Chapter 7.14: Dear Diary, the Day of Birthdays


Part 1: The Brother

Dear Diary, it was late in the day when I found Jarah saddling up in the barn. When I entered the stall, his eyes widened like a child caught in the cookie jar.

“You shouldn’t be in here,” he said, his hands trembling as he tightened the cinch.

“Where are you going so late?”

“Sadie’s restless. I’m not comfortable with you being in here,” he said, as the horse stomped.

“What’s wrong with her?”

He eyed the horse for a moment before answering. “She’s always been on the nervous side, but she stomped that time because a fly was on her leg.”

“Where are you going?” I repeated with a firmness I was sure he couldn’t ignore this time.

Sighing, he stepped between me and Sadie. I moved closer to the gate, out of their way.

Finally, he said, “I need to find out if Bram is okay. I’ve waited long enough.”

I felt the color drain from my face, and my heart skipped a beat.

“You understand we can’t risk that right now. It’s too dangerous.”

“He’s my brother, Kara! He’s the only person who ever cared anything about me, and I’m not waiting another minute to find out if he’s okay.”

This was a side of Jarah I’d never encountered. I was so used to him following my instructions, I guess I forgot he had a mind of his own. While I couldn’t have him traipsing about the mainland, drawing the wrong kind of attention, I also didn’t want to crush his spirit.

“I’m worried about Bram, too, but you need to stop and consider what you’re doing.”

As I spoke, he turned from me, and gave Sadie some reassuring pats. He waited so long to answer, I thought perhaps he’d tuned me out.

“I have.”

“Then you realize what your brother sacrificed so we could hide. How do you imagine he’d feel if we purposely put ourselves in harm’s way?”

“I didn’t see it like that,” he admitted, his shoulders drooping forward.

Although I didn’t have a blood relation to Bram, I understood where Jarah was coming from. A day hadn’t gone by that I didn’t wonder what became of the father of my unborn child.

“I know,” I said. “I’m close to my due date now, and travel isn’t wise. After I have the baby, and he or she is strong enough, we’ll try to get a message to Bram.”

He gave me a reluctant nod. Before I left the stall, I thanked him for trusting me.

Part 2: Birthday #1

Over the next few weeks, Jarah’s anxiety over Bram grew. Even so, he stuck with the routines of farm life, doing his chores, and staying near me in case I went into labor.

I was four days overdue when Jarah’s birthday came around. The whole family put up such a fuss, I was afraid he’d run for the hills.

His face was bright red as Lucie, covered in dirt as usual, and I blew the paper birthday horns. I thought he might crawl beneath the table to hide, but I didn’t figure a little teasing would hurt.

I always thought Jarah was a handsome teen. Little did I know what a good-looking young man he’d be.

Part 3: Birthday #2

After cake, I found him in the parlor, gazing at the painting of my ancestor Blue.

“You look at her a lot,” I murmured, standing next to him.

His nod was almost imperceptible, but I still noticed it in my peripheral vision.

“I still can’t understand why she stayed here.”

“She fell in love with a farm boy,” I said, a soft smile playing at my lips.

“What if you meet someone here? Are you going to stay?” he asked.

I glanced at him, noting the concern in his blue eyes.

“Jarah, I’m not staying here permanently. I made a promise to you, and I’ll keep it. I’m not sure when, but we will move on from here, and we’ll get word to Bram, too.”

Instead of finishing my thought, there was a sudden pain that nearly dropped me to the floor, and held me in its grip, squeezing like a vise. Jarah moved to my other side, staring at me. Then, my water broke.

You should’ve seen the look on his face, and how he panicked. It only reflected how I perceived the situation, too.

After several hours of hard labor…

…we welcomed Kai Abraham Seaforth into the world, born on Jarah’s birthday.

And, you never saw a more protective, and involved uncle in your life.

Part 4: Time Lapse… The Letter

Dear Diary, anyone who claims they’re all knowledgeable about how a baby changes their life before they have one can go fly a kite. It wasn’t until after Kai was born that I realized I was in way over my head. It’s a good thing Jarah, Charlotte, and Michelle helped me or I wouldn’t know if I was coming or going.

