Chapter 6.23: Dear Diary, the Dynamic Shifts



Please note I’ve added pagination to my posts because with the pictures, the scrolling to get to the bottom is so long and tedious. This means that each part of the chapter begins on a separate page. So, at the bottom of the post, you will see page numbers just below the “like” button.

When you get to the bottom of the post, make sure you’ve read all the pages. 😀 I hope this makes reading easier, but I would like to know what you think about it! 🙂

Part 1: A Burdensome Situation

Dear Diary, keeping yourself busy with mundane chores is a good way to forget your troubles for a while. Except that my problems rarely included mysterious boxes left to me by an aunt I’m realizing I did not know the way I thought I did.

Growing up, Aunt Rosetta was a bit odd at times, but I felt a closeness to her despite that. Even as a child, it wasn’t hard to miss my father’s aversion to Aunt Rosetta’s strange ways of talking about their past. Dad didn’t like it when she spoke about things they did as kids. He would give her a pointed look, willing her to stop speaking. Sometimes she would notice. Most of the time, it went right over her head.

Even though my aunt and I enjoyed watching horror movies, it never occurred to me she dealt with scary things in real life. Why would it? The things in those films don’t really happen.

But I received this package… a box with horrible pictures inside. A man named Grayson Preminger had penned the first letter. I’d vaguely recognized the name and a photo of him as someone associated with Aunt Rosetta. Perhaps even a love interest, although, she’d never married.

I was so upset, I put everything away, back inside the box and didn’t even tell Perry or Mom anything. I couldn’t until I knew more.

Finally, last night, I revisited the box.

Now, as I pulled the bedspread up on Kara’s bed, I thought again about the second note. The one from Rosetta herself, written in her typical, neat, capital letters.

The letter ended like that, with a squiggled line where the next part of the word would have been. She was interrupted, but why hadn’t she come back to finish the letter later?

The next series of photos that were inside the box were of a child I didn’t recognize. Of course, he wasn’t a child anymore because these pictures seemed old.

There were some of him as a toddler…

… as a child…

… and, as a teen.

Who was this boy and were was he now?

The biggest question was why did Rosetta have these pictures at all? They weren’t posed portraits, they were all candid.

And a little creepy.

And a little familiar… yet, not.

I’d placed a call to Grayson Preminger and was waiting for a return call. Yet, I wondered if I’d ever have an answer to the questions this package had raised.

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  1. I’ve gotten really far behind again. 🙈
    I’m curious about this box and it’s mysterious contents! Is it just me, or does the boy in those photos share a striking resemblence to Xalen? I don’t know why Rosetta would send Bea these pictures, but I’m dying to find out. I hope she gets to the bottom of it soon.
    Hopefully Kara will become more comfortable in her own room. I feel bad for her that not only is she struggling with her fears, but that her brother is making it even more difficult for her.

    • Thank you so much. Awwww… you’re not too far behind. 🙂 I can’t wait until you find out who the mystery boy is! That’s interesting you think he bears a resemblance to Xalen.

      Kara will eventually settle in better, I’m sure. She and Joey need to work out their difficulties.

  2. Who is the boy in the picture? I’m thinking Rosetta had a secret love child. Although with her, I’m not sure you could say love child. Maybe strong affection child. 😆

    I love Duchess already.

    Knowing that Kara is sleeping on their floor, I can understand better why Joey is so annoyed. It’s like she’s invading his space, you know?

    Well Grayson was no help. 😒

    • Thank you, Heather 🙂 Hahaha That cracks me up: “…strong affection child…” Right? I like your theory!

      Duchess is such a good girl! I just want to hug her. 😀

      I like what you say there about why Joey might be irritated with his sister. She’s definitely in his space.

      Looks like the mystery will have to be solved a different way. Unless Grayson is more cooperative at a later time.

  3. I am VERY curious about where the note ended. Why is it important? Who is the boy? And on top of that she has to try and help Kara, tell Joey off, and do it all without making a ruckus!
    Mum’s really are superheroes.

  4. Oh, Joey no… And Kara still doesn’t feel comfortable in her own space, which is sad.
    I have a couple of guesses as to who the boy is. I’ll stay quiet for now, though.

    • It is sad, that’s true. It’s all about to come to a head, though, and things will change. You’ll begin hearing from Kara’s POV soon (starting in the chapter that was posted today), which will put a new light on things.

      I can’t wait to see who you think the mystery-boy is!

  5. I love the idea of pagination and separating the pages by each ‘big idea’ of the post! I’ll admit that scrolling is easier for my lazy bum, but this adds a bit of closure to each section. Maybe it’s just me, but does pagination work on the wordpress reader? I couldn’t find the next pages when I tried to read on it.

    Yay, about time someone got a pet! I wish Joey would be more sympathetic towards his sister, but it’s understandable that he’s not. Hopefully Mom will find out a way to get them to bond!

