Get to Know You #17!


Hello, and happy timezones, Kind Friends! I have greatly enjoyed your responses to my Get to Know You posts! Shall we begin?

Here is round 17:

  1. What’s the most epic way you’ve seen someone quit or be fired?
  2. What’s a riddle you know?
  3. Do you eat food that’s past its expiration date if it still smells and looks fine?
  4. What’s the best way you or someone you know has gotten out of a ticket/trouble with the law?
  5. What’s the funniest comedy skit you’ve seen?

Here are my answers:

  1. A friend of mine quit, and on her last day, she got in her car, rolled down all the windows, blared the “Hallelujah Chorus,” and drove in circles around the parking lot, making sure everyone heard it. lol
  2. You are in a room with no windows, doors, or any exit. The only items are a mirror and a table. How do you escape? (ANSWER: You look in the mirror to see what you saw. You take the saw and cut the table in half. Two halves make a whole. You climb out using the hole.)
  3. Nope. lol When in doubt, throw it out! 😀
  4. This happened to a fellow nurse from the unit I worked on. She’d had the absolute worst day ever and to top it all off, just before she punched out, one of her patients coded and died. On her way home, she was just sobbing and she got pulled over for speeding. The officer listened to her entire recounting of how awful work had been and then her patient had died. He went to his squad car, and when he came back, he gave her a single rose and said, “I bought these for my wife, but I think you need one.” It was the sweetest thing I’d heard in a long time.
  5. “Who’s on First” by Abbott and Costello.

And now, it’s your turn! If you don’t want to participate, no problem! 😀 I’m just glad you’re here. A hello would be fantastic, though! Of course, lurkers are always heartily welcome. xo

Thank you so much for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting! You are important!

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  1. When I worked for the Postal Service we had a carrier just walk out. He left just like that. Five month later he walked back in like nothing happened. He was ultimately fired in the interim, but the union got his job back because he was not fired properly.

    Riddles I kind of make up as I go along.

    Yes, I will keep stuff past the expiration date, unless it stinks.

    This is terribly sexist I know, but I knew a lot of very cute girls in my younger years who could cry their way out of a ticket. Me? once agreed with a State trooper that I deserved a ticket for speeding. He let me off with a warning.

    Funniest skit was and always will be…Who’s on First…”

    • He got his job back?! I’m gobsmacked. You are very clever to make up riddles as you go. I only just know the one and I didn’t make it up. LOLOL Your nose is the detector; that makes sense. That’s a great way to get out of a ticket. Sometimes, I think the officer just wants to see someone admit they were wrong and to show some remorse. Yes, to “Who’s on First?!” I love it. 😀

  2. What’s the most epic way you’ve seen someone quit or be fired?
    -Actually, it was my husband last year. After 4-years of living through a workman’s comp nightmare, he asked for a raise, the moment his light duty was lifted. A raise he long deserved. It got denied. He turned in his 2-week notice Friday. Monday morning, they told him to go home, they would pay him for the 2-weeks including vacation, but he wasn’t ‘allowed’ on the premises anymore. He left at 8:10 am, called me at 9 am. “They sent me home, I am already wearing my new uniform shirt. He started working for a competitor 40 minutes after he got fired. 🙂
    What’s a riddle you know? What’s the longest word in the world?
    Smiley! It has a mile in it.
    Do you eat food that’s past its expiration date if it still smells and looks fine?
    -You bet I do. As you know I was raised on a farm. We were told to put a ‘safe’ expiration date on the milk and cream. One week less than it was good for. I have a friend who works in the food industry high up in management. The expiration dates are all safe guesses to make sure the companies cannot be sued. I believe my nose (and the dog’s nose) and use common sense. Most spices hardly expire, can goods vary but all can be seen and smelled. Just fresh fish and chicken, and all deli cuts (meat and cheeses) are questionable. However, I buy cut ham from an Amish farm, it’s good for two weeks at least. When I get the same from the grocery store it goes bad in four or five days. Where it comes from is important!
    What’s the best way you or someone you know has gotten out of a ticket/trouble with the law? We let a kid in our house, and hid him when the cops were after him. (Very long story) We did the right thing. They had been partying the day before graduation, there was alcohol, when the neighbors called the cops, the all ran. One hid on our porch and I saw him when I walked by our door. When we opened the door he was gone. They looked for him but didn’t find him. He had been hiding in the bushes, I could see him. Not sure why nobody else didn’t. When the cops left I called him out. The young man, a kid, came right out. We let him in our home around 10 pm. I made coffee and told him to call his parents. He was so scared. “If I go to jail before prom my mom is going to kill me.” The parents showed up around 12 am. And yes, we are crazy.
    What’s the funniest comedy skit you’ve seen? Dany Kaye “”The pellet with the poison’s in the vessel with the pestle; the chalice from the palace has the brew that is true!”” made me laugh as a young girl and still does. It’s comedy at it’s best.

