Veronica Bardot

nail art studio


On the surface, Veronica Bardot was successful in every aspect of her life. She began as a nail tech in a nail salon. But as she learned her craft, ideas took root. Over time, she compared the price of the products the studio used and the price the clients paid.

The nail salon was pulling in a great profit, while her salary was a mere pittance. She worked hard to please her clients because she figured if she opened her own nail studio, her clients would follow her.

It was hard work and her degree in business that gave her the confidence to follow her dream. After her breakup with Kai Seaforth, she felt despondent. She’d been working at the department store Black and White and in a going-nowhere relationship with him.

If she’d known all the sacrifices she’d have to make to finally see her dreams realized, would she do it all again?

When she changed her perspective, things came together better. Black and White and Kai were stepping stones to where she was now.

Working at the department store gave her experience. And, she’d even legally changed her last name because, face it, who wanted to go to a salon owned by Veronica Gorey? No one, that’s who.

Her nail spa would simply be called “Bardot.”

But Kai… No one had supported her as much as him. It was with him her first sacrifice had been made.

She’d given her baby up for adoption. Not even out of college yet, she was too young for a child. Kai had seen how desperate her situation was. And he’d never judged her even though it was the worst mistake of her life. The baby wasn’t his, yet he’d stuck with her throughout the entire pregnancy as if he were the father.

Every day of her life since the adoption, she had made the conscious decision to push it out of her mind because thinking about it was too painful.

Not that she regretted her decision, as it had been best for both her and the baby. It was that she didn’t know if she had a son or daughter out there. Who adopted him/her? Were they good to her child?

But it wasn’t her child. Not really.

Taking a deep breath, she turned her thoughts back to her nail salon. Her future.

This was not the time to ruminate on the past.

Her stomach clenched and her mouth went dry when she thought about today’s meeting with the business loan officer.

She squared her shoulders and looked inside her bag one more time. There was nothing else she could do. Everything was in order.

Today, all her sacrifices would be worth the effort. Today, her new life would begin.

Surprise! I was scanning through Kai’s generation in Noble Doubt and realized after Ronnie and Kai broke up, she’s just gone. Well, here is what happened. 🙂 I hope you enjoyed the story.

Special thanks to Bee (Stories by Bee / Poses by Bee) for editing this story, and thank you, everyone, for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting! You are appreciated, and I hope the upcoming week is a terrific one for you!

Other Credits:
Lot: Sims3 New York Loft 紐約客

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  1. Thank you for sharing!!.. looking forward to the next chapter… everyone has made decisions in the past based on the cards life had dealt us at the time… “Every single thing that has ever happened in your life is preparing you for a moment that is yet to come”. (Author Unknown)…. 🙂

    Hope all is well in your part of the universe, life is all that you wish for it to be and until we meet again…

    May love and laughter light your days,
    and warm your heart and home.
    May good and faithful friends be yours,
    wherever you may roam.
    May peace and plenty bless your world
    with joy that long endures.
    May all life’s passing seasons
    bring the best to you and yours!
    (Irish Saying)

  2. Ohhh, you know, I kinda forgot about Veronica. She was just there and gone after the breakup. It can be so hard to keep up with side characters so it’s always great to me when they get a little screen time so we know what they’ve been up to. Poor girl has had her share of heartache with giving up her baby. Such a tough decision for anyone, and I think it’s something you just completely don’t get over. Kai was a true gentleman, and I hope she can always remember him fondly even though they’re relationship didn’t work out. Gosh, what happened to him still hurts my heart. Anyway, this was awesome, and I love Bardot as a name for her business. May she get rich and famous, and I hope she finds her greatest happiness. 😋♥️

    • Veronica was sort of forgettable. LOL I mean, she didn’t really have that much to do with Kai’s story. You’re right about how difficult it is to follow along with side characters when you’re in the midst of a legacy.

      It was fun to delve (even if it was only slightly) into Veronica’s life to see what had become of her. I’m glad you liked it.

      I really liked Kai a lot. It’s too bad about him. lol I know that sounds flippant, but I don’t mean it to sound that way. 🤍

  3. I enjoyed the finely written easy read of, what turned out to be, an excellent story line. I wished such circumstance as Veronica faced were rare, sadly though, all too common through the ages, leaving a suffering mother and much of the time a child with a lost soul. The father walks away unscathed on either account. Kai turned out to be a true selfless friend in this case. Well done Kymber – you got style!

  4. How fun! I could read stories about side characters forever! I love them, and then the main story always needs to shift away from them. But it’s so cool when they get their own chance to be at the center!

    • Thank you, CT. I’m so glad you like seeing follow-ups to side characters. ❤ It’s hard to follow them all without losing the main story, so in a way, I’m glad I can focus on them now.

  5. You have a gift. Your imagination can run wild and you get it on paper really well. This is a nice adventure of a young woman coming of age and getting a grip on her life. Congratulations!

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