will always come out and sit right on The Mister’s lap. LOL 😀

          • Very cool! There are some naughty (x-rated) scenes. The gist of the story is it’s about a couple who meet in the 1980s. She’s rich and spoiled. He’s working class. He really loves her, but she doesn’t see it and goes on wild adventures to “get back” at him — for something he never did! Plus, she hates his cat. When he finally has enough of her cheating ways, he breaks up with her. Then a kitten shows up at her doorstep and teaches her that she’s not the center of the universe. It’s cute, and if you love 1980s music, there’s plenty of it in there. I purchased use of lyrics from Hal Leonard Music. Iggy Pop and The Cure lyrics. Iggy was only $43, and The Cure cost $100. (Background info, I’m sure you know since you’re a writer too).

            • Oh, yes, I’m a child of the 80s… I like big hair and guitar solos. haha Your book sounds amazing. Wow! That is so cool about Iggy Pop and The Cure. Who knew? 😀

  7. When I was 11 – Raquel Welch, whose old and new movies were still playing on television even though they were loooong out of theaters. 2. Listing them would take too long. 3. Listing them would take too long. 4. Six-String Samurai 5. Starting to read a new (to me) book.

  8. I had a big crush on Gunilla Knudsen at probably around 12 years old. She was the girl in the Noxzema shaving cream commercial who used to say, “Take it off…” with a Swedish accent.
    My biggest pet peeve goes to any politician who lives on my dime. If you can’t get something done, move over.
    A cause that I am passionate about is EDUCATION. Learning, actually. Put aside the nonsense and teach kids to read, how to interpret information and use common sense. Keep education basic and let kids grow.
    Live in a movie? Hmmm…Maybe an old black and white like Strawberry Blonde with James Cagney and Olivia De Haviland. Olivia would be my next door neighbor.
    To make my day better, I think about my wife, kids and granddaughter. I’m a lucky man.
    This is fun!!

    • I was going to look Gunilla Knudsen up, but then you told me. 😀 I don’t remember the Noxzema commercials, but that the stuff, I think, my mom always put on our sunburns. lol I agree that education is highly important. Great answer! Now, I have to see Strawberry Blonde! I love old movies, and James Cagney is a favorite.

      I’m so glad you enjoyed this. I really enjoyed all your answers. 🙂

  9. I had a crush on Michelle Phillips, of The Mommas & The Poppas. I must have been around 10 at the time.
    People who bear false witness. That’s my pet peeve.
    My mother, born in the southern US, was a practitioner in civil rights, long before it was fashionable. To her, it was wasn’t a cause, it was a lifestyle. That attitude rubbed off on me. If you’ve got a cause that helps those in need, I’ll help.
    This is a tough one. Local Hero, I suppose.
    Seeing a rabbit in my neighborhood makes my day better.

    • Oh, yes, Michelle Phillips was so pretty! That’s a pet peeve I have as well. That’s really awesome of your mom and for to have picked that up from her. She sounds like a terrific person. Rabbits are so cute. 😀

  10. Good questions: Here are my answers: How old were you when you had your first celebrity crush, and who was it?
    Do you have any pet peeves? narcissism, planned obsolescence, the housing crisis
    What causes are you passionate about? Preserving Welsh history and ending Welsh invisibility
    If you could live in a movie, which one would it be and why? One set in Wales
    What’s one thing that can instantly make your day better? Petting my cat

  11. Hey Kymber!!
    How old were you when you had your first celebrity crush, and who was it? None really but I’ll go with Linda Hamilton in Terminator 2. I’d have been 11 at the time.
    Do you have any pet peeves? Many, off the top of my head I’ll go with seeing a car next to me not moving because the person inside is texting.
    What causes are you passionate about? Accessibilty for the blind, it’s the purpose of my channel.
    If you could live in a movie, which one would it be and why? I can’t think of any but wow that picture you posted looks amazing, it gets my vote as well. Just look at those rocks, the water, the clothes, it’s just an amazing scene. You can practically feel the breeze just by looking at it.
    What’s one thing that can instantly make your day better? Helping others. Also hearing my wife laugh at my antics.

    Great questions again!!! I enjoy your posts and also appreciate this fun segment.

    • Hi there, Gorilla! How are you?

