Jade had an empty feeling in her stomach, not caused by hunger. She’d wanted this for so long, her desire that everything be perfect increased with each day she waited. During the nights when she couldn’t sleep, images played in her mind of how it would go.

How she hoped it would go. After all, Gigi and Sophie might not take her presence well. Not after all the years.

She’d only ever wanted to help people. It’s why she became a lawyer in the first place. In helping others, though, she’d let her own daughters down long before her husband was killed in the motorcycle accident.

Afterwards… Well, afterwards, she’d been even less of a mother, allowing her in-laws to make important decisions for her. Not just that, but thinking revenge was the most important thing.

It wasn’t.

How her heart ached when she thought of her little girls alone at the boarding school. They must have felt so confused and abandoned. Because they were. They were abandoned, and she had done it to them.

What kind of person did that to their own children, anyway? How could she have treated them like they meant nothing to her at all? If Kai could talk to her now, he would tell her what a complete disappointment she had turned out to be as a person and a mother.

And she would hide her face in shame.

If only she could forgive herself. But she could never do that. Not when she had forsaken them. She deserved nothing from them. Not ever.

“Is there anything I can get for you, Mrs. Seaforth? A cup of tea maybe?” Tilly asked.

Jade was glad to be rid of the psychiatrists and hospital, but it had disappointed her that this strange girl with her too-short skirts was the one to get her and bring her to this house. In the images in her mind, it had been Gigi that came. Gigi and Sophie both.

The three of them would embrace, and Jade would be full again, knowing they were all together at last.

“Mrs. Seaforth?”

No, I don’t want a cup of tea! the voice in her head screamed. But if she responded like that, they would call her “unstable.” They might even take her back to the hospital. She paused another moment to remind herself how people were supposed to speak to one another, balling her fists at her sides.

“No,” she finally mumbled. “No, thank you.”

Tilly stood there for a moment, then left her to herself again.

The years had been difficult for her, leaving deep trails of regret between her eyebrows.

But when the girls joined her, maybe they could start again.

Hi there, Friends! I hope your week is going well! Thank you for stopping by to read this short insert from Jade. I hoped you enjoyed it!

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  1. I should have explained that as it’s a good question. 🙂 I was thinking Sophie knew where Jade was and told Tilly. Although, Tilly is highly resourceful. lol And yes, Jade was released to her. 😀

  2. Been through this scene and trust me, it is so painful. There are moments when I recall the day I had to send my six
    -year-old to boarding school,40 years ago – It still haunts me on occasions. Yet there is a brighter side. She labored as a single parent to put her three daughters through university and and go on to become successful career women. Now she has finally had an opportunity to start her degree in university.
    You are a fine writer and have deep insight into the nature of people. We are the beneficiaries – keep up the excellent work. Peter.

    • Thank you so much. That must have been very painful indeed. I’m so glad, though, that she turned out so well. 🙂

      Thank you again for your encouragement. It means a lot.

  3. Wow, I totally forgot Tilly was there. I wonder how much she knows exactly and what they will say to Jade. This whole magical thing doesn’t seem believable and they will probably have to tweak it to a new version of events to explain Gigi’s death.
    I’m so sorry for Jade. It must be so difficult for her and she doesn’t even know yet that Gigi died and that she’s become a grandma. She looks much older than she is with all the wrinkles from the stress and worry. I hope it will get better. Maybe she’ll focus on taking care of her granddaughter? It might be her second chance at motherhood like Hailey was for Gemma in my story (granted, it didn’t go well in mine, but I feel like it’s going to be different with Jade). I don’t believe very young Sophie or irresponsible flirty bartender Tilly are going to be very good at taking care of the baby. I feel like it could maybe be therapeutic for her when she learns of Gigi’s death. She will have a part of her in Sophie and the baby.

    • Thank you, Jowita. Yeah, Tilly had to be accounted for. 😀 We’ll definitely be getting into more of her story coming up and your questions will be answered. I get what you’re saying about tweaking the story. I mean the real story is pretty unbelievable.

      I think it would be good if Jade concentrated on her granddaughter. Hopefully, she can take some joy in Amy.

      I like the comparison to your Hailey and Gemma. I think you’re right that Sophie is too young to really be able to raise a child on her own. More on that in the near future, too, as certain decisions are made. I agree about Tilly, too.

  4. Oh no. This isn’t good. For Jade, that is. I think she’ll feel even worse when she finds out Gigi is dead. Worse than when Kai died because of all the guilt on top of sadness.
    I’m guessing Tilly and Sophie are living together now, and Jade will be staying with them? I like the possibility for reconciliation, but MAN OH MAN is this going to be a bumpy ride. Well, that is if Sophie decides to hold onto all that anger she had.

    • Thank you, Jess. You’re so right, about everything! I have been putting myself in Jade’s shoes for more than a week now, and it ain’t pretty. I think it’s true that she will feel worse about Gigi’s death than Kai’s. There is so much guilt there.

      Yeah, I’m moving them all in together. I’m not sure about Jade long-term because that is one aspect I wanted to feel out rather than outline ahead of time. I’m such a pantser when it comes to this story sometimes. LOL

  5. I’ve been sitting here fingers on keys ready to make a comment. I was all ready to be hard on Jade, saying things like I never would have thought the girl we knew as a teen would be so easily led, so taken over by other people to have found herself in the place she did. But I hesitated, because I don’t know how I would have been had all this happened to me. I’ve lost a lot of family members, some to other people’s mistakes. But I’ve never lost a husband, and let’s face it Kai was a dream come true after he got himself together. She was truly blessed to have him, so she could be the person she wanted and also have the life she wanted. Contemplating the sequence of events that lined up to make his death a reality….. could I have mentally and emotionally come out from that on the other side? I don’t know. All I can say is hopefully, the next sequence doesn’t bring her further down even further to a place of no return.

    • I’m with you. I’m not so sure I would’ve coped any better. And when she finds out the fate of Gigi, it could go two ways I think, she’ll either commit herself to caring for Sophie and her granddaughter or she’ll spiral out of control and lose touch with reality.

    • Thank you, Bee. I totally feel what you’re saying here. Your reasoning throughout your entire comment is one of the reasons I thought it was important to show Jade’s inner thoughts before the next phase of the story.

      Let’s hope things work out for Jade and Sophie. But don’t keep your hopes too high as I honestly don’t know where Jade will fit in until I write it. (So much for having an outline and plan! LOLOL)

  6. Tilly? Oh my. How sad will it be when Jade discovers that her oldest daughter died as a direct result of being abandoned by her. Had she been there for them, I don’t think Laris would’ve been able to manipulate her had she been loved and protected. She was alone and took to the first person that seemed to care for her. But then I have to think Tilly is a bit more than she seems too. But maybe not. Maybe she’s just trying to help the ones that befriended her. Interesting twist to say the least.

    • Thank you so much, Audrey. Yes, Tilly! Strange, isn’t it? 😀 That is an interesting thought you brought up.

      It will definitely be sad when Jade discovers her daughter’s fate, and the reasons behind it. I think you’re right that she wouldn’t have strayed so far if she’d been loved and protected by her mother. Instead, it was as if she lost both her parents, and her sister, all at once.

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