An Important Announcement Regarding Noble Doubt


Hello, Friends. I just wanted to let you know that due to an emergency that found us with a family member in the hospital in Detroit, I was unable to finish this week’s chapter of Noble Doubt. Instead, I have scheduled it for publication on Wednesday.

For the past three years, I have never missed a Saturday’s chapter except for the weeks I took off between generations. So, I’m feeling disappointed about this. But, it could not be helped.

Everyone is home now, and fine, for which we are grateful. Thank you for understanding.

You guys have always been so good to me, and I thank you for that as well. I’m also sorry for being behind in responding to your lovely comments and reading your blogs. I will get back in the swing of things as soon as I am able.

Thank you so much,

P.S. Cesare does NOT approve this post. He was quite miffed, in fact, that I was away from home without word. His cat sitter said he was very mopey, and crying loudly, wandering around the house. When I finally got home, he stood on his hind legs, reaching up to me, and I picked him up. He hasn’t left my side since. 🐱❤

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    • Thank you so much, Heather. ❤ Things are much better now, but still on alert. 🙂 And, yes, this is the type of post Cesare blows raspberries to! LOL

  1. Oh Kymber, I’m so sorry – I hope the member of your family that’s in hospital is okay… I can understand why you’re disappointed, you’ve been incredibly dedicated for so long but this definitely can’t be helped and needs no apology whatsoever. Be with your family, I really do hope they are okay…xxxx

    • Thank you so much, Caz. ❤ They are fine now and doing well, thank goodness. We are very thankful.

      Thank you also for the encouragement. It means so much to me. xo

  2. I hope your family member gets well soon, and I’m glad they are okay. Life gets in the way sometimes and that I completely understandable! Sending love and good vibes. 💜

    • Thank you so much. ❤ Thankfully, they are doing well, and I’m so relieved. Life does get in the way, it’s true. lol Thank you for the love and good vibes. I appreciate it so much.

      It feels like I’ve been gone forever and hope I’m not too behind on your story. I can’t wait to see what happens next and will catch up ASAP. ❤❤

  3. I’m sending happy dragon energy for you and your family, Kymber, and hope your dear one is on the way to a speedy recovery. Hope Cesare also recovers from missing you and the weekend blog. I think we are all happy you are back and Wednesday is a fine day for a post to catch up with. We delayed taking over the Arctic Circle until our beloved Chief of Staff and Viking Brigade Leader were returned to our Ranks. World domination can wait. Family always comes first.

    • Thank you so much, my friend. ❤ My dear one is doing well now, thankfully. It feels to me as if I’ve been gone for ages, though. lol I’m so behind on your wonderful story and hope to catch up soon.

      Cesare may or may not recover from missing Saturday’s post. It’s touch and go right now. 😀

      You can consider us returned to the ranks now. So, on to the Arctic Circle! 😀 Woot!

      • I think Cesare will be okay once he gets with the Boomcha Brigade and they get busy claiming the Arctic Circle for the new world order. Naturally, we’ll have open borders so other current non-members can visit but they won’t be allowed to do anything environmentally unsound or act in a way that against good order and discipline.

          • I think I would miss my cat genie if I had one. Once you get spoiled like that, it’s nearly impossible to go back to scratching in the flower beds. Rose bushes broke me of that. I’m completely house trained now.

            • hahahaha 😀 Well, that’s good to hear! I imagine rose bushes will do that! As for Cesare, he’s entirely too spoiled and is threatening a mutiny if I don’t send him the Cat Genie TODAY. lol

            • LOL! We may have to give in on this one if we are to keep Cesare focused on world conquering. Hmmm, maybe I can put wheels on it and pull it behind a mini Hummer for Cesare to ride in.

            • Yes! And we’ll get him one of those banners that attach to the radio antenna. Some kind of cat pirate banner just to impress the local indigenous people now under his authority.

    • Thank you so much, Louise. ❤ All is well now, thankfully. I appreciate your kind words. I’m not sure if I’m behind now on your story or not. It feels to me like I’ve been gone for ages. lol Anyway, if I am, I’ll catch up soon’s I can. ❤

  4. It’s hard to like a post when hearing about someone being in the hospital. I’m so glad everyone is home now and fine. We can definitely wait, and by that time, I will be caught up with your story, actually! Hallelujah! LOL. *Hugs*

    I love your Cesare Approved posts and had to giggle that this one wasn’t approved. 😄

    • Thank you so much, Sharon. ❤ I’m so glad you’re all caught up. You went through it like wild fire. haha

      Everyone is doing well here, and we are so grateful. ❤ Thank you for your kind words.

