Chapter 7.30: Dear Diary, the Torch Shall be Passed… or Else!


Dear Diary, I didn’t know weddings were so hard to plan. When it comes right down to it, I don’t care about cakes, flowers, and decor. Dress shopping, and fittings don’t interest me. I care more about who can be there to share the experience with us.

That’s why, when we asked our family members, and found out Bram’s sister Sloan and her family wouldn’t be able to attend. Nor would my little brother Joey, well, it just added to the heartbreak I had over Kai’s absence, too.

Bram said instead of dwelling on what was wrong, we should do something extra to make it fun for us and the remaining guests. So, we decided on a destination wedding to Beautonas Island!

I was so excited. But you know how they say if anything can go wrong, it will? Yeah, that happened to be how it all went down. At first, it was little things… we couldn’t find our boarding passes and missed our flight, our room at the hotel was clear at the other end, away from everyone else’s, and I found out mom and dad hadn’t arrived on time.

The worst thing, though, was the airline losing my luggage which contained my wedding dress. I could have screamed. Bram called everyone and their brother, explaining the situation repeatedly, yet the dress was never found. I had a dress to wear, but it was a simple beach dress I’d packed as overflow with Bram’s things. It didn’t match the bridesmaids’ dresses at all, nor did it look like something you’d see at a wedding.

There’s more I could say, but let’s take a look at the guests, shall we? I was peeking at them from my dressing room’s big window.

There was Jarah, looking handsome as ever as Bram’s best man.

There’s Morrie, standing up for Bram as a friend of the family.

My matron of honor is my distant cousin Michelle, who is also Morrie’s wife.

And, my bridesmaid is my friend from work, Lily Curtis- oh no, she and Scott are married now, so she is Lily Delaney.

Leaning closer to the window, I could see Perry sitting in the front row. He looked uncomfortable, but I breathed a sigh of relief my parents had finally arrived.

The chair next to him was empty, and I could not fathom where my mother was off to.

My little brother Joseph couldn’t come, but my other brother Andrew was there.

And Andrew’s son, my nephew Robert, was seated next to him.

(Andrew’s wife Teagan died a few years ago when the train carrying her to a business conference derailed into the Sunderbalt River.)

This is the first of Morrie and Michelle’s twin daughters who are teens now. Brynne…

… and Bonnie.

There’s Scott Delaney from work who is Lily’s husband.

And, last but not least, here is Jade. She grew up with Kai, and I think they were dating at one point, although, that’s only my intuition speaking. She and I have been in touch since Kai left for school. She misses him a great deal.

I noticed her waving at me, but didn’t realize until my mother’s sudden appearance, Jade was trying to tell me to move back from the window.

“Everyone can see you!” my mother, Bea, huffed, closing the door behind her.

The light through the window made her hair look extra soft, yet it didn’t reach her eyes. Sometimes I think she’s more and more like my Grandma Ellie all the time.

“It’s not a big deal, mom,” I said, taking another look in the mirror. “I’m glad you could make it to your daughter’s wedding. Where were you?”

“Nowhere you need to know about right now,” she said with a hint of a smirk playing on her lips.

“Mother! Are you wearing black to my wedding?”

“Oh, hush, it’s not some taboo thing like it used to be. Besides, you’re wearing black, too.”

I looked down at my dress in shame, holding back tears. “It’s all I’ve got. There was no time for shopping and fittings. We’re already running late.”

“Don’t worry, you look stunning.”

Was that all she had to say? Her lips pursed as she tapped her foot.

My eyes narrowed, and I lifted my chin. “What is it you’re not saying?”

She hesitated, and her mouth turned downward as if she regretted ever starting this conversation. “Darling,” she said at last, “I want you to be happy. It’s all I’ve ever wanted.”

“Thank you,” I said.

She nodded and put her hands on my upper arms, looking into my eyes. “You know I like Bram, and I’ll never mistreat him.”

Oh no, this was not looking good. “But?”

She sighed, chewing her lower lip before answering. “I am concerned, that’s all. You’ve been in and out of each other’s lives so much. I want this to work out for you.”

