Chapter 8.6 : Dear Diary, What Do You Want?


Being incarcerated was no joke. Thankfully, I knew there was a light near the end of my tunnel. My roommate wasn’t so lucky, and he was actually innocent.

I know what you’re thinking… that everyone would say they’re innocent. But this guy, well, I believe him. When you’re inside, you need someone to show you the ropes. Someone who isn’t going to hurt you, to be more clear about it. At first, I wasn’t interested in making friends or trusting anyone. But Vincent Roberts changed my mind.

The most important thing was to show respect, keep your head down, and mind your own business. It doesn’t sound so hard when I write it here in my journal. Yet, nothing could have prepared me for life here.

“You going home?” Vincent asked from the top bunk. (Rule… never sit on someone else’s bunk!)

He shook his head with a little smirk as I bounced on my toes, then sat, then got up again.

“Yeah. They just told me.”

“Eight months ain’t bad, man.”

I nodded, fidgeting with one of the books my dad sent me. Then I put it back with a sigh. (Rule… read a lot.)

Vincent laughed under his breath. “Is this how you’re going to be now? Relax already.”

Relax, he said. That wasn’t going to happen. I was already playing my homecoming through my mind with an enormous grin on my face. (Rule… don’t tell your family how bad this place really is.)

I noticed the picture of a rainbow hand on the wall. “Is that one new?”

“Oh, yeah. My kid, the younger one, traced his mom’s hand. I just got it about an hour ago while they had you out for the talk.” (Rule… do not fail to meet with your unit counselor.)

Vincent got drawings from his two kids while I received a girly calendar from my cousin Robert. Every time a new letter or art project arrived, I wondered what it would be like if Gigi did the same for me. But she couldn’t because she didn’t know I was her father.

In fact, the more time that went by in here, the more I wondered if she was mine, or if I’d just wanted her to be. Soon, I’d have the chance to find out.

Because of my obsessive clock watching, it didn’t feel like my release date would ever come. Worse yet, what if something happened to screw it all up? I drove Vincent nuts with pacing, sighing, and my general lack of concentration. Through it all, I hoped his attorney could help him, and he’d be out soon, too.

When the day arrived, a stern-looking correction officer chained me, and brought me to to an area I’d never been. There, I was provided with my clothing. I was unchained, and my hands trembled as I pulled my clothes on. Soon, I would be home. Next, someone else gave me my personal effects, then the stern C.O. handcuffed me, and took me through the yard, to the exit.

Barbed wire fence stood on all sides as the stern C.O. unlocked the handcuffs, then opened the last gate. Almost as soon as I was in the open, I saw my parents standing next to their limo. My pulse jumped, ticking hard as I picked up my pace to get to them.

Tears flowed down my face as my parents hugged me, then pulled me into the back of the car with them. There was something so comforting, knowing they’d both taken the time to get me. I let Mom pull me close, sliding my arm around her in return.

A barrage of voices assaulted us when we got home. They were all talking at once. I heard:

“You’re so thin!”
“I can’t believe you’re home!”
“I’ve missed you!”

My attention, though, was focused on a certain little miss standing to my right.

“You came to see me, Gigi!” I said with a smile.

She nodded with a giggle. “You remember my name!”

My heart melted when I heard her little four-year-old voice. “Of course, I did. It’s such a pretty name, I’d never forget it.”

Her huge, brown eyes moistened with unshed tears. “Are you sick? You look different.”

“No, I’m fine.”

“You know your dad has already planned for you to try every single recipe in his new cookbook,” Robert said, the sympathy in his expression making me laugh.

“Keep it up, Rob, and I might add something disagreeable to your serving,” Dad said.

The all-at-the-same-time talking continued as they each had something to say about who was cooking and eating what.

Jade was the only quiet one.

Touching her arm, I asked, “Can I talk to you?”

There was a hesitation about her, but she nodded.

“I bet you’re looking forward to a ride,” she said as we stood near Bae in the garage.

“Yeah,” I said even though I didn’t think I had the strength to handle a motorcycle ride at the moment.

“I know what you want to talk about.”

Nodding, I raked my hand through my hair. “You said we’d discuss it all once I got out.”

“I said that.”

It was an admission and a regret, all in three words. I stared at my feet, waiting for her to keep her word.

“You’re right. Gigi is your daughter. I’m sorry I never told you.”

There it was. Everything I wanted to hear, right there, out in the open. I wanted to be excited about the news, to forgive her for not telling me, and move on. But the way she pursed her lips with her hands planted on her hips… she was not happy about this.

