BONUS POST: Sebastian Meets His Match


Two Years After Noble Doubt, Chapter 9.10 Dear Diary, a Change of Scenery

I admit I’m not much of a journal keeper. Which is kind of a shame since I’ve lived so long, and seen so much. Honestly, though, who would ever want to read it?

No, it wasn’t until I met Sophie that I ever thought of writing my own narrative of life. And what better time, then when I have been on a quest of sorts of my own?

Sophie doesn’t know what I’ve been up to. It is best to leave her out, as I am sworn to protect her.

For the past two years, I’ve roamed every crevice of Fortress Rock for the one who can help me become human. It wasn’t until I came across a vampire named Constance Whitaker that I thought perhaps I was finally on the right track.

The only problem with Constance, however, was her huge ego. Just being near her made my skin crawl. Even so, I’d let her seduce me several times now. The entire vampire population of Fortress Rock knew we were a “thing,” as they say.

Out of all the vampires in the city, Constance was the oldest and at the top of the heap. That’s why it took two whole years to meet her and fall into her good graces.

It didn’t hurt that she was attracted to me.

On this night, we were at Club Nebula, which was at the top of a skyscraper, and built with a see-through swimming pool in the center.

“Dance with me, Love,” Constance purred.

As we danced, I thought about how thin Constance was. It was like there was nothing to hold on to. I don’t mind thin women as all women are beautiful, but my personal preference was… I don’t know… the kind who were built like Sophie.

Okay, I said it. Or rather, I wrote it.

Of course, when I first found myself pledged to her, she was but a child, and my thoughts were exactly as they should have been. I had to protect her at any cost.

Years later, she blossomed into a beautiful young woman, almost eighteen.

Is it wrong to love her?

I was turned at the mere age of twenty. So is it so strange that an eighteen-year-old would stay in my thoughts as Sophie did?

I am old in a youthful body. A dead body. Undead, as they say.

All the more reason to find a solution to the problem that has plagued me for endless years.

How to become human once again?

I longed to live a normal life without the need for blood.

When I spoke to my father about this recently, he said the answer was simple. To turn Sophie. But such a thought horrified me. I would never curse her to the life I’ve endured.

As it was, she didn’t know how I felt anyway, and I would never show her until I had reached a solution. The thought she would grow old before my eyes, and I would have to watch her wither away and die was more than I could bear.

“Daaaance,” Constance pouted. “What’s on your mind tonight, anyway?”

As if my legs had a mind of their own, I swayed to the music in time with her, grateful a vampire’s thoughts could not be read.

“Josef is staring at us again,” I said.

She stopped moving and glanced over her shoulder at the lone vampire.

Then she flipped him off and threw back her head, laughing. “What a loser.”

Normally, I wasn’t the type to make enemies where I didn’t need to, but my intuition told me to watch out for this guy.

“Tom’s dancing with a human,” I pretended to scoff as Constance and I resumed dancing.

“She’s a total bore. But he claims she tastes heavenly.”

A lot of vampires had human counterparts who let them feed off of them. I’ve had my own in the past. None I loved, but plenty who thought they loved me.

Nowadays, I knew someone at the hospital who sneaked me blood when I needed it. The worst thing about it was how cold it was. Nothing tasted as good as blood fresh from the vein.

“Let’s get in the pool,” Constance said, already unzipping her dress.

I followed her into the elevator to the next floor up so we could get in the pool.

We skinny dipped and more than that, too.

She was so proud of herself for her public display.

I felt disgusting and dirty.

She hadn’t decided what the price was for the knowledge I sought. So, in the meantime, I had to keep her happy.

Happy Wednesday! I hope you enjoyed this little bonus chapter! Thank you for stopping by!

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  1. What a sticky, standing on a rock ledge situation he has put himself in. It’s easy to see this ending badly in so many forms. Hopefully he is more intelligent than her ego and narcissistic ways.

  2. Poor Sebastian. I hope he’s eventually able to find what he needs from Constance, but she’s so awful and full of herself, if she ever gets an inkling he’s using her, he’ll be dust. I did have an idea he might be falling for Sophie and I bet she’s just beautiful as a young adult. And what of Tilly in the past two years? Ugh.

    • I feel for Sebastian, too. He’s definitely not enjoying this at all. I can’t wait until Sophie is a YA. I’m picking up tomorrow where this update left off, and she is still a teen, almost 18. We won’t see Tilly tomorrow, but believe me, she is still around.

  3. I knew you would want to pair up Sebastian with Sophie! So excited. It will be interesting to see Sophie after two years in the next chapter (as I presume we’ll be continuing on where we left off). But hooking up with that self-absorbed vampire just to get the knowledge is gross. I’m sorry that’s the only option Sebastian had.

    • Hopefully Sophie feels the same way for Sebastian. And, yep, we’re picking up where this update left off.

      I agree that hooking up with Constance is gross. Hopefully, Sebastian won’t have to be with her for much longer.

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