Let’s Go to Belize!

Photo © 2024 KL Hawke, all rights reserved.

In Belize (2010), we took a hike through the jungle so we could explore some caves. It was raining but we didn’t get wet because of the overhead foliage in the jungle.

Here are some pictures from that trip.

Photo © 2024 KL Hawke, all rights reserved.

We heard a lot of Howler Monkeys, and it was both a frightening but extremely exciting experience!

Photo © 2024 KL Hawke, all rights reserved.

Photo © 2024 KL Hawke, all rights reserved.

In the caves:

Photo © 2024 KL Hawke, all rights reserved.

Photo © 2024 KL Hawke, all rights reserved.

Photo © 2024 KL Hawke, all rights reserved.

Hope you’re staying warm, Kind Friends!

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Featured Image by Asad Photo: https://www.pexels.com/photo/sea-dawn-landscape-nature-9470519/

© 2024 Copyright | KL Hawke & booomcha.com | All Rights Reserved.

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  1. Hmmm, this is so weird because I know I posted a comment to this blogpost. I don’t remember what I wrote, but nevermind. 😝 I still enjoyed your pictorial tour through Belize ChickieDee! Hugs and smooches all day long! 🤗🦋🥳💖🥰

    • Thank you, Mike. 😀 We had lights on our helmets, but it was still kind of freaky. lol One thing, it was nice and cool in them as opposed to the heavy air of the jungle. All in all, it was great fun.

  2. I got to go to Belize on one of my two cruises, but your experience is the one I would have preferred. We went to the zoo and a natural pool. Not what I envisioned at all. Love your pictures!

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