BONUS POST: Jade’s Discovery!


An excerpt from the journal of Jade Greenhill…

Dennis has a mean face, yet I never noticed until this evening as he confronted me in my living room. I’d seen him in court, breaking down witnesses, and making grown men cry on the stand as he expertly slyly made his point for the win. Why hadn’t I noticed what a no-good weasel he was before? Was it because before now, he’d never directed his ire at me?

“How did you find out?” he asked, lifting his chin.

I glared at him hard but knew he couldn’t care less that I was angry. If he felt anything at all, it was irritation because he got caught.

“Kai’s father hired an expensive lawyer to help him. After looking at the evidence, or the lack thereof, and the offer the prosecutor gave him, he said either you need to go back to law school because you’re stupid, or there is some reason you wanted Kai out of the way.” I watched as his hand close into a fist at his side and made sure I knew where the exit was. “We both know you’re not stupid, Dennis, just cruel.”

His smirk was hideous, reminding me of a hyena my daughter and I had seen on a nature program the other night.

“You wound me,” he said, placing a hand over his heart as if I’d shot him with an arrow.

My pulse increased, and there was a pounding in my ears. Vivid memories of everything Kai had been through because I told him to trust Dennis flashed through my brain.

“Why? Why didn’t you tell him to hold out? I specifically brought you onto the case because I was too green. I depended on you to help him!”

Spittle built up in the corners of his mouth, and his voice increased in volume as he answered me.

“No, you didn’t! I made subtle suggestions that you couldn’t handle the case so you would ask for my help.”

This was too much! I think I stood there, stupidly gaping at him for a full minute to gather my wits enough to speak.

“You planned all of this? Tell me why you would do such a thing!”

He strode across the floor in three steps, closing the distance between us before I had the chance to move. While he yelled at me, he kept making jabbing motions with his finger in my face.

“Not that long ago you and I were an item, Jade! I wanted you back! Then, you bring this man back into your life. He may be Georgia’s father, but he’s the worst type of guy you could ever involve yourself with, and you even let him around your little girl! You’re an awful mother, and I had to take charge to protect you both!” He took a deep breath, then said, “Don’t you understand? I love you. I have always loved you.”

There was a moment when I thought he might hurt me, so I retreated a few steps, keeping the front door in my line of site the entire time.

“You’re sick!” I spat the words at him. “Our relationship was short lived, and I will never take you back! Who do you think you are to manipulate me the way you have and ruin my friend’s life? I want you out of my house, and out of my life!”

“You better watch what you say or you just might find yourself out of a job.”

“I quit! I can be an attorney anywhere, but I’d rather not be one at all if it means having to work with you!”

When Dennis finally left, I stumbled to the front window to make sure his car drove away. Cracking it open a little, I leaned on the sill, my chest heaving with capsizing breaths.

I’d never expected Dennis to do such a thing, and I’d ignored how dangerous he was because I liked my job.

Now, I had to face Kai with this newfound information. My stomach churned at the thought of hurting him again, but I knew he needed the truth.

I hope you liked today’s entry with Jade and Dennis. Thank you so much for reading, liking, commenting, and lurking! Have a great rest of the week! See you Saturday!

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  1. Reposting original comment.

    June 10, 2020 at 6:18 pm

    Holy freaking shit, that was intense! Well, we have some answers to some very important questions at least. It sounds like Dennis was abusive to her while they were together. That’s not a good thing, ever! At least they weren’t together for long. Well, let’s hope she and Kai can get everything out in the open and maybe even become a family. I think those two were meant to be together, so let’s hope they don’t take as long as Kara and Bram did to figure it out.

  2. Well, that Dennis guy is a piece of crap. I’m glad Jade is over with him, both as his girlfriend and working with him. I can’t believe he’d do that to Kai.

  3. I think telling Kai Will not do aby good. It will only upset him deeply if not even break him. Getting through the hell when he believed it was the best sentence he could get was probably one thing that kept him together. To learn it was all unnecessary… It would do more harm than good. She shouldnt Tell him. At least not now when all is still fresh and raw.

