Chapter 8.1: Dear Diary, I’m Kai


Did you miss Kara’s last post on Wednesday? Catch it here: Chapter 7.30: Dear Diary, the Torch Shall be Passed… or Else!

Part 1: The Wedding

Dear Diary, let me start by saying that’s the only time I’m putting that in my section of the family journal. It was one thing calling you a diary in my personal journal because I figured no one would ever read it. This is different.

I’ll be as truthful as I can, and do my part for the legacy. To future generations, I just want to say it’s okay if you skip reading mine. Really.

I tried reading my mom’s part in the journal, but I had to set it aside. I’m sure I’d understand her better if I continued. It was too awkward, though. Maybe someday I’ll return to it.

So, the last thing mom wrote about was her wedding to my dad. It only took them eighteen years to tie the knot. My family is so weird.

I’d told my parents I wouldn’t be there because I had an important interview with the Dean of Providence College. I was able to move that, though, and still show up in time to see the nuptials. You should’ve seen my mom’s face.

I brought my friend Veronica Fernsby with me. What I didn’t count on, was Jade being there.

Jade and I go way back. We grew up together and were pretty close before my parents sent me away to boarding school. She and I got into alcohol, drugs, and other stuff. You could probably say she was my girlfriend.

She looked good but not too happy, and she kept doing this with her hands when I talked to her. Sometimes I think girls are just too complicated for my life.

“So, are you angry?” I asked her.

Her eyes got big, she pursed her lips, and to me, it looked like her head might explode right off her shoulders. Through sheer instinct, I backed away a step.

“Haven’t you heard a word I said?”

To be honest, I zoned out right after the hand waving began. I wasn’t stupid enough to say that, however.

“Of course,” I lied. Because what else was I going to say? What I really wanted to know was how she happened to be here. As far as I knew, I was the only connection she had to my family, and I hadn’t invited her.

I never had the chance to ask her, though, because she made it clear she was in charge of this encounter.

“And who is that blonde?”

The way she said blonde, you would have thought it was a four-letter word or something.

“Uh, that’s Veronica, a friend of mine. We’re going to the same college. Well, if I get in.”

“A friend.”

“Uh, yeah.”

I stared at her in an attempt to figure out why she was so angry. Even after I left for boarding school, we’d kept in touch through phone conversations and texting. About halfway through the year, we decided the distance was too much, and to see other people. What was the big deal?

“Like the way we were friends?”

Ooooooh. I hesitated to answer. This felt like a trap.

All at once, she took a deep breath, holding it a second, then gave me her best smile. It didn’t take a genius to see it was a fake smile.

“I’m sorry, Kai. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. It doesn’t really matter if you brought your girlfriend. It’s not like we’re together anymore.”

This was even stranger. Why would she be so angry, then suddenly back off like that? Then she was talking again.

“So, you’re going to business school?”

I nodded. Every word I spoke to her from here out was like standing on tiptoe. “Uh, yeah. I want to own a car repair service.”

Her eyes were a little red, but she nodded now, too.

“That’s wonderful. I think that’s a good fit for you.”

“You don’t think I’m copying you?” I asked with a little smile.

She laughed, and I was glad to see a real smile on her face.

“No. Besides, I’m not going into business after all. I graduated early and started working on my four-year degree. Then I’m going to law school. I want to help people in our old neighborhood.”

“Jade, that’s great! I know you’ll do well.”

We spoke for a few more minutes, then I returned to my plus-one.

“Who is that?” Veronica asked.

I couldn’t tell if she was giving me the stink-eye, or if it was aimed at Jade, but it was there.

“That is Jade Greenhill from my old neighborhood. We were catching up.”

“Hm. She’s pretty.”

Jade is gorgeous, I wanted to say. I understood if that came out my mouth, though, I’d likely get strung up by my toenails. I’m so not into self-punishment.

“Hey, I want you to meet my cousin Robert,” I told her, taking her arm and pulling her away.

Part 2: Four Years Later

Has anyone neglected the family journals as long as I have? I intended on doing my share, then I started college, and was having too much fun to worry about some legacy. Anyway, several months ago, I graduated with my bachelor’s degree in business administration. My plan was to move to a big city and start my business.

My dad had other plans. During a visit with my parents, dad offered to finance me if I moved to Sunset Valley where he and mom live. Yeah, it was a bribe. And he didn’t have to ask me twice.