Anyway, Kai is a toddler now, and somewhat easier to deal with. Now you know why I haven’t written in so long.

Early in the morning, my tea almost gone, Charlotte came in with the mail. Or should I say, a single letter, addressed to me.

With shaky hands, my pulse racing, I stared at the envelope. The return address came from the main branch of The Inheritance, in Twinbrook, an ocean away.

“Is everything all right?” Charlotte asked.

“I’m not sure,” I squeaked as I gawked at the address.

Charlotte’s eyes narrowed with concern. “What is it?”

“This is from… it’s from the people that have Bram.”

“Oh my,” she mumbled, her hand covering her heart. “Do you want me to open it for you?”

Letting someone else buffer whatever was inside this envelope was the easiest thing to do. Yet, I was afraid if Charlotte read the letter, it might put her in peril, too. I’d already put these people in enough danger. Now, it was clear we weren’t safe at all, and I wondered when The Inheritance found us in Winchester.

“No, um, I’ll be all right,” I told her.

Once I was alone, I closed my eyes for a moment, praying everything would be all right. Finally, I tore the envelope open, pulling out a single, crisp piece of paper.

Incredulous, my mouth hanging open, my heart thumping in my chest, I exclaimed, “That’s it? That’s it?” After all this time of dread and worry, this was all he had to say?

I turned the paper over, seeing the address he meant for me to meet him at, and it was all I could do to see straight as I stumbled into the parlor to find my son.

Kai was playing on the floor, looking more like Bram every day. My heart melted every time he called me momma and smiled at me.

I put the letter in my apron pocket and smiled back at the little boy.

“Kara?” Jarah asked as he joined me. “You’re white as a sheet. Are you okay?”

My nod was slight, uncertain, as I bit my lower lip.

“What’s going on?”

Without a word, I pulled the letter out, now crinkled, and watched as he read it.

“We’re going on a trip,” I said.


Happy Saturday, Friends! Today’s chapter was on the shorter side, but we’re almost to the half-way point, so expect the story to take a turn. 🙂 I hope you enjoyed today’s chapter.

There’s been a lot going on here, and so, I’m behind in my reader. Really behind. But I love all your blogs, and stories, and will be working hard to catch up. I can’t wait, actually! 🙂

Thank you so much for your support,

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  1. Ah, so that’s when Kai was born, uh-huh! I can’t wait to see what’s this about with the sudden letter. But I guess she’d recognize his handwriting and hopefully he wouldn’t try to trick her himself?

  2. First off, happy birthday to Jarah! He sure is a fine looking young man. About Jarah though…I’m very worried for him. I understand him being really worried about Bram, but his own condition needs looking after. He needs some intensive therapy (although he probably doesn’t want it), otherwise, I hate to think how he will end up.

    Kai is such a cutie! And I love the name. 😀

    Dearest Kara?!?! Really, Bram???? You screw her senseless, treat her like shit, yell at her, and throw her away! Then, you call her DEAREST KARA and expect her to come running and be at your beck and call. Dude, you need to grow up and realize the world doesn’t revolve around you. Sheesh!

    The sad part is that Kara IS planning to go running to him. She still loves him, I get it, but I really hope she doesn’t just roll over and play dead at the snap of his fingers.

    I know I’m being super hard on him, and I do want him to be okay, but he really did act like a first class jackass. 🙁

    • Thanks, chickie. ❤ I love that you’re so concerned about Jarah. He does seem to be falling into the cracks a bit.

      I love the name Kai, too. 😀

      Yes!! You said it all, gf. Bram really hasn’t got a clue right now.

      I can understand why you’re being hard on Bram. Let’s hope he straightens up.

  3. Seeing Jarah grow up, I was immediately like, he looks so familiar. I realized he reminds me so much of Bran Stark from Game of Thrones! Especially his mouth. Very handsome!

    Welcome Kai!

    Omg, if Bram knows where they are, he probably also knows that Kara was pregnant/had a baby. I hope this isn’t a trick.

