Chapter 6.24: Dear Diary, Dancing Daffodils


Part 1: Ellie Realizes Holden Was Right

Dear Diary, since receiving the strange package Aunt Rosetta sent to me through Grayson Preminger, I’ve been trying to catch my Mom so I can talk to her about it. There are things I need to know.

Does she know what the contents mean? Does she know who Ella Dean is and what Aunt Rosetta did to her? Did she hide this information to protect my aunt?

Mom and I had a heart to heart recently where she revealed how much pain she’d been in over the years. Her life hasn’t been easy. Still, I had a hard time believing she would help cover up a murder.

“What is it, Bea?” she asked me as I came upstairs, pausing to speak to her. “You know I have to get to the hospital.”

“I know, I’m sorry to hold you up, but I’ve needed to talk to you for some time now. It’s important. Please.”

If I was expecting her to sigh and brush me off, I was pleasantly surprised because she put on her patient mom-face instead.

“All right, what is this important thing?”

“Did you know a man named Grayson Preminger? He’s the Chief of Staff now at the Off-White House.”

“Of course. He never worked directly with your Aunt Rosetta. He was a Senator with offices at the Off-White House. Why do you ask?”

“The Oval Office was being remodeled when they found a hidden safe containing some of Aunt Rosetta’s private items. Grayson Preminger put them in a box and sent them to me.”

The color drained from Mom’s face and she put a hand to her mouth. “What?”

I nodded. “Yes, it’s strange and I don’t understand it at all. Why wasn’t the package sent to you, for instance? You were acquainted with Grayson, I wasn’t. I barely remember him.”

Mom crossed her arms in front of her and stared at me intently. “What was in the box?”

“A couple letters. One from Grayson, one from Aunt Rosetta. Hers was unfinished.”

“Oh, my,” she murmured after I described the photos I’d found enclosed in the box.

“Who was Ella Dean and why would Aunt Rosetta have photos of her dead body with a red X across her face?”

Mom shuddered, her mouth straightening into a thin, grim line. “She was a prima ballerina who danced with your father’s company. They were paired together sometimes, but that was before I knew him.”

My eyes grew huge. “Were she and Dad involved or something? Was Aunt Rosetta… I don’t know… jealous? Why would she do this?” Without missing a beat, I opened the guest bedroom door where I’d been keeping the box, and brought it out to show her. “Look! Look at these horrible pictures! What happened?”

Mom glanced at the photos, then shoved them back at me, her hands shaking. “Whatever this is- whatever else is in there, throw it away!”

Without meaning to, my voice rose. “How can you say that? How can you ignore this? I need to know what happened!”

“I can think of only one reason Rosetta might have… done that to Ella Dean.”

“What? What is the reason?”

When Mom told me how Ella Dean had raped my father while he was on pain medication, I wish I’d never asked. No wonder Aunt Rosetta felt justified in murdering this woman. Even so, the entire thing made me sick to my stomach.

“Did you know about this? About her death?”

Mom shook her head as she hugged herself, arms crossed in front of her.

“Do you think Grayson knew?”

She seemed to think about this for a moment, her brow furrowed. “I don’t think so. He was madly in love with Rosetta, and would have done anything for her, but she kept everything close to the vest. I was her Chief of Staff and I’m certain there was a lot I was unaware of.”

“Who could I talk to that might know? She had to have a confidante, someone helping her.”

“Bea, please, let this go. It’s ridiculous to pursue this. Rosetta hid all of this for a reason.”

“She also kept all of this for a reason,” I said. “Why didn’t she destroy the evidence?”

Again, Mom shook her head. “I don’t know.” After taking a deep breath, she said, “What else was there?”

Reaching into the box, I showed her the candid photos of the mystery boy. As Mom glanced through them, I watched her expression closely.

“Mom, did Aunt Rosetta have a child?”

Repeatedly, she studied the pictures. “He seems almost familiar, doesn’t he? But, no, that’s not possible. Rosetta wasn’t interested in having children. She only tolerated Grayson because he was a distraction from the pressures of being in charge.”

“Are you sure? How do you know she and Grayson never had a child?”

“Because I was with her for twelve to fifteen hours, five, sometimes six, days a week! Really, Bea, this could not possibly be a child of Rosetta’s. I certainly would have noticed had she fallen pregnant!”

“Well,” I said, as I pulled more papers out of the package, “whoever he was, she monitored his life until he was grown.”

