The Heirs Side by Side


I was going to wait until the end of Noble Doubt to do this, which is not far off now since I’m ending the story with Generation 10, and Amy is now born. But I have always wanted to put all the heirs next to each other to see which features stayed in the family.

I hope you enjoy looking, too. 🙂

Thanks for stopping by! Don’t forget to tune in this Saturday at 10 am (EST) for an exciting chapter of Noble Doubt! The next chapter is a doozy!

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    • Awww I’m sorry. I do have some interesting plans, though, once the story is finished. It might have to do with a certain vampire, I’m not totally sure yet. 😀

  1. This is so cool! You’ve made all them them distinctive & memorable. I still miss Kai. And I’ll always remember Bea’s stories, but I think Gigi is gorgeous in a wish-I-looked-like-her kind of a way! xx

    • Thank you, Caz. xo I’m so glad you think they are all distinct in their own ways. 🙂 I miss Kai, too. And I agree about Gigi. I would love to look like her! 😀

  2. My gosh! 10 whole generations! I can’t believe Holden was the halfway mark. I think my favorite was Blue. She had such a different story and growth than her father & grandmother.

    • Thanks, fluffy. IKR? I can’t believe Holden was the half-way mark either.

      Oh, Blue. How I miss her. She was such a spoiled brat, but I liked the growth she achieved, too. xo

  3. Leo always holds a spot in my heart. He was the one who helped Marty and Xalan get back together. Wasn’t his fault that the vault door auto-locked though! I love Leo the most because the grief over losing Jilly would never truly leave him, even if he quit blaming himself for the accident. In a way, Jilly found her way back to him through Blue and Marty.

    Still today I break down and blubber whenever I read the chapter about that terrible day because, being a twin myself, losing my other half is my worst fear. Knowing they’re together in the after-life makes me smile though.

  4. Congratulations for making it this far! I don’t think I see Memphis in Gigi at all, though, lol. Leo definitely inherited in his mother’s nose like Holden did Marty’s. And I think that Bea’s nose got passed on to Kai. I like how three of them are gingers, three are blondes and three have dark hair. Your legacy definitely got dominated by ladies, haha. But I think you kind of had a pattern, intentionally or not, after Leo of two girls and then a guy so I guess maybe we would have seen a guy at gen 11 if the story wasn’t ending. Man, I know what you mean about those first generations, I too remember them most fondly somehow. Loved that comparison!

  5. I’m looking at this and thinking someone is missing. But I know they are all there, I counted and I think I can still count to nine. But still, I have this feeling someone is missing………. any idea who I think that is?

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