Michigan Road Games!


This is a game we like to play in Michigan…


Or, you can follow the headlights in front of you and pray they’re on the road. 😀

Photo © 2024 KL Hawke, all rights reserved.

You can’t really tell in the photo, but it is snowing heavily right now. 🙂 I just took this shot a few minutes ago.

Happy timezones, Friends! Wherever you are, whatever weather you are having, I hope you are well! Stay safe and warm!

Thank you so much for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting! You are important!

Featured Image by Theresa McGee from Pixabay

© 2024 Copyright | KL Hawke & booomcha.com | All Rights Reserved.

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  1. I have wanted a snow day like this for 3 years now! I live in Ohio near the lake and my entire life we have always had snow like your picture. Three years ago I bought my first four wheel drive (Jeep) and couldn’t wait to try it out. Well, not one day have I needed it!!!! What a difference each side of the lake makes. Lol

  2. In back country Minnesota we got all that snow on dirt roads which had frozen up in tire tracks underneath, which will throw a vehicle off the road by surprise ~ right into the equally snow filled six foot drainage ditches on either side. Nobody got through the winter without getting pulled out at least once…

    • Thank you, Thomas. What I wouldn’t give for 75 degrees here. But, you know, I’m just used to the snow conditions, so I’m really not that bothered by it.

      It’s a great game. LOLOLOL

  3. Oh no…follow that car!!! 🚗🚙🚚 You captured beauty and mystery all in one shining moment ChickieDee. And if those lights you’re following are no longer red and turn white, well Houston, we have a problem!!! 😍😲😜

  4. Don’t you just love the snow? Big fat snowflakes, gently falling, covering everything in clean, clear, white…We got a big dump of it yesterday, about 25 cm. I just had to go outside and take it all in… I love the snow!

  5. We had such situation many years ago. It began with some snowflakes and turned into a snowstorm. Hubby, the kids and i were on the highway, heading home after spending the afternoon with my parents. We barely saw the lights before us and passing through snowddrifts carefully. But no a single light to see after us. The highway had become impassable and we were one of the last cars coming through. Many other drivers got stuck and had to wait for hours until snow removal vehicles arrived. There isn’t much snow in my area and I enjoy it most of the time. Cars weren’t allowed to drive for days back then and we went shopping with our kids with a sleigh. They still remember that. Stay safe and warm. 🐈

    • Oh, wow, that sleighing through the snow sounds amazing! I’m so glad you shared this memory with me. I remember in the later 70s, I was about 8, I think, when it snowed clear up past our front window and door and Dad had to shovel us out. lol I have a picture of it somewhere.

  6. Such a charming smile! 🙂 We sometimes play those road games in Ontario too. Not recently, thank goodness! Hope you don’t get deluged with a ton of snow!

    (P.S. I used Facebook to comment. WordPress kept telling me I had to log in, even though I already was. Debbie at The Doglady’s Den)

    • I have “How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria” stuck in my head, and it kind of fits with, “How Do You Solve a Problem, like WordPress.?” lol I hope you don’t get deluged with a ton of snow either! I imagine the conditions where you live are worse than ours at times.

    • Hi, Destiny! You are right about that! lol But I really do love it. There’s nothing prettier than waking up in the morning and seeing a beautiful snowfall. This is a really heavy, wet snow that’s good for building snowmen and tunnels. 😀

    • Thank you so much! You made me laugh just then. 😀 For me, it’s just beautiful and while the gray skies can wear on you, I still like it. By March, I’m pretty done with it, but it’s not always done with us. haha

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