      I’m glad Cesare’s shenanigans made you laugh. 😀 That makes me so happy.

      Oh! And, I can’t wait to read more of your stories. I’ll catch up soon as I can.

      • It’s awesome to be caught up! I bunged up my knee a bit, so it gave me the time to be able to just sit back and read. It’s funny because I lose all track of time when I’m in the middle of a story. LOL!

        You’re very welcome. I’m so glad everyone is doing well now.

        Animals make everything better, so their antics always make me smile. ❤️

        I know how it is to be behind. I’ve gotten quite a few posts up on my SimLit Legacies blog, as I am transferring everything over from Blogger to WordPress. I’m getting there but still have a ways to go. It’s fun though because it gives me an opportunity to find the mistakes I first made and correct them. LOL! Take your time. The stories aren’t going anywhere, and I hope you do enjoy them when yyou areable to catch up. *Hugs*

          • Awww thanks. *hugs* My knee is much better. I hurt both my knees back in 1997 when I was hit by a car as a pedestrian. I suffered major ligament damage and even had to have some reconstructed. I sometimes call myself a partial bionic woman because I have some hardware; washers, staples, screws – that sort of thing. Once you hurt your knees like that, they’re never the same. Sometimes if they move a certain way, it can get rather painful. 🙁 It could have been much, much worse, so I’m not complainin’. 😀 I just have to baby them when they scream a bit, but hey, that gives me more time to read. 😀

            Oh yay!! I hope you enjoy the new material I’ve got up. 🙂 I think once I have everything – or more everything – trasferred over, I’ll be able to give myself a bit more of a structures schedule for output. 🙂

  5. I pushed the like button for Cesare story and not for your family . I am always far far away from WP and even to Tumblr I let everything rotting so no worries about being off a Saturday from your own story.

  6. I’m really sorry for your struggles… I hope everything will be alright! And, as everyone else said, don’t worry about a thing, we can certainly wait! <3 <3

    • Thank you so much ❤️ Everything has turned out all right now. I’m so relieved. ❤️❤️ Thank you for your understanding. I feel like I’ve been gone for ages now. I think I’m caught up on your story, but if not, I will read it as soon as possible. I can’t wait to see what your next generation brings! ❤️

  7. I’m so sorry for this, Kymber. Glad to hear you are doing well, and I hope it will continue to get better for your family member. Please, don’t beat yourself up for being unable to publish it. Much love ♥

    • Thank you, Jowita. ❤️ Sending much love back to you. I’m not sure if I am behind in your story or not now, but if I am, I can’t wait to find out what’s going on with Ron!

            • Oh, yes, you were one of my first followers, but then you accidentally clicked unfollow at one point, lol. I do remember when you still posted updates on the TS3 site, and I used to often check it out to see if you had a new chapter, even before being on WP.

            • LOL Oh, yeah! I’d forgotten about unfollowing by accident. You know what? I think there are some WP sites that I unfollowed but not by my own doing. I mean, do they just randomly unfollow sites for you? How rude. lol But that’s probably a discussion for another day.

              I was probably only on WP about 4 or 5 months before you. 😀 It was nice seeing another blog by someone I knew from the TS3 site.

  8. So sorry about family member being in the hospital, I hope they are doing better now and on there way to a fall recovery very soon

    I understand times like this can be difficult, so I hope you are taking good care of yourself too

    he`s a great cat. I’m happy you have him to give you a lot comfort at this time Rosemary 🙂

    • Thank you so much, Darren. ❤️ I appreciate your kind words. My family member is doing well now, and everything seems fine. It sure was stressful, though.

      Thank you for the reminder to take care of myself, too. 🙂

      Cesare is my BFF, I tell ya’. lol He provides lots of comfort. ❤️

    • Thank you so much for the good wishes. It did turn out to be a brief, but stressful, scare. Thank goodness all is well now. ❤️❤️ Thank you for the hugs, too.

      I can’t wait to catch up on your story!

    • I understand, and thank you so much, Audrey. ❤️ I’m dying to know what is happening in your story, so I’m hoping to catch up with it soon.

      We’re all good here now, but it was pretty stressful for a while there. Thank you for the hugs. ❤️❤️

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