Let’s Play a Game! It’s as Easy as Pie!


What’s wrong with this picture?

Image ©  2024 K.L. Hawke. All Rights Reserved.

I’ll give you a hint:

It’s the snow!!

And there you have it. Don’t mind me, I’m just feeling a bit salty because of an astounding case of Spring fever.

Will Easter weekend have nice weather? Stay tuned!

You know, even though I want Spring weather, I still have to admit the snow is pretty.

Sheesh, what am I saying? 😱 LOL

Thank you so much for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting! You are important!

Featured Image: Nathan Osman from Pixabay

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  1. LOL. That snow! UGH. It is pretty, but enough already. I felt the same way a couple of weeks ago, Kymber. We’re back to rain, thank goodness. I’m so ready for spring! Here’s to the end of that white stuff until the end of the year.

  2. Still waiting for spring here too Kymber. Our snow has stopped….for now and it is supposed to get to 10C on Wednesday. Slowly, ever slowly, spring is coming. Happy Monday. Allan

    • Happy Monday to you, too, Allan! I’m so glad for your temperature increase and that the snow has stopped. Let’s hope your weather isn’t faking you out right now. LOLOL 😀

  3. I really took many a close looks at your image to find what’s wrong, Kymber 🤭😂
    should have read further first lol…

    coming your way soon we hoping for you💐

    • Thank you. I’m sure you’re right that it’s just around the corner. And you’re also right that after a few days of hot weather this summer, we’ll be wondering when our first snow will hit. haha

  4. For many of us, snow days were the best as a kid. How could you not love spending a school day building snowmen, sledding, and making snow angels? As an adult, it’s much easier to instead get annoyed with the chores a snow day brings, like having to shovel the driveway or stay off the roads. But why focus on the negative when we can throw on our snow boots and go out to enjoy the beautiful snowy weather?

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