Chapter 6.22: Dear Diary, the Package


Part 1: The First Night

Dear Diary, right after we put Kara in the car to come home, we stopped to get a bite to eat. Mom probably already fed the boys, and this way, I didn’t have to figure something out separately for the three of us.

I called ahead to tell Mom what was happening, and she was so thrilled, I thought she would come unglued. I had her on speakerphone, and Kara giggled when Perry said, “Is there a crack in the ceiling where your head just hit it, Ellie?”

Mom laughed and assured us they were all excited to welcome Kara home, and that the ceiling was quite safe.

Once we were in the driveway, Kara seemed stuck to the seat, her hand hovering above the door handle.

“It’s okay if you need a few minutes,” I said with a smile. Nothing could wipe that off my face tonight. My heart was racing through my chest. I could barely contain the elation I felt that my baby girl was finally home for good.

A few minutes turned into a half hour… than an hour. During that time, Kara stared at her feet, chewed a nail, bit her lower lip, and clutched her hands together so hard, her knuckles turned white.

Perry and I didn’t say a word, instead, willing ourselves to be patient. I think it was harder for me. Every time I felt desperation grip me, he would look into my crazy-eyes and provide me with a reassuring smile.

The boys peered out the front window every few minutes, and then, I’d see Mom shoo them away. I’m sure she understood this wasn’t an easy thing for Kara. I was glad no one came out to the car because I think it would have convinced the girl she’d made the wrong decision.

Finally, in a firm voice that surprised me, Kara said, “I’m home.”

“Yes, you are,” I said, my smile returning.

Once inside, Kara tolerated the boys running and jumping around her, showing off with silly antics to impress her. She laughed and told them how glad she was to be home. Mom hugged her and, just like a mom, asked her if she was hungry.

Finally, it was bedtime. Perry took charge of the boys so I could bring Kara upstairs, show her how to turn on her shower, and get her settled in her room.

“This whole room is mine?”

“Yes, it’s all yours. Everything in it belongs to you.” I watched as she moved around, stopping here and there to look at different things. “When we moved here, I painted this room pink all by myself. Then, I picked out furniture and decorated it. With every step, I imagined you here.”

Kara frowned, then she touched a music box on one of the dressers, her slender fingers running along the metal filigree edging.

“Of course, we can do whatever you’d like in here. We can repaint it… anything you want.”

“No,” she said, “I love this room. I’ve never seen anything so pretty. I just can’t believe it’s all mine.”

My heart instantly warmed. “Well, wait until we set up all your personal items where you want them, and put your clothes away. You’ll believe it then.”

As I’d done on other nights when she was staying at the center, I brushed her hair until it was smooth and shiny.

“Which bed do you want to use?”

She grinned and surprised me by jumping onto the bed nearest the wall. I laughed at her playfulness.

“You need to get under the covers, Darling.”

“But if I lay like this, I can see our picture.”

Looking across the room, I realized she’d placed one item on a dresser that belonged to her. The family portrait from the day Perry and I were married.

“We could put it on your nightstand,” I suggested.

“I like it there, across from me. Is it okay if it’s there?”

“Of course, you may put your belongings anywhere you like.” I smoothed her hair with my palm one more time, then leaned down to kiss her on the forehead. “Do you want me to leave the door open? Or, I can leave the bathroom light on with the door cracked open.”

It wasn’t hard to miss the fear that flashed through her eyes.

“Oh, Honey, are you afraid?” I held her hand and kept my voice low. From what I learned in the PTSD class, there were things that could trigger anxiety and flashbacks. One of Kara’s triggers was the dark.

She merely nodded, but there she was, chewing on her lip again.

“How about if I stay until you fall asleep? I’ll just rest here.”

After I sat on the bed, I realized how tired I was. This entire day had been exhausting.

“You won’t leave?”

“I’ll stay until you fall asleep. If you need me for anything, do you remember where my bedroom is downstairs? Or, you can get Grandma. Her bedroom is right down the hall. This bed is comfy!”

Kara smiled a little as she crawled under the covers.

Before I knew it, we both fell asleep.

Part 2: How’s This Gonna Work?

“Do you understand, though, that she needs to learn self-reliance? Sleeping in her room all night is not something you can do long-term,” Perry said the next morning as we waited for the coffee to finish brewing.

“I understand that. I didn’t mean to fall asleep, but, cut us some slack. It was only her first night, and I was worried about her PTSD.”

Perry pulled two mugs out of the cabinet, setting them on the counter. As he put sugar in the bottom of his, he said, “I get it, I really do. It concerns me, is all. I think it’s important Kara learns that her room is a safe place, and we’re right downstairs if she needs us.”

