Doris is in Trouble


Gwen knew her roommate Doris was acting strangely. For one thing, she kept excusing herself from class to use the bathroom. Nobody needed to pee that often! So, one time Doris was getting a bathroom pass from the teacher, Gwen got one, too, and followed the other girl. She came into the bathroom just in time to see Doris puking her guts out.

“What’s going on?” Gwen asked, handing her roommate a paper towel to wipe her mouth on.

Doris, still looking green around the gills started to cry. “I’m pregnant.”

Gwen held Doris as she sobbed, rubbing her back. She knew Doris had been sneaking out at night to see a boy from town, but she had no idea something like this would happen. This only happened to other people, not her or her friends.

“Are you sure?” Gwen asked, helping Doris dry her tears with more paper towels.

Doris nodded. “I stole a pregnancy test when I started getting sick. And sure enough, it’s positive. What’s worse is Tilly saw me sneaking out last week. She’s going to tell Iron Tits if I don’t do what she says.”

“Oh, no,” Gwen groaned. “What are we going to do?”

New tears filled Doris’s eyes. “I don’t know.”

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  1. Awww, poor Doris. 🙁 I just wanted to give her a big hug. This school is a horrible, putrid place to be, and being preggers is gonna make it a helluva lot worse. Betcha not much gets past ol’ Iron Tits.

    Oh, and speaking of Iron Tits, I forgot to tell you on the introductory post for her that I completely lost it over the nickname the girls call her. IRON TITS!!!! OMG, I laughed so hard I thought I was gonna croak. Gaaawwwwd, that was hilarious. 😀 😀 😀

    • Thank you so much, dear friend. xo We are doing very well, thank you. Katy is so much better. Thank you for all your prayers. I hope you and your family are well, too, and that you enjoy the summer.

      • I am very glad Katy is doing better. I still add her to the daily sage. I learn in Monterey many years ago by the witchy ladies who loved me. Write names to paper, with tobacco and my small tipi. The smoke will send the prayers and hope to the gods. You are welcome my dear friend. Play the song of Nightbirde “I am okay.” She had a 2% chance of living two years ago. The cancer is almost gone. Hope, is the greatest power we have.

  2. Thank you for sharing!!… life does put challenges before us and though one may not see a silver lining at the moment, perhaps in the future good will come of it for Doris and all, support being the key… 🙂
    “I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you can appreciate them when they’re right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together”…( Marilyn Monroe)… 🙂

    Until we meet again..
    May flowers always line your path
    and sunshine light your way,
    May songbirds serenade your
    every step along the way,
    May a rainbow run beside you
    in a sky that’s always blue,
    And may happiness fill your heart
    each day your whole life through.
    (Irish Saying)

    • Thank you so much for your beautiful comment. I love the Marilyn Monroe quote and Irish saying, too. You’re so right about life’s challenges. Hopefully all will work out for the best.

  3. Oh boy! You should have seen my face when I read I’m pregnant lol. Ya know, when there’s so many girls, someone is bound to get pregnant lol. Poor child. So young!

  4. Oh boy! This one was a surprise to me….your editor, you know! It’s not often I don’t know what is going on or coming down the line, or up your sleeve! Poor gal, and I wonder what will happen next.

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