Get to Know You #15!


Here is round 15:

  • What’s your go-to dance move?
  • What’s the funniest thing you’ve ever heard a child say?
  • What unwritten rule would you make mandatory if you could?
  • What’s your favorite TV show to binge-watch?
  • What fictional character would you be best friends with in real life?

Here are my answers:

  • Picture Elaine from Seinfeld and you’ll see a good representation of me cutting a rug.
  • When my children were 5 and 3, they were visiting a neighbor. She mentioned the sunset was lovely when she walked them home to my house. Immediately, my 5-year-old son Jaymes went into this long explanation about how the sun doesn’t really set, it’s the earth that moves around the sun on its axis. Then, my 3-year-old daughter looked up at that profound moment, and, out of the blue, brightly quipped, “I eat dirt!” LOL I about fell over laughing when the neighbor relayed all of this to me. I have to say, Katy-Lady has the most beautiful, pure soul I’ve ever encountered and she just has this light around her. She and her brother have kept me well entertained throughout the years.
  • I don’t mind the rigor of debate, but if you can’t say something nice or be civil, zip your pie-hole and scroll on by.🤣
  • Right now, I’d say Resident Alien. It’s incredibly funny.
  • I would definitely be friends with my bosom friend and kindred spirit Anne Shirley from Anne of Green Gables. We are so much alike. One of my grandmas used to call me Anne Shirley when I was a little girl.

And now, it’s your turn! If you don’t want to participate, that is totally fine, there is no pressure. A hello would be fantastic, though! Of course, lurkers are always heartily welcome. xo

Thank you so much for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting! You are important!

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  1. Hey Kymber! Fancy meeting you here!
    I don’t dance much anymore (Bad back and other pain issues) so I can’t really say I had a style even as a younger me.
    My niece, who was very much a tomboy as a little girl, was supposed to be a flower girl in her cousin’s wedding. When they went to pick up her dress, she looked at her mother, scowled and said, “Maaaahm (spelling that how it sounded coming from her 4-year-old mouth) that dress is HIDEOUS!” We still chuckled about that. She claims no recollection of it. I think her memory is conveniently lacking.
    Not to be lazy, but I rather agree with your unwritten rule. Too many “keyboard warriors” who feel the need to make their voices known on stuff that just doesn’t concern them. If you don’t agree, just keep scrolling. I guess not many people realize that’s an option…?
    My favorite show to binge? I have a couple, though I haven’t watched any television in a long time. “24” takes the top spot. I had the biggest crush on Jack Bauer for the longest time.
    I really relate to Kathy Bates’ character from Fried Green Tomatoes, especially as I’m getting older. Thirty years ago, she was a mother figure to me. Now, I’m “that” age (and probably older if I’m honest with myself,) and the character is much more relatable. I’d love to sit and chat over a sweet tea.

    • Hi, Wendy! Great to see you!
      I can totally understand that. I’m actually in a wheelchair some of the time, so I get it. I love that the 4 year old thought her dress was “HIDEOUS!” That is so funny! lol That’s definitely the option I wish people would catch on to. haha She would be great over a cup of tea. I agree with you! 🙂

  2. I don’t have a go-to dance move, but Elaine’s was the first thing I thought of, lol!
    It’s probably not the funniest thing, but the first that came to mind. My youngest told a friend in kindergarten the sun was made of farts since it was a ball of gas.
    I like your choice of unwritten rule. If you can’t say something nice, zip the pie hole. The world doesn’t need more negativity spewed into the atmosphere.
    Right now I’m kind of binging Northern Exposure again.
    The fictional friend is a hard one. Probably some snarky character. I always appreciate good snark.

    • I think we’re kindred spirits, Teri! LOLOL LMAO about your Kindergartner. haha That has me rolling, I think it’s really funny. And creative, too! I sooo agree with you about the world not needing anymore negativity spewed out. I couldn’t have said that better. Northern Exposure is so funny. 😀 Oh, yes, someone snarky would be fun! 😀

  3. I don’t really have one. 2. When one of my nephews was going through a phase of adoring and imitating Mr. T, he was on Santa’s lap at a mall and when Santa asked him if he had been a good boy, my nephew made a hostile, Mr. T face and said “No, fool!” He grew out of the phase after a few months, but during that period he imitated Mr. T in a lot of his interactions. 3. None. 4. The Prisoner with Patrick McGoohan. 5. Nick Charles.

