The Dragon’s Return!


This story is a continuation of The Dragon which was also written for Kevin’s NTT.

From: The Dragon

Once upon a time, a magnificent and fierce dragon flew over a vast kingdom. Down, down he swooped, and with his great fiery eyes, he could see the world below.

There were things happening the dragon did not understand. The flapping of his wings pushed the heavy fog away that was lying over the ground like an oppressive blanket. He needed a closer look.

There was a woman with a crystal ball, casting a terrible spell. She saw the dragon and glared at him with such beautiful eyes, the dragon was immediately drawn to her.

Image by Kevin from The Beginning at Last

“What spell are you casting?” he asked, his slender tongue brushing against his enormous razor sharp teeth.

“Who are you, Dragon, that I should answer to you?” she said with unwavering voice.

They stared at each other for a long moment, the dragon’s wings blowing the woman’s dark tresses this way and that.

While the dragon was curious about the woman and her spell, he had pressing matters elsewhere.

The dragon considered burning this woman into black ash on the ground with his dragon fire for speaking so boldly to him. But the world would miss her beauty too much. And so he soared over her head to the moon filled sky, and out of sight…

“You have great courage to speak to me in such a manner,” he bellowed, his hot breath stopping just short of burning the delicate skin on her face. “Because you do not fear me, I will reward your bravery by not intervening.”

“Wise choice,” the woman spat, the ferocity in her dark eyes matching his… (read the rest HERE at the original post, or continue the dragon’s story down below.)

Image by Kevin from The Beginning at Last

And on the dragon flew, dodging pointless wars among men far down below. At one point in his flight, he dove into the water just like a sea monster would. He enjoyed scaring people on the shore, as they pointed at him and screamed.

But then he was reminded he didn’t have time for this, he was going somewhere far more important than any affair of man could ever be.

Seeing his reflection in the water, he admired his large mouth full of teeth. He was Fryrvirth, the Eternal, but some of his enemies called him Fryrvirth, the Insane. With a hmph at such an unpleasant thought, he soared back into the sky, enjoying how his silhouette looked in front of the red moon.

He hoped the offspring he was hurrying to see had a silhouette like his. Although, his companion and mother of his progeny had a most pleasant profile as well.

His progeny, his whole reason for being, was at the end of this adventure. He was coming home to his future to live happily ever after.

The End.

Happy timezones, Friends! This post is for Kevin’s No Theme Thursday (09/05/24). NTT is my one of my favorite things! Kevin makes such awesome pictures to choose from, and this time, I chose to finish the story about the dragon!

Special thanks to Bee (Stories by Bee / Poses by Bee) for editing this story.

Thank you so much for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting! You are important!

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Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to K.L. Hawke and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. This site and its author are not affiliated with EA or any of their games.

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  1. Hey, I remember the original story! I liked how you mixed the points of view with different characters in that story. And I like how impatient and vain the dragon is. He feels more complex than a standard dragon who only wants to steal tons of gold and keep it in its lair.

  2. “He enjoyed scaring people on the shore, as they pointed at him and screamed.”
    Dragons are just balls of fiery chaotic funny sometimes 😂 🤣
    Loved this, Kymber! 🐉 🔥

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