“You’re right, it’s important. But, let’s not make a bigger deal out of this than it is.”

Perry’s eyes were serious as he regarded me. “I’m not trying to be insensitive. I love her. That’s why I want to make sure we do this right. At the youth center, despite her PTSD, they encouraged her to step outside her comfort zone and try things.”

“We’re on the same team, okay?”

Finally, he smiled, and I saw the relaxed Perry I was used to. “Yes, yes, okay. I’m sorry.”

“There’s nothing to be sorry about. I think we’re both a little on edge because we only have one chance to do this. Whatever we do could make or break her experience.”

“Well, when you put it like that, I’m totally at ease,” he cracked.

I nudged him aside to pour the coffee. I preferred to drink it black while he took sugar and cream.

“This is good,” he said, sipping his. “I was going to look at a tract of land today, but I can reschedule it if you need me here.”

“No, we’ll be fine.”

“Bea, you have a package,” Mom called after coming inside from the mailbox.

Part 3: What Did You Do?

I waited until Perry left and the kids were eating breakfast before carrying the package to my room. Placing it on the bed, I stepped back to stare at it. I hadn’t ordered anything. Turning it on its side, I saw someone sent it from the Capitol. Why would I, of all people, be getting a package from the Off-White House?

Grabbing some scissors, I slid the blade down the crease where the tape held it all together. Once it was open, I folded back the flaps and peered inside. There were two letters minus envelopes. Picking up the first letter, I carefully unfolded the paper.

The handwriting was decidedly male.

Grayson Preminger. The name didn’t mean a thing to me.

Setting the letter aside, I reached into the box to pull the next letter out. My heart leaped at the thought this one might have been penned by Aunt Rosetta. I missed her so much.

As I unfolded the paper, some photos fell out. With a curiosity that was killing me, I arranged the photos on the bed, so I could see them.

They were old, scratched, and in bad shape. The picture of the man had Aunt Rosetta’s familiar handwriting.

I pushed Aunt Rosetta’s picture next to Grayson’s and something in the back of my mind lit up, although dimly. I’d seen this man before, if only briefly. He and Aunt Rosetta were dating or something… I think.

In the photo, Aunt Rosetta had long hair, which I didn’t remember ever seeing her with. In all of my memories, she had a short pixie type cut.

My finger rested on her face, then moved along her jaw and chin as tears filled my eyes. She was so young and beautiful. She and Dad still had a place in my heart and I wished they were still here.

After a few moments, I pushed the other two photos together so I could look at those, too.

I think I gasped, my jaw dropping, my hand covering my mouth. Again, Aunt Rosetta’s handwriting labeled what I was staring at.

What was I staring at?

Ella Dean. Who was that, why was she dead, and how come she looked so ghastly? My hands shook as my eyes traced the bright red “x” marked across her face. Whatever happened, it was horrible… probably painful, too. Whoever did this hated this woman. Who could hate someone so much, though?

Blinking away startled tears, I knew in my soul who was responsible. “Oh, Aunt Rosetta. What did you do?”

Part 4: The Siblings

It took me a good while to get my bearings. Instead of reading the other note, I hurriedly shoved everything back into the box and re-taped it. At some point, I knew I would have to face whatever other horrors this box contained. But today, Kara might need me. I couldn’t allow this to take my attention away from my daughter.

As I came downstairs, I could hear the kids in the family room. I’m not big on spying, but I didn’t think it would hurt to pause there and see how things were going.

“Can I play?” I heard Kara ask.

There was a clattering of video game controllers being dropped.

“Do you even know how to play this?” Joey asked.

“I’m not sure. I’ve played other games, though.”

“This one is tricky,” Joey continued. “Besides, we only have two controllers.”

“We can take turns,” Andy said.

Next, I heard the TV being turned off. Apparently Joey didn’t agree. I wanted to jump in, but I also wanted to see how this would resolve itself.

“That’s mean,” Andy said. “There’s no reason we can’t all play.”

“I’m not being mean,” Joey said. I could imagine how fiery his blue eyes looked about now. “This is a guy game! She’s not a guy!”

“That’s stupid.Anyone can play,” Joey said.

“It’s okay, I don’t mind watching,” Kara said.

“No,” Andy said, his voice firm, “you have just as much right to play as either of us.”

“Quit sticking up for her,” Joey yelled.

“Why should I?” Andy yelled back. “She’s our sister!”

“She’s not my sister!”

I came in just as Kara turned her back to them to hide her teary eyes.

“Boys! That’s enough!”

Pulling Kara into my arms, I rubbed her back, and tried to calm her.