    • Thank you so much. I can see why you’re so concerned. Hopefully, things will work out this time.

      Oh, P.S. 😀 I love your story and my comments are in your spam folder. 😀 WordPress hates me.

      • First off, thank you! I’m glad you like it! Secondly: oh no!!! I’m going to look. LOL I’m such a wordpress newbie that I didn’t even know I had a spam folder. I’m going to look.

        (Also going to take this time to reiterate how Team Office Morrie I am. I’m so invested in these characters and what happens to them, I’ll be sad when it’s over!)

        • I love it! It’s such a unique idea, and your writing is really clever. I can’t wait to see what happens.

          Upon occasion, I find comments in the spam folder that are legit. lol WordPress seems to do this to me a lot. lol

          Team Officer Morrie! That is so sweet of you to say. ❌ ⭕️

  4. Oooh, Jarah grew up to be so handsome! 😍 And Kai is adoooorable!!! ❤
    I am not sure this letter is from Bram… or if Bram is the same person we knew back then. I hope this letter is not a trap!
    Can’t wait for more! 😀

  5. Oooh, Jarah grew up to be so handsome! 😍 And Kai is adoooorable!!! ❤
    I am not sure this letter is from Bram… or it Bram is the same person we knew back then. I hope this letter is not a trap!
    Can’t wait for more! 😀

    • Thank you so much. ❤ Bee made some good sims! lol

      You might be on to something there about the letter and Bram. Hopefully, the letter isn’t a trap, and all will be well.

  6. Oh dear, I hope Kara and Jarah aren’t walking straight into a trap….. What’s happened to Bram after all these years? I wonder if he’ll be excited to see his son (who is such a cutie btw!). I’m anxiously awaiting your next chapter!

    • Thank you, Raymond. I hope they aren’t walking straight into a trap, too. That’s a good question about Bram that will be answered very soon. I can’t wait for him to meet Kai.

    • Thank you so much, Nikkie. (Pretty name, btw 🙂 ) I can see why you’re anxious. I hope everything is okay with Bram, too. Fortunately, we’ll be finding out very soon. 😀

  7. I worry this is a trick… That’s not too farfetched right? And if they knew all along where she was… I shudder to think. But maybe the Inheritance isn’t quite as rotten as it sounded like… I hope not for all their sakes :/
    I feel like it’s a bad idea to bring the toddler with them too. But I guess she can’t exactly leave him behind… Oh boy… shit is about to hit the fan, isn’t it?

    • Thank you so much, Carys. 🙂 I can definitely see why this situation worries you. I don’t think it’s far fetched. I shudder to think, too. You could be right, that The Inheritance isn’t exactly as Kara perceived it to be. We’ll be finding out really soon.

      Yeah, I can’t see them leaving the todd behind, but it’s probably not a good idea to bring him to this meeting. That’s a good way to put it! haha

  8. Wow, where to start..?
    Happy Birthday, Jara! And awwww, such perfect timing to welcome little Kai Abraham Seaforth into the world. It’s such a relief they’ve heard from Bram, too. That at least saves the risk of Jara running off on his own before the time was right. Bram is a daddy, I bet he’ll be over the moon!! xx

    • Thank you so much, Caz. Happy birthday is right! lol It’s true, that letter from Bram came in a timely manner since Jarah wanted to run off and find him. I agree with you that Bram will be thrilled at having a child. xo

  9. I’ve got bad feels about this… Out of all the ways Bram could have contacted them, he chose a letter? The blind guy wrote a letter? Does no one else find that odd??? Unless his eyesight has been miraculously permanently restored to him…

    Kai is absolutely gorgeous! I can’t wait to see him all growed up lol and why is Luce always dirty???

    • Thank you so much, Mags. 🙂 I can see why you have bad feels about this. I wondered if anyone would bring up a blind guy writing a letter. lol You are so good. Seems to me, it more likely would have been in braille. 😀 Hold that thought.