  4. I love it when children just blurt whatever they’re thinking (as long as it’s not hurting anyone)! Pretty sure I would have laughed as well in this situation. A fictional character I’d be friends with: Probably Jane Bennet. I haven’t read much fiction in a while so hard for me to say, but would have to be someone kind and patient. The warmer they are, and the better they listen, the more I’ll want to share my stories with them.

    • Children can be so funny, and so honest. 🙂 I love that you chose Jane Bennet! And I really like that you said they’d have to be warm. I totally agree with that as I think those are great qualities in a person. Thank you so much for stopping by!

  5. What’s your go-to dance move?
    I like the “step ball change” in jazz dance. It’s very easy but looks like you’re doing something special.

    What’s the funniest thing you’ve ever heard a child say?
    When I was single and lived alone in an apartment complex, a little girl who lived next door loved me and always visited.
    One time, it was an election year and she told me they got to vote in school.
    I asked who she voted for. She said, “Nobody.”
    I asked “Why?”
    She said, “If I vote for one, the other would be mad at me. And I don’t need a president being mad at me!!!”

    What unwritten rule would you make mandatory if you could?
    People shouldn’t be allowed to talk about themselves non-stop.
    It’s the worst thing to endure if you’re sitting next to someone at a party and they do this.
    Makes me BATTY!!!

    What’s your favorite TV show to binge-watch?
    “All in the Family”

    What fictional character would you be best friends with in real life?
    Samantha from “Sex and the City.” She never judged her friends and was always fun and exciting.

    • Your dance move sounds like fun! I love your little neighbor girl. She sounds like such a cutie. 😀 I don’t think I’d want a president mad at me either. lol Why do people talk non-stop about themselves? That drives me batty, too. I freaking LOVE All in the Family! lololol

      • We have so much in common!
        I love your idea about being kind, but I didn’t want to be a copy cat.
        I guess mine is like being kind because talking non-stop about oneself is a passive/aggressive way of being unkind. It means you don’t care about what the other person has to say. Right?

  6. I think everyone loves Elaine bustin’ a move on Seinfeld! 😂😝🤣 These are some great responses ChickieDee. But “I eat dirt?” OMG…only in your comical household! 😜 I am dying here!

  7. It was a blast to read your answers, Kymber, especially since I love doing Elaine’s dance. It always makes my husband laugh. And your kids cracked me up! I think I would have peed in my pants on that one. Lol. I was walking my grandson in a stroller on summer when he was between 2 and 3, and he looked up at me and said, “Grammy, grammy, I’m having a hot flash.” So funny.
    And I like your rule – what a difference that would make…
    Thanks for the recommendation of Resident Alien…
    And I would be friends with Gandalf. 🙂

    • Thank you so much, Diana! Great to see you! 🙂 I might’ve peed my pants, I can’t remember! haha I know I was doubled over, laughing. lol I love your Little telling you he was having a hot flash! LOLOLOL When my Middle Little (Lyra) wants to be picked up, she holds her little arms up and says, “Uppies!” lol Sometimes I wish they’d stay little. If you watch Resident Alien, I want to know what you think. LOL We are eagerly awaiting Season 3. The trailer for it looks so funny. Hey, Gandalf is a good choice!

  8. What’s your go-to dance move?

    Well, since I’ve lost my mobility in one leg due to MS and can no longer lift it, and most of my body is tight due to spasticity, you’ll find me around the house doing a lot of robot-like dance moves, like this (Lol)!

    What fictional character would you be best friends with in real life?

    Batman. I’d fly around with him to help stop crime and trouble.

    What’s the funniest thing you’ve ever heard a child say?

    A child who was 3 or 4 once met a black child for the first time. He chatted with her and proceeded to rub her skin. He turns and says, “Don’t come off!!” 😂🤣😅

    What unwritten rule would you make mandatory if you could?

    Let kids speak in public debates to tell us/them the real deal.

    What’s your favorite TV show to binge-watch?

    Right now, The Big Bang Theory


  9. What’s your go-to dance move? Thriller!
    What’s the funniest thing you’ve ever heard a child say? I can’t recall any, but I don’t have any kids myself. I can, however, make a long, comprehensive Powerpoint of annoying things I’ve heard other people’s kids say.
    What unwritten rule would you make mandatory if you could? Cover your mouth when you cough. Oh! And wash your hands after using the restroom. I get visibly angry whenever I’m washing my hands, and someone runs out of the stall and to the exit door.
    What’s your favorite TV show to binge-watch? Sanford & Son
    What fictional character would you be best friends with in real life? I’ll go with that genie from Aladdin, how can anyone not like that guy?

