Chapter 8.7: Dear Diary, an Admission


While I was incarcerated, my father took care of my finances and kept my business afloat. My first day back at the shop, I stood among my tools with a thick throat. I drew a deep breath in through my nose, my chest expanding, my eyes clouded with tears. It was good to be back where I belonged.

Yet part of the building haunted me.

Walking to the back stall, I hesitated, then stepped inside.

After a long moment of staring at the wall, I turned around to face the room. The place where I’d killed Frank Cooper.

At first glance, nothing happened. The floor where he’d lain with blood pooling around his head like a halo was obviously gone. There was no trace that anything violent had ever taken place here.

But I knew otherwise, and I would never forget the awful noise Frank’s head made when it hit the floor. It was like a sledgehammer taken to a watermelon, sickening and fatal.

And I was responsible.

The floor tilted, and I realized, almost too late, I was letting myself relive the moment yet again.

Frank had no family to ask forgiveness from, and no matter what he’d done to me in the past, I could not forgive myself for the thoughtless act that had taken another life.

Would I always feel this way, or was there some redemption to be had? What could possibly repay something so heinous?

Seeing as I didn’t have a car to work on at the moment, i turned to an old junker I always wanted to restore. With the shape it’s in, I might be working on it for the rest of my life. Besides, keeping my hands busy at least helped the negative thoughts subside.

I’d been working a while when Mom and Dad stopped by.

I kept working after saying hello. It was hard to look my mom in the eyes these days because around me, she always looked like she would cry. I couldn’t have that, and I often wondered what it would take before she stopped it.

“I put some lunch for you in your little fridge in the break room,” she said. “It’s your favorite, fiesta veggie wrap, and some snacks.”

She was always feeding me or leaving me and Robert food at the loft.

“Thanks, Mom.”

“It looks like you’re finally gaining some weight, but you’re still too thin.”

“Okay.” What? Was I going to argue with the woman feeding me? She’d get no protest from me.

“Well, you two visit. I’m going to clean a little bit.”

With that, my determined mom left for the other room, leaving Dad behind.

“Do you mind if I keep working?” I asked.

“Not at all. How have you been? Really?”

I sighed, wetting my lips as I tightened a bolt with my wrench. “I’m good. Really.”

“What are you working on?”

Sometimes, I forget my dad is blind.

“This old car probably beyond saving.”

“Yet, you’re putting a lot of effort into it.”

“Well, yeah. If I ever did finish it, it’d look and run pretty sweet.”

“Are you still going to counseling?”

I straightened up, wrench still in hand, to stare at him. At least now I understood why my mother made her awkward exit. “I told you I’m okay.”

“I’m not trying to get on your nerves, but Mom and I were talking, and we just want you to take care of yourself.” He paused, then added, “Kind of like your car there. We want you to know you’re not beyond saving.”

“I got it,” I said. “I can’t tell you enough how sorry I am for everything. I know I’ve caused you both a lot of pain and worry.”

“We love you, and we want you to live the life you deserve.”

The life I deserve. I’d always figured I deserved a lot. My father had more money than he could ever spend in his lifetime, and when I was in trouble as a kid, I had the advantage of benefiting from one of the best boarding schools in the country. My life was full of conveniences, protections, and powers I’d always taken for granted.

All at once, I was full of revelations and ideas.

“Dad, I need something. It’s more important than you can imagine.”

“Of course. What is it?”

I told him about my cell mate Vincent Roberts, and how I was certain he was innocent. The whole time, since meeting Vincent, I’d hoped someone could assist him. For once, instead of trusting someone else to help another person, this was something I could actually take action on!

At first, Dad was silent, his expression unreadable.

“You really want to help this man?”

“Yes!” My urgency to see this through raised my voice much louder than I intended.

“I’ll make some calls and see if someone will meet with him.”

I was breathless as warmth radiated through my chest. As soon as my parents left, I hurried to send Vincent an email. He wasn’t allowed the internet, but the prison took emails on behalf of the inmates. I couldn’t wait for him to call me.

In the evening, I like to sit in the backyard, have a few drinks, and work on my business. I was working on getting my shop’s website up to date, redesigning some of the basics. The stars were coming out. Even with the bright outdoor lights, I could see and enjoy them.

I stood as I noticed Jade coming out the back patio door, coming toward me. We’d only spoken a little since the night I ordered her out of the house that night.

Even though I was still angry with her for keeping Gigi from me, my heart warmed at the site of her. “I’ve missed you.”

She stood in front of me, her long legs crossed in that cute outfit…

“I’ve missed you, too. Are you listening?”

“Huh? Oh, yeah. Sorry.”

Her expression softened, but a flicker of worry darkened her eyes. “I need to talk to you. This won’t be easy, but you need to know.”

Good grief, what now? Another long-lost child? That couldn’t be it.

Could it?

“I can already tell you’re letting your imagination run away with you,” she said with an unsteady voice.

“Well, I’ve been hit with some stuff recently.” I tried to laugh, but it sounded strangled.

