Chapter 9.9: Dear Diary, Plans for the Future


Dear Diary, I thought I would be much older before adult problems and decisions invaded my life. Now, I am the richest girl, probably on the entire continent, maybe in the world. Because of my mother’s mental condition, I have full access to the money instead of it being in a trust that she controls.

She’s also not in the parenting state of mind, although she’s pretty good with baby Amy. Meanwhile, everything is on me and I’m feeling it. I didn’t mind telling Tilly that. Even though she’s an adult, I don’t think she is the best go-to when it comes to serious problems because I get the notion she isn’t afraid to cheat here and there.

I’m not saying I’m totally straight and narrow, but for Amy’s sake, I have to attempt to do what’s right. Don’t I?

“I think you worry too much. Look around you, kid. You’re in paradise, and instead of enjoying it, you’re all concerned about what’s next. Live in the moment.”

Sighing, I fiddled with my sunglasses, then put them on, pushing them up my nose with my finger. “I wish I could, but there are things I want.”

“Like what?”

“Well, I want to go back to school once summer is over.”

“So? What’s the problem?”

“The schools here are super small and they don’t offer the kinds of things I think are important. I’ve provided donations, but they won’t have the new classes ready by the time school begins this Fall.”

This time, Tilly sighed. She leaned forward in her seat, resting her palms on her thighs. “The problem with you is you think too much. I mean, you’ve got all this money. Why do you care about school?”

Holding tears back, I thought about my late sister Gigi. She would have known the right things to say to me, when she was in her right mind, that is. Gigi would have insisted I go to the best schools and make something of myself. Just because I had money, why should I slack? Shouldn’t I still want something out of my life?

All along, I thought having money meant I was supposed to do something important with it. Something that mattered and honored our family.

“I just do,” I finally said. “The only thing is, here, people have left me alone. They don’t care to know me and I feel safe. If we move to a city where the schools are better, people might find out who I am, and what if reporters bother us because of what happened in Midnight Hollow? What if they bother Amy and one day she finds out? We have to protect her.”

“Oh, well, I wouldn’t worry about any of that,” Tilly said with a wide smile. “You just donate money where I tell you, and I’ll have a talk with a few people.”

“What I really want to know,” Tilly said before I could question her, “is why the vampire is still hanging around. Doesn’t he have friends or anything?”

“He’s sworn to protect me for life.”

Sebastian was my other problem. I’d told him several times to beat it, but he just kept hanging around because he’d made a vow to protect me. The site of him makes my blood boil so hard! He was the reason my life was in tatters! If he’d let me stay in the house when Gigi was fighting with Laris, I could have saved Gigi. Then life would be better now.

I peeked a look over my shoulder. Yep, there he was in his strange outfit and glowing eyes. He’d told me once he could go in the sunlight because a witch had spelled him. I guess her spell was permanent, too, because I tried to get rid of him by going to the sunniest places, yet he still followed me everywhere.

“Just tell him to go away.”

“You don’t think I have?” I asked.

“Figures. What will he do while you’re in school?”

Oh, boy, another problem.

“I guess I’ll have to talk to him about that.”

Which I did a few days later when the opportunity presented itself.

I’d taken a walk, knowing he would join me. At least he had the good sense to wear sunglasses.

When I mentioned this to him, he lifted them for a moment so I could see.

“Do you like my new contact lenses?”

His eyes were a beautiful golden brown.

“Wow! Your eyes look- “

” -Human,” he finished for me.

“Y-yeah. They do.”

“I have wanted to speak with you.”

“Same here,” I admitted. “Before you tell me what’s on your mind, I need to say that I’m looking at schools in other places. My family has roots in Fortress Rock, and I’ve looked at Neverglade, too.”

A small smile met his lips.

“What?” I asked.

“I am happy you are returning to school. But I’m also happy we’re going to the city. Whichever one you choose is fine.”


“There are some things I need to do, and in the city, I can meet up with my own kind.”

“For what?” I asked, finding it a little easier to make eye contact with him now. Wait, was his chin trembling?

His mouth turned downward, and his footsteps were heavy. He didn’t answer me.

“I thought you were supposed to protect me.”

“Oh, I am, and I will,” he promised. “Let’s just say, I have a quest of my own to tend to.”

That had me raising an eyebrow. No matter how I tried to get it out of him, he wouldn’t fill me in on his secret.

Later that evening, my mother made her way to my room.

“Knock much?”

She cleared her throat, narrowing her eyes. “Tilly just told me we’re moving.”

“So I can go to school.”

“And why am I the last to hear?”

“I didn’t mean for you to hear about it this way.”

“So, where are we going, then?”

