Chapter 9.10: Dear Diary, a Change of Scenery


Dear Diary, if you read through my families’ journals that were passed on from heir to heir, you will become familiar with the different areas settled by my ancestors. Fortress Rock was one such place, first inhabited by Holden and Rosetta Sprague, who were twins. You may have heard of them as Holden was a prominent figure in ballet, and Rosetta was once Leader of the Free world. In fact, Fortress Rock is only a train ride away from the Capitol where Rosetta once rose to greatness.

Since my grandparents left their entire fortune to me, I inherited two properties in Fortress Rock. One was rented out to a friendly couple, the other was vacant.

Luckily, the elementary school was right behind our house, so once Amy was old enough, she wouldn’t have far to go. She could probably even come home for lunch. My school was a bit further, but I wouldn’t mind walking the few blocks there.

Enrolling was another problem. I didn’t want social services knocking on our door, so I had to fill out the necessary papers on my own and then forge my mom’s signature. She didn’t fare well from the trip, so it was up to me.

As for Tilly, she still thought the entire thing was ridiculous and didn’t understand why I, the richest girl in the world, didn’t just drop out and pursue partying like a “normal teenager.”

Don’t get me wrong, I wanted to party. If only I wasn’t so damned responsible for my niece (who was now my daughter), my mom, and a vampire.

“Well, what do you think?” I asked Sebastian.

Mom, Tilly, and Amy were at the hotel.

“It’s a monstrous, gothic, hulking structure.” Then, with a smirk, he added, “I feel at home already.”

“I just love living with the Munsters,” I muttered as the gate creaked open under my hand.

“It’s not as bad as the house in Midnight Hollow.”

And he was right about that.

The downstairs was already furnished and cleaned, awaiting our arrival. If one thing could be said about our family, they took care of their properties.

Four days later, the lot of us were moved in, and school would start in two weeks.

“You always look worried,” Sebastian said as he joined me in the living room one day.

“And you never look concerned about anything.”

He shrugged, and said, “I just don’t show it.”

I rolled my eyes. “What in the world do you have to worry about? You’re dead.”

“Ouch. Actually, I have a few things on my mind. I wanted to talk to you.”

“Oh?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. “Is this about the quest you mentioned before?”

He nodded. “I might seem scarce for the next several days, but I assure you, if you need me, all you have to do is call for me, and I will be by your side in an instant.”

“Where are you going?”

“There is a lair in the city, and that is all you need to know.”

Frowning, I pursed my lips, then let out a loud breath. “Well, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you didn’t want me to follow you or something.”

He laughed. “You’re smart for your age.”

“Ha ha, very funny. Seriously, I’ve got too much going on to get into your business, too.”

“I’m glad to hear it. I don’t need to remind you how dangerous it could be finding yourself in a nest of vampires.”

“I thought you said you’d save me.”

“Honestly, Little Beehive.”

I couldn’t help but frown for real this time. It hadn’t occurred to me until just then that Sebastian had a life before me. What had he been up to? Who were his friends, and what did they do? What were his ambitions?

“Are you on a quest to get out of your vow to me?”

His eyes grew so large at my question that I didn’t believe him when he said in a firm voice, “No.”

As I thought about how his vow to me had probably ruined his life as he knew it, he changed the subject.

“I see you’re wearing the Legacy Ring.”

“Oh, yeah,” I mumbled, feeling it with my thumb. “How did you know about it?”

“Your sister wore it and told me about your legacy.”

“It isn’t my legacy. Not really. It was Gigi’s, then it will be Amy’s. I’m just keeping the ring safe for her.”

His mouth softened. “It is your legacy until Amy takes over. So it is appropriate that you wear the ring.”

I smiled a little, finding that I wasn’t as vexed at him as I had been in recent weeks. “Hey, why aren’t you wearing your contacts?”

“Not everyone can see how my eyes glow. Besides, they make my eyes itch.”

“You’re supposed to use eye drops and stuff. I’ll show you.”

“Thank you,” he said with one of those fluidy little bows I came to identify him with.

“No problem. And, oh, while you’re away, get yourself some new clothes. You look like you just rose from the grave.”

He sighed. “Whatever you say.”

“Oh. You’re here,” my mom said as she entered the living room.

“He lives here, Mama,” I said.

“Well, why he lives with us, I don’t know. It isn’t right.”

Sebastian bowed toward my mom, and said, “I was just leaving, Madam.”

After he left, Mom tsked and asked, “And what’s with all that madam stuff? It makes me uncomfortable.”

“He’s old-fashioned and trying to be polite, that’s all.”

“Well, I don’t like him.”