    • Wow! Now that’s the way to do it. 😀 Your husband did great!

      I love the riddle, so cute.

      I think you’re right about relying on your nose to ferret out food that’s gone bad. And I agree that where it comes from is important. I hadn’t thought about that, but it’s true.

      I think that’s nice what you did for the teen. You did the right thing by giving him shelter and having him call his parents.

      I love Danny Kaye! That’s a good one! Thank you for the link.

  3. HI Kymber, some interesting stories here. Which version of Hallelujah did she play? The Shrek version doesn’t seem that suitable. I have resigned from my job eight times. It is always either a cry for help because I’m totally overwhelmed or its out of boredom. I have a feast or famine sort of job. I do eat out of date Yogurt because its fine for ages after the best before date. Other stuff, no.

  4. Kick over desks and storm out. Q. What if they gave a war and nobody came? A. The war would come to you. I do not. Wow. I don’t have one for this. The Monty Python sketch about the Pope chewing out da Vinci over his last supper painting.

  5. What’s the most epic way you’ve seen someone quit or be fired? I don’t know if it’s “epic” but just the one that stick with me most. My uncle had a restaurant in a rural northern small town. One of his waitresses had pigs and she asked to bring home the food scraps left on people’s plates. She provided buckets that we would scrape the leftovers into. They were lined with black bags that she would pullout and put into boxes to bring home. Honestly, it was nice to not just waste all the food… there’s so much waste! She had been doing this for several years by the time I came to work for him as a manager. One night, at the end of her shift, I came by a bit earlier than usual because I had been out shopping and wanted to grab a bite to eat before my shift. I walked in on her slipping STEAKS and chicken breasts from the cooler into the boxes under the bags of slop. I immediately called my uncle. It came out that she had been doing this almost the entire time she’d been taking the slop home. It also came out that about half the staff knew about it and she would give them some of her haul to keep quiet. The worst part is, when my uncle made the decision to fire her, about half the town stopped coming in to the restaurant. Apparently my uncle was awful for firing someone for stealing THOUSANDS of dollars of merchandise from him. Yay, small town life.

    What’s a riddle you know? What is the longest word in the dictionary? Smiles, because there is a mile between each ‘s’.

    Do you eat food that’s past its expiration date if it still smells and looks fine? It depends on what it is. I’m a little more brave with shelf-stable foods, but I won’t risk it with dairy. I’m getting a little less paranoid about expiration dates after living with my husband so many years. My mom was the type to toss food BEFORE expiration.

    What’s the best way you or someone you know has gotten out of a ticket/trouble with the law? My husband got out of a speeding ticket because our son blurted out that Dad was “being grumpy because I was kicking the seat.” The police officer told my son that next time he should behave in the car so Dad can watch the speedometer.

    What’s the funniest comedy skit you’ve seen? Oof, put me on the spot with this one! I think pretty much most of Carol Burnett would qualify. Her Gone With the Wind bit is still one of my favorites.

  6. An overworked tech employee coded a humorous, animated self-deleting “goodbye” message into the company’s system, creatively detailing their journey and reasons for leaving, leaving a memorable impression on their colleagues.
    “I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I?” The answer is an echo.
    Yes, often food items are still safe to consume after their expiration date if they smell and look fine. However, it’s important to exercise caution and use good judgment, especially with high-risk items like dairy and meats.
    A person I know once got out of a speeding ticket by honestly admitting their mistake, showing genuine remorse, and highlighting their clean driving record. The officer appreciated the honesty and let them off with a warning instead of issuing a ticket.
    “The Dead Parrot Sketch” by Monty Python. The absurdity of trying to return a clearly deceased parrot to a pet shop, coupled with the shopkeeper’s refusal to acknowledge the parrot’s demise, makes it a classic in comedy history.

