Get to Know You #35


Hello and happy timezones, kind friends! I have greatly enjoyed your responses to my Get to Know You posts!

So, it’s time. Come sit on my porch for a spell. Tea, lemonade and refreshments will be served shortly.

Here are 3 questions! Let’s go!

Here is round #35:

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  1. What was your favorite subject in school and why?
  2. What book had a significant impact on you?
  3. Do you have a favorite local restaurant or cafe?

Here are my answers:

  1. My favorite subject was chemistry because I found it to be very easy. I loved all the formulas and logging, and converting compounds to moles.
  2. To Kill a Mockingbird. (I may have asked this question before?)
  3. The Pho Pot is my favorite. I love Vietnamese food.

And now, it’s your turn! If you don’t want to participate, no problem! I’m just glad you’re here. A hello would be fantastic, though! Of course, lurkers are always heartily welcome, too. xo

Thank you so much for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting! You are important!

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  1. Good morning Kymber
    1. A toss up between French and Social Studies. French was an easy 5 credits for me and some of it has even stuck in my mind some 60 years later.
    2. Likely Kidnapped or Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson. A sense of adventure and drama.
    3. We did have one until it closed. It was Langano Skies, an Ethiopian place. Fortunately, we became friends with the owners and still enjoy their cuisine.

    Happy Friday.


  2. WOW KymberNoodle, where do you come up with all of these thought-provoking questions my friend? What a genius you are. Love this! Getting to know you just that much more! 🥰💖🤗🥂😘 Hugs and smooches!

  3. As for me:

    What was your favorite subject in school and why? It was physics, because I loved to find out how the world works, the math and how to use the formulas.
    What book had a significant impact on you? Many books had a significant impact, but “The Storms of my grandchildren” compelled me to take the step towards volunteering for the Citizens Climate Lobby
    Do you have a favorite local restaurant or cafe? India Palace in Dallas

  4. Q1: History. Because it explains the present. If we don’t know our history, we’re bound to repeat the same mistakes over and over again.

    Q2: That’s a tough question. But if I had to cite one single book, it would be 1984 by George Orwell. Because it shows you how far a totalitarian regime will go to control people. We live in times where this subject about control and manipulation is more relevant than ever.

    Q3: Nope, because I relocate on a regular basis. Can’t stand still for too long 😊 I go with the flow. Sorry, no fav restaurant.

    That’s it. Always a pleasure to participate in this game Kymber 🙏

  5. Yay.

    What was your favorite subject in school and why?

    English. It was the only subject I was good at. I sucked at math and was ok in physics and chemistry.

    What book had a significant impact on you?

    As a child, I read a book called Mahashweta by Sudha Murthy, where the protagonist Anupama, contracts vitilgo. She is subjected to mistreatment by her in-laws and her husband, due to their superstitious and narrow-minded beliefs. How Anupama fights society and reclaims her life is a story that left a lasting impact on me.

    Do you have a favorite local restaurant or cafe?

    There’s a local restaurant that serves the best samosas. I love that place.

  6. I like that your favorite subject was chemistry — that’s cool! My answers to your questions:
    1. English was my favorite by a wide margin
    2. Many books have had big impacts on me, but I’ll go with “The Lord of the Rings” because I read it as a teenager and I was astounded by it
    3. A fave restaurant near me is the Parkway Deli. Good, honest diner food. For many years, my family went there on Saturday nights with my neighbor until he passed away. A lot of great times and conversations were had there.

  7. Hi Kymber, you were a smart girl to have understood chemistry so easily. Chemistry is very difficult. My favourite subject was English followed by history. What book had the biggest influence on me. Probably I am David. I read it when I was about ten years old. I prefer Robbie’s kitchen to eating out. I like to cook and I prefer to make my own meals. Every weekend is a culinary adventure.

  8. What was your favorite subject in school and why? My favorite was history. I loved learning about events of the past and how they affected the present.
    What book had a significant impact on you? On the Beach. This was the first book that I read where the ending was not what would be considered happy. I thought the character development was superb
    Do you have a favorite local restaurant or cafe? No. I really haven’t been out to eat since the pandemic and we moved here shortly before it began, so I don’t have experience in the local places.

  9. I loved English best – a love of words and reading 😊
    The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe by CS Lewis. I loved the story world he created and it made me want to do the same.
    Rondo in the town where I live as they do great vegan food.

  10. I like your answers. I never took much science subjects in school. My favorite was English because we got to write themes and i loved writing things then and now.
    There are lots of books I love, but the one that made the biggest impact is, “Lost Souls” by Poppy Z. Brite. It’s what I write my fan fiction about,
    I like Vietnamese food too. We have one place here we like, Saigon Cafe which is good. But my favorites are all Mexican food restaurants, and there are lots of them here. I like them all. 🙂

  11. Kudos for doing well in chemistry! I had a terrible time with the science subjects but loved history, especially ancient history.

    Lots of books have left impressions. One that comes to mind is “Aztec”, by Gary Jennings. It’s historical fiction about what happened to the Aztecs when the Spaniards invaded Mexico.

    Our current favourite restaurant is called “Buca Di Bacco” (translation: the cellar of Bacchus [Roman god of wine]). Italian food is my favourite, especially seafood, and they offer a superb menu!

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