What I wanted to say was, you don’t like anyone lately, but I bit my tongue. This wasn’t the first time she’d run across Sebastian, only to be rude. I had to keep reminding myself that she wasn’t well. In fact, this was the most coherent she’d been in days.

“Your mom is killing me,” Tilly said later as I was finishing up a bowl of cereal.

“So, what else is new?” I asked while chomping my last crunchy bite.

“No, I mean it. I think she needs to go back to the facility and stay there for a while.”

Even though I was sitting in a chair, I squared my shoulders. “We’re not institutionalizing my mother. She’s had enough of that. And, what did she do, anyway?”

“She can’t even remember if she ate, and when it’s time for her medications, she eyes me like I’m poisoning her.”

My face felt hot, and my eyes narrowed. “Be patient with her. Try to put yourself in her shoes.”

Tilly shook her head. “I’m over it. You can take care of her from now on.”

“But I’ll be in school.”

“Figure it out,” she said with a shrug.

My heart began pounding as my pulse sped up. “You know, I think it’s time you figure your future out. Seeing as how you’re not helping with Mom anymore, there’s nothing tying you here.”

She laughed, and it was an ugly sound. “You’re kidding, right? I’m the reason the reporters aren’t knocking down your door right now.” She put her hands on her hips. “No, I’m not going anywhere.”

Fear ripped through me as it dawned on me, Tilly was only here because of the money and lifestyle.

Happy Saturday! I hope your weekend is going well! Thank you for stopping by, I hoped you enjoyed it!

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  1. Ah ha! Tilly is coming back to herself lol. Without Gigi to keep her in line, she has no reason to be good anymore. I wonder why Sophie doesn’t just hire in-home care since they’re rich now. Or is she too young to think of this?

    • She is too young to think of this right away, but the idea does dawn on her at some point. And Yes, you are so right about Tilly. She has no one to keep tabs on her anymore.

  2. Tilly has always been strangely disconnected in her thoughts to the family. I thought it might be just her way of distancing herself as a support worker for protection but after suggesting Jade be back in a hospital away from family support when Jade is trying her best, I don’t know if I trust her for Jade’s best interest anymore. And putting her needs above the family she is supposed to care for. No no no no nope.

    • Yeah, Tilly is definitely a piece of work. There is more to her story coming up which will explain things about her.

      Hopefully Sophie can figure out a better way to help Jade.

  3. Big oof! Tilly, you jerk!

    I feel for Jade. She’s not in the best headspace, but she’s not doing anything to help either. And as for Tilly! *grrrrr* I think its time she had some incriminating charges brought against her.

  4. This was such a fun chapter with a few insights into everyone. This part made me actually feel sad but proud of Sophie: I’m responsible for my niece (who was now my daughter), my mom, and a vampire. She is and she doesn’t take it lightly. I’m super curious as to what Sebastian is up to. It doesn’t feel sinister, but who really knows. I think he’s cares deeply for Sophie. Whether it’s as a father or more I can’t tell. And Tilly, yep, I wonder how Sophie can get rid of her? She does need to leave. Perhaps she can enlist Sebastian’s help. And I’m happy to see that Sophie is figuring her out.

    • I’m glad you thought this chapter was fun. You are on the right track regarding Sebastian. There’s more to that coming up soon. 😀

      Tilly is something else, it’s true. lol Sophie hopefully can figure out what to do with Tilly.

  5. I kind of forgot that nothing except being a parasite (does she have that trait in game? lol) was holding Tilly there with them once Gigi was gone. She isn’t even close to the remaining characters. But it *is* fun to have her around!
    Hm, I wonder what Sebastian did before he became tied to Sophie. We only know of his life before he wasn’t even vampire! It’s going to be interesting to find out more.
    And I, too, think it is Sophie’s legacy as well. We never had any other character write out such a good chunk of another’s generation before (except Gigi, but she eventually became formally heir). I think it’s safe to say generation 9 is both Gigi AND Sophie’s gen.

  6. This whole chapter made me smile: little bits of things you toss out like describing his bow. The banter between Sophie and Seb is quite amusing too. Astonishing that she hears to the term lair of vampires and never gives a thought to her safety. Like, never wanting to go out at night again!

    The convo between Sophie and Tilly really was illuminating. There is no love or deep rooted loyalty from Tilly to the family and they obviously don’t know each other at all. I do wonder why Sophie keeps her around to be honest. She could easily hire care for her mom….so why Tilly who has no devotion to the family and no skill? Now I of course want Tilly to stick around for the amusement of it all.

    Holden and Rosetta! You know I really did like these characters but tend to forget about them which is a shame. However, when they are mentioned I remember many things about their life and how I enjoyed their storyline. Even the really sad parts with Holden.

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