  7. What’s the most epic way you’ve seen someone quit or be fired?
    None, actually. In France you can’t get fired on the spot, so it’s usually a civilized affair, taking place behind closed doors…
    What’s a riddle you know?
    Yours is excellent – I’m useless when it comes to word games!
    Do you eat food that’s past its expiration date if it still smells and looks fine?
    I’ve lived in Africa, in one of the hottest countries on the planet. You kind of get used to smell everything before you wash it in chlorine. Everything gets through the chlorine part – soda cans, bottles, fruit and vegetables. Only thing that doesn’t is local food that is already prepared and ready to consume, and then there’s the meat – but you deepfreeze it before cooking it. Just to say, sooner or later you get used to local food and you start relying on your nose and eyes more than dates.
    What’s the best way you or someone you know has gotten out of a ticket/trouble with the law?
    Best one was when I actually got a date with the officer who had stopped me for doing a U-turn. It didn’t last though, but he was handsome and pretty wicked 😉
    What’s the funniest comedy skit you’ve seen?
    “Dinner for One” with Freddy Frinton and May Warden. A must see, and “same procedure as last year” will become part of your vocabulary 😀

    • How nice it would be if we followed your country’s practice when it comes to firing someone. That’s a good point about relying on your eyes and nose for food that’s gone bad. You dated the officer! That is so amazing! I love that story! 😀

      I can’t wait to watch the link you posted! Thank you so much. xo

  8. I love your Q&A, Kymber. The “Hallelujah Chorus” is the best way to say “I had it.” The cop in #4 deserved an award. For #4, I got a ticket for “making a left turn at a red light.” I didn’t. I was still making the turn when the light turned yellow. The yellow light only lasted for 4 seconds and then turned red. Later, I went to the intersection and videotaped the turning of the signal. Then I wrote to to police chief (I knew him) to explain to him that I didn’t make a left turn on red. I also quoted one incident about the Mayor (I also knew the Mayor). I told the police chief I would go to court to challenge my ticket. He wrote back and said I was dismissed.

  9. Great answers Kymber. Here’s mine.

    What’s the most epic way you’ve seen someone quit or be fired? I was giving a person a review for the year and they stood up and said”You know what you say makes sense and gives me the incentive to leave.” He walked out
    What’s a riddle you know? Waht tow things you can never eat for breakfast? Lunch and dinner.
    Do you eat food that’s past its expiration date if it still smells and looks fine? Never
    What’s the best way you or someone you know has gotten out of a ticket/trouble with the law? I was pulled over and the officer asked me why I was speeding. I asked him if he had ever quit smoking? He let me go with a warning.
    What’s the funniest comedy skit you’ve seen? I have to say a Laurel and Hardy bit where Hardy would go nuts if he heard a horn. A crook was after them and Hardy was beating the crook up as long as the Laurel played the horn. Sure enough Laurel broke the horn and Hardy kept yelling for him to play it as the crook beat him up. (You had to be there)

    • Oh my goodness. What a way to go. lol I laughed at your riddle lol The cop let you go! That’s a great story! haha That Laurel and Hardy skit sounds hilarious. I will look it up because I think The Mister would like it, too.

  10. Aww! That policeman was the sweetest <3
    What’s the most epic way you’ve seen someone quit or be fired?
    That’s a tough one. I’ll have to pass, lol

    What’s a riddle you know?
    A long, long time ago, I was on a children’s television show called Popcorn Playhouse, and we were allowed to ask the mouse (a head hanging on the wall, lol) a joke. Here’s mine: What did the bug say when he hit the windshield? I’ll never have the guts to do that again! I think I shocked the host with that one 🙂

    Do you eat food that’s past its expiration date if it still smells and looks fine?
    No. I’ve had food poisoning twice- it’s no joke.

