A “Secrets in the Blood” Review!


During my hiatus, while awaiting the birth of baby Jody, a fellow author, Thomas Wikman, reviewed my book, Secrets in the Blood.

On his site, Thomas begins,

“This blog is primarily about Leonbergers. I review Leonberger books, but I also review books that are not about Leonbergers but that I love, and I want to promote. This post is one of those.”

You can find his kind review here: Review of Secrets in the Blood by Unity Hayes.

I’m so lucky that Thomas not only read my book, but that he found it interesting enough to write about on his site. 🙂

Please visit his site, if you haven’t yet, and support him with a follow. I love all of his posts and reading about the adventures his Leonberger dog, Bronco, had. 🙂

You can find Thomas Wikman here: Leonberger Life.
You can learn about his book here: The Book.

You can learn about and purchase my book here: Unity’s Book.

Thank you so much for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting! I appreciate you and hope you are having a blessed Sunday!

Special thanks to Thomas for reading and reviewing my book, Secrets in the Blood!

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Unity is the author of Secrets in the Blood (mystery/romance - August 1, 2013). She has been writing since the age of 15 and has always dreamed of telling stories through the craft of writing. Unity is a Registered Nurse that enjoys small-town living, antiquing, and spending time with her family.


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