The way Joey glared at her, though, did not fall beyond my grasp.


So, remember what Rosetta did that was so bad, she might hide the evidence in a secret safe? If not, you can refresh your memory here: BONUS POST: The Missing Chapter. It ain’t pretty, but it’s so Rosetta.

Thank you again, Jowita (neverdoitagain) for making the beautiful portrait of Bea, Perry, and little Kara! I couldn’t wait for Kara to put it in her new room, and I imagined it was the first thing she did when she got there.

Please check for comments from me in your spam boxes. Akismet is hating on me yet again.

Thank you for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting. I hope you have a lovely weekend!

This post is Cesare approved.

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  1. Ah, there’s some of the resentment I was expecting from the siblings. Kara seems to be doing well in this massive step though! Good for her 😀
    I wonder if Bea will unearth more than even we know about Rosetta in that box…

    • Thank you so much 🙂 Yes, I think some resentment can’t be avoided here, so good call on that one! 🙂 Kara is doing pretty good considering, though.

      Ooooooh, now that you mention it, she just might! 😳😳

  2. I kind of imagined the older boy will have issues with Kara’s presence, but I guess anyone can fall to jealousy. I think that’s what it is. He’s unhappy about having to share attention.
    Looks like Bea is about to find out a lot about her dear aunt 😲

    • LOL Right? Aunt Rosetta did some stuff that Bea has no idea about! LOL What a rabbit hole to jump into! haha

      I can see why you would think the older boy would have the problem. After all, he’s being usurped in a way as the oldest. I think he still feels like the oldest because Kara is so vulnerable. You’re on the right track with Joey.

  3. I thought it was sweet that Bea ended up in Kara’s bedroom on her first night home. I’m surprised Perry reacted like that. It was her first night, and she needed the familiarity.

    I wonder what is Rosetta’s reason for wanting Bea to know about Ella, especially without the context of what led up to that. Maybe she viewed that as a family secret, and thought it must be passed on? Or she thought Bea would develop powers too?

    We couldn’t expect the boys to handle this perfectly. At least Andy was sticking up for her.

    • Thank you, Heather 🙂 Yes, I think Perry was a bit overbearing about that. He thinks about the future and that this shouldn’t become a habit, but he came on too strong, for sure.

      Those are good questions regarding Rosetta’s secrets/past deeds and why she would want Bea to have this information. I can’t wait for you to see what happens!

      Yes, this is true about the boys. I think in time, they’ll adjust.

  4. And now, I think I am finally caught up! *Sings a rousing burst of the Hallelujah Chorus*

    It was so sweet to see Kara’s reaction to her new pink room. There’s a lot for her to take in, and it’s going to take a while for her to get used to things. But at least she is home now and the family can get used to being all together. Joey‘s sudden burst of anger kind of surprised me. Oh, I knew they were going to be problems, but I figured it might be Andy who resisted. Andy is a sweetheart though, and I love how he stuck up for his sister. I think there is some resentment because Mom’s attention is divided. I hope they can work it out fast and nip it in the bud before it gets worse. This is not good for anyone, and it could definitely impede things a lot.

    Ohhh, I knew the contents of Rosetta’s safe would resurface sometime after her death. I wonder how Bea is going to take it once she pieces it all together. It’s ancient history, and everyone involved is dead, but old shadows can remain. I wonder if she will end up keeping this from Ellie.

    • Woot woot! I’m happy dancing and totally amazed at how fast that went!

      I can see why you thought it would be Andy with the problem. I think right now, he’s still in big brother mode. The whole middle child thing hasn’t really kicked in. Hopefully, it won’t. lol Let’s also hope they get a grip on this before it becomes a huge problem.

      Yes to Rosetta’s safe contents. You knew it and there they are. There is so much for Bea to piece together. More than you know. 😀 That’s a good question about Ellie, too.

  5. I’m sure Joey will grow to resent his sister less, especially if they can interact in more positive ways. I know Bea and her aunt Rosetta were pretty close, but I still wonder why she chose to reveal this to Bea. I can only wonder where you’re going to take this next! Personally, I’d love to see more of the ‘supernatural’ stuff 🙂

    • Thank you, Raymond. I’m sure you’re right about Joey. Right now, everything is changing and different. I’m sure that’s unsettling for him even though he knew Kara would eventually come home to live with them.

      That’s a good question about why Rosetta would have sent this box to Bea instead of to Ellie or someone else?

      Thank you so much for the feedback! 🙂 ❤❤❤ That’s good to know.