      OMG Linda Hamilton in T2 was amazing! I don’t think there was an ounce of fat on her anywhere. lol That movie is a favorite of mine. Texting and driving is so irritating, especially when it means they’re not doing what they are supposed to. I like your cause regarding accessibility for the blind. That’s so important. You really need to watch Somewhere in Time, I’m tellin’ ya’.

      I’m so glad you enjoyed this. I had such fun reading your answers.

  12. 1 No celebrity crushes…in Cuba we had late access to most films.
    2 My biggest pet peeve is wrinkled clothes. I just got a portable steamer to take care of it quickly.
    3 ASPCA…and I should include The Paw Project too.
    4 Not a big fan of movies…
    5 Reading a good book, cuddling with the husband, pooch and cats…
    Goodness, my answers are so boring!

    • I can totally understand your pet peeve about wrinkles. I think having a steamer on hand is always a good idea. And ASPCA is a very worthwhile cause, too. I admire that. Oh, yes, cuddling is wonderful! Nooooo, your answers are not boring in any way. I so appreciate you playing. 🙂

  13. Well, number 5 is easy! Reading one of your lovely posts or comments!

    Number 1 is really embarrassing, though ~ Glen Campbell. I must have been about nine years old, and “Gentle on My Mind” had my head spinning…

  14. How old were you when you had your first celebrity crush, and who was it? That hasn’t happened yet.
    Do you have any pet peeves? When people spread false information and arrogantly ignore the expertise in the field. However, I try to reduce my pet peeves. They are my problems not that of others.
    What causes are you passionate about? Treatment of dogs, science & astrophysics, climate change, reducing division/partisanship in society
    If you could live in a movie, which one would it be and why? Interstellar, the adventure (of Cooper), space station at the end
    What’s one thing that can instantly make your day better? The dogs, doing something fun with my wife or kids

    • “That hasn’t happened yet.” hahaha I don’t know why, but that answer cracks me up. 😀 I can understand that about pet peeves. It’s probably a good idea to reduce those as much as possible. Although, I do agree with yours regarding the spread of false information, etc. I like your causes, too. Ooooh! I hadn’t thought of Interstellar. That’s a great answer!

  15. I love reading your answers, Kymber. It’s always so fun, and your questions often bring up wonderful memories or fun ideas. Here goes:
    1. My first celebrity crush was George Harrison (Beatles). I remember crying because he was too old for me. Lol. I must have been about 8 years old.
    2. People leaving trash everywhere (especially in the woods or throwing it out their car windows) makes me furious.
    3. Anything related to children, I’m there.
    4. This is a hard one. My husband and I watch a lot of action movies and I want a much calmer life than that. Maybe Avatar, but without the humans showing up to wreck everything. 🙂
    5. Oh, a bit of sunshine, a cup of coffee, and a kiss. <3

  16. These are always fun. Often the questions don’t pertain to me, such as #1. I was an adult before I ever saw a TV, so there was never a teenage celebrity crush. 🙂 My biggest pet peeve (because I live in an apartment) is people who don’t pick up their dogs’ poop. A cause I am passionate about is the homeless issue in our country. If I could live in a movie, I think I would choose Lonesome Dove. Such a good movie. One thing that instantly makes my day better lately is when I log into WordPress and it actually works and lets me in. 🙂

    • I’m so glad you like these. 🙂 Yuck to dog poop. I totally agree with you on that one. And I admire that you chose homelessness for your cause. It hurts my heart to think about people going without basic necessities. Lonesome Dove is such a good answer! And who could argue with you about WordPress? LOLOL 😀

  17. How old were you when you had your first celebrity crush, and who was it? I think it was David Cassidy or Heintje.
    Do you have any pet peeves? Snoring (but not if the dogs do it)
    What causes are you passionate about? Everything I love.
    If you could live in a movie, which one would it be and why? Out of Africa, because I love Kenya.
    What’s one thing that can instantly make your day better? (my favorite ‘upper’)

    • Oh. My. Goodness. Yes to David Cassidy! Shaun Cassidy was more popular when I was a kid, but I always thought David was so cute. I totally agree about dogs’ snoring not being a pet peeve. haha Out of Africa is such a beautiful movie. LMAO!!! I’m still giggling after seeing that video. That is priceless. LOL

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