      I love how Kai turned out! So pleasantly surprised. I don’t often get cute children. LOL I don’t know why Lucie is always dirty, but Kara wishes she’d take care of that. LOL

  10. It’s a boy! It’s a man! This day every year will never be the same again. I’m so very happy to have a boy again, just as I had hoped. Time for a male voice in the story again.

    Perhaps it is me, but Kara looks different.

    Jarah turned out to be a pretty darn good looking YA sim – I dun good!

    I find it hard to believe in two years things have changed so dramatically that it’s safe for them to come out of hiding. Terribly worried this is a trick of some sort. Please tell me she isn’t taking the baby too, just in case?!

    • Thank you, Bee. It’s a boy! It’s a man! lol I didn’t plan it, but I find I’m pleased the baby is a boy, too. I think you’re right about a male voice. Hopefully, I can pull it off. LOL

      I’m not sure why Kara looks different to you. I changed her hair, but nothing else. Perhaps because this is an older save with different CC in it? This is one of my original Winchester saves that I haven’t used sine 2017, I think.

      You did REAL good! lol He is sooo handsome! I’m glad Bram’s genes are in the game now. 😀

      Yes, that’s a good point about things changing in only two years. Perhaps something has happened within The Inheritance? 😀 😀 I can totally see why this looks like it could be a ruse of some sort. Hopefully, not. They are bringing the baby, but not to meet with Bram. Kara is going to make sure things are safe first.

    • LOL Thank you, Lisa. I’m glad Jarah had you laughing. 😀 I think his expression is how Kara felt. LOL Thank you for sharing the meaning of Kai with me. That is awesome. I’ve always really loved that name, and now I know why. : )

      I hope it’s not a trick too.

  11. Jarah is a very handsome young adult! And he has a cutie for a nephew too! I’m glad that the baby was a boy, and I love his name. I hope Bram will get to meet his son soon and that this letter is good news, not some trap like others are concerned about. I would be cautious if I were Kara and Jarah moving forward.

    • Thanks so much 🙂 I’m so glad you love that he’s a boy, and the name, too. I’d been wanting to use that name for quite a while now. I was not sure if Kai would be the heir or not at first, but now I can say I’m leaning that way almost 100%. lol

      I hope Bram will get to meet Kai soon, too, and that the letter isn’t some kind of ruse. I do think you’re right that it would be good for Jarah and Kara to be cautious moving forward.

  12. It seems that her surprise that Bram wrote at all, is an indication that she hadn’t reached out to him as promised? Kai is a toddler now. Did she or did she not initiate the correspondence?
    Of course, Jarad and Kai have good genes, how could they not be handsome?

    • Thank you so much, Jo. You bring up some really good points. In my mind, she didn’t expect him to write, and had no initiated the contact. That might be a sticking point between her and Jarah later.

      I agree with you! 😀 Bee made Jarah and Bram, so I figured they’d look awesome. 😀

  13. Ohhh! That baby is adorable! And Jarah, wow! He’s very handsome! I figured he would be.

    Man on man. I’m glad they are going. I hope everything is okay and it’s not a trap. That’s my concern. But she needs to find Bram in my opinion. So I hope this leads them to one another and it ends out well. She deserves some happiness after all the trauma of her young life.

    • Thank you, Audrey. 😀 I think Kai is the cutest baby I’ve ever had in 3. I can’t wait to do a story in 4 because all the todds are sooo cute in it.

      I think you’re right she needs to find Bram. And, Jarah’s made it clear he’s waited long enough, too. Hopefully, the letter is on the up and up and things go well. I agree completely that she deserves some happiness.

  14. Aaw, Kai is such a cutie. 🙂 And so is Jarah, now that he’s all grown up. So handsome! 😀
    I don’t know what to think about this letter. I’m tempted to say I’m not sure it’s actually from Bram, but I guess we’ll have to see! It seems your story just keeps taking turns I don’t expect. 😀 Can’t wait to know more!

    • Thank you, Louise. I think Kai is the cutest baby I’ve had in 3. lol And, Jarah, oh my goodness. What a lovely surprise! Bee makes some good simmies.

      I don’t blame you for feeling cautious about the letter. I can’t wait for you to find out! 😀

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