Veronica was pretty salty about it, though, because she’d planned on a business venture, too, and that plan didn’t include living near my parents in a little town. After a lot of fighting, and her threatening to kill me once or twice, the decision was made. (Oh, we’ve been dating more seriously the last three years. Well, I think she’s more serious than I am. I’m going to have to guard this book with my life now, right?)

My cousin Rob Wright (he’s my mom’s half-brother’s son, confused yet?) was already living in Sunset Valley. He’s a few years older than me and is one of the high school English teachers. On the side, he coaches little league. I think that’s such a small town thing to do.

Anyway, his roommates moved out, so he asked me if Veronica and I wanted to move in. It’s a sweet loft, so here we are!

Rob and Ronnie (Veronica) don’t get along too well. Can you tell by this picture? He thinks she’s high maintenance, and she thinks he needs a woman.


This is it! This is my auto service station and repair shop! It may not look like a lot, but it’s got history. It was built in 1932, and the building is in solid shape. This is my life, and I love it.

Ronnie’s part owner in a Black & White franchise. Everything they sell is… you guessed it, black and white. I do not understand women’s fashion.

Don’t blink, or you’ll miss it, they say. This is Main Street. Pretty exciting stuff. We don’t even have a traffic light.

If you follow this twisty road out of town…

…you’ll eventually end up at my parents’ house. See the lighthouse? Mom and dad’s house is to the right of that. You can make it out through the palm trees.

Part 3: Happy, Happy Home

This is our happy, happy home with our happy, happy sign. Okay, so maybe I’d like to burn that sign, but Ronnie would kill me.

It always smells good because Ronnie makes awesome food. It’s probably the one reason Rob bites his tongue when he’s around her. Ronnie’s really smart, too, because she knows she can hold the daily menu over his head.

She even told me yesterday, “If he says one word, just one, there’s no food!”

My main concern was that she’d cut me off, too, just because she’s pissed at him. It’s an interesting way to live.

Welcome to my space. Standing directly behind me is Bae. She is my one and only, the reason I live.

Hang on, I need to make sure Ronnie isn’t standing behind me, reading over my shoulder…

… Okay, we’re good.

Isn’t she gorgeous, though?

The only thing that could me away from my bae is my growling stomach, and the smell of baked chicken.

Where was Ronnie, though?

“Where’s Ronnie?” Rob asked after bounding down the stairs.


My cousin turned his head just right, and I thought if he’d been an actor, that would’ve been his best side. Who has the right to even be that handsome?

Rob glanced around us, then leaned in closer to me.

“Listen, dude, I don’t mind her, you know I don’t. But does she have to use all the hot water right before I have to get up for work?”

“Why don’t you just talk to her about what time you need the bathroom, and that the hot water’s gone when you get it?”

“Because she’s impossible to talk to! Haven’t you noticed that?”

My face turned red as I saw Ronnie come in from the patio.

From her expression, it was clear she’d heard our conversation. “Ronnie, honey, we were talking about the hot water situation.”

It was too late for a recovery. She glared at Rob, and said, “Or you could just fix the ratty plumbing in this horrible place I never wanted to live in! How about that? Oh, and I’m sorry you have plans tonight and won’t be joining us for dinner!”

Yep. Happy, happy home.

I hope you enjoyed Kai’s first chapter! Thank you so much for stopping by!

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  1. I have to say I love Kai’s voice. His cousin is so handsome I wonder if he has his pupils falling for him. I wouldn’t blame them with a teacher like that, LOL. And Jade had a major glow-up. She was cute as a teen, but now that she let her gorgeous hair grow, she’s just stunning. And Ronnie, too, is a vision. Why are all of them so pretty again? But tbh, it’s pretty surprising he’d pick Ronnie after dating Jade, they are both stunning, but like practically opposites not only in looks. I loved the bit about poor Kai dealing with both girls, classic boy, ha ha. He didn’t change that much from a teen who worried about girls in groups, did he? That bit about his motorcycle being his true love is gold. He’s so much fun.

    • I’m so glad you love Kai’s voice. I think his cousin looks a lot like Perry. I bet his pupils are just swooning. lol Ronnie is definitely the opposite of Jade. I wonder if he chose her because of that. You’re right that he didn’t change that much from the teen who worried about girls being in groups. lol Kai and his bike forever. LOL

  2. Kai, Buddy, if I were you, I’d ditch Ronni eon a heartbeat. Rob is right that she’s high maintenance and she’s nothing more than a big headache. I hope he learns this before something happens and he gets his heart broken big time.