“Over the years, we’ve been through a lot, you and I.” She paused, drawing her lower lip into her mouth, then she sighed. “Even with what happened the other night about Gigi, I think we’ve slowly been working to a better place. The last thing I want to do is jeopardize the ground we’ve laid.”

“But…” I said with a bravado I didn’t feel.

“But what I have to tell you is pretty bad. I wish I could change everything.”

“What are you talking about?”

With trembling fingers, she crossed her arms as if hugging herself. “Your dad hired another attorney while you were incarcerated, to look at your case. After that lawyer’s review was over, it was brought to my attention that Dennis did a poor job of representing you. Which, in turn, means I did a poor job.”

“What do you mean?”

“This is difficult, Kai.” She took a deep breath as she prepared to dive in again. “When I confronted Dennis, he admitted manipulating his way onto your case to ensure you’d do some time.”

“He actually said that to you?”


For a full minute, all I did was stare at her. “Why? W-why would he do that?”

Jade looked at her feet, then her watch, anywhere, it seemed but at me.


Her breath came in a hiccup, her cheeks flushed. “What you need to understand is that Dennis was a mentor of sorts while I was in law school. It thrilled when he hired me into his company. It’s not a huge firm, but it’s highly respected, and it’s a starting point someone new like me can be proud of.” Her lip quivered, and she took a deep breath. “We were involved, and yes, I know that’s not a good situation with coworkers, but there you have it. He-he wanted you out of the way because he thought you were the reason I wasn’t coming back to him.”

My head jerked in her direction, my eyes narrowed. “You confronted him about this?” I took both her hands, looking at her wrists for any signs of bruising as my blood boiled. “Did he hurt you?”

“No,” she answered fast. “I ordered him out of my house after quitting my job.”

“You quit?” I mumbled.

“Don’t you see?” This is where she sounded like an adult who has explained the same thing a million times to their kid. “You went to prison because we didn’t do a good job.”

My heart melted as tears built up in her eyes.

Making my voice as soothing as I was able, I said, “I understand what you’re saying, but you don’t know that.”

“Oh, I pretty much do.”

I took her hands again and squeezed them. “I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how I was before, how I am different now.”

“But, aren’t you angry with me?”

I took inventory of my feelings and surprised even myself. “I’m worried about you. He was in a position of power over you, and he betrayed you. I’d like to kick his ass.”

“We definitely don’t need to add that to the problems. Besides, I don’t know what will come of it, but I reported him to the bar.”

“Hopefully, he gets his.”

She nodded. “I can’t believe you’re not throwing things or telling me to leave.”

You never realize how entitled and badly behaved you’ve been until the woman you’ve crushed on your whole life says something like that.

“I killed Frank Cooper, and they punished me. What I did warrants what I got. But, we have to make sure he can never do this to anyone else. I mean, who else has he screwed over? And, what else is he capable of?”

“I’m glad you feel that way because he needs to pay. I’ll meet with your father’s attorney and see what happens from there.”

“Good. Now, there’s something I want to tell you.”

That’s when I laid it on her about Vincent, and how I hoped his innocence would be found out so they could set him free.

“You’re really passionate about this.”

I nodded with great enthusiasm. “Yeah, I am.”

Her huge brown eyes filled with tears again.

“Don’t cry, baby,” I murmured.

Then, I took a chance and did something that finally felt right.

After our kiss, we laid in the grass watching the stars I love. It felt good holding her in my arms, and I wished I never had to let go.

Special thanks to Bee (Poses by Bee) for the poses I used from her site: Emotions – Adult and Conversation Poses. Your poses make me so happy! Thank you also to spladoum for the Embrace – 8 Couples’ Poses.

I hope you are enjoying the story, and that this post finds you safe, and well. Thanks so much for reading, liking, commenting, and lurking.

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  1. Reposting original comment.

    June 10, 2020 at 6:56 pm

    I’m really proud of Kai for taking the latest blow the way he did. It’s great that Jade got it off her chest and reported Dennis for his actions. I hope Dennis doesn’t come back to try to exact revenge or something on her. It’s great that Kai wants to help Vincent, and if anyone can, Kai can. I loved seeing him and Jade together again, and I really hope they can find happiness. I also hope he can find a way to forgive himself because he won’t have any peace until he does.

    • Maybe Kai is growing up, huh? 😀 Hopefully, he can help Vincent the way he wants and that it works out. Vincent sure needs a break.

      I agree totally with what you say about Kai needing to forgive himself. You are spot on.

  2. I’m so glad he wants to help Vincent. His experience, especially having him for a jail mate, has really humbled him.

    Interested to see how his and Jade’s relationship goes. 🙂

    Spladoum has some amazing poses.

  3. I’m really proud of Kai for taking the latest blow the way he did. It’s great that Jade got it off her chest and reported Dennis for his actions. I hope Dennis doesn’t come back to try to exact revenge or something on her. It’s great that Kai wants to help Vincent, and if anyone can, Kai can. I loved seeing him and Jade together again, and I really hope they can find happiness. I also hope he can find a way to forgive himself because he won’t have any peace until he does.