    Best wishes to you!!!

    • Yes to Thriller dancing! That is awesome! That’s so gross when people don’t wash their hands or cover their mouths. Blech. Good rule! I haven’t seen Sanford and Son in years. I used to watch reruns of that and All in the Family. lol Hey, I agree! You can’t go wrong with a friend like Aladdin! 😀

      Best wishes to you, too!

  10. Hi Kymber,

    Here I go:

    What’s your go-to dance move?
    I’d love to be able to dance like Frances (Baby) and Johnny in Dirty Dancing.
    What’s the funniest thing you’ve ever heard a child say?
    Drawing a blank on this!
    What unwritten rule would you make mandatory if you could?
    Be kind to all!
    What’s your favorite TV show to binge-watch?
    Friends (love the laughter), Grey’s Anatomy (love Patrick Dempsey), but there are many! 🙂
    What fictional character would you be best friends with in real life?
    Bridgett Jones (the laughter would never end), but so many to choose from such as Elle Woods, Jane Ayre, Jo March, Rachel from Friends, Mary Poppins, Mary Tyler Moore, Maria from Sound of Music, Elaine from Seinfeld, and the list goes on. 🤗

  11. What’s your go-to dance move?
    What’s the funniest thing you’ve ever heard a child say?
    What unwritten rule would you make mandatory if you could?
    What’s your favorite TV show to binge-watch?
    What fictional character would you be best friends with in real life?

    When I was in Jr high, the favorite song of us that loved to dance, was Smoke on the Water. I still remember the dance we did to it, so that’s my go to. It was simple and easy to remember.
    All of my kids were…unique, lol. Once when my middle son Joshua was a toddler, my husbands friend John gave him one of his replacement prosthetic legs, complete with the tennis shoe on the foot. Josh hopped out of the car when he got home and said, “Mom! Look what I got!!” I was mortified, but he was so proud. Later his daddy and I still tell that story and laugh.
    The rule I wish could be enforced by the law the most is -Do not drive distracted. It would save so many lives unnecessarily lost every day!!!
    My favorite show to binge watch is a hard one. Dave and I was so many reruns that were just hilarious, but one of my favs has still got to be Friends.
    I’m still thinking on that last one. Of all the characters I read in books to all of the musicians (female) that I admired, I cannot choose. My true besties aren’t like anyone I ever wanted to be growing up, but everytime I sing, I try to channel Mariah Carey. Except for being a diva, I think I’d have been besties with her…or maybe Cher. I was kind of a rebel too!

  12. What’s my go-to dance move? I kind of stand around moving my arms like the dork that I am.
    What’s the funniest thing you’ve ever heard a child say? When my nephew was 5 or 6, he sat next to me, studying my face intently, before saying, “My dad owns a razor.”
    What unwritten rule would I make mandatory if I could? Never defend your statement with “Do the research” without first citing your sources.
    What’s my favorite TV show to binge-watch? Lost
    What fictional character would I be best friends with in real life? Scout, from To Kill a Mockingbird. She’s seen some stuff.

  13. What’s your go-to dance move? Getting out of the chair. (It is very popular with folks my age)
    What’s the funniest thing you’ve ever heard a child say? “Why is your nose so big?
    What unwritten rule would you make mandatory if you could? Be kind to others since you have no idea what they are going through.
    What’s your favorite TV show to binge-watch? Was Yellowstone but I binged watched it to conclusion waiting for the new season.
    What fictional character would you be best friends with in real life? Kilgore Trout from Kurt Vonnegut novels.

  14. As usual, without reading your answers and without reading other comments:
    What’s your go-to dance move? The clip pretty much sums it up.
    What’s the funniest thing you’ve ever heard a child say? “I am not going to tell you the secret,” his answer when the mom asked why his room was always so messy.
    What unwritten rule would you make mandatory if you could? Look at people when they are talking.
    What’s your favorite TV show to binge-watch? MAS*H
    What fictional character would you be best friends with in real life? Yoda

  15. Hi Kymber, Anne Shirley is a wonderful choice of literary friend. My kids entertained me too. Greg asked our minister once how the dinosaurs fitted in with the Bible. Father Jeremy went to great lengths to explain which was very kind of him.

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