At this point, I was doing my best not to lose my mind and take it out on her.

“After everything Bram and I have been through, mom, I know this is the right decision.”

She let out her breath, nodding again, then straightened her outfit, brushing out invisible wrinkles from her jacket. “All right, then, I’ll never say another word about it.”

Thank goodness.

When the ceremony started, my anxiousness ebbed away. I was finally doing it! The only thing that could have pleased me more was if Kai had been there.

It was time to say our vows, but something from the back of the venue caught my eye, and I paused.

“What is it?” Bram asked.

Tears filled my eyes. “Our son is here.”

There he was, standing tall and handsome in the back. From the way he gazed at us, I knew his heart was full of love. Mine was near exploding.

Then, I noticed the girl standing next to him, pale, blonde, and large-chested.

Jade noticed, too. Since we were close now, I worried about her feelings. Maybe Kai wasn’t actually with this blonde bombshell?

Who was I kidding?

Kai smiled big at us, and my thoughts returned to where they should be.

After the ceremony, there was only time for short hugs, and not much conversation as the photographer demanded his time with us.

These are my favorites. I think it’s appropriate that our wedding photos should include our grown son.

Even if he almost missed the wedding.

During the reception, I finally got to talk to him.

“I am so glad you’re here!”

“Me, too,” he said, a wide grin spread across his face. “When I heard the disappointment in you and dad’s voices, I knew I had to make this work. I didn’t want to tell you ahead of time in case things changed at the last minute and I couldn’t be here after all.”

“What was going on?”

“I had an interview with the Dean of Providence College. I’m hoping to get accepted for a degree in business management. I was able to postpone the meeting until next Thursday, though.”

I put a hand to my chest as if that would slow down my thumping heart. “I had no idea you wanted to go to college.”

He shrugged with a little smile on his face. “I want to have my own car repair business someday.”

“Wow, Kai, that’s wonderful.”

“Really? Because I’m kind of worried. You look like you’re about to have a stroke or something.”

This made me laugh. I wiped a few stray tears from my eyes. “I’m surprised, and very happy. I don’t think this day could be any better.”

“There is something I need to talk to you about.”

For the next ten or fifteen minutes, I went through our family’s tradition of choosing an heir from each generation to keep a journal about their life. While I didn’t want to overdo it, I couldn’t help but stress the importance of such a narration, what it would mean to the generations to come, and how happy it would make me if he took over.

He was the only choice, after all.

All at once, he was laughing. “You’re so animated.”

“But will you do it? Will you keep a journal for the family?”

Again, he laughed. “I already do, so, yeah.”

This time, though I tried, I couldn’t stop the tears flowing down my cheeks. I only hoped I wasn’t making mud pies from my mascara, but then, it was understandable.

You see, this is my very last entry, and while it took a whole generation, I finally got what I’d always wanted. A family and an heir.

Special thanks to Bee (Poses by Bee) for the Family Set 4 pose pack! Thank you, Bee!

Thank you so much for sticking with my story for so long. I appreciate you!

Please join me Saturday, April 18, for Kai’s first chapter. I hope you have enjoyed Generation 7, and that you will enjoy Generation 8, too.

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  1. Wow, what an intense and once again heartbreaking generation! I liked how at the start Kara was dealing with supernatural-scale troubles, with the mystery of the evil box finally unraveled, Bram’s terrifying powers, running from The Inheritance, but underneath it and taking precedence later in the generation was a very grounded familial struggle. Kara never truly got to rest until the final moments of her generation—it was sad to see her follow the same path as Bea, from this optimistic, empathetic, and sensitive young woman to a someone incredibly jaded and out of touch with her family, because of how much continuous suffering she’s been hit with throughout her life from her father, Otto, and even Bram. Her pursuit of nursing was a telling tale of how no matter how hard you work, it doesn’t always pay off, and balance is key in a family. You wrote that in such a real and conflicting way, I could understand both her and Kai’s sides in their difficult relationship. I can’t entirely say the same for Bram since he was even more absent, but I’m glad they at least finally got their happiness in the end, they were such a sweet couple at the beginning and I was subconsciously rooting for them even though they were bitterly distant for many years (Kara not forgiving him immediately was realistic!). Hopefully Bram keeps a grip on himself and they can have a peaceful married life. And a special mention for Jarah, he was my favourite character with his bright wit and awareness, I hope he found happiness as he grew older as well 💕