“Fortress Rock or Neverglade.”

She shook her head. “You want to leave all the sunlight and color? It’s beautiful here, and from what you’ve told me, Midnight Hollow was the opposite.”

I shrugged as I snorted a laugh. “If you love it here so much, why don’t you go outside? Use the pool? Wear something other than black dress clothes?”

She twisted her wedding ring around and around on her finger as she spoke. “I’m in mourning.”

“So am I!” I hurled my words at her like rocks. “But life keeps going, we have to keep going!”

I eyed my bed, wishing I could just curl up under the covers and forget all my responsibilities. It would be so easy to fall into despair, to retreat inward. But I had Amy to think about.

So many times in life, I’d felt completely abandoned. Amy would never feel that way or have a care in the world as a child.

Mom stepped back in the doorway as if I’d actually hit her with stones. She clamped her hands together, and her facial features seemed to sag.

“Well, whatever you think is best, Sophie.”

How had I, at fifteen, become head of the household? Watching my mom, how she acted, I knew in my heart it would never change… this reversal.

Walking toward her, I stroked her forearm with my fingers. Although I was emotionally drained, I pushed my exhaustion away, and as if I was the parent, I leaned in to smooth her hair away from her face where it was falling out of the tight bun she kept it in.

“Everything will be alright,” I promised.

Hi there, Friends! I hope your weekend is going well! Thank you for stopping by to read this chapter. I hoped you enjoyed it!

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    • I think if Sophie hadn’t had to grow up so fast, she might skip the school idea. I think she wants to get away from her troubled life at home for a few hours every day. And I agree about what you said on Tilly.

  1. Sophie looks so much like Kai! She wouldn’t remember this, but… I’m not saying Jade was a bad mother, but honestly she was so busy working after Sophie was born, she wasn’t the most mommy mother we’ve had in this family lol. I thought about that when she was crying about not having anyone to give her sound advice. I was just thinking, even none of this had ever happened and everyone was a live and together, would Sophie still have trouble connecting with her mom? Also, I think she forgets Sebastian can read her mind lol.

    • LOL I love that you said that because I was thinking that as I wrote this. Um, Sophie, someone nearby might be reading your mind. LOL

      I hear what you’re saying about Jade. Once she had her career, it was everything to her so she let Kai take over the majority of the parenting. Given all of that, I think you’re right that Sophie might still have problems connecting with Jade. Good thoughts you’ve written about here.

  2. When I read your title, I remembered I had the exact same in my gen 6, haha
    I’m not sure what exactly Tilly’s place is in this weird, weird situation Sophie and her family found herself in. She just seems like an outsider that has walked into their lives by accident and then decides to hang around. Weird. And the way she just casually said vampire! How much does she know about supernatural creatures and what happened in Midnight Hollow? Is she willing to make use of that knowledge?
    I love how you just changed Sebastian’s race to human and then only mentioned the eyes changing (which we don’t see with the sunglasses anyway) and not that he suddenly became tanned, lol. I wonder what it is that he has to do in the city, he seemed really nervous about it.
    And, Jade. I felt sorry for the way Sophie said she wouldn’t ever revert to her past self 🙁

  3. I love that – just telling your mother that the family will be moving elsewhere, at age 15. Wish I could have done that 😂

    I’m still hoping that she and Sebastian become a team, that she changes her mind about him. Perhaps the current mission he’s on will bring them closer together. I kinda like him. Quite a lot actually. Maybe there’s something wrong with me! xx

    • Thank you, Caz. I wish I had that power at 15, too. LOLOL

      I think Sebastian is around for the long haul, so it’s okay that you like him. 😀 Hopefully, he and Sophie can mend their friendship and become a team.

  4. I think Audrey has a point in regards to Tilly. I personally like her but trust her? No. She could really get Sophie into real trouble….but on the other hand, wouldn’t that be fun to read!

    • Thank you, Bee. I like Audrey’s point, too. And I think you’re right that Tilly could really get Sophie into trouble. We’ll have to talk about that. haha

  5. Oh wow. You know I always assumed that Gigi would be the heir and in a way, I guess she was since her daughter would be the next gen unless at some point Sophie marries and has her own children, which I really hope one day she will, if she can ditch her vampire protector. I am also curious what his quest in the city might be and if it has anything to do with Sophie and Amy. Also, I don’t trust Tilly … at all. Maybe I, wrong, but the things she says rubs me wrong.

    • Thank you, Audrey. Honestly, I thought Gigi would be the heir, too. I’m glad you like the idea of Sophie having her own family. I’m not sure she can ditch the vampire but he might get preoccupied with his mission. I can see why Tilly rubs you the wrong way. She’s something else.

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