Mom looked at the papers I gave her, skimming through them. It was clear from her expression she recognized Rosetta’s careful block lettering.

“These were in there, too?”

I shook my head. “There was a small key in the box. The kind of key that belongs to a safe deposit box. Strangely enough, they had instructions that if her niece ever came for it, I was to be given possession of the deposit box’s contents.” Pointing at the pages she held, I continued, “These used to belong in a diary or journal, but were ripped out and placed in the safe deposit box.”

Mom read the first page she held aloud until she reached age six, then her voice trailed off.

“This is crazy.”

“Don’t I know it?” I flipped through the pages and pointed at another. “Look, this one is near the end.”

“See how she wrote about the adopted father’s death? One of the pictures of the boy as a teen was him standing in front of the cemetery.”

Just to make my point, I showed the picture to her again.

“I don’t understand this at all,” Mom mumbled.

“He’s important to her, but he also scares her. She wanted to make sure this kid was taken care of, but also wasn’t sure about some kind of deviance he might have. That’s why I thought the boy was hers.”

At this point, I thought Mom might fall over. She dropped everything she was holding back into the box and took a staggering step backward.

“Put this away,” she said, “I can’t look at it another second.”

Sighing, I did as she asked.

“Are you all right?”

She nodded as she smoothed her skirt and pulled her blazer down, straightening it, too. “Yes, of course. It’s shocking, though.”

“I know. I really need to know what this is all about.”

“Why?” she asked. “It’s apparent nothing good can come from pursuing this. I suggest you take that box out back and burn it to ash.”

“I can’t do that! For some reason, Aunt Rosetta wanted me to know about this.”

Mom gripped both my arms, holding them tight in her fists. “I denied it for a long time because she was family and I didn’t want to believe it. But your father was right about her. There was a darkness in her that was almost… almost evil! Not much scares me, but, honey, this does. Please, I beg you. Leave it alone!”

With that, she hurried down the stairs, barely pausing before opening the front door and running out. As I looked over the railing, I thought I saw a shadow move away from down below.

Part 2: You Dumb Jerks

All day, as I went about my business, I couldn’t stop thinking about Mom’s reaction to the contents of the box. My upper arms were bruised where she’d gripped me, warning me to stop looking for answers. The thing is, the more I thought of her resistance, the more I wanted to figure this out.

I’d never realized how dangerous my aunt was, but I was gaining an understanding now. It seemed to me the box hadn’t been left for Mom because Aunt Rosetta probably knew she would pretend it didn’t exist, or she would burn it as she’d told me to do.

No. This was up to me alone.

“Hey, guys!” I heard Joey yell from down the hall.

I came a little closer to where the kids were, then paused to listen. Joey and I were due for an important talk, but I wanted to hear for myself if things were as bad as Andy had told me.

“Whaddya want?” Andy asked.

“You guys wanna play with me and Duchess outside? I’m teaching her how to run a race!”

“I can’t right now,” Kara said. “I’m learning this poem for tomorrow night.”

“And, I’m reading,” Andy said.

“Awww… c’mon,” Joey said.

“Maybe later,” Andy said.

“You dumb jerks!”

“Joey!” I said, making my presence known. “Come with me, please.”

He kicked the carpet, and huffed, but followed me into his room. I closed the door behind us.

“Joey,” I said, “I know things have been a little different lately, maybe even strange feeling now and then. But, what’s making you act this way?”

He looked away from me, and shrugged.

“Answer me, please.”

“I dunno.”

Since becoming a mom to two boys, I’d learned a thing or two. One of them was that whenever they were in trouble, and asked why they’d done the naughty thing, their standard answer was always, “I don’t know.”

“You know, maybe you could read with the other kids, then all of you could play with Duchess later.”

“I don’t like to read. I hate books! I want to run outside!”

I already knew this about my youngest child, but thought he might learn to compromise. So, I took a different tactic.

“Are you upset because Kara sleeps on your floor?”

Again, he shrugged.

“Joey, answer me, please. We’re having a conversation.”

“I dunno.”

“Well, I can’t help sort this out if I don’t know what’s wrong. As far as Kara not sleeping in her own room, Daddy and I are working on that, okay?”

This boy and shrugging.

When I gave him “the look,” he finally said, “Okay!”

“I don’t like hearing you speak to your brother and sister like that, and calling names. Since you don’t feel like talking right now, I’d like you to stay in your room and clean your side of the closet out. If you change your mind and want to discuss this with me, I’ll be downstairs making dinner.”