  6. I’d wondered if the boys would be jealous of Cara. I hope Joey doesn’t get mean now. And oh, the suspense of the package, I can practically feel a disaster coming.

    • Thank you, Jina. ❤️ That was a good question, whether the boys would be jealous or not. They knew Kara would be coming to live with them, but it’s another thing for it to actually happen.

      As for the package, Bea has some huge decisions in front of her in the near future.

  7. Patience is a virtue, as they say. Must be incredibly difficult though but I’m sure Kara appreciates the time and space when she needs it. Aww so glad Kara loves her room, and that she wanted her mum to stay while she fell asleep. I can see Perry’s concern with boundaries and over-reliance but it’s early days and she’s adjusting; I think it’s probably a good thing she wants company as it would be more worrying if she wanted to be left alone and couldn’t face talking or being with anyone else at all. You’ve done brilliantly raising these kinds of issues and how they impact on the whole family, the kinds of decisions that need to be made and how everyone has their own ideas and opinions on what’s ‘best’ for their child in a situation as delicate as this.

    That cardboard box image is surprisingly detailed! Not sure why I picked up on that or why it surprised me but there we go.What incredibly curious contents!! I love a good mystery 😉
    Caz xx

  8. I’m really happy for Bea and the family that Kara is finally home. It is obviously going to be an adjustment, but I hope it all works out for them.
    Why would Rosetta have those things sent to Bea of all people? There has to be a reason and I suspect that the second letter will give us more insight. I would have been too curious not to ready the letter! I wonder if Ellie knew how terrible Rosetta really was, but I don’t think she would have defended her to Holden as much as she did in the past if she did know what Rosetta was capable of. I’m excited to see where this goes! 😃

    • Thank you so much 🙂 I hope it works out for them, too.

      That’s a good question about why Rosetta would have sent that box to Bea. I’m with you, btw. I would have gone through that box right then and read the other letter. That’s a good point about Ellie, too. I can’t wait to delve into this further!

  9. Kara is such a strong girl. She definitely gets that from Bea. She seems to look more and more like her every chapter too.

    Geez, Perry. I get it, but calm down!

    The Off-White House still makes me laugh.

    Gosh that first pic of Rosetta is so beautiful! She had such striking features. Grayson is quite handsome too.

    Oh, Joey. What is going on with you? Andy is such a diplomatic sweetheart.

    • Thank you, Jess 🙂 I think she must get her strength from Bea, too. When she was little, I thought she resembled Jem more, but I agree that she is looking more like Bea as she gets older.

      Right, Perry? Get a grip! LOL Go back to being the rock.

      I’m so glad the Off-White House makes you laugh. It does me, too. I miss writing Rosetta so much. lol

      I thought Rosetta had striking features, too. I’m surprised she could resist Grayson the way she did.

      You’re right about Andy. He’s the middle child now, but he still thinks like the oldest. Joey needs to join Perry in getting a grip. 😂

  10. I’m so happy Kara is finally home <3 I can see Bea is doing everything in her power to make her daughter comfortable, but I have to agree with Perry too. Kara needs to learn to be self sufficient and independent eventually. I know Bea misses her baby, but the thing is Kara is not a baby anymore..!
    Oh, those pictures were a surprise!! I wonder what Ellie has to say about them 😈
    I never expected Joey to behave like this! What got into him so suddenly?! At least Andy is being really sweet <3
    This was great! 😀 <3

    • Thank you so much! 🙂 I’m glad you’re glad! 😀 I am, too. It’s a fine line the parents need to walk on, I think, between making her feel comfortable, yet making her independent, too. When will Bea realize Kara is not a baby anymore? lolol

      I thought the pics might be a surprise. I wonder what Ellie has to say about them, too. hehehehehe

      Joey was so naughty. lol I think we’ll find out why he’s reacting like this soon.

  11. I wonder what else is inside that box…🤔 I can understand Joey’s outburst. He may had been excited about the idea of Kara coming home again, but once she got there, I think the reality of it all had finally hit him. It’s a tough situation for them all and it’s going to take time for everyone to adjust. Hopefully he will eventually, but I have a strange feeling he may never fully adjust. 😕 I am proud of Kara for getting out of that car and facing her fears! She still has so much to learn and adjust to, especially when she starts school that it’s going to be very challenging for her. I am very curious how her adult life is going to go! Another great chapter! 🤗

    • Thank you so much 🙂 Yes! What else is in the package? If it had been me opening it, we’d know already. LOLOLOL

      I think you hit Joey’s reaction exactly right. He may have been excited about having a big sister, but it’s totally different when that thought is a reality. Hopefully, he’ll adjust, but we’ll see.