“Why is this so hard for you to admit? Don’t you know I’ll be there with you? Helping you? Supporting her?”

“Why is this so hard?” she asked, more to herself than me, her hands raised palms up as if she was asking the Creator.

All I wanted, and felt I deserved, was the entire story.

“C’mon, Jade. Tell me what happened and why you kept this from me?”

She wiped tears from her cheeks with the tips of her fingers. “You were doing really well in your new school, so my plan was to wait until after graduation. I gave birth to Gigi, and little did I know your mom would be my nurse.”

“Uh, she works at the prison.”

“No, Kai. You can be so clueless and self-absorbed. She switched to the hospital because it’s a closer commute to where she and your dad live. She’s an OB nurse. She was my nurse and was there when Gigi was born.”

I know what you’re thinking here. You’re wondering why I never questioned not seeing my mom anytime in the past eight months. The answer is, I was at a different prison than where I thought she worked. Still, it didn’t feel very good not knowing my mom didn’t even work there anymore.

Jade continued, “My labor was bad, I was only a teenager, and I thought I would die. It felt like I was being ripped apart.” She shuddered, and I think I might have, too. “Anyway, you can’t imagine what that kind of pain is like for someone as unprepared as I was for it. I told her… I told your mom that Gigi was yours.”

Paralyzed where I was standing, I stared out the open patio doors, my brain a fried mess. My mom knew that Gigi was mine! Heat flushed through my body, and my palms were sweaty.

“I know that’s shocking to learn. But, please, don’t be angry with her. I made her swear she’d let me tell you.”

“But you didn’t!” My pulse was speeding, my heart pounding against my rib cage.

“I-I know.” Her voice broke off, and she wiped more tears away. “You see, I was going to tell you at your parents’ wedding. Then, I learned you weren’t coming, so I was trying to figure out when you’d be home next. I wanted to tell you in person.”

“So, I came to the wedding, and you still said nothing.”

Jade wet her lips, then pressed her eyes closed for a moment. “You came to the wedding with her.”


She nodded. “Yes, Ronnie. It really threw me. And I realized you’d moved on from our silly high school romance. I felt stupid… and, and like I would ruin your life. The words, they just wouldn’t come out.”

“So you both kept it a secret?”

“No, I tried so many times to call you. Your mom and I talked a lot, and she urged me at every chance to tell you. I made her promise to let me do it.”

“She just let you have your way. Just like that.”

“I’m sure it hasn’t been easy for her, Kai. Gigi is her granddaughter, but only she and I know that.”

“I want you to leave. Now.”

“Kai, please, we need to-“

“-We need to do nothing! Except you need to go. I don’t even want to look at you right now.”

I stood motionless in my room, facing the area Ronnie and I’d used as a closet. My mind was devoid of thought as my eyes ran over the dresses, skirts, and purse she’d left behind when she walked out.

The back of my throat hurt, and it was hard to swallow. But I wasn’t physically sick.

I wasn’t ill, yet my heart hurt so bad, I thought it might explode. The tight aching in my chest seemed like it would never let go, so I clutched at it, pressing with my palms, hoping to ease it somehow.

“Kai.” It was my mother’s voice behind me.

“Leave me alone.”

She continued, her voice shaking. “I can’t. Jade told me what happened before she and Gigi left.”

I whirled around, facing her, my nostrils flaring. “You knew about Gigi!”

Her eyes were rimmed red like bee stings. “Yes,” she choked out, hiccuping with a sob she was trying to hold back.

“How could you keep something like that from me? I had a right to know!”

“You did,” she said. Her eyes met mine, and her chin trembled. “You can’t know what it’s been like, but I’ll try to make you understand. Please listen to me.”

I didn’t want to hear her out; I wanted her to get out of my space. But she wasn’t moving for the door, and I would not man-handle my mother. So there we were.

“I don’t think I need to tell you how difficult your teen years were. Your father and I spent so many nights without sleep, wondering what we could do to help you. When you settled into the boarding school, things seemed to change for the better. Your grades and behavior were good, and your counselor sang your praise. Dad and I were so encouraged.” She came up for air, but I didn’t interrupt her. “The night Jade came to the hospital, she was so frightened. She hid her pregnancy from her parents for as long as she could, so there were no prenatal appointments, no classes about what to expect, or what to do once the baby arrived.”

“Did you know who she was?”

