Chapter 9.7: Dear Diary, the Final Showdown!


An Excerpt from the Diary of Sophie Seaforth

Dear Diary, shortly after dawn, a crowd began to gather at the gate. Sebastian told me they were there for me, to muster their magic to bolster my attempts at getting Gigi to take the amulet off. I knew it was true, because all at once, I could sense their energy all around me, giving me strength.

I didn’t remember a lot afterwards, but once I grabbed the necklace, a horrible electric shock tore through my veins from my fingertips to my toes, and blackness threatened to overtake me.

Gigi cried out and tried to help me stand, but she was going through a transformation herself. Almost instantly, her eyes had cleared.

Just before I died, I knew she was back.

Everything went black, and I crumpled to the floor. Sebastian told me he did CPR for several minutes.

Then Laris arrived.

When I awoke, Sebastian thanked the creator under his breath. I was woozy, and the room was spinning. Sebastian wouldn’t let me get up, which was all right, as I probably would have fallen right back down.

Gigi was crying as she hovered over me, her face pinched, her eyes bloodshot but clear. She was my Gigi! Except I didn’t recognize the outfit she had on, and there was a crown on her head.

After I sat up for a few minutes, Sebastian finally helped me to my feet. My knees were wobbly, my sternum throbbed, and so did my head.

Gigi’s eyes narrowed, and she pointed at Laris, saying, “You,” in the most hateful voice I’d ever heard her use.

“What?” he spat. Then he saw her necklace was gone and something flickered in his eyes just briefly.


Was he afraid of my sister? This gave me hope.

I turned to face Gigi, my hands clasped together and pressed against my lips. She seemed not to see me, but continued glaring at Laris, her hands fists at her sides.

Laris tried to move forward, but Sebastian held him back with his hand.

“Stop there,” Sebastian warned.

I could feel his other hand on my back, as if to gauge where I was.

“What will you do, puny vampire?” Laris snarled, his teeth bared.

“You will not harm them.”

“Geeg, let’s get out of here,” I urged. “Let’s leave!”

“I can’t,” she said, never taking her eyes off of Laris. “Now that I realize everything he’s done, I have to finish this.”

“But we could just leave.”

She shook her head, gripping my shoulders. “Do you feel them? The Resistance? They are sending me their power. But you need to leave now.”

Horrified, I put a hand to my mouth as tears started flowing from my eyes. “No, I won’t go. I want to stay with you.”

She turned her full attention to me now, her eyes also full of tears. “I need you to know that I’m sorry for failing you and my daughter. I love you so much. Sophie, I just need you to be safe so you can take care of Amy. Take her and run. Please!”

“No! I won’t go!”

Tears were running down her cheeks as she held back a sob. “Goodbye, Sophie. Now go! Before it is too late!”

Sebastian put his hand on my shoulder, telling Gigi, “I will make sure they are safe.”

Gigi nodded as Sebastian gripped my arm, attempting to drag me out. I screamed, hitting his chest repeatedly with my fists. This didn’t seem to have any effect on him. Then he gazed into my eyes, and my body went limp as if I had no control at all. What had he done to me?

He slung me over his shoulder as if I weighed nothing, and carried me out. I couldn’t even put up a fight.

Once we were outside, he kept me in this stupor so I couldn’t go back in. I laid there on the ground, helpless, as one of Gigi’s ladies came out of the house with the baby and joined us.

Surrounded by the Resistance who were chanting, the air felt electric as if it was alive.

Then darkness swallowed me again.

The Final Showdown as Pieced Together by the Resistance

The King and Queen expired in a great explosion that took the house, and shook the ground where we stood.

Preying Phantom saved Little Beehive and the progeny.

Our government will reassemble as in the old days thanks to Georgia Noble, who was our Queen and Liberator.

Gerrard McCalmont
Leader of the Resistance

There are so many thanks I need to give for this chapter! Without these people, it would have been a dull affair!

Bee (Stories by Bee / Poses by Bee) for making the magical fighting poses and the poses at the end with Gigi and Laris! Other poses I used from her were Pool Rescue – Adult, Adult – Bad News I’m Pregnant, and Emotions – AdultJust Standing – Males.

NotJustaBook for Pack of Hugs poses and for the Magic effects (.pdf) to use with the Shiftable Fog Emitter.

Buckley for the Shiftable Fog Emitter.

Milenchica for Somebody’s Out Pose Pack.

I hope you found this chapter satisfying and that this post finds you safe, and well.

Thanks so much for reading, liking, commenting, and lurking,

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  1. Those pics were amazing! And seeing Kai there with her, made a huge impact in the scene for all the support and strength she was using to defeat this kind of evil. It’s a shame that same strength couldn’t have saved her as well. Almost like she had been contemplating whether or not she wanted to exist in this world for some time in all those private convos in her head. Perhaps her outbursts were some form of her accepting the reality that she too would soon be gone.