    And hmm, I wonder who the boy could be. Perhaps Holden or Rosetta’s child? Mysteries mysteries 😀

    • Thank you so much, Raymond. 🙂 The Gutenberg (sp?) editor wp uses now, has a pagination option which is how I added it to this post. As for whether it works in the reader, I had someone tell me that it did not work, but when she refreshed it, it did. I think that may be hit or miss.

      I agree with you about getting a pet! lol I think Joey and Kara might find some common ground in the future. Hopefully, anyway.

      Yes, who is this mystery boy? Those are good guesses!

  6. Oooo pagination, fancy. It does make it quite smooth, reading more like a booklet.
    That box really is super mysterious, I love it!
    Duchess is sweet, I’m sure she’ll be a welcome addition to the family. I felt really bad for Andy though, not knowing what to do about Kara’s fear of the dark or about Joey calling her names. It’s nice he’s looking out for her 🙂
    Caz xx

    • Thank you so much, Caz. 🙂 I wasn’t sure if the pagination would be smooth or irritating. lol

      I’m glad you love the mystery box! I can’t wait to delve further into this storyline.

      I love Duchess. In an upcoming chapter, she plays an important role. 😀

      Hopefully, Bea and Perry can decide how best to handle the situation with Joey and Kara.


  7. What we can think of the box is probably Rosetta will be killed when she was writting the letter, we can also think that the capital letter is a way to make the writing easier/quicker as we all learn to write first in capital letter. Grayson knows a lot of things but he has to remain silent for his own safety. The boy looks like Holden. An hidden son as joliesattic is saying? Or her own son?

  8. So many things. okay, I agree with everyone about the scrolling.
    Now as far as the box. Theories, Holden and Myung. Didn’t Myung turn up pregnant and no “man” in her life but only one implied evident? She’d always wanted Holden’s baby.
    Was there a sperm bank? I’m not sure about Ella, but that’s possible, but I somehow vaguely remember that was dismissed early on. Also, wasn’t there a miscarriage by someone at another time?

    I like the dog. I’m really worried about Joey though. And Kara is displaying some issues. A lot to work out for sure.

    • Thank you, Jolie, and okie dokie. 😀 Thanks for letting me know. The scrolling shall never be seen again. haha

      Ooooh, that’s an interesting theory about Holden and Myung! I like it!

      Sperm bank! There’s an idea, too! Ummm… that’s a good question. I don’t remember a miscarriage, but I’d have to go back and reread to make sure.

      There’s definitely some stuff they need to work out still, but hopefully, it can all be resolved soon.

  9. Oh man, I’m so intrigued by this box!! And the letter..! What could have interrupted Rosetta so badly that she never returned to finish it? Unless she was writing it moments before her death? :O But then again, I recall that she died during a rebellion gone bad, so that mustn’t have been the case… this mystery is so exciting!
    And that boy… I’m not sure, but he kind of reminds me of Perry… is it a coincidence or am I onto something? 😛 Lol!
    And Greyson doesn’t know anything… yeah right!! I think we all remember him being right there when Rosetta threw that woman on the wall!
    Poor Kara…😢 I hope Bea finds a solution soon!
    I love the new pup – hope we get to see more of her! <3
    Oh, and I agree with everyone else about the scrolling – I prefer it too 😉

    • Thank you so much 🙂 I’m so glad you’re intrigued by the box. That’s a good question about what interrupted Rosetta before she could finish the letter. The reminds you of Perry, eh? That’s very interesting! Hopefully, if Grayson knows anything, someone will make him talk. I’m glad you love the new pup. She will be playing a very important role in an upcoming chapter.

      Scrolling it is! 😀

  10. I think I’d rather the posts be all in one page.
    But, Joey is turning out to be a mean, jealous brother. Bea should talk to him and make him understand. And Andy is the best!

    • Thank you, Jina 🙂 I really appreciate the feedback on that. I think everyone feels the same about it.

      You’re right about Bea. she needs to get to the bottom of this before it gets way out of hand.

      Andy is so sweet in my game. I think he’s still in big brother mode even though he is the middle child now.

  11. I actually prefer scrolling. It’s a bit easier than to remember to click on some number. I will go along with whatever is easiest for you and if the others have a strong opinion one way or the other.

    Ohhh, the booooooooox!!!! Rosetta has big, big secrets, and it sounds like they won’t be solved anytime soon. I wonder who this kid is? I’m kind of leaning toward a test tube baby, but maybe she had someone else carry him because she wouldn’t be the type that would want to be pregnant. Grayson wasn’t very helpful either. He knows a lot more than what he is letting on. I think the matter should be pursued, although I know I’m a glutton for punishment. LOL! I just can never let a mystery go unsolved.

