Tilly Thompson’s Strange Night


Tilly Thompson had been at the boarding school longer than any other girl she knew. Because of this, she thought she was due some respect from her classmates. Tonight, though, they’d shown her anything but, and she was determined they would pay.

When Mr. Saul discovered her sneaking back to her room that night, she could have told him everything she’d seen.

Instead, she decided to keep it to herself. For now.

It was four in the morning, so she gave him an excuse about rising early to finish a painting. But Mr. Saul didn’t buy it.

Even so, she stuck to her story. There wasn’t much he could do about it except send her to her room anyway.

She didn’t say a word to him about following Doris all the way to the basement where the parking garage was. No, Tilly smirked to herself, wondering how she could best extort this information.

Tilly had met girls like Doris before… the boy crazy kind. It stood to reason, then, that Doris was sneaking to town to meet a boy.

Just as Tilly was turning to go back to her room, she heard the side door that led to the playground open. Tilly dashed around the corner where she wouldn’t be seen. To her delight, she saw Darcy, Gigi, Meredith, and some little girl sneaking in, then shushing each other before going up the stairs.

What a fortuitous night this had been for Tilly! So much blackmail to be had!

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  1. Ohhh, Tilly, Tilly, Tilly! You’re playing with fire, dearheart and it’s not gonna bode well for you. As Tootie from “The Facts of Life” always says, “There’s gonna be TROUBLE!” It’s gonna be Katie bar the door if Tornado Tilly touches down. Haha! Listen to that alliteration. 😀

  2. I love those student ID cards, Kymber, such a creative idea!

    Tilly sounds like the smart type. Keep quiet, collate your evidence, get your ducks in a row and strike. Cunning girl! xx

    • Thank you, Caz. I’m so glad you like the ID cards. I thought I needed a way of reminding readers who was who. 😀 Tilly is indeed cunning. We’ll see how her plans go with Gigi in Saturday’s chapter. lol

  3. Did I call it or what???? Don’t know if that is parenting or teaching instincts…maybe both. But I just knew she would be the one to watch out for. I just hope Gigi doesn’t pay too harshly for seeing her sister! Hey maybe Tilly can become a best friend………keep her in check

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