    Bravo her for in her final sacrifice with Sophie to finally take care of her, be the pseudo parent she should have been all this time and a parent to her own child. Her final act, was to save them over all else.

    • Thank you, Bee. I’m glad Kai’s presence had that effect. I really wanted it to feel like he was there with her at the end of it all, giving her strength to do what needed to be done.

      I think you are right about her outbursts and what they were.

      It’s too bad Gigi was not what Sophie needed until then, but at least she came through for them all.

  2. “Just before I died, I knew she was back” – You sure do know how to make an impact with your writing, Kymber!

    It’s so good to see Gigi getting back to her clear-eyed self and seeing Laris start to worry now that he’s lost his grip on her. And the ending, the fire eating them both alive… wow. Just wow.

    I LOVED this story. But Gigi dying? I want to cry! She was so selfless at the end, having Sophie take Amy because she knew she was the one who had to end things, that she had to sacrifice her life to keep her family safe because there was no other way. That’s one badass Queen right there. Okay, pass the tissues now please!!

    • Thank you, Caz. xo I do try. 😀

      I’m so glad you loved this story. It was very different from anything I’d written before and I enjoyed it, too. I like that you said Gigi was one badass queen. 🙂

      At least I don’t owe you hair dye. haha 😀 xoxo

  3. Sorry I’m ‘late’ (not really, just a few hours ha ha) this time, I was out for the whole day, preparing my apartment in Warsaw for the move next week.
    I enjoyed this chapter, but I’m so sad for Gigi. It’s great that we got to experience her narrative when it was still technically Kai’s generation. I feel like because of her state of mind, we mostly heard from Sophie and I guess she is going to continue with the diaries now that Gigi’s out. But Kymber, aren’t you a little evil lately? I remember you saying how Kai was the first heir that died during their generation, and look at you now that you barely just started Gigi’s for real. Maybe it should be called Gigi and Sophie’s gen, I’m wondering? I guess Gigi is technically still heir because her daughter is taking over.
    Really, I’m just so sad that the sisters couldn’t be reunited after this, they’ve been through so much together and I can’t imagine what Sophie must be going through now that she lost both her father and sister and practically her mother as well. and she’s only a teen with now a little niece to take care of. I hope Sebastian will be good support for her.
    I loved your pictures so, so much this chapter. They’re so beautiful and atmospheric. Also Gigi as a queen was absolutely gorgeous. I think generally magic scenes are so fun to make, I loved taking ghostly pics for my story.
    Well, I’m glad I was not first this time because I don’t think I’d have noticed Kai was there if not for the other commenters. But it’s such a lovely touch.
    Also, you scared me there when you had Sophie say ‘just before I died’. Imagine if both of them died this chapter, my goodness.

    • Thank you, Jowita! ❤ I hope you had a good day out. How exciting to be moving into an apartment! 😀

      I’m sad for Gigi, too. I really didn’t plan on this at first because of Kai, but then, I thought she needed to sacrifice herself in order to save everyone. Sophie will continue for now, you are right.

      I am. I’m totally evil. haha

      I’m sorry they couldn’t be reunited after this. Sophie really has lost so much.

      I’m glad you loved the pictures. They are actually gifs, but WordPress can’t handle that many files that are so large, so they don’t play like they should. Yes! It was fun coming up with the pics for this chapter.

      I’m glad you saw Kai, so it’s best you weren’t first then. lol 😀

      I was hoping that line by Sophie would worry you. 😀 😀

  4. That was a rough one. I’m glad Sophie’s okay! And baby Amy too! But poor Gigi. It looks like Kai was with her in the end! </3
    I wonder how long Sebastian's oath to keep Sophie safe holds out. And I'm curious about the family journals and ring. Were they destroyed too?! DX

    • Thank you so much, fluffy. It was a rough one, I agree. I’m sad about Gigi, but you’re right that she is with Kai now, and he was with her in the end. ❤ That’s a good question about Sebastian’s oath; we’ll find out very soon about that.

      Awesome question about the diaries and family ring. More on that coming up! xo 😀

  5. Ouch, was hoping Gigi would have physically survived the final fight with Laris but somehow this ending fits.

    And I love that Kai is behind Gigi, presumably boosting her while being ready to welcome her home to the afterlife.

    • Thank you, Mama Dragon. I know what you mean. I couldn’t see her beating him any other way than to sacrifice herself. I am glad you think the way this worked out fits.

      Yes! In her dream, Kai told her she wouldn’t be alone, and now they are together. 🙂

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