Happy Saturday!


Happy Saturday, Friends! This is just an update to let you know that I hope to be back with Chapter 8 next Saturday, March 11.

Times have been difficult and so has my game. But I think I have it straightened out now for the most part. Those of you who play The Sims 3 know my pain.

For simmer friends, I’m curious if, when Sims 5 comes out, you will play it? I would love to read your opinions on that. I haven’t decided yet. If it’s more like 3 without all the glitches, I might.

For everyone, how are you? How have you been? I miss your wonderful blogs and can’t wait to dive back in!

We’ve had another storm and we’re living in a winter wonderland. 🙂

I hope everyone is safe and well. Take care, and thank you for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting!

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    • Thank you so much for stopping by. I really appreciate it.

      Unfortunately, my laptop died and along with it my save in the Sims 3. I’m using an old laptop right now, but I don’t have access to the characters for this story at the moment.

      Hopefully, my laptop will be repaired soon and I can continue the story.

  1. Thank you for sharing!!.. I expect the Sims thing you use with your blog?.. the entire internet is changing at the moment, mainly with security, so I can understand any issues you may have..hopefully in time all will be well and a new normal will be in place for a time… 🙂

    Take your time, WordPress is just a part of your world, cannot ignore the rest…. 🙂

    Hope all is well, your path is paved with sunshine, peace and joy and until we meet again..
    May the road rise to meet you
    May the wind be always at your back
    May the sun shine warm upon your face
    The rains fall soft upon your fields
    May green be the grass you walk on
    May blue be the skies above you
    May pure be the joys that surround you
    May true be the hearts that love you.
    (Irish Saying)

  2. I love the look of snow. I love experiencing snow… For one day out of the year. That’s it 😅 Hopefully, you enjoy it MUCH more than I do.

    S5? Maybe? Probably? It doesn’t do to me what Sims2 previews did to me, so meh.

  3. Hello and it’s nice to hear from you again and that you are still writing. Looking forward to your next story. I do like the picture of the snow, but I like it even more because we rarely get snow here, so I don’t have to shovel. Glad you are enjoying it. Thank you for the update and I sm looking forward to your writing.

  4. I’ll probably play Sims 5. I’m planning to, while realizing things can change. Your snow pics are beautiful! Glad you’re making it through the rough time.

  5. Yay! I can not wait to work on this with you over the next week. Sims 5? Depends if it’s online player world. If so, then no I won’t. I’m not even thinking ahead or looking forward to the possibility of a new version. But, I will probably change my mind if all the conditions are right. Sims 3 forever!!

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