    It’s also lovely to see Kara and Kai reconciling in this finale, he seems to have matured significantly from his off-the-rails days as a teenager, although I’m both worried and curious to learn what he got up to at the boarding school and if everything is as good as it appears. Especially since I think he definitely won’t have forgotten Frank’s revolting behaviour with how adamant Kai was on killing him… he’s already been through too much in his early years, it’s bound to leave irreparable wounds (I really want Frank to face at least some consequence, though, it sounds like he might have continued on luring minors after Kai didn’t warn anyone but Jade). I’m sure Kai will have much to deal with, his family in particular seems to pass down their troubles, but also his character is prone to dealing with issues in a destructive way.

    Great writing as always, Kymber, this was another exciting and moving generation to read ❤

    • Wow! Thank you, Lila. ❤❤ You had such nice things to say about this generation, and I thank you deeply for reading and sharing your thoughts.

      In all honesty, it was the hardest generation so far for me to write. And that just makes me appreciate what you said even more.

      I really loved Jarrah and would have liked to have given him a whole story on his own. Maybe someday I’ll do that or something like it. ❤

      Kara and Bram had a pretty rough time, that’s true. I was glad they seemed to get back a lot of what they’d lost over the years.

      I look forward to seeing what you think of Kai and his generation. 😀

      Thank you again. ❤❤❤

  2. Having them get married really was the perfect choice to end Kara’s generation. I’m glad Kai managed to attend. Jade really had a glow up from the last time we’d seen her. Aand… I guess I’m done reading for now. I think I will have to somewhat breeze through Kai’s gen because I already read most of it, but I’m leaving it for tomorrow or so. I really enjoyed my binge-reading today!

    • I’m so glad you liked how the generation ended. I thought it was about time they got married. haha

      Thank you again so much for all your binging and for the comments, too. I totally understand breezing through Kai’s gen since you’ve been there before. It’s been lovely seeing you today.

  3. Awww of course the last chapter of this generation would not be complete without Kara snapping at her mother lol!
    Fortunately Kai was there too, I was so glad about that! But who the plumbob is that blonde? 😡
    Anyway,this was so lovely <3 Congratulations on finishing another wonderful generation! 🎉 I can't wait to start reading Kai's story! 😀 <3

  4. And the bride wore black. Talk about Murphy’s Law! It all turned out nice in the end, and best of all, Kai came. I wonder who the girl is though. Hmmm…

    Kara had such a unique and often heartbreaking story. I’m so glad she got to be happy in the end though.

  5. it’s good Kai decided to come, and he had a good reason for possibly missing it. He could have told them that earlier and not hurt his mom so much. He may be as good at communicating as Bram is. 😛

    Hmm who’s this girl? I didn’t think he and Jade broke up, but maybe it happened while he was in school.

    • Thank you so much, Heather, I’m glad Kai went, too, and that he wasn’t going to miss it for something dumb. I think he should have been more careful to spare his mom’s feelings, but there you are. lol

      A lot has been going on with Kai, so you’ll find out soon who that girl is. 😀

    • Thank you, Violincat. ❤ I like what you said there about Kai and Jade. You’ll definitely find out what happened with them in Saturday’s chapter. Well, part of what happened. 😀 I hope you like it.

  6. How did I miss this? Gahhhhh! I was soooo happy to see Kai arrive. And dang it. Her mother just had to try and put a damper on it. I’m so mad at her. She should’ve said that waaaaay before she’s getting ready to walk down the aisle. Not cool.

    But yay for Kai’s gen! I’m so excited. And the blonde girl is gorgeous. They make a really cute couple. But what about him seeing Jade there? Hmmmm.