  4. Holy freaking shit, that was intense! Well, we have some answers to some very important questions at least. It sounds like Dennis was abusive to her while they were together. That’s not a good thing, ever! At least they weren’t together for long. Well, let’s hope she and Kai can get everything out in the open and maybe even become a family. I think those two were meant to be together, so let’s hope they don’t take as long as Kara and Bram did to figure it out.

  5. That answers the question of whether they’re dating… 😅

    The way Jade kept looking for an out makes me wonder if he was abusive when they were together. I’m glad she wasn’t with him for long.

  6. My goodness. Dennis is wicked. And I totally bought into his cunning for the past chapters. I really hope Kai will not blame Jade. But I sense he will with his temper. Dennis seems like a powerful man. He could ruin Jade’s chances of a good referral and reputation. 😔

    • Thank you so much. Dennis is wicked, for sure. Very manipulative. I think Jade has learned a lot here. You make a good point about Kai’s temper. lol Let’s hope this all turns out for the best. Dennis is vindictive, but hopefully, he will leave Jade alone.

  7. I kind of had a feeling about this guy. Like he didn’t put all his cards on the table. Anyways, Jade should go to the higher-ups. This guy’s unhinged and should be disbarred.

    • Yes, you said something about him, I thought. 😀 I think Jade is definitely going to take action on this against him. We’ll see where it goes. I totally agree with you.

  8. Oh, I didn’t trust him from the first sight. I could understand Kai, to take charge for what he did, even it was by accident. But I wondered how less this lawyer fought for his client. In fact, he did nothing to change things for the better. 🤔

  9. that was a sorter chapter than I had expected

    I think you are a great writer…

    the reaction youve got are perfect on the comments…

    but ” I want to hit *him* though. Really hard. With a mallet, or something sharp.” that just make me laugh

    nice one Kymber 🙂

    • Thank you, Darren. Yeah, that was only just over 700-some words.

      Awww, that’s sweet of you to say. I love the comments, too. 😀 😀 This community has always been so supportive. xo

      • Your welcome, Kymber 🙂 It is really good the idea of doing a small chapter, well now and again anyway.

        I sometimes seemed to get a little carried away with it and I had this problem with The chapter I just posted yesterday. it was over 5000-some words and more than 24 pictures.

        way too big, so I’ve had to cut the chapter in half, I think its a nice chapter with a little bit of romance in it and it was a lot of fun

        Smaller chapters in a lesson that I will have to keep in mind if I ever start a new story. Maybe 12 pictures instead of 24 as I normally do

        cant change now or I will have loads more chapter to go to get this finished, I’m almost thinking about calling my last chapter the never-ending story, as it doesn’t seem to want me to finish it

        you’ve been a writer for a while has this ever happened to you?

        • Whenever I do a bonus chapter from a different character’s point of view, they tend to be shorter because I usually only have one or two points to get across. lol When you write in first person, it’s difficult to show everything because you’re only ever hearing from the main character.

          Oh yes, that’s happened to me. Even in Noble Doubt where I’ve limited myself to thirty chapters per generation. When I started ND, I thought thirty chapters sounded like an awful lot. lol But there have been some generations where I wish I could go on.

          • I never thought of doing it that way, I tend to jump from one character to the other. but my story is more of a script and it’s a lot easier to follow

            I’ve been experimenting with putting a lot more feelings into the characters, so hopefully, its come over well.

            if you had told me I was going to write 50+ chapters, I would think you were joking you. but you are right it does sound a lot when you first start.

            but get very attached to the characters and that’s what makes it so difficult.

            I think it will be a better sweet moment when my story does finally end

            but I think its good to move on to something new, a new character give you a new idea with new potability and that’s really good fun 🙂

            I think that’s why I have enjoyed writing this 3 part chapter spin-off into the unknown 🙂

            • Yes, I think yours is set up differently like a script, too, and so it works the way you do it. If I did that on mine, it would throw people because Kai is the only story teller here.

              I do get a lot of feeling from your characters; it come across well.

              Oh my, do I get attached, too! That makes finishing so hard. It about kills me when I see previous heirs as elders. lol

              I think it’s good to move on to something fresh and new, too. Good point. 🙂

    • Thank you, Hilly! I agree, that’s great! I love New Beginnings, too. 😀

      Dennis is a real piece of work, I’m not surprised you’re angry. 😡

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