      I’m glad you’re proud of Kara. I like that you’re thinking ahead about how her adult life will be. I can’t wait to find out!

  12. Kara is home, finally! I’m so glad that you are having fun with this picture. I can see it being very important to Kara ♥
    Oh dear, Rosetta and her ideas… I wonder what’s more yet to be found in this horrible box that was addressed to Bea. Guess we will have to wait and see…

    • Thank you, Jowita. 🙂 I didn’t know if I’d hear from you or not today. 😀 I’m tickled you made it.

      That pic is so important to Kara, and you brought it to life in my game! Woot!

      Yeah, not everything dies with Rosetta, I’m afraid. lol I’m glad you’re interest is piqued with this box. More on that coming soon.

  13. Wow! What an ending to this segment. When my step siblings came to live with us, we kids were also divided. I was older and fine, but my younger siblings not so much.

    However, going back to the Rosetta box… I wouldn’t have been able to hold back ripping through all that stuff. My curiosity, especially after that picture, would have been too much. I would have at least gone a step further, but to stop there? hehe

    • Thank you, Jolie 🙂 It’s interesting that you were the older sibling reacting much the way my older sibling Andy did. And, that your younger siblings reacted much the way my younger sibling Joey reacted.

      Oh, yeah, that Rosetta box… I’m afraid I’m with you! All the way! That box would have been gone through right then and there. I can’t wait to continue with that part of the story.

  14. Ooooooo “rubs hands together” can’t wait to see what you are up to Kymber. I’m intrigued why the box came to her and not Ellie and I’m glad we are coming back around to this as it was left up in the air.

    Joey acting up, I think is perfect especially for his age. It’s completely understandable he would feel jealous, hurt for so many reasons. Once his sister came home, the idea became real and now he has to share his family with Kara. My only hope is he doesn’t do anything to set Kara back from all her progress.

    • Thank you, Bee 🙂 I’m glad you’re intrigued! Yes, why did the box come to Bea? We are definitely going to address this in the near future.

      I think you’re right about Joey. There might be one particular thing that set this off with him, but you’re right that a combination of things could easily have done it. It did become suddenly real, and there was no prep for the boys. Suddenly, it happened that night.

      Hopefully, Kara will be all right despite this.

    • Thank you, CT 🙂 I think you might be right about Kara. She’s dealt with so much already, she can probably cope with this, too. Let’s hope the siblings all learn to get along.

  15. Kara is home! And of course everyone is struggling with what that really means. I’m not surprised Bea wants to hover. But I’m glad it’s not causing serious issues – yet – between her and Perry. I was also preparing for at least one of the boys to be jealous. Hopefully that will get under control as well….but….they are kids and don’t process feelings the same way.

    What I wasn’t prepared for was the delivery from Rosetta….oh my. All of her dirty secrets are going to kill Bea. She looked up to her and I wonder if she thinks her mother knew and didn’t do anything….problems are coming big time…

    Great chapter with a surprise twist! ❤️

    • Thank you, Audrey 🙂 Yes! Kara is home at last. You’re so right about kids processing their feelings. I know you understand because you’ve written Rea so well. 😀 Let’s hope Perry and Bea don’t end up with some kind of rift as they cope with all the changes.

      You might be right about Rosetta and her secrets. I think that’s going to be a huge question she has… does her mom know all this? Eep!

  16. So good to have Kara home at last. <3 It's so sweet how happy she is with her room. 😀

    Oh dear, it's quite… morbid of Rosetta to have a picture of Ella like that sent to her niece. :O Guess she wanted someone to know what she had done? She was always a little hard to understand.

    Ah, but Joey! Where did that suddenly come from. :O Maybe resentment because they're now three kids who share mum's attention? Andy is a sweetheart, though, sticking up for his sister. He's a kindhearted soul. 🙂

    It was a lovely chapter as always, dear Kym. <3

    I was about to come here and triumphantly say that you were not in my spam filtre and all was right… though just to make sure, I checked and there you were. In my spam filtre. :') Good thing you told us!

    • Thank you, Louise 🙂 It feels good to have Kara home, doesn’t it?

      There will be details in upcoming chapters as to how and why Bea got this morbid package. Perhaps she was proud that she got rid of Holden’s shooter but she could never tell anyone because Holden would have been so horrified. You never know with her. haha

      Yes, where did that behavior from Joey come from? He was so excited to have his sister home, then, BAM! We’ll be finding out, for sure.

      You’re right about Andy. He is a kindhearted soul. He is the middle child now, but he still feels like the big brother.

      I’m so glad you liked this chapter.

      Haha! I’m glad you found me!

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