Chapter 8.23: Dear Diary, Mysterious Stranger


Dear Diary, after our night on the playground, Sophie and the rest of us were exhausted. It was worth it in my mind, though. I only hoped Sophie would stay awake during her classes today.

“That was so much fun!” Meredith said for the umpteenth time.

“It was,” I agreed, stifling a yawn.

While Meredith grabbed her towel, shampoo, and other bathing items, I was drawn to the window. I barely heard her leave our room. The sun coming up was stunning. But it was more than the sun. I was almost blinded by the brilliance of the light, to the point where my knees buckled. If I hadn’t been hanging on to the nightstand, I might have fallen over.

The light looked miles away, yet it seemed to be with me in my room. It enveloped me, surrounding me with warmth. Something in me stirred. Something that had been asleep was awakening. Every bit of me felt the need to follow the light because I didn’t want the feeling to stop.

The pull was irresistible.

And then it was gone.

What was happening to me? Ever since my dad died, and I was sent to this school, the strangest things were turning my life upside-down.

Suddenly, the alarm on my watch went off, announcing breakfast. I’d been standing at the window for ages, and now I didn’t have time for a shower.

“Gross,” I said under my breath.

Breakfast was over, and the girls were milling about, talking about this and that.

I was just returning my tray at the counter when Tilly cornered me.

“I own you,” she said with a sneer.

“What are you talking about?”

“I saw you and the others last night sneaking back in from the playground. Unless you want me to tell Iron Tits, you’ll do what I say.”

My jaw dropped, and I was frozen in place. “What is it you want exactly?”

“I’m not sure yet, but I want you to know I’ll be calling in a favor whenever it suits me.”

That was it. I’d been through too much to let this sniveling little asshat blackmail me. Nothing could hurt me now. Not after everything I’d lost. Besides, seeing my sister was worth it. I would do it all again if it was to see Sophie.

“You know what, Tilly? Turn me in! I dare you! I couldn’t care less.”

Now her jaw dropped. Then anger flashed through her eyes.

“That’s not how this goes, bitch. I’m not bluffing, I’ll tell on you.”

“Go ahead,” I repeated, my heart like stone. Any punishment could not be worse than what I’d already been through, and frankly, I was too tired to deal with her shit this morning.

Tilly clearly didn’t know what to think of me.

All at once, Sister Joan appeared, her face contorted, her voice more firm than I’d ever heard from her.

“What is wrong with you girls? I could hear you from clear down the hall.”

“Me, too,” Mr. Lynd, the gym teacher said, also appearing out of nowhere. “I’ll take over, Sister Joan.”

Sister Joan stood back, and Mr. Lynd moved between me and Tilly.

“I don’t care what’s going on here,” he said, his voice firm. “Apologize to each other.”

“Not a chance,” Tilly said, crossing her arms in front of her.

My spin stiffened, and I said, “Not going to happen.”

Mr. Lynd looked like he might explode. His face turned all kinds of shades of red, and his eyes narrowed. He grabbed both our arms in a vice grip and dragged us to Iron Tit’s office.

There were other chairs in the room, but they made us sit next to each on the couch instead. While we waited for Iron Tits to appear, Tilly kept glancing at me. I stared straight ahead, pretending not to notice.

Finally, she said, “It doesn’t mean anything we’re in trouble. I’ll tell her as soon as she comes in if you don’t promise to do what I say.”

“You know,” I said, “maybe you should eat your makeup so you’ll be pretty on the inside, too.”

Tilly gasped, then despite herself, she laughed.

Our principal joined us, her usual scowl in place.

“What is the matter with you two? Spill it.”

I waited for Tilly to tell on me. Instead, she said, “I lost my temper again, Ms. Hanover. Gigi and I are the best of friends. There’s nothing to see here.” Then she turned to me. “I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”

Was she for real? What had changed in the last five minutes? I realized then that Iron Tits was staring at me.

“I’m sorry, too,” I mumbled.

Even though we both apologized, she gave us extra chores to make us think about our unacceptable behavior. Whatever.

I had to clean up trash near the tennis court.

As I worked, my skin tingled. Then, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.