    Congrats on finishing another gen.

    • LOL Hi, Audrey! 😀 Oh, Bea was much harsher the first time I wrote it. You should have seen! She told Kara all the mishaps before the wedding were an omen of things to come! LOLOL I decided that should be way toned down, though. ❤ I’m really excited for Kai’s gen, too. I so hope you’ll enjoy the first chapter.

  7. Aaw, I’m glad that Kai made it to the wedding. Of course I had it spoiled a bit heheh. 😉 (Still, doesn’t take away from the happiness) <3 He seems to have changed a lot while he was away. I'm glad that Kara had a lovely wedding. Your pictures are gorgeous, my dear. DOF is a pain in the butt sometimes, but it looks wonderful when it works. 😍

    • Thank you, Louise. Yes, that was a bit spoilerish, for sure. LOLOL I think the school was good for him, but he’s probably still lacking in some important areas. You’ll have to see. hahaha ❤ Thank you for saying that about my pics. I feel like Kai’s first chapter pics look like three or four different stories. haha I’ll get it eventually.

  8. Awww that was sweet! Man, it seems like the alternative school did him some good! I can’t wait to see how much. Also glad things turned out nice despite all the drama. YIKES! No wedding dress??? Heads would roll LOL.

    • Thank you, Jess. I think the alternative school was good for him, it’s true. I really hope you’ll like the first chapter from Kai. 😀 😀 Heads ould roll FOR SURE!!! LOLOL

  9. Oh, Wow!… Kymber I really like the big pictures idea, It really bring every thing life…

    and its a clever take on wedding too, all the individual and group close ups. everything just pops… 🙂

    A great way to end a generation 🙂 🙂 🙂

    • Thank you, Darren. I’m glad you like the huge pictures 😀 I thought the sidebar wasn’t very useful and it might be distracting, so I got rid of it, putting the necessary things in my footer.

      I’m glad you liked the ending of the generation. 🙂 🙂

  10. What an ending. You didn’t explain the blonde bombshell! WHO is she? (It seems someone else knew though – wink wink) Jade looks amazing and appears to have turned out quite well. It looks like Kara made a good batch of lemonade out of the lemons being tossed at her. It was cool, how you explained away what happened to other characters from past through guest intro’s. I’m so sorry Teaghan is no longer. How sad.
    I am still waiting for the other shoe to drop however… and so it would seem are the other guests, since their photos mostly look like a mix of concern, doubt or are in anticipation of what, I don’t know. Hmmmm

    • Who is the blonde bombshell? I don’t have a clue! LOLOL Actually, that will be answered in Saturday’s chapter when Kai takes over the story. I think Jade looks good, too. I was really pleased by how she turned out. I never know if anyone is interested in how side characters turned out. I’ve had mixed responses with that, so I’m glad you liked it. 😀 RIP Teagan.

      The other shoe might just drop soon since we’re starting out fresh with Kai. lol And, oh, those faces at the wedding! No one seemed to have a normal expression! haha Sim weddings are so exhausting.

  11. Oh wow this is such a beautiful wrap for the generation. I love your narration, how you make it easy to empathise with the characters. I have to make a special mention about Bonnie and Brynne because they look like real people who got airbrushed in photoshop. Anyway that’s taking away the focus. I’m glad Gen 8 is coming soon, it’ll be fun to see the world from Kai’s perspective and experiences 🙂

    • Thank you so much! 🙂 I appreciate your kind words of encouragement. That’s so cool that you said that about Bonnie and Brynne. I spent a lot of time on them even though they weren’t the focus of the story. lol I’m glad you’re looking forward to gen 8! I hope you enjoy it. 🙂 xo

  12. Please tell me Katherine will be the future Mrs Kai Seaworth! LOL! In sims 4 she’s married to another friend’s sim in *her* story. Loved this! Sad to know it’s almost over.

  13. Well it’s done. Bram better be good to her, my threat of deletion still stands. I’m curious how the relationship between Kara and Jade got started. I find that very interesting.

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