A Catnip Caper

Photo © 2024 KL Hawke, all rights reserved.

Where there are toys…

Photo © 2024 KL Hawke, all rights reserved.

…Josie-Pye is nearby!

This is what happens when the catnip hits, Folks!

Every night, before bed, we have to gather up the toys she has left for us and throw them down the front staircase.

During the day, she stalks her prey, captures and kills them, and then leaves them on our bed. lol

Cesare is still looking for his favorite little fishy toy. We did find it underneath a sofa, but it has disappeared again. He suspects Josie-Pye is behind the fish-napping plot and he swears he will get to the bottom of this can of tuna!

Photo © 2024 KL Hawke, all rights reserved.

In other news, this was the view outside the other day. It was 12°F,/-11°C, but if you add the windchill, it felt like 0°F. It has snowed since this photo was taken, and we’re expecting a mixture of rain and snow today.

Well, I’m off now to play with Josie-Pye, scratch Cesare’s chinny-chin-chin and have some hot chocolate. I hope you’re all having a terrific day!

Thank you so much for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting! You are important!

Featured Image by Annette Meyer from Pixabay

© 2024 Copyright | KL Hawke & booomcha.com | All Rights Reserved.

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  1. Cats in my life have been the yin to my yang…..my comfort “blanket”…..my happy place. My cat Teddy is a 25-lb. bundle of inspiration and the reason I blog. Period. Love your website….so much to see and do.


  2. Oh no, not the Catnip Caper! 😺😹😸 So Cesare leaves all of those darling little trophies on your bed eh? Girl, you and your feline follies! 😼🙀😽 Oh and just stay inside and leave the wind chill factor outside where it belongs! Girlfriend, I got the chills just looking at that photo! 🥶🧊😱 Hugs and smooches ChickiePie! 🥰

  3. I love that she “kills” her prey then leaves them on your bed, lol. I regularly have to get Bond’s toys out from under the couches and chairs. He gets so excited – like it’s Christmas morning.

  4. That’s just too cold, Kymber. The perfect day for playing with kitties. Mine like to carry their toys around too. Velma is beginning to bring one to me now and then. Daphne loves hiding them, stuffing them under doors or under the piano or refrigerator… It’s the devil to get them back out. LOL. Hugs.

    • LOL It’s definitely cold here. I’m happy to stay indoors on days like these. 😀 Then there’s my son who is known to wear shorts all year round. 😀 That’s not unusual, though, for where we live.

      I love the name Velma! That is so dang cute! And Daphne, too! You definitely need a Scoob, Shaggy, and Fred! 😀 😀 😀

      I know what you mean about fishing toys out from under the fridge and all kinds of tight places. hahaha

      Sending you hugs! xo

      • Their first year adoption anniversary is the week of Valentine’s Day. When I knew the (then 6 month old kittens) were on the way, I did a blog post asking people to offer up names of detective duos. (I had thought of Jeeves & Wooster [though not detectives], but it turned out their personalities were both Woosters and no Jeeves!] There were some great suggestions. So when the kitties arrived, I had several ideas to see what might suit them. Chris Graham, the Story Reading Ape had the names that fit — Daphne and Velma, as in Scooby Doo. The thought had crossed my mind during one night, but it didn’t stick in my memory until Chris suggested it. Cheers.

        • What a great idea to ask your readers what they should be named! I love that! And I laughed when you said they were both Wooster, no Jeeves. haha

          That was a brilliant idea Chris had. I really enjoy his site.

          The Mister likes naming our cats using people names. We’ve had a Lucy, Lisa, Cassie, and now we have Josie-Pye. He calls her Jo-Jo. lol Our boy is named Cesare just because. We actually mostly call him Buddy or Chezzy. Well, he answers to Babyboy, too.

          Growing up, I had a cat named Q-Tip, and goldfish: Beatrice Minerva and Elwood P. lol My dad named all of those.

  5. Aw, Josie Pye is so cute!!
    And your window is awesome. Where do you live that it’s so cold? We’re going up to 50 today here in New Jersey, but it’s rainy and gloomy. Not my favorite weather. I’d rather have colder with sun.

  6. Our Vader is just like your cat. His balls and toys are everywhere and he brings them in our bed. I found a pillow cover on Amazon “It’s the dog’s bed, we just sleep in it” and I am tempted to buy it and put in our bed. 🙂
    I love the shot through your glass window. The red diamond in the middle makes it colorful and interesting. Great view.

  7. I have many cats. They have a door for house ingress and egress 24/7. On days and nights like we’ve had so far this month in which there is snow and wind and low temperatures, the cats stay inside instead of expending their kitty energy outside doing kitty activities that make them want to sleep at night. To keep the kitty peace, I put washcloths (dry) and soft toys around the kitchen that have catnip on/in them. Works like a charm. 😉

    • That is so cool, Kaye! I love hearing about your cats. When I was a girl, my mom would put catnip in a handkerchief and close it with a rubber band. Our cat, Q-Tip, went nuts over that. LOL

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