“I was assigned to her, and she was alone. She was just a girl, and she was in horrible pain. And she was alone, Kai. Her father was in the waiting room, and wouldn’t come in. When I saw her name on the chart, I knew who she was. I didn’t know who the father was, although I suspected it could be you. The things is, when I saw her tiny body in that bed, writhing in pain, and she was only a teen, knowing who the father was didn’t matter. All that was important was getting her through her labor and making sure she and the baby were all right.”

While she spoke, I cringed and shifted my weight from foot to foot. My Jade went through something terrible and life changing, and she was by herself. Except for my mom.

“She gave birth to Gigi, but while she was in labor, she told me the baby was yours. I wanted you to know right away. I would have given anything to be in that child’s life as a grandmother. And Jade promised she’d let you know everything when she was ready.”

“What happened? When you saw she still hadn’t, why didn’t you take charge?”

Her mouth dropped open slightly, and she looked aghast. “Take charge? Tell me, who is in charge of that child? Not me! Not by a long shot. What if I risked it, then? Would I ever get to spend time with Gigi? Or would visits with her be withheld? Jade doesn’t have a mean or controlling bone in her body, but I’m sure, like any mother, she will go to the ends of the earth to keep her baby safe. All I can tell you is, she did what she thought was right, and she did the best she could. I did, too.”

I stood there again, helpless to know how to handle the situation. But I didn’t have time for that, did I? Because one more moment of not being a dad to Gigi was another moment too long.

There’d been enough pain in my family for a lot of different reasons. There would be no more if I had anything to say about it.

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  1. Another repost

    June 10, 2020 at 6:03 pm

    Wow, tough situation! I don’t blame him for being upset. He had a right to know, and it sounds like he really wants to be a supportive dad. Regardless, she should have told him. Well, let’s hope they can get past this and move on.

  2. What an emotion-packed chapter. I’m glad just at least had Kara to support her. That must have been so hard. And honestly, it would be a big decision to tell him about a child because Jade only knew him as an irresponsible teen, how could she know telling him would not only bring about more trouble? Probably Kara was worried, too, about him being a father. It’s definitely hard to imagine that decision for Kai because as a man he will never be in a place of a single mother, but I can see how that was difficult.

    • I think both Kara and Jade did the best they could at the time. I thought it was good, too, that Kara was there to support Jade during such an awful time.

  3. Wow, tough situation! I don’t blame him for being upset. He had a right to know, and it sounds like he really wants to be a supportive dad. Regardless, she should have told him. Well, let’s hope they can get past this and move on.

  4. I was hoping that Gigi wasn’t his daughter because I didn’t want Jade to have kept that from him. I know it’s awkward and not the right time as teenagers, but she needed to tell him. And when he visited her house, that was an opportunity too. But it’s time to move past that and be the best father he can.

    Makes me wonder if Jade is dating that other lawyer though. She could have moved on. Kai still thinks of her as his girl, but that might not be the case.

  5. Of course Gigi is his daughter. lol This will be fun to watch unfold. However, I’m surprised at how upset he was considering he has kept some pretty big secrets of his own. I hope he sees how fortunate he is and that this news was the best homecoming gift he could receive.

    • Thank you so much. And, right? Kai had so much he should have told Jade, yet he is angry about this? I think he’ll do exactly that, and realize how fortunate he is.

  6. She kind of put Kara in a difficult situation, so I can see why his mom didn’t tell. But Jade should have, even with Ronnie in the picture. At least because Gigi deserved to grow up knowing her father.

    • Thank you, Violincat. I think you’re right about the situation. I think Kara really did the best she knew how. Jade had the responsibility to tell Kai, and she should have. Gigi definitely deserves to know who her father is, and to be in his life.

  7. Prison seemed intense. I’m glad for Kai’s sake he wasn’t in there for too long. Maybe his family connections, or Jade, could help out Vincent.
    Speaking of Jade, wow! Kai has a lot to unpack here.

  8. So excited to see where life takes Kai now that he’s out. Well, at the very least he’s going to try to be a dad to Gigi, which is a good priority to have. Hopefully, he’ll be able to be a part of her life and get along with Jade.
    Lovely chapter. 💕 (Sorry for my short, boring comment).

    • Thank you, Louise. 💕 I’m glad you’re excited; I am, too. I think Kai will be a good dad, but it’s going to take some coordination. I can’t wait to dig into the possibilities! (No worries, silly.💕💕)

  9. I’m glad Kai had Vincent during his stay in prison. That must’ve helped him. And wow, Gigi is his! It’s heart wrenching to hear how alone Jade felt during her pregnancy and how she kept trying to tell him, but the time was never right… Poor girl. I understand how angry Kai is, but hopefully he cools down with some time and learns to accept his daughter. She really seems to like him 🙂

    • Thank you, Raymond. 🙂 I think it’s good Kai met Vincent, too. I’m sure it made his incarceration a lot more bearable.