    What’s the best way you or someone you know has gotten out of a ticket/trouble with the law?
    My brother was driving our family home from the city one day when he was pulled over for speeding. He got mouthy with the cop and would have received a ticket if my mom hadn’t leaned forward and sweet-talk the officer into letting us go. Then she batted my brother in the back of the head and told him to use his manners. I loved it 🙂

    What’s the funniest comedy skit you’ve seen?
    Lucy chasing chocolates-

    • LMAO! Oh, Jacquie, that is soooo funny! I love that you did that. haha Oh my goodness, your mom batting your brother in the back of his head has me rolling! LOLOL That is soooo funny! I love Lucy, I really do. 😀

  11. Loved your answers my dear ChickieKymber! 🙌🏼 Girl, I too loved Abbott and Costello’s skit. I don’t see how in the world they didn’t get tongue-tied with who was on first!!! Thanks for the memories ladybug Have a wonderful evening! 😍💖🥰

  12. What wonderful answers, Kymber. The Hallelujah Chorus was a hoot. And the rose from the traffic cop was so touching I nearly cried. Mine would be so boring that I’m only going to answer #3. Unless it’s meat, I’ll give it a try – just cut off or scoop away the moldy parts. Want to come over for dinner? Lol

  13. Many years ago, at a previous job, there was a fellow who was prank calling one of the gentlemen in the offices with alarming regularity. Usually multiple times per day… From an in-house phone. They were able to trace the calls back to the source, and it was a phone that only this fellow was known to use. They confronted him to ask about it, and he immediately started screaming, took his shirt off and threatened to fight his accuser and a supervisor. They told him he had to leave, and on the way out he was threatening to come back and “F the place up”, and he was a known firearm owner, so the police were notified, etc.
    Truly can’t think of one at the moment lol
    I have a thing about use by and expiration dates. I simply cannot get past that date, even if it’s only one day. In the trash it goes lol
    One time a girl I know got pulled over for speeding. The cop asked here “Where’s the fire?” Without missing a beat the girl looked him dead in the eye and says “Between my legs and only you can put it out.” Witnesses say the cop blushed, told her get the hell out of there and went back to his car. 😄
    Pretty much anything by Redd Foxx. lol

  14. What’s the most epic way you’ve seen someone quit or be fired?
    What’s a riddle you know?
    Do you eat food that’s past its expiration date if it still smells and looks fine?
    What’s the best way you or someone you know has gotten out of a ticket/trouble with the law?
    What’s the funniest comedy skit you’ve seen?

    This was in the service and my first night in boot camp, some girl drank a bottle of rubbing alcohol because she decided basic would be too hard for her to handle. I guess it wasn’t so much as quitting as desperate to get out. (she lived as far as I know)

    I can’t remember a riddle longer than five minutes. 🤣

    Nope, not after experiencing food poisoning twice.

    On a trip to Colorado eons ago, Dave got caught speeding through a school zone in the middle of the night. (with?) Anyway, our then 3yr old popped up from the back seat and asked the officer if his daddy was going to jail. He let us off with a warning.

    The one by Bill Cosby explaining childbirth.

    • Oh my! I’m glad she lived. That sounds harrowing indeed.

      I laughed when you said you can’t remember a riddle longer than five minutes. I can relate to that. I only know the one riddle off the top of my head and it’s probably because I had so much fun telling it when I was a child.

      Ugh. Food poisoning is the worst. So awful and gross. It’s nothing to mess around with, that’s for sure.

      Your 3-year-old was hilarious. LOL

  15. Good morning, Kymber! Even if I only answer one of these, it’s so epic I have to write it. Thirty years ago, I was headhunted to work at a local community bank. It was a great move, as I had been preceded by a few former co-workers. One in particular was a new accounts agent (for back of a better word.) I was there a few months when it was discovered that she was embezzling money from a little old lady with dementia, to the tune of a thousand dollars a pop.

    Long story short, it was Halloween when the bank president gave the go ahead to terminate her. The man who would do the “deed” had dressed that morning for Halloween as a prison inmate (I kid you not!) complete with black and white stripes and a hat. So he walked from his back room office with his team, all of them still in costume, and fired her. She’s lucky that’s all she got, because they could have prosecuted her for her crimes. But sometimes, reality is more fantastic than fiction. We still laugh about that. It was hilarious!

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