Oh, Happy Day!


Hello there, Friends! I’m so sorry about the delay in posting chapters of Love’s Winding Road. I’ve been going through kind of a rough time lately and it’s easy for me to feel overwhelmed.

I’m hoping to be back soon and to catch up with all your wonderful posts.

Meanwhile… Happy Birthday to my sweet little babyboy Cesare! Because we adopted him 10 years ago, we don’t know his exact age, but I guesstimate he is 12 or 13.


…Happy Valentine’s Day from John and Nadia Forsythe who are in my 1920s save. And Happy Valentine’s Day from me, too, of course.

Thank you for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting.

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  1. Thank you for sharing!!.. hope you are having a Happy Day every day, take your time returning, as you have a life to live and WordPress is just a part of… we all need to briefly stop the world, get off for a time and reboot… 🙂

    Do take care, hope all is well in your part of the universe and until we meet again..
    May the road rise to meet you
    May the wind be always at your back
    May the sun shine warm upon your face
    The rains fall soft upon your fields
    May green be the grass you walk on
    May blue be the skies above you
    May pure be the joys that surround you
    May true be the hearts that love you.
    (Irish Saying)

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