My heart sank as I stood there waiting for him to say something. I knew better than to give in because I was feeling guilty, so I left the room. I hoped he would tired of cleaning out his closet and come find me. But that didn’t happen.

Part 3: An Insightful Recital

The next day was so busy, I didn’t have time to think about the growing mystery Rosetta had embroiled me in. By late afternoon, everyone was home, and we settled in the living room to hear Kara recite the poem she’d been studying.

I didn’t know what to expect. Her tutor assured me Kara was doing well, considering. So, when I sat down to listen, I held my breath.

Kara stood still for a moment, cleared her breath, then began,

“I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud (Daffodils), a Poem by William Wordsworth

I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o’er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils; 
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed- and gazed- but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude; 
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.”

We clapped like crazy when she was finished. I didn’t know the poem, but the beautiful words gave me a lump in my throat.

Kara’s face turned red as we applauded. When we were finished, she said, “The reason I chose this poem is because a lot of times, I feel happy, but lonely. I think Wordsworth is saying that when he feels lonely, he thinks about dancing daffodils, and the beauty of nature. And, that makes him happy again.”


Thank you for much for reading! I hope you’re enjoying the mystery going on with Bea! Next week, Andy has a birthday! I can’t wait for you to see teen Andy! 😀 Also, something drastic happens! 😱😮

As always, thank you for reading, liking, commenting, and lurking,


Wordsworth, William. “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud by William Wordsworth.” Poetry Foundation, Poetry Foundation,

This post is Cesare approved.

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    • Thank you. That’s a good point. I guess that depends on what he wrote about her, and also how much she recalls from when she read it back when she first became heir. xo

  1. I can definitely understand why Ellie is so scared, and doesn’t want Bea to investigate anymore. From her perspective, she just found out Holden was right about Rosetta, and he always knew there was darkness in Rosetta. It goes way further than she or Holden ever knew. I don’t remember if Ellie knows who Ella was, though. It seems like something Holden would have told her about.

    I’m glad you included that scene with the kids. I’m thinking that Joey is frustrated because his interests are different from Andy and Kara’s, and he feels like he’s being left out. Even though he doesn’t like reading, he just wants to feel like a part of the group.

    Kara’s poem was beautiful.

    • Thank you, Heather 🙂 You have Ellie figured right on this, for sure. I think you’re right that she found out the hard way Holden was right about the darkness in Rosetta. And, it’s all much worse than even he knew. As for Ella, I don’t remember having Holden tell Ellie about that specifically, but it’s safe to assume he would have told her.

      You’re so right about Joey, too. He has a hard time holding his frustrations in.

      I’m glad you liked Kara’s poem.

  2. Okay okay okay… So. I know I’m behind lol and you may have already revealed the identity of the boy in newer chapters that I haven’t read yet (I’m getting there). But part way through Bea and Ellie’s conversation and had a sudden realization which could be completely wrong, but I think I know who the boy could be. And I think Ellie knows who he is too! The box contains pictures and information about the murder of Ella Dean. The boy looks strongly like Xalen, but with lighter hair like Marty’s. So he has to be related somehow. My guess is that he is the illegitimate child of Ella Dean and Holden Sprague! I mean, right?! She raped him and became pregnant with his child, but she never told him. Rosetta wanted her dead for trying to kill Holden, but when she found out about her nephew she kept tabs on him throughout his lifetime checking for “powers” of the sort that her and I believe Holden also possessed. None of that explains why she didn’t tell Holden about his son, but maybe she thought she was protecting him. If I’m wrong just ignore me I’ll just go crawl in a hole and hide forever. 😂
    You have me on the edge of my seat! Great chapter!

    • Oh my, that is an interesting theory you have! I like how you put those pieces together and came to this conclusion. There is one other comment where someone agrees with you on this. 😀

      I would never ignore you, even if you’re wrong. hahahahaha Seriously, though, I’m glad you’re interested in it enough to come up with this.

  3. And the mystery continues! If he is Rosetta’s son, perhaps she wanted to monitor those ‘powers’ and was worried that he would be even stronger than she was. However, I would be amazed if she managed to hide a pregnancy. Of course she is a resourceful woman but even so. I wonder if it’s something to do with the Inheritance, if they found someone or something dangerous… I can’t imagine Rosetta would be afraid of anything human/not-supernatural. Hmmm!

    • Yes, it sure does! That’s a good theory regarding the mystery-boy! I like it!