    Awww, i feel bad for poor Kara. And Joey has some resentment, and there’s definitely a reason he is needling her. Their mom will find a way, though, to pursue this without anybody feeling any worse than what they need to.

    Duchess is so adorable!!! I can see why Bea was surprised, but sometimes things don’t work out as planned. Duchess will make a great member of the family, and I think everybody will be mad about her in no time.

    I really hope she talks to Perry about all of this. He has a way of centering her and helping her to take it one step at a time.

    • Thank you so much, Sharon. Scrolling seems to be easiest for everyone, and I’m cool with that. 😀 😀

      You’re definitely right about Rosetta and her secrets. Who is this mystery boy? I’ve seen some interesting theories in the comments and am so geeked for you to find out! 😀 I love the test tube baby theory and I do agree that Rosetta would not want to be pregnant herself. I can’t let a mystery go either so I’m with you on that. LOL

      Yeah, Joey has some resentment going on, and I’d say Bea needs to get on this ASAP. I agree that Bea can find a way to handle this without anyone feeling worse about it.

      I’m glad you like Duchess. She is so awesome in this family. 😀 You’re right that sometimes things are different than you plan. I’m just glad they found the right fit for them.

      I think you’re right that Bea should talk to Perry. He does center her and slow her down.

  12. I think that the pagination should at least come before the “likes” section, because that denotes the end of the post and makes it easy to overlook. Personally, I also prefer scrolling.

    My feeling is that Bea has a brother out there. Rosetta didn’t believe Ella when she said she didn’t rape Holden because having his child is proof she did.

    • Thank you so much, Amity. 🙂 I totally agree that the pagination should be above the likes. I would have to do some coding to make that happen. Luckily, I won’t have to because this idea has crashed and burned. hahaha 😀 We’re definitely going back to scrolling.

      Wow! That’s an awesome thought about who this mystery boy is. And, your reasoning is solid. 😀 I can’t wait to continue this storyline.

  13. Oooh, I think Rosetta got shot as she was writing the note!

    Oh good. Kara likes dogs lol. I was afraid for her because the dog is big!

    First of all, I think it’s cute that Kara sleeps in her brothers’ room. Secondly, I’m glad Andy told Bea about it. Finally, that Joey has a big mouth and a bad attitude! Good luck with that one, Bea.

    Poor Grayson! He’s still heartbroken after all those years.

    I’m not a fan of the pagination, but maybe it’ll make it easier to see if they were above the Likes; people may miss it or think it’s something else having it below the Likes. Scrolling is a natural part of web browsing and reading; I don’t think people tire of it. Besides, it’s not like we’re constantly scrolling. Just a little at a time. There’s my six cents. 😀

    • Thank you, Jess 🙂 I would have preferred the pagination to have appeared above the likes, too, but I didn’t have time to code it to do that before it was published. Anyway, I don’t think it matters because it’s pretty clear people like to scroll. lol 😀

      That’s awesome that you think Rosetta got shot while she was writing the letter to Bea. You just never know. 😀

      I figured Kara would like animals, even big dogs, because of the way she grew up. Who knows what kind of animals she’s met before? haha

      “Joey has a big mouth and a bad attitude!” LOLOLOL I love that. Hopefully, Bea can straighten this out quickly.

      I love that your reaction was that Grayson was still heartbroken. I can’t wait to continue with this storyline.

  14. I agree with the scrollers. I use the WordPress Reader, too, and at first only the first page showed up. Then next time I tried again , they all did, but I still found that the page headings interrupted the immersion. What you’ve been doing works and works well! No need for change.

    I’m intrigued about Rosetta’s mysterious box!

    • Thank you, CT. 🙂 I’m trying to make it easier, not harder, so that’s good to know. 🙂

      I’m glad you’re intrigued! I’m excited to move forward with this part of the story. xo

  15. I prefer scrolling, like everyone else, it seems!
    Wow, so much more creepy stuff inside that box. How much more did Rosetta fit in there? I was going to say I have no idea who the boy might be, but after reading the previous comments and comparing the pictures of him now and this boy, I do think the boy looks a lot like Perry.
    It’s nice that the family now has a dog! Dutchess sounds lovely!
    Oh, poor Kara. She’s still so troubled…

    • Thank you, Jowita 😀 So far, it’s unanimous. I’m really glad people are telling me, though. It’s what I wanted to know. 🙂

      LOL The box is like Mary Poppins’s bag, where she keeps pulling stuff out. hahaha You think the boy looks like Perry, too? Wowzas! That’s interesting. 😀

      The dog has fit right in. I was thinking along the lines of Bea that it might be good for the kids to share this responsibility and have such a loyal friend.

      Kara is troubled, it’s true. Hopefully, though, Bea can help her find solace.

  16. I too am interesting in knowing what the contents in the box all means and why he was so adamant on Bea not contacting him ever again. Seems fishy.