  4. I am proud of Kai, how much he can forgive and his want to move forward with his life (and with Jade 🥰😍 ). And I am so happy that he can use his privilege to help Vincent.
    I just hope that in time he can learn to forgive himself.

    • Thank you so much. I think Kai is growing up a bit. Hopefully, he and Jade get closer. 😀 Yes! Let’s hope Vincent gets released.

      I hope Kai can forgive himself, too.

    • Thank you so much, Jo. I’m so glad you enjoyed the chapter.

      My deepest condolences to you. I’m so sorry for your loss. ❤️❤️ Sending you lots of virtual hugs.

      • Thank you! I snagged them. I had a sad day today, but that’s okay. They will come and they will go. Happy tears of happy days that bring me smiles of our love and the bond we had.

  5. its a real roller coaster ride for Kia. I dont know how he would be able to cope with that in his mind. he will really need all his friends and a lot inner strength. the conscience is a powerful thing even if you run over a animal by accident, unless you break it that is. a thought provoking chapter Kymber… nice one!

    you haven’t seen a good courtroom lot in sims 4 or 3 by any chance? doesn’t matter what it looks like on the outside. prefer s4 as I dont want push s3 any harder than I have too. but if it really good it would be worth it 🙂

    just finished both of my new chapters now 2nd one is the best. but there a couple of big guest cameos in the 3rd, and I think its a nice finish to S4 side story 🙂

    • Thank you, Darren. You’re totally right about Kai and what he needs to get through this time in his life.

      I haven’t seen a courtroom that I wanted to use, but I did build my own. It’s nothing good enough to upload, it’s basically for interior shots, and it’s in ts3.

      Yes, I saw you had a couple chapters out, and I want to read them. I’m a little behind right now, but hope to catch up with reading this weekend. 🙂

  6. I’m finally here to read haha. 🙂 Kai is really maturing, to the point where I understand why Jade didn’t object to the smooch. I think they’ll be good for each other – they have a shared past and of course they’ll need to co-parent.
    I like that he’s trying to help Vincent as well. Kai really is maturing. 🙂
    Lovely chapter, Kym!

    • Thank you, Louise. 😀 😀 I’m glad you’re here. xo I think Kai is finally learning a few things and growing up. I think they’ll be good for each other, too.

      I think it will be good for Kai to help Vincent as well. 🙂

  7. I’m glad he’s recognized how even in trouble he has more privilege than most people. Even more so, I’m glad he’s using his privilege to help someone who has none! I really hope Vincent is innocent, and if he is, I hope Bram’s lawyer can get justice for him. I’m also glad Kai and Jade are in a better place. She’s so darn cute!

    • Thank you, Jess. Yessss, he’s figuring some things out now. I hope Vincent is telling the truth, too, for a lot of reasons. I hope, if Vincent is released somehow, it changes both his life and Kai’s.

      I’m soooo glad Kai and Jade are in a better place, too. It was killing me, them not getting along. haha I love Jade.

  8. Good job reporting that jerk, Jade. His behavior was so far beyond ok that, frankly, it would serve him right to do some time.
    I hope they can prove his cellmate’s innocence.

  9. I love seeing how much Kai has grown. He’s been through a lot but he’s recognizing the privileges he’s had. And I’m very glad he’s going to try to help Vincent! They could become good lifelong friends.

    • Thank you, Raymond. I’m so glad you love how Kai has grown. I hope you’re right about Vincent because I think both he and Kai could use friends right now. 🙂

  10. This is great! I think it’s ok for him to feel badly about having killed Frank. Unless he becomes a Christian or Buddhist, I’m not exactly sure how he’ll be able to forgive himself, but maybe understanding psychology and neurology can help him understand how human what he did was and find some compassion for himself, and even for Frank.

    • Thank you, CT 🙂 I’m glad you like this. Knowing Kai, I don’t think there is any way he wouldn’t feel bad about taking Frank’s life. Perhaps, as you said, if he can’t find forgiveness for himself, he can find compassion.

  11. Oh I’m so happy Kai acted the way he did! He’s starting to view things objectively and considering them. I’m glad my last comment has been proven wrong. Also I’ve never noticed Kai having a chest tattoo. Did he get that in prison?

    • Thank you so much. 🙂 Perhaps time inside has helped change the way Kai thinks. Kai’s had the tattoo all along, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was missing in any pics in the past. I have a lot of “doh!!” moments. hahaha

  12. I love all the changes and how it flows so much better now, and with those changes you took the comment right out of me. You knew it was going to be a doozy. I can understand how Kai feels doing time was right considering. I think I would feel that way too. But since that is what happening, I’m pleased his whole life isn’t falling apart from it, only looking on the up side. My only concern is Vincent has done a good job snowballing him into believing he is innocent, when he actually is not.

    • Thank you, Bee. It really is so much better, thank you. I’m glad the way Kai feels about it makes sense. He’s trying. lol

      That’s a good point about Vincent. Let’s hope he’s told Kai the truth and this effort isn’t for nothing.

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