      It’s true that it would be difficult for someone in her position to hide a pregnancy, so good thinking there, too.

      Ooooh, I like that, too! Part of something The Inheritance found! 😀 I love it!

  4. Kara is making good progress, which is all that matters.
    I get why Ellie is worried about what’s in the box. But it’s better to know what they’re dealing with.

    • Thank you 🙂 Your comments are always so spot on. I agree with everything you said. Perhaps Ellie saw the lengths Rosetta would go to at times, and she just wants to leave that in the past. Anyway, we’ll find out in the near future.

  5. Ooooooooooh I’m so freaking curious about the boy!! Hopefully we’ll find out next week 🙂 I love how captivating your mysteries are! Kudos to Kara for progressing so well. Reading the poem and explaining her thoughts behind it is a big step for her, and I’m glad she’s getting along with the family. It’s understandable that Joey is upset, but he needs someone he can talk to about his feelings.

    • Thank you, Raymond! 🙂 I’m so glad you are curious about the mystery boy! 🙂 You are so sweet, thank you for your compliment about my mysteries.

      Kara really does deserve some kudos for her progression. I can’t wait to get inside her mind and reveal some things about this time in her life and what she is really thinking. Eeep! So excited about that! 😀 Anyway, you are right about Joey. He does need someone to talk to.

  6. Oh man, I was so sure we’d find out who that boy is in this chapter!! I’m so disappointed, lol! :p (well, not really because I love a mystery that takes its time to be built 😉 But I really wanna know what’s going on too!)
    And I’m very curious to understand what Joey is thinking. Because right now it just seems like he’s acting like a little brat, lol.
    Loved the poem! <3

    • Oh, dear, I’m so sorry this wasn’t resolved. It won’t be in next week’s chapter either because something else happens. Don’t throw your laptop at me! LOLOLOL I’m sorry! 😀 I can’t wait for you to find out what is going on.

      Joey is kind of being a brat, it’s true. In Saturday’s chapter, we’ll see some dealings with this. 😀

  7. Ooo so Bea’s mom seems to know quite a few juicy details on the mystery box contents! The letters for the monitoring of the boy made me think of some kind of psychology experiment. A ‘darkness’ in Aunt Rosetta… a mystery ballerina, dead… a mystery boy being monitored… Bea’s mother urging her to leave it alone but obviously she can’t (and neither would I!)… LOVE IT!

    Joey sounds like he’s maybe feeling displaced, with all the dunnos and shrugging and disinterest. But Kara made a big step reading her poem in front of others and trying to vocalise her feelings through the choice of poem, too. Looking forward to the drastic events next week! Please tell me there’s one huge undercover immoral psychology experiment to appease my inner wannabe psychologist 😉

    • Thank you, Caz. xo 🙂 It does seem like Ellie’s response is suspect. Oooooh, a psychology experiment! That’s a really interesting idea! I could definitely see how you might come to that conclusion. Yeah, there is no way I would leave this alone either. LOL I’m so glad you’re loving the mystery! I hope you find the conclusion of it satisfying. 😀

      I think you might be right about Joey. Let’s hope they figure out how they can help him soon. As for Kara, you’re so right about her, too.

      LOLOL Oh, how I hope the mystery will be to your satisfaction! 😀 😀 😀 xo

  8. I agree with those who say Ellie knows more than she’s letting on. I know Ellie is acting in Bea’s best interest, but I’d be like Bea and want to get to the bottom of this mystery. She kinda idolized Aunt Rosetta, but I wonder how she’ll feel once all the pieces of the puzzle are in place.

    I wonder what’s really going on with Joey. They need to find a way to get to the bottom of that, too, or the brown stuff is gonna fly.

    The poem was beautiful, and I can see why Kara liked it. I love how she feels so connected to nature.

    One thing I gotta say- and I was going to wait till the end of this gen, but I’ll say it now – is that Holden had such bad JuJu, and Bea’s gen has such an aura of sadness hanging over it. I can imagine Kara’s gen (if, indeed, she is the heir) would be kinda heavy, too, because right now, she’s afraid of her own shadow. I feel like this poor family is being sucked into a big black hole, and we all know there’s no way out of a black hole. 🙁 I hope something really, really nice happens to them at some point.