    It’s sad to know that Kara is having a hard time sleeping in her room and then being tortured by her own brother. I assume that even though she endures the taunting, it’s still better than how she’s feeling when she’s in her own room at night. I hope she can find some solace there soon.

    I like the navigation better too! 🙂

    • Thank you so much. 🙂 It’s unanimous so far. 😀

      I can’t wait till you find out what’s going on with the box and what the contents mean. You’re right to think this thing with Grayson sounds fishy.

      I think you are spot on about Kara. Whatever she endures with Joey taunting her isn’t as bad as how scared she is at night in her room. Hopefully, Bea can help her.

  17. I read in webpage view, as images and everything are bigger that way so I do get the page numbers, at first liked the tidiness, but after clicking through it all I conclude that I prefer scrolling as well.
    The pagination has it good use, but for something other than a consecutive chapter.

    As for the content. The first thing I thought when I saw the boy was: Perry?
    I feel sorry for Kara still having so many hangups but I do get Joey. You have to be wired a certain way to be able to adjust to so much new, esp. that young and he just … isn’t. And having a sudden big sister sleeping on your floor … I can see how that is not everybody’s cuppa.
    As for the big mystery, I am clueless, not even gonna fake it. 😉

    • Thank you so much 🙂 I like reading in webpage view, too. I can totally see where the clicking would have its drawbacks and I think we’re done with pagination. hahaha

      Oh, mystery boy = Perry? That’s really interesting! 😀

      I like your perspective on Joey and what he is going through. I think you may be right that he isn’t as adaptable to so many new things. I think suddenly having someone you don’t know even if they’re a sibling, lying on your floor at night might be unnerving for a child.

  18. He, he, admittedly I prefer scrolling as well – sometimes I like to go back up to check if I got details right and that’s a little harder with pagination. I appreciate you trying to make your site as user-friendly as possible, though. <3

    Oh my gosh, we NEED to know what's in that box. Like, maybe there really are things Bea could be doing instead, but I need to know. Like Audrey I'm wondering if the kid is Rosetta's… but it could also be another kid that she's been hiding for whatever reason. He's blonde, so a crazy guess… Ella's? Like, she murdered Ella and took in her kid or something because she figured her brother would want that. Ha, ha, I don't know. It's probably not the case, but I want it in the comments so I can go CALLED IT if it's true. 😛 Wouldn't explain why Grayson was so unhelpful.

    Oh man, Joey isn't very nice to his sister. Poor Kara. 🙁 And Andy is such a sweetheart for telling. I never got that whole attitude that telling on someone is a bad thing – Joey is being a dumb-dumb and it needs to be dealt with.

    This was a wonderful chapter, Kym. I would read it any time of the week. Don't worry about being behind on any stuff – if you need to take care of things away from the blog, we'll be waiting. <3

    • Thank you, Louise. ❤ That’s what it is, trying to make it user friendly, so if this is not a good thing, that’s all right with me. I appreciate the feedback. 🙂

      Nice thoughts you have regarding the mystery boy! lol No guess it too crazy, and you said it here if that’s the case. haha I can’t wait until you find out! 😀 😀

      You’re right about Joey being a dumb dumb. hahahaha That cracked me up. I think this situation can be handled without Andy looking like a rat.

      I’m so glad you liked the chapter. I so appreciate your kind words. ❤❤

  19. So honestly- I like to read the chapters in the reader view because that way all of the distracting ‘noise’ on the blog goes away. 🤷‍♀️. So when I read this way, there is no pagination. Which actually I prefer. To me it’s more annoying to have to click to continue reading. But, if others prefer that, then you should leave it because when reading in the reader, it goes away anyway and I can simply scroll like I like. So, now that that’s out of the way….on to the amazing story!

    The boxxxxx! And Grayson blowing her off. Of course he knows. And I bet money that kid is Rosetta’s and maybe even his too. I am terrified to learn what else is in that box. Yikes! Or maybe it’s a test tube baby grown outside the womb. That sounds very Rosettaish. Lol….

    As far as the kids and the dog. I feel her for being like. Yikes a BIG dog! But she’ll be good for the kids I think. I’m really glad Andy talked her about Kara coming into their room and Joey needling her. Bea can figure this out without having to make him out as the bad kid. I hope she talks to Perry first. He seems to ground her.

    • Thank you, Audrey. 🙂 I think pagination might be on it’s way out. 😀 lol

      Yes! The box! 😀 Grayson was not helpful at all. haha A test tube baby! LOL You’re right; that does sound very Rosettaish. lolol

      I think you’re right about the dog. She really fits into the family already and is in tune to the kids.

      I think you’re right that Bea should talk to Perry first, and that’s it’s good Andy spoke with her. This can definitely be handled without ratting him out.

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