BONUS POST: Jade’s Frozen Mind


Jade sat in her room for several hours that day, contemplating her mental health. The more she thought about her circumstances, the more panicky she became.

Was her daughter Sophie thinking about sending her back to the facility? If so, could they force her to stay against her own wishes? She wasn’t sure what the law was, but it didn’t matter because now they were moving to the city. The laws on such things changed from place to place.

Didn’t they?

If only her daughter realized what a burden it was for her to move again, and so soon. It meant shopping for another psychiatrist and therapist all over again, and struggling to get important medications refilled.

The too-short skirted Tilly Thompson had taken on that responsibility before since Sophie was a minor, and Jade hated that. She despised Tilly, and these were things she should do all by herself.

Yet she knew her brain was too scattered. Even lists she made couldn’t be followed, as she could never make out what she’d written. Or the list became lost.

Tears filled her eyes as her thoughts froze yet again.

She’d made her bed. That was good.

She was dressed. That was good.

Her chest tightened as the heat in her body rose.

Had she eaten breakfast?

She glanced around the room as if it would give her an answer.

She’d made the bed. That was good.

Hi there, Friends! I hope your week is going well! Thank you for stopping by to read this short insert from Jade. I hoped you enjoyed it!

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  1. Aww poor Jade. That must be so unsettling, feeling your mind being muddled up and not having that sense of control anymore. To know others could make big choices for you, or send you to a psych facility against your wishes claiming it’s in your “best interests” (whether true or not) is worrisome to say the least. I hope things get better for her, I really do. I also hope the weather gets chilly so Tilly will put some trousers on. That might made Jade a little happier (or maybe Tilly getting pooped on by loads of pigeons would do the trick). xx

    • hahahaha I just had this mental vision of Tilly getting pooped on by loads of pigeons! I think you’re right it would do the trick. Hopefully, though, she’ll put some trousers on. haha

      I really feel for Jade. Hopefully, Sophie begins to understand what she needs.

  2. Thank you for sharing!!… perhaps change is in the winds and as we do not know what tomorrow will bring for sure, those changes may make life better for Jade before the moving starts and Jade will not have to move… as Marilyn Monroe said;
    “I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you can appreciate them when they’re right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together (Marilyn Monroe)… 🙂

    Until we meet again..
    May the sun shine all day long
    Everything go right, nothing go wrong
    May those you love bring love back to you
    And may all the wishes you wish come true
    (Irish Saying)

  3. Well, I didn’t see that coming. Poor Jade. This feels like when you travel to some other country and return a few years later only to realize someone you thought of fondly was on death’s doorstep 🙁

    • Oh, yes, I can see the comparison you made so well. Jade is really having a rough time, and unfortunately, Sophie just isn’t mature enough to realize what her mother needs.

  4. That is such an accurate representation of how hard it is to deal with normal life issues for a person with a mental ilness. I’m so sorry for Jade and hope she does get therapy and/ or medication to get better, whether she does it herself or with a little support/ encouragement from others.

  5. Hmm. Maybe she should stay. Perhaps she could have a temporary caregiver while she recovers, one who increasingly gives her more authority and control as she gets better, just someone to help with what she struggles with, not someone to control her or take away her agency.

    • I think you have a good point about Jade staying instead of moving with them. She definitely could use the type of caregiver you describe so well. If only Sophie were older, perhaps she would realize her mom needs more care.

  6. I love these little unexpected bonus posts. It was very eerie to read because it sounds soooo much like my mother’s state of mind right now. She can’t remember short term information. She tells me she’s stupid now and I try to reassure her she’s not and it’s not her fault she can’t recall things and has a hard time remembering. But worrying about doctors appointments and whether or not she took her medication is eerily familiar when it comes to her and she doesn’t want anyone but me and my husband caring for her. *sigh*. You portrayed Jade and her state of mind so well. I feel,really bad for her and I’m with her, I don’t like the way Tilly has worked her way into their family. I know Sophie needed help, but now she might be able to do without Tilly’s manipulation.

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