    • Thank you so much, Sharon. 🙂 I think it’s interesting that a lot of readers thing Ellie knows more. But then, I think it makes sense she’d know more than she’s letting on. As for Bea, I think that Aunt Rosetta bubbled will be popped for sure. haha

      In this Saturday’s chapter, you’ll see how things with Joey change. 🙂 I love how you said the brown stuff is going to fly! haha Reminds me of when I was an R.N. and with the elderly people, we’d have to find out when their last bowel movement was (sorry TMI). lol Anyway, we called finding out this information Code Brown. LOL

      I’m glad you liked the poem. It’s true that Kara feels connected to nature. I don’t see how she wouldn’t be with the way she grew up.

      Ah, yes, so much bad. You’re right about that and I’m glad you brought it up. In the next few chapters, you’re going to see how this will develop. Kara is the heir, but her generation might surprise you. In a good way, I hope. 😀

  9. What a sweet ending <3 sniff .. I am big eyed at the mystery .. can't wait to see what is up!! I am leaning towards Ellie knowing more but for me the jury is still out (mostly because I have read you for a while now and predicable is not a word I would use in light of that).

  10. I have to tell you that Kara’s recitation of the poem brought tears to my eyes. I’ve known the poem since childhood, of course, but never was moved into understanding of it until now, thanks to you and Kara.

    I’m also thrillingly curious about the mystery! I have my pet theory, which I’ll hold onto until more has been revealed!

    Such a lovely reading experience! Thank you !

    • Thank you, CT. 🙂 I’m so glad you enjoyed the poem. 🙂 I knew this from childhood, too, but when I was trying to figure out what poem Kara should learn, this really struck me in a new way.

      I’m so glad you’re thrilled about the new mystery! I can’t wait to find out what your theory is.

      Thank you again for such lovely words of encouragement.

  11. I am dying to know the secret of the boy! I still believe he is some sort of experiment….not quite sure. And glad that Bea addressed the issues with Joey although it’s likely not over.

    • Thank you, Audrey 🙂 Who is this boy? LOL I love your theory about him being an experiment. 😀 We’ll find out eventually. 😀

      You’re right that this thing with Joey is not over. More on that soon.

  12. I agree with Bee. I definitely think Ellie knows more than she lets on, and that she really wants to protect her daughter. I wonder what more comes out of this Pandora’s box (it really is that!).
    Bea is so gentle while dealing with Joey, but he’s not ready to tell her yet… I wonder what he could possibly be going through.
    The poem is beautiful, and seeing how Kara feels so connected to nature, I can see why she likes it.
    A tragedy, though?!

    • Thank you, Jowita. 🙂 Hehe you might be right about Ellie. I like how you called it a Pandora’s box. There is so much to be learned, I can’t wait!

      That’s a good question about Joey. He is definitely not ready to talk, but this is going to come to a head soon.

      I’m glad you thought the poem was beautiful. It really struck me when I read it how much this relates to where Kara is right now.

      Well, maybe not a tragedy; rather something someone does is drastic. 😀

  13. Aaaah, you’re so mean for keeping us from knowing for so long! 😛 I want to know who the boy is, Kym!!! I really, really hope we’ll find out soon, because I’m on the edge of my seat!
    And on top of that, there’s whatever is going on with Joey. Oh my, Kym, you really are piling on the mysteries. Keep it coming, though – I love it. 🙂

    • Thank you, Louise. 🙂 I know, I know. Unfortunately, it might be a while before this arc is complete. It depends on something else. LOL

      This thing with Joey will be coming to a head. 😀 I’m glad you love it! 😀

  14. I think Ellie’s reaction is two fold: first she knows more than she lets on and wants to keep Bea safe from all the happened so long ago, second she hasn’t really dealt with the trauma she went thru when Holden was shot, which has really held her back all these years. I feel so sad my Ellie sim has had such a rough life, when she started out so hopeful and full of possibilities.

    I figured it out! Can’t wait to see what you are going to do next!

    The poem was beautiful.

    I loved Bea’s response to Joey’s I don’t know. Some excellent parenting there I must say! Comes from knowing your children and feeling confident enough to follow through with discipline. Sigh, wish all parents were like that. I wonder what she will do for Kara as well, with the whole confidence/scared thing.

    • Thank you, Bee. 🙂 I love what you said about Ellie’s reaction. I’m so sorry I’ve been so cruel to your Ellie Sim. I never meant to be; it just happened. LOL

      Yes! You did!

      I love that poem, and I thought it fit Kara and how she might feel.

      I’m glad you liked Bea’s response to Joey’s I don’t knows. Hopefully, Bea will know what to do for Kara, too.

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