      Yes! Gigi is his. Poor Jade, yeah. It was really horrible for her.

      Kai is angry that he wasn’t told, but at the same time, I think he realizes that Gigi should be more of a concern to him than his own feelings.

  10. This is the first piece I have read from you and it captivated me from the beginning. It was like watching a movie, feeling every emotion. You are a very good writer!

  11. I really like this chapter. Vincent seems kinda cool. I was hoping there would be more of him since Kai needs some friends.

    I like the insights for each character. Im glad Kai managed to listen to his mom because she has so much wisdom and thought of the consequences. Kai has a right to know about Gigi but I didn’t think his outburst was warranted. Even more so after his talk with mom.

    • Thank you so much. 🙂 I’m so glad you liked the chapter. Vincent is awesome, and we haven’t seen the last of him. 😀 You’re right about Kai needing friends.

      What you said about Kai is true. He often can’t see the big picture, so it’s good Kara was able to get through to him. Once she explained everything to him, it kind of took the wind out of the sails of his argument.

  12. This might be my favorite chapter yet! First, I love the time skips. Second, the emotional power is even stronger by revealing these developments in this way, for we get to fill in with our imagination. Really powerful!

    • Thank you, CT! That’s awesome! I so appreciate you saying the chapter had emotional power because I’ve really been practicing writing without actually naming any emotions the characters are feeling. I’m glad it came through. 🙂

      • Yes, I think the technique which worked here is that you put us inside the characters’ perspective–and that allows us to exercise our empathy, which engages our emotions. It also takes us out of ourselves, which is part of the healing power of fiction!

    • Thank you, Jess. 😀 Oh, I think he’ll be perturbed for a long time. He’s just realized though that his feelings aren’t as important as Gigi. 😀

  13. I really like the prison life part of the story. it’s inspired me a little 🙂

    and the second picture with the bloke on the bed with his glasses reflecting the light, it kind of makes them look like trendy sunglasses and with the black and white prison uniforms it make them look cool 🙂

    haha! I know its silly, right? great chapter Kymber 🙂

    • Thank you, Darren. 🙂 I’m glad you liked the prison life at the beginning. I can’t wait to see how it inspired you. 😀

      I’m glad you liked the pics, too. I was annoyed that the glasses were so reflective, but then, they do that in real life, too, so I left it in. 😀

  14. Loved today’s chapter, at the beginning I thought there should have been a bit more emphasis on life inside prison, but then I really liked how the time-skip progressed. Moving with the story

  15. I hope he can forgive them both. Poor Jade. His mother was right, they both did the best they could. If she’d violated Jade’s trust, she may have been denied seeing her granddaughter. I know it was hard for a Jade too. At least he’s out of prison now and can move forward. He desperately wants to be a father to Gigi even if he and Jade can’t fix their relationship. But I hope they can. ❤️

    • Thank you, Audrey. I think Kai might be po’d about this for a while, but that he’ll forgive them. He seemed to realize that Gigi is more important than his feelings right now. Hopefully, though, everyone will soon be on the same page so they can raise this little girl well. ❤️

  16. First off I’m ecstatic….a chapter with mostly dialogue!! Okay, loved the idea of rules! You made those seem so meaningful, even though we know in prison they are a fact of life, and life. Secondly, that convo with Jade was sooooo gooood! Then, then you smacked us with a super heart-felt convo with his MOM! Oh how we needed to see they had both grown as people to do that together!

    Gigi, still super cute! She is so practical, logical and polite….I wonder what her gen will be like, especially since we know she will be beautiful with both her parents looks. Then add on Jade’s influence and good role modeling in the career she has chosen. I think Jade is the best looking sim you have had in this story, in a line of fabulous looking sims. Which you can imagine is difficult for me to say since I made a good handful of sims for you…sigh.

    Next Saturday’s chapter should be a good one!

    • Thank you, Bee. I’m ecstatic that you’re ecstatic! I’m so glad you liked the chapter. I was trying to cover the whole family. hahaha

      There’s a good reason Gigi is super cute. haha I’m already getting a feel for her personality. She has a lot of empathy, and is all the things you mentioned. I think Gigi will turn out well. We’ve kind of returned to the strong family that the legacy began with, but not all the heirs experienced. I agree Jade is beautiful. I love your sims, you know this. 😀

      I can’t wait for you to see Saturday’s chapter!

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