Ooooh, Boy, I Apologize


If you were anywhere near your Reader or email around 5:30 a.m. (EST) this morning, and saw all the crazy recipe posts, you will have thought my site was hacked. Thank you to everyone who reached out to me to make sure things were all right. (I’m looking at you, Jo, Jess, and Sharon!)

Fortunately, there was no hacking of Booomcha. You see, I was innocently playing with my theme, wishing it looked clean and minimal like I sometimes want. Well, what could be the harm of importing a demo to get me started in the right direction?


Everything is wrong with that.

When I imported the demo, it thought I didn’t have any content, so to get me started, it automatically posted a bunch of fake posts to show me how they should look.

They did look nice, didn’t they? Needless to say, if you know me well, I do not cook, and trust me, you don’t want me to. Mr. Booomcha and I have a gourmet range that takes up more space than it should, and I don’t even know how to turn it on. lol (Mr. Booomcha is a wonderful chef, though!)

So, if you see recipe posts from me, either I am indeed hacked, or I’ve done something goofy.

Luckily, today, it was goofy.

My deepest apologies for the inconvenience of having to wade through my error. I hope you have a lovely day, thank you for understanding.

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  1. I so commiserate with you over this. We bloggers are supposed to use a ‘sandbox’ to make changes which is way outside my comfort zone so I remained scared fitless that I will do what you just did. Thank you!

  2. Bahahahaha “Mr. Booomcha!” I think that is his new name LOL. The theme does look nice and clean, I have to admit! I even like the layout of the homepage. 😀

    • LOL! I couldn’t resist calling him that! 😀 😀 Yes, please call him that. lololol I’m so glad you like it. I really missed having something simpler. I was hoping you’d like it. 😀

  3. Waaa haaa haaaa! I thought you had one cup of coffee too much and had a posting binge. Since I read Latin like a Greek Philosopher at the library, I was shocked by your command of this language of science. Then I noticed each story was the same just a different picture. At this point, I thought you might have gotten the CBD oil mixed up with the spiced coffee creamer. Still, your Latin was impeccable. I was totally jealous. 😂. No harm, no foul. How could you have known you were falling prey to an evil WP bug 🕷? I enjoyed it and it made my day, so thanks Kymber. 🌞

  4. I really believed, you liked cooking. The pictures looked tasty but I failed with the text. 🙂
    I checked, if I could see your stories and it looked ok.
    So, I thought it was a mistake. I’m glad you could solve it.

  5. Of course you’re forgiven. <3 I saw all those notifications this morning and was like… "Okaaaay" she must be in the mood to cook! LOL! 😂But they were in another language so I didn't pay them any mind, sorry about that. Glad your site wasn't hacked.

  6. Whew! I’m glad everything is OK. The titles and pictures looked really great, and I was getting hungry, but I knew something wasn’t right. So glad it was just Ms. Goofy and not some nasty Ruth Marx (remember, The Net?) playing games with you.

    • Thank you, Sharon. Everything is fine except I’m a little embarrassed and irritated it happened. You were getting hungry. LOLOL Yeah, just blame it on Ms. Goofy, she’s usually the culprit. hahahaha

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