I turned around, realizing with a gasp I was not alone. Where had this guy come from?

He looked no older than me, but he had a shock of white-silvery hair.

“Hi,” he said.

I hadn’t quite caught my breath yet, but I managed to stammer a hello to him.

“I’m Laris Bloodgood.”

“Georgia… uh, Gigi Seaforth,” I stammered. Why had I so freely told him that? I didn’t even know him!

His clothes were strange… and that hair.

As I stared at him, the mesmerizing glow of light returned. It seemed to engulf him, and I could not look away.

“I’m new in town,” he said.

He kept talking, but I barely heard him.

It was like I was in a trance, just standing there, staring at him, my face slack.

“What made you come here?” I asked, my voice sounding a million miles away to me.

He kept talking, but I only saw the light, its warmth engulfing me, making me want to stay there forever. I could easily lose myself there, forgetting my life, ignoring everything else.

When he took his leave, I wanted to follow him, to get that flame back.

It took several minutes before I remembered where I was or who I was. I knew something was very wrong, but it didn’t stop me from aching for the all-consuming comfort the light brought to me.

A special thanks goes to Bee (Poses by BeeStories by Bee) for the poses! You can find them here: Family Fighting Updated!

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  1. Oh, Chickie! I wish you could’ve heard my howl at Gigi’s comeback about Tilly’s makeup. Hahahahaha! Now that was classic. 😀 😀 ;D It got Tilly’s respect because Gigi stood up for herself and didn’t let Tilly steamroll over her. This is the start of a relationship that will benefit both of them.

    I know how all this plays out, but the appearance of the mysterious stranger intrigued me. I wasn’t sure what I thought of him at first and decided to reserve judgment until I could get a better handle on him. This could either make or break Gigi. Plus her powers! Well, you know how I feel about the Supernatural. 🙂

  2. I think Tilly liked that Georgia didn’t give in to her, and that’s why she didn’t tell on her. I can see them becoming friends after Gigi earned her respect. Hm… and her powers continue to amaze us.

  3. That comeback, though! Nice!

    And I am so intrigued by these… visions? Something very strange is going on and I can’t wait to learn more.

    • Thank you, Hilly. It is surprising that Tilly didn’t say anything. Perhaps Gigi threw her off. I can’t wait for you to find out who the stranger is, too!

    • Thank you, Violincat. Yes, I’m looking forward to exploring Tilly and Gigi’s relationship further. You definitely have the right to be concerned about Laris.

  4. Intriguing. Mesmerizing. Definitely exciting!! oh and I guess scary as well. I love this new back bone of hers. She always had it, but she has become more mature, even if that seems funny to say. And it’s good because I think she is going to need it, if all this happening to her is any indication. And of course I love it when new and fascinating characters come in, and he definitely seems something!

    • Thank you, Bee. I love your assessment. Gigi has nothing left to lose, as Audrey said in her comment. I think you’re right that her backbone was always there; we saw it when she stood up for her sister against the peer pressure with the neighbor girl. You’re right that Gigi is going to need that backbone.

  5. Okay then! I laughed so hard when Tilly backed down. She’s met her match in Gigi. When you feel you’ve nothing to lose it makes you see things differently. And the warm light. It was the gorgeous man child. Maybe a fairy? But that name kinda made me shiver a little. Laris Bloodgood sounds fairyish although it could be vampirish but he doesn’t strike me as that sort of undead. Or an angel perhaps? Sent by her father to watch out for her, because he’s clearly with the angels.

    • Thank you, Audrey. I’m glad I made you laugh. You’re right about the perspective you have when there is nothing left to lose. A fairy? A vampire? An angel? All terrific guesses! I can’t wait to reveal more!

  6. Heh, I guess Gigi earned Tilly’s respect. 🙂 That was a pretty good insult right there and it was pretty cool of her to just take the blackmail and say ‘No way!’. Best reaction to blackmail I’ve seen. 😀
    As for this mysterious stranger… oh my oh my. 😀 Not sure if I sniff a romance on the wind or if it’s just my romance hungry self that sees it everywhere. Either way, I’m excited to see where it all goes! Lovely chapter, Kym. <3

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