  3. Idk, I think he’s dating her because she’s hot and it was convenient while they were at college. Now that they’re living together, he’s getting to know her a lot more! I hope he’s not too scared to break up with her when the time comes.

    • Thank you, Heather. You just might be right about why Kai is dating Ronnie. They’re relationship is complicated, but hopefully, you’re right that he’ll break up with her when he needs to.

    • Thank you so much. I think you’re right about the “if looks could kill” thing! haha You’ll learn more about why Ronnie and Kai are together as time progresses. But I totally get what you’re saying.

    • Thank you so much. I agree! Jade is gorgeous! And, I don’t think that detail was lost on Kai. 😀 I’m glad you love the loft. I do, too. It’s been fun to play. I love how you put that about why is Kai with Ronnie. lol I think he’s not that into her, too, but we’ll see. 😀

  4. Wow, Kai’s relationship is certainly… something. I really wonder why he’s with her when they clash over so many things. It’s a great start, though. Can’t wait to learn more about this very strange living situation!

    • Thank you, Louise. Saying it’s “something” is pretty spot on. hahaha We’ll definitely be seeing more regarding their relationship and why they’re together. I’m glad you like the start. ;D

  5. Yikes… It truly doesn’t seem like Veronica and Kai get along that well. He hasn’t mentioned any good about her, which is never a good sign lol. I hope he moves on soon (maybe to Jade? 😀 )

    • Thank you, Raymond. Kai really hasn’t represented Veronica all that well. We’ll be seeing very soon what that’s all about. Jade would be a good solution, I think! 😀

  6. UGH!! He didn’t read?? He better get back to it soon!
    Veronica is pretty…pretty crazy I see LOL. He needs to get rid of her. But, knocking her up and being connected for life would make an interesting story LOL.
    Bae! I loved that he named his motorcycle that lol.
    The loft looks great. Very lofty lol.
    I do agree Rob is handsome!

    • No, he sure didn’t. He says it’s because it’s awkward but I think he’s lazy. LOL Veronica is something else, all right. At this point his connection with her could go either way. Yes! His bike is named Bae. hahaha Hopefully, Ronnie never finds out. lololol

  7. 18 years to get married… better late than never (maybe?!) 😆 I hope Kai does start a car repair service – do you think I can get mates rates? My car has been making some really weird sounds lately! I’m not sure if I said this before or not but the full-size pictures are very impressive (I’m viewing on your site directly, not the WP reader, and on laptop), I feel like I can see the detail more and be more absorbed in each scene. xx

    • LOL Thank you, Caz. Maybe is right! I reckon we’ll find out how it goes. lol Mates rates apply! 😀 😀 Hope that car of yours doesn’t clunk out on you. I’m so glad you like the full size pics. I’ve been working so hard on them. xo

    • Thank you, Violincat. You just might be right about Veronica. lol They don’t really seem happy, but this is just the opener. We’ll definitely find out more as we move forward. I’m glad you ship Jade and Kai. We’ll definitely see. 😀

  8. From what Kai wrote in his journal, I’m assuming Ronnie isn’t his final ‘stop’. I’m curious if he eventually returns to Jade or meet someone new completely.
    Nice start of a gen.

    • Thank you, maladi. 🙂 I reckon we’ll find out a lot more about Ronnie and why they’re together. I like how you call it the final “stop.” 😀 That’s a good question if he and Jade will be together again. I wish I could spill the tea now. 😀

  9. I’m not quite sure why Ronnie agreed to live with her boyfriend and his cousin if she hates it so badly. He is gorgeous by the way! But yes, she’s a great cook, but an awful roommate. Poor Kai. At least he has his bae! Lol.

    • LOL Thank you, Audrey. 😀 Yeah, Bae is everything. haha The dynamic between the three will come out more as this progresses. They each have their (very different) reasons for being there. 😀

  10. That is an interesting dynamic. I can’t wait to hear more about that with a few more chuckles. Kai said just what I thought, how on earth did Jade become close with his mom? More interesting things ahead in that regard as well and I will sit in anticipation of those!

    • Thank you, Bee. I thought it might be interesting to see what it’s like for the three of them attempting to live together. lol Excellent thought you had there, wondering about Jade! As you know, more on that soon! 😀

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