Cesare… a Cat Story (2)

Master Bird Catcher


Yes, there is my awesome writing partner and babyboy bird hunting. Never mind that it’s on TV.

He likes mouse videos, chasing string videos, and squirrel videos, too. But the bird one, that is his ultimate favorite.

Every day, after a hearty breakfast, he likes to work off the calories with this happy past time.

Personally, I’m glad he gets this out of his system before it’s time to sit down and write. There is nothing worse than a writing partner who can’t focus on the task at hand.

Here he is ten minutes later. We’ve been throwing important plot ideas around when all at once, he’s decided there is something else he’d rather throw around.

Oh, no, he doesn’t need to use the litter pan. I wouldn’t take a picture of that. Don’t be silly.

This is what’s called the Cat Genie. It is an automatic toilet for cats. It senses when the cat has stepped into the plastic pellet litter, then, about ten minutes later, it automatically washes itself out. Toward the end of the cleaning cycle, a hot air blows all the pellets dry.

Understanding this process is important. You see, Cesare has figured out that when he is cold, all he has to do is step briefly into the litter, then wait through the cleaning cycle for the blessed hot air to blow his beautiful ginger fluff around.

Here he is caught in the act of waiting for the cycle to finish. Meanwhile, we haven’t written a single sentence.

You may have noticed in the previous picture he is wearing a collar. The collar has a bell and bow-tie on it.

I did not put this on him, and suspect it was placed there by our quieter, tortie cat Cassie. She hates it when he sneaks up on her. She’s not as young as she used to be, and his shenanigans are not funny.

Cesare thinks I did it, though, and in retaliation, he yanks it off (he knows how to get safety collars off, folks… yay), and throws it at me.

There will be no writing help today. He’s decided today’s activity has been all he can possibly endure.

So dramatic.

Tomorrow is always a new day.

I hope you enjoyed a look into this fierce beastie’s life! 😀 This boy’s personality never stops! lol

FYI: This is not an ad for the Cat Genie. I just thought it would be easier to put the link there rather providing the link in my comment responses. 😀

Thank you for reading,

This post is Cesare approved.

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  1. An automatic toilet for cats? Why have I not come across one of these before? I feel like it’s one of those things I probably don’t need but definitely do need at the same time. Thing the auto cleaning would scare the crap out of my cat though, hopefully not literally otherwise that may defeat the purpose if he does his business outside of the litter tray. I love that Cesare watching TV too, mine has seen birdies on ours sometimes and watches with fascination. I just worry for the day he decides to pounce at the screen..!

    • Why, yes, Caz. 😀 Now you’ve seen it all. hahahaha I love the Cat Genie. It’s a little loud, but soooo worth it. The noise might scare some cats, I think. Cesare was mostly curious and wanted to know what it was all about.

      Yes, let’s hope Cesare doesn’t pounce at the TV screen, too! lol They have cat videos on YouTube that he likes. 😀

  2. I’m more of a doggie person and a total Golden Retriever fanatic as you know, but I was smiling over this post. Cesare sounds like a real character, and I can see why he’s your little buddy. ❤️ Animals make everything better.

    • Golden Retrievers are awesome and beautiful. ❤❤ I will never deny that truth. 😀

      I love both cats and dogs. And, I agree that animals make everything better. Way better. ❤❤

  3. Waaaa haaaa haaaa! I am totally convinced Cesare is way cool and may even be of royal descent. At this very moment, in Key West Florida, Hemingway’s cats are nervous because they have a serious literary challenge at the Booomcha Estate. I admire Cesare for his excellent routine and proper daytime napping. He does know how to take care of himself in order to keep his muse rested and ready should the need for prose arise. On a side note, I offered all my old Army buddies a Thor’s Hammer amulet like Cesare’s for joining the Booomcha Brigade’s expeditionary forces for the pending world domination campaign. They are all in! The Army is growing and with Cesare leading the campaign, it’s bound to be cleverly executed affair with minimum disruption of daily affairs due to the mass bum warming and napping in the ranks. 😸

  4. Oh my god, he is so cute!! <3 <3 I love a pet with a personality (maybe that's why I am so fond of westies? Lol) <3 <3
    And he sounds really smart – figuring out how to play the – cat genie – system is no easy task, I'm sure! 😄
    This was awesome, I loved it! And I hope Cesare approves more of these posts 😉 <3

    • Thank you so much! 🙂 Yes! I love personality, too, and Cesare is full of it! haha ❤️❤️

      I have to buy the cleaning solution more often now because he figured the Cat Genie out. hahaha ❤️

  5. Cesare is so cute! And a smart one, too, for figuring out how Cat Genie works! My cat used to open the front door by jumping on the handle. In the house, he’d sneak into the toilet using his paw. I miss him so much.

  6. Ha, ha, I love how he figured out that he can get all nice and toasty with the Cat Genie! 😛 I once had a kitty who, while he was a small kitten, liked to lie on my Playstation 2 while I played because it got warm. Then, of course, he became too big. 😀 Our current kitty just likes to lie on our floors because all our floors are heated. 😛
    This was so cute! I’m sure he’s a lovely writing partner… even if he’s not always in the mood to write!

    • LOL Thank you so much, Louise. 😀 He’s very crafty, that boy. LOL

      Awww your kitty sitting on the PS2 sounds like he was so cute. I know what you mean about him getting to big to do that anymore. Cesare likes to sit in this hanging basket, but he’s always half hanging out of it. LOL

      Your current kitty is very lucky with the heated floors